View Full Version : RSS Feed On Index Page

02-09-2007, 09:41 AM
Hello Everyone,

I am currently making a transition from phpbb to vBulletin, and I am having a problem with my RSS feed.

on my phpbb index page it would show at the top next to my logo as you can see here www.moneytalk.ie

I have set the RSS feed up in my vBulletin AdminCP but I was hoping I could get the RSS feed to display more or less in the same place on the new forum here www.moneytalk.ie/forum/index.php

Is this possible?

Let me know

Thanks, Paul

Edit: This is my RSS Feed: http://www.moneytalk.ie/forum/external.php?type-rss2

02-09-2007, 04:08 PM
Why don't you just edit the header template and add a link to your RSS feed?

<a href="http://www.moneytalk.ie/forum/external.php?type-rss2">RSS Feed</a>

And on your PhpBB forum, I don't see the RSS feed at all...?

02-13-2007, 11:27 AM
On my PhpBB forum, the RSS feed is at the top, right next to my logo, and if you put your cursor over it, you can scroll through the latest feeds.

I would like the same on my new forum, not just a simply link to the list.

Thanks, Paul