View Full Version : Extra field on forumdisplay

02-27-2007, 11:03 PM
Hi all,

I am trying to make a product wich should have an extra field on the forumdisplay page: the status of the thread. So for example between 'last post' and 'replies' there will be a field 'status' with a picture displaying the status.

But I'm pretty much stuck on the templates, can anybody help me edit the page for this (I'm hoping this can all be done within the product, no hacks).

And if you have any tutorials or examples please link to them, I've looked but couldn't find anything, I'd appreciate all the help :D

Thanks ! :up:

03-01-2007, 08:08 PM
Well I haven't quite figured out the first problem, but I'm trying to edit templates from a product.

Now I've got another problem: I was playing with the template system and made a little ajustment to the FORUMHOME template:

<template name="FORUMHOME"
I edited in 'HI' somewhere random

I imported the product, it said HI where it was supposed to, but when I uninstalled the product the forum homepage was blank! Can anybody explain why it did this and what I can do to remove the edited template on uninstall?

Thanks :)

Eagle Creek
03-13-2007, 09:14 PM
Hi! Have you found the anwser yet? I would also like to know how to do this.