View Full Version : Latin characters I enter into forms don't get saved

02-23-2007, 04:21 AM
In the admin console when I try to paste Latin letter values into a form, such as "Gaúcha", or "Rondônia" the "ú" and "ô" get replaced with "?" for some reason. I want to be able to paste these characters into forms and save them like that in the database.

My database is set up for UTF-8

In my language manager I have tried 2 settings for "HTML Character Set" to make this work:
1) ISO-8859-1
2) UTF-8

Neither work.

I would be grateful for any advice. The owner of this forum seems to have achieved this (see how it appears in this post....it doesnt in mine)

ADDENDUM: I force refreshed the pages as well to make sure I was not seeing a ghost, and also my settings for html are "keep fresh".

I gave up.