View Full Version : Folding Stats plugin

02-27-2007, 05:39 PM
i'm attempting to work on a plugin/product for vbb that will display folding statistics for forum members that participate in folding teams. goals of the project include:
* allow users to insert and update their stanford folding username with their forum account
* optionally display the user's stats in a variety of locations
** under the user's avatar
** as a text signature
** as a graphical signature
* allow admins to edit the information via the admincp
* allow site/forum admins to change where and what folding stats are shown
* allow the ability to display a variety of folding stats in each location
** wu's per week
** overall rank (by score or # of wu's)
** team rank (by score or # of wu's)
** team number
** overall score
* allow the display of multiple team numbers

first task is to edit the usercp to include the options of entering and changing the user's folding id. i've looked over the usercp.php file and realized there is quite a bit to the way this software is put together; much more than i bargained for. fine with me, i don't mind a challenge. after looking at a few of the files it looks like the usercp nav is constructed in user_functions.php but there is quite a bit that doesn't appear obvious. i'm not familiar with $hook vars and such (which i'm assuming is unique to vbb?). is there some better documentation available or should i just start pounding around till i understand the structure?

03-14-2007, 03:41 AM
Great idea and look forward to it.