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05-19-2007, 06:29 PM
Hi! Everytime i click on Management link, the following message appears in the top of the page:

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /admincp/ezbounce.php on line 107

But the user was moved to the correct group, receives a PM, and the option "Receive Admin emails" was turned off.

What this error could be?

I get the same problem, but the reference is line #141.

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /admincp/ezbounce.php on line 141.Here's an excerpt from exbounce.php:

140: // process errors if there are any
141: $errors = array_merge($errors, $pmdm->errors);
142:It seems like errors may not be reported. Any ideas for a fix?

I'm running vBulletin v3.6.5.


05-20-2007, 02:01 PM
Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /admincp/ezbounce.php on line 141.
It seems like errors may not be reported. Any ideas for a fix?
I'm running vBulletin v3.6.5.

You shouldn't be getting that error. Please make sure you're using the most recent version of this mod, disable all other plugins on your site. It's most likely a conflict with another plugin or you have an older version of one of your vbulletin scripts somewhere in your installation. you can also try running Find Suspect File Versions in AdminCP->Maintenance

05-20-2007, 05:27 PM
The issue I have found is that recently (within the past 2 months or so) Yahoo has begun using graylisting on all email received. I'm no expert on this stuff, but my understanding is that graylisting will bounce every email received once, and give the following reason:

Reason: Remote host said: 421 Message from ( temporarily deferred - 4.16.50. Please refer to http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/mail/defer/defer-06.html

Exactly, it were those defer-mails that caused the problems. They messed with my server.

So basically what you're saying is that if I want to allow Yahoo again it is best to switch to SMTP mail, and then afterwards only click the ez bounce links in the e-mails that show permanent errors?

I think that the main issue is to make sure your hosting company treats SMTP connections from your vbulletin scripts with the same permissions as from you when connecting through your ISP.

I'm not completely sure what you mean by that but I think I understand the essence of what you're saying. Is SMTP mail something that only needs to be set up in the vBulletin admin cp or also on my server? Is it best to let my host do that? Or should they do the server stuff and me the vBulletin admin cp part? I'm not an expert either, lol.

What exactly is the difference in SMTP mail and php's mail_send()? Is it just that with SMTP vBulletin will not deal with the mail through php anymore? Once SMTP mail is set up, will there be any noticable changes for me? Are there more advantages to using SMTP?

05-20-2007, 10:37 PM
Works great! I just installed this and then sent a newsletter out to everyone on my site. Had 42 bounces, set all of them to the bounced usergroup. :D Thanks!

05-21-2007, 11:24 AM
I notcied some people were having problems getting the bounced e-mails (as I am). I use my own domain e-mail addy and have not received any bounced e-mails even though I sent out a mass e-mail last night. Come to find out (even though I have my admin e-mail set up in the config.php as well as everywhere else such as AdminCP and such) the e-mails were being returned to my "catch all" account that was automatically created when I set up my hosting. I never use that account or even check it, and if I had not had stumbled across it in my Cpanel last night I would have never have known that is where the bounced e-mails were going. I have already contacted my hosting company to find out what is going on, but I thought I would let other users know that are using their domain e-mail address that if they are not getting the bounced e-mails to check their catch all account to see if they are there.

05-21-2007, 03:45 PM

Nice mod m8. Makes things a lot easier for me. :)

05-23-2007, 12:12 AM
So basically what you're saying is that if I want to allow Yahoo again it is best to switch to SMTP mail, and then afterwards only click the ez bounce links in the e-mails that show permanent errors?

That's correct, yes.

What exactly is the difference in SMTP mail and php's mail_send()? Is it just that with SMTP vBulletin will not deal with the mail through php anymore? Once SMTP mail is set up, will there be any noticable changes for me? Are there more advantages to using SMTP?
SMTP is when your mail server actually sends out the emails, as opposed to the actual php scripts as with php's mail_send() method.

05-24-2007, 10:47 AM
Ok, I need some clarification please... :)

I installed this mod without a problem on v3.6.7PL1....

I use another mod that sends out emails from the AdminCP (I think) to inactive members and it works well, but I've now received 3 bounces from bad mailboxes.

However, I don't see any of the above demo screens and I can't find any EZ-Bounce link in any of the emails that were returned to me with the "Mail Delivery Subsystem" error?

