View Full Version : How can I get rid of 'insert option' window with editor buttons

02-10-2007, 04:12 AM
I've never run into this problem before. I have always had boards that when you click the [code] [php] [html] buttons, it'll insert the bbcode automatically. I recently installed a board for a friend and the only button that does that now is the Quote button. How can I change it so that all buttons on the editor toolbar will just insert the tags without a need to enter an option, except URL and Emails of course.

anyone have any ideas? I installed sid's hide hack, and it won't add the hide tags without an option entered either.

02-11-2007, 04:39 AM
Ok, I just installed the YouTube/Google hack and when users click those buttons, it will insert the tags automatically, still won't for CODE, PHP, HTML, and HIDE buttons.

Any ideas?

10-30-2009, 07:46 PM
Ok, you want the code of "HTML", "PHP" and "CODE" available, but you don't want the buttons?
or those buutons not appear and you need it?