View Full Version : Changing the Check RSS Feed From Minutes & Hours...to Days & Weeks

The Finman
02-26-2007, 11:27 PM
I have various bots (in various forums) that post everything from articles to editorials. I've been somewhat surprised that most of the regular members seem to think that the bots are real people (I gave the bots avatars, signatures and various information in their profiles).

My only real problem is with their posting times. In the Admin CP under RSS Feed Manger, my only choices are between Check Feed Every... Every 10 Minutes up to 12 Hours.

What I would like is to have some bots that that only post occasionally, such is maybe posting only once every three days, to once a week, to maybe even every 10 days.

By having multiple bots posting in various forums with "staggered" posting times (at least 1 day or more), I am hoping to get rid of the one tip off that makes people suspect a bot.

By adding additional/longer RSS feed check times, I hope to give the appearence of more random postings, but since I don't have much PHP experience (I am studying & working with "PHP Essential Training" from Lynda.com as well as several books on PHP), I would be very grateful if someone could help point me in the right direction. I wouldn't even mind if someone helped me and even took complete credit, as I simply am only interested in not only the creation of this hack, but most of all...I want to start learning PHP by actually working on it.

Thanks in advance. :)