I don't use the usergroup "move" option at all....



05-24-2007, 11:14 AM
Ok, I need some clarification please... :)

I installed this mod without a problem on v3.6.7PL1....

I use another mod that sends out emails from the AdminCP (I think) to inactive members and it works well, but I've now received 3 bounces from bad mailboxes.

However, I don't see any of the above demo screens and I can't find any EZ-Bounce link in any of the emails that were returned to me with the "Mail Delivery Subsystem" error?

I don't use the usergroup "move" option at all....



If you are using Inactive Users Reminder Email:

1. Version 1.11 uses the vBulletin mail queue and should have the headers. However, 1.11 is buggy - consider it beta. I recommend you uninstall it and install version 1.09.

2. If using version 1.09, open remindermail.php and find:

$headers .= "To: $username <$email>" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "From: " . $vbulletin->options['bbtitle'] . " Reminder Service <" . $vbulletin->options['webmasteremail'] . ">" . "\r\n";

Add below:

// add EZBounce headers
$bounceurl = $vbulletin->options['ezb_admincpurl'] . "/ezbounce.php?u=" . $userid;
$bouncestring = "<a href=\"$bounceurl\" target=\"_blank\">$bounceurl</a>";
$headers .= 'X-EZbouncer: ' . $bouncestring . $delimiter;

05-24-2007, 03:06 PM
If you are using Inactive Users Reminder Email:

1. Version 1.11 uses the vBulletin mail queue and should have the headers. However, 1.11 is buggy - consider it beta. I recommend you uninstall it and install version 1.09.

2. If using version 1.09, open remindermail.php and find:

$headers .= "To: $username <$email>" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "From: " . $vbulletin->options['bbtitle'] . " Reminder Service <" . $vbulletin->options['webmasteremail'] . ">" . "\r\n";

Add below:

// add EZBounce headers
$bounceurl = $vbulletin->options['ezb_admincpurl'] . "/ezbounce.php?u=" . $userid;
$bouncestring = "<a href=\"$bounceurl\" target=\"_blank\">$bounceurl</a>";
$headers .= 'X-EZbouncer: ' . $bouncestring . $delimiter;

Thank you... :)

Thanks to your excellent recommendation in the threads for that other mod, I'm running v1.09. It's working well and I really don't see upgrading ever... ;)

I've made the edits to the file above and I guess I'll wait for another email to bounce and see what happens.... :D

Thanks again for your support, here and there... :up:



05-24-2007, 03:58 PM
evey user that i attempt to use this on is reported as a "protected usergroup"

05-25-2007, 09:34 AM
If you are using Inactive Users Reminder Email: .....

Ok, I just had another bounce sent to me after I made the changes above.....

EZ-Bounce information or actions didn't seem to happen for this one either... :confused:

Anything else you could suggets, or should I just un-install this mod?

I like v1.09 of "Inactive Mail". It works well and really makes a difference on my system keeping folks coming back after 90 days.

Thanks for your help.... :up:


05-25-2007, 11:02 AM
evey user that i attempt to use this on is reported as a "protected usergroup"
That's most likely due to your usergroup ids not being default. To fix this, you'll need to edit the protected usergroups in your Ezbounce.php file. By default, 5,6,7 is Admins, Supermods, and Mods...

Find this:
if (is_member_of($buser['usergroupid'], 5,6,7))

And replace 5,6,7 with your protected usergroup ids.

EZ-Bounce information or actions didn't seem to happen for this one either...
Please be more descriptive as to what "didn't seem to happen" means.

05-25-2007, 11:48 AM
That's most likely due to your usergroup ids not being default. To fix this, you'll need to edit the protected usergroups in your Ezbounce.php file. By default, 5,6,7 is Admins, Supermods, and Mods...

Find this:
if (is_member_of($buser['usergroupid'], 5,6,7))

And replace 5,6,7 with your protected usergroup ids.

Please be more descriptive as to what "didn't seem to happen" means.

My EZbounce.php says:

if (is_member_of($buser['usergroupid'], 5,6,7))

Which are the groups for my Admin, Senior Moderator and Moderator groups.

To clarify what is happening, I'm getting sent to me as the web site administrator, the standard ISP "bounced email". The one that encapsulates the original email sent to the member and its content says:

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- <mail@accessmp3.info>
(reason: 550 "Unknown User")

----- Transcript of session follows ----- ... while talking to mail.accessmp3.info.:
>>> DATA
<<< 550 "Unknown User"
550 5.1.1 <mail@accessmp3.info>... User unknown <<< 503 valid RCPT command must precede DATA

I can't find anywhere any of the information, links or screens that look like the ones in the mod here, that indicate the mod is working for me.

Thank you for your efforts... :up:


05-25-2007, 12:09 PM
Ok, I just had another bounce sent to me after I made the changes above.....

EZ-Bounce information or actions didn't seem to happen for this one either... :confused:

Anything else you could suggets, or should I just un-install this mod?

I like v1.09 of "Inactive Mail". It works well and really makes a difference on my system keeping folks coming back after 90 days.

Thanks for your help.... :up:


My EZbounce.php says:

if (is_member_of($buser['usergroupid'], 5,6,7))

Which are the groups for my Admin, Senior Moderator and Moderator groups.

To clarify what is happening, I'm getting sent to me as the web site administrator, the standard ISP "bounced email". The one that encapsulates the original email sent to the member and its content says:

I can't find anywhere any of the information, links or screens that look like the ones in the mod here, that indicate the mod is working for me.

Thank you for your efforts... :up:


I have both these mods working well and interacting together nicely on my forum.

It may be a function of either your mail server or your email client. Try looking at "Properties" of those emails to get the headers - you may need to open the returned email as an attachment instead or in addition but the main thing is you need to get to the email headers.

If that's not working for you, try setting the option to include the EZ Bounce link in the body (at the bottom) of the email.

05-25-2007, 01:19 PM
That's most likely due to your usergroup ids not being default. To fix this, you'll need to edit the protected usergroups in your Ezbounce.php file. By default, 5,6,7 is Admins, Supermods, and Mods...

Find this:
if (is_member_of($buser['usergroupid'], 5,6,7))

And replace 5,6,7 with your protected usergroup ids.

that did the trick. thanks :) :up:

05-25-2007, 10:34 PM
I have both these mods working well and interacting together nicely on my forum.

It may be a function of either your mail server or your email client. Try looking at "Properties" of those emails to get the headers - you may need to open the returned email as an attachment instead or in addition but the main thing is you need to get to the email headers.

If that's not working for you, try setting the option to include the EZ Bounce link in the body (at the bottom) of the email.

Well, I wouldn't understand what I'm looking for under my email server, but I did turn ON the option you suggested. Now I'll wait for another "bounce" and see what happens.

Thanks ... :up:


05-26-2007, 10:16 PM
try sending an email from your admincp to vcu49834fd@hotmail.com or any totally for certain email that will bounce. That should allow you to test.

05-27-2007, 08:46 AM
try sending an email from your admincp to vcu49834fd@hotmail.com or any totally for certain email that will bounce. That should allow you to test.

That's a good idea ... :up:

I'll try that later today and let you know... :)


05-28-2007, 09:46 AM
try sending an email from your admincp to vcu49834fd@hotmail.com or any totally for certain email that will bounce. That should allow you to test.

Ok, I changed the method of operation to put the EZ-Bounce link at the bottom of the text of emails being sent out, as opposed to being imbedded elsewhere.

I tried that and sent a test user a "password reminder" email from the AdminCP user area. Of course the email bounced and at the bottom of the original email sent back to me was a link reference from EZ-Bounce. I clicked on that and it took me to a screen in the AdminCP.

I asked it to manage user and it did something, then returned to a "blank" AdminCP user screen with no data filled in. I presume it sent the test user an email and removed his checkmarks for receiving email etc.

This morning, I received a bounce from the v1.09 Inactive email mod, that sends emails out to inactive members. I checked at the bottom of that email and NO EZ-Bounce link appeared, or in the header. I guess there's some kind of incompatibility (even after I used djbaxter's extra hack) as it relates specifically to my system and the two mods.

On its own EZ-bounce works fine with any emails sent out by me manually from the AdminCP.



05-28-2007, 11:50 AM
This morning, I received a bounce from the v1.09 Inactive email mod, that sends emails out to inactive members. I checked at the bottom of that email and NO EZ-Bounce link appeared, or in the header. I guess there's some kind of incompatibility (even after I used djbaxter's extra hack) as it relates specifically to my system and the two mods.

Adding the lines I suggested to Inactive Email Reminder specifically puts the EZ Bounce link in the email HEADER - so the EZ Bounce setting to add it to the bottom of the email will not work.


1. Check the headers of the returned emails

2. Add a line similar to what I showed you earlier to the BOTTOM of the emails sent out by Inactive Email reminder (do this in the Admin CP | vBulletin Options | Inactive Emails).

You should really post any other questions related to Inactive Emails in that forum. This really has nothing to do with the EZ Bolunce add-on.

05-28-2007, 03:53 PM
You should really post any other questions related to Inactive Emails in that forum. This really has nothing to do with the EZ Bolunce add-on.

Yes, you are right ... :up:

Here's a problem I have that's just appeared purely with EZ-Bounce

I had a bounce on a Registration Email to day.

When EZ-Bounce link was clicked, I got the following error. I had to use a screen snap as the screen goes buy so fast without halting I couldn't cut-n-paste it. I just noticed the error at the top of the screen today, so I have no idea how long I've been getting it, or what other impact it is having.

I checked the PHP file at line 141 and I don't know enough about coding to understand what the error is referencing?

Any ideas?



05-28-2007, 07:25 PM
I bet your problem is the execution order of your plugins which reside at your hook location: mail_send

In other words, it sounds like the plugin for the other mod located at mail_send is executing before the plugin for the ezbounce mod located at mail_send.

Try changing execution order for the plugins so that ezbounce has an execution order before (lower number) than that of the other hack.

05-28-2007, 07:39 PM
Try changing execution order for the plugins so that ezbounce has an execution order before (lower number) than that of the other hack.

Ok, thanks....

Just so I don't screw it up, here's the execution values now.

Product : Inactive User Reminder Emails
Footer Addition global_start = 1
Update Database register_addmember_complete = 5

Product: EZ Bounce Management - by Antivirus
EZ Bounce Management - construct code mail_send = 10
EZ Bounce Management - update values register_activate_process = 10

So, I can just arbitrarily pick numbers to make EZ Bounce lower?

Thanks... appreciate your help...:up:


05-28-2007, 07:59 PM
Hmm, that's the only hooks for inactive users? I would have thought that it was placing a plugin at mail_send and was going to suggest to try changing the one for ezbounce mail_send to value of 1. DJbaxter posted a fix for use with this hack somewhere in this thread, that might fix the issue.

05-29-2007, 12:57 PM
Hmm, that's the only hooks for inactive users? I would have thought that it was placing a plugin at mail_send and was going to suggest to try changing the one for ezbounce mail_send to value of 1. DJbaxter posted a fix for use with this hack somewhere in this thread, that might fix the issue.

Thanks... :)

I tried the "1" value in mail_send and also implemented DJbaxter's patch for remindermail.

I received another bounce this morning, but the EZ Bounce link wasn't there once again.

Let me drop this discussion here, as I think it's probably more appropriate to the Inactive Member's Email mod.

Thank you for your (and Djbaxter's) attempts to help.... :up:


05-30-2007, 10:34 AM
Clicked Installed

Wonderful mod!!

Hate those bouncing back emails.

06-01-2007, 12:03 PM
Well, here's a surprise .... :)

I received some bounces this morning from the "Inactive Members" email mod and guess what, EZ-Bounce has the link imbedded in the headers... :up:

I have no idea why it started to work , as I changed nothing since my last post above. In any event, when I cut and pasted the link into my browser, it did its thing for each bounced email, but I still get the same "warning" error (see attachment) that I mentioned earlier.

In spite of that, it's working .... thanks very much for your work. :)


06-01-2007, 01:53 PM
good to hear it's working for you now. Probably the bounces which you received were sent before the mod was installed, but received after. The mod needs to be installed before theemail is sent as the script attaches the header to the outgoing email.

The error you're getting is likely because you're server's using php5. This is easy to fix. As matter of fact, the new version i'll update it today will resolve this. You could easily fix it yourself by editing ezbounce.php file as follows:


// process errors if there are any
$errors = array_merge($errors, $pmdm->errors);

Replace with:

// process errors if there are any
$errors = array_merge((array)$errors, $pmdm->errors);

should do the trick. The newest version has this fixed.

06-01-2007, 02:00 PM
The error you're getting is likely because you're server's using php5. This is easy to fix. As matter of fact, the new version i'll update it today will resolve this.


should do the trick. The newest version has this fixed.

Thanks... :)

I'll wait until the new version goes up, then install it.

Appreciate your patience and support....

I never realized how much a pain in the a$$ the management of bounced emails could be, particularly as a board grows. Your mod really makes it a simple task.... :up:

An option just to have it automatically do the same thing I do with the "click the link", creating an audit trail in a log would be great... then I could be real lazy and do NOTHING .... :D


06-01-2007, 02:08 PM
An option just to have it automatically do the same thing I do with the "click the link", creating an audit trail in a log would be great... then I could be real lazy and do NOTHING ....

This has been suggested before but it's really not a good idea. Sometimes, bounced emails are not permanent bounces - AOL is notorious for this. You don't want to be deleting or deactivating members just because a single email bounces back. You should be examining the reason for the bounce before taking any action.

06-01-2007, 02:15 PM
Ok, updated to v1.8 .... :up:

Just a note....

After install, the upgraded version in AdminCP still shows v1.7 at the Manage Products screen?

I know the update occurred, because when I looked at the plug-ins, it showed the priority of "10", which you had me change to "1", meaning the update at overwritten the old code. BTW, should I switch this one to "1" as well?



06-01-2007, 06:17 PM

06-01-2007, 08:46 PM
Thank you for the update :)

Just one thing I found, After uploading the new file to the admincp, updating and overwriting the product I noticed that the product still says: 1.7

EZ Bounce Management - by Antivirus 1.7 Allows Admin to easily manage members with bouncing emails

Just thought I would ask :)

Thanks again

06-02-2007, 12:55 AM
My bad. I fixed the script and included it in the new zip file, but forgot to update the version number for the product. Will do so tomorrow, as I'm on my blackberry right now.

06-02-2007, 01:37 PM
It only requires the version number to be replaced in two places. It's attached for anyone who doesn't want to wait and doesn't know what to change. :)

06-02-2007, 02:01 PM
ok, sorry about that last night, the uploaded file has the version updated as well. Thanks DJ for posting the xml in meantime :)

06-02-2007, 10:10 PM
Thanks for that :)

06-03-2007, 12:40 PM
A really weird thing happened when I installed this. I have not had time to read the 20 pages of threads but will try to later...

We send the birthday greetings daily at 1:00 AM local time.

Every day I get 2 to 10 bounced back at that time from people with bad e-mail addresses or whatever.

I installed this a number of days ago and the bounces stopped at once?!? I had been looking forward to trying this.

So, I uninstalled it, but still no bounced e-mail at 1:00 AM for several days! It was rare if a day went by without getting at least one, often times 10 (maybe more) daily.

Now, even after uninstalling, nothing!

06-03-2007, 02:39 PM
Pirate 45, this shouldn't have any effect upon your cronjobs. It sounds like another one of your installed mods might be causing the issue.

What other mods do you have installed?

06-06-2007, 01:22 PM
For some reason users are not being put back into their original user group after updating their email. When they click the link to verify that they have a valid email account, they get a blank screen. If they hit refresh, they are taken to the forum and the "no permission' error. They are also put into the "bounced email" group again.

I thought it might be an error on my part, so I had them place into the 'registered' group (2). I tested this and it worked. I clicked the link in the returned email and the user was put into group ID 2 - registered. But when that member updates their email address, the above happens (white screen after clicking link, etc...) AND they are put into the 'Bounce Email Group', the first group I created based on the recommendations in this modification. This group is a copy of the "User's awaiting Email Conformation" group.

So, even though I set them up to be put in the registered group when I click the EX-Bounce link in the returned email, (which they are at that point) - The user is placed into the New 'Bounced" group when they update their email.

What is wrong? Any idea? I have tested this every way I can. Please help!

Additional information: Members who have not been 'moderated' by this modification can change their email address, but also get a blank page when clicking the link. They however, are able to hit refresh and go into the forum and continue in the same usergroup that they were in before they changed their email address. (Don't know if this was important, but thought it might help to know.) Thanks!


06-07-2007, 10:40 AM
kether, what version of vbulletin are you running? have you disabled all other hacks and then tried clicking on the ezbounce link?

I have most current version installed and am having no problems.

06-07-2007, 12:13 PM
kether, what version of vbulletin are you running? have you disabled all other hacks and then tried clicking on the ezbounce link?

I have most current version installed and am having no problems.

Most current version running also. The other products seem to be working fine. I do not have any that deal with usergroups or the mail system - unless VBSEO does something that I am not aware of that might cause this conflict.

Any other suggestion?

Thanks for your quick response!


06-07-2007, 05:15 PM
try disabling all other mods/hacks then clicking on the EZbounce link.

06-12-2007, 05:13 AM
Hi Antivirus (Coder),

I noticed a little thing which should be added to this great hack.
I checked all bounced emails and used the link at the end of the emails to move the users to a defined group.
This worked fine but there should be a small change in the query.

The system should NOT change the users group when the user is in special (defined) groups already e.g. Administrator or banned.

I had a banned user which was moved into a different group cause I clicked the link and he was now able to use the system again. This happened cause if you get a lot of bouncing mails you do not check every single user.

Can you add an option that users are not move when they are in defined usergroups?

06-12-2007, 10:44 AM
Why are you sending email to banned members?

06-13-2007, 01:28 PM
I notcied some people were having problems getting the bounced e-mails (as I am). I use my own domain e-mail addy and have not received any bounced e-mails even though I sent out a mass e-mail last night. Come to find out (even though I have my admin e-mail set up in the config.php as well as everywhere else such as AdminCP and such) the e-mails were being returned to my "catch all" account that was automatically created when I set up my hosting. I never use that account or even check it, and if I had not had stumbled across it in my Cpanel last night I would have never have known that is where the bounced e-mails were going. I have already contacted my hosting company to find out what is going on, but I thought I would let other users know that are using their domain e-mail address that if they are not getting the bounced e-mails to check their catch all account to see if they are there.

For those that may have had this problem (it was not just a vbulletin problem, but for all software that I use and use the PHP sendmail function). After almost a month my hosting company got this figured out (this use to not happen, seems to have started happening after they upgraded to PHP5). They fixed it and I asked what they did so others would know what to do if this was happening to them, here is what they said after I sent them one of the e-mail headers:

As I can see your message headers are formed incorrectly (envelope sender address isn't specified explicitly, so actual address is composed from your account name and server's hostname).

Here is what they said they did to fix it:

I've changed sendmail command syntax in your local php.ini file, i've added envelope sender address option to its command line.

06-13-2007, 08:21 PM
It would be nice if it was possible to hand this task to a moderator. But this only works from the adminCP. Could you put this in the modCP?

06-14-2007, 12:34 PM
Could you put this in the modCP?

You could easily modify the hack to do this. All you need to do is the following:

1) Within the AdminCP settings for this hack, change the path for your AdminCP directory to the path to your ModCP directory. In other words, the setting for your Admincp dir will actually be path to your Modcp dir.

2) Within script ezbounce.php find:

if (!can_administer('canadminsettings'))

and replace with:

if (!is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 5,6,7))

Make sure that 5,6,7 are the usergroups which you want to be able to access the script. The default mod, supermod and admin usergroups are 5,6,7 if yours have changed, update respectively. Then instead of placing the ezbounce script within your adminCP, place it within your Modcp.

I haven't tested this, but it should work for you.

06-15-2007, 02:40 AM
Can this be updated to move a members thread notification setting to off?

As in the automatic thread subscriptions.

06-15-2007, 11:12 AM
If you mean email notification for subscribed threads, it already does that.

06-15-2007, 04:17 PM
Antivirus, this looks like a really cool script, and I think there's one more thing you could do that would make it even better. I would think you could add this feature since your script is already in the right direction.

One thing I've always wanted the vB to automatically do is include an unsubscribe link at the bottom of any outgoing emails it sends out. Could the script be modified so that not only could administrators click on the link, but the user as well? That way, it COULD be included in the emails sent out automatically in the actual email; if an admin clicks on it, it'll do everything it normally does, if the user getting the email clicks on it, it disables all the settings in their account that allows emails to be sent to them?

06-16-2007, 10:34 PM
That's a good idea, I'll look into it for a future version.

06-19-2007, 01:22 PM
Nice hack.

Running Version 1.8 on 3.67.

Recently installed and ran the Ezbounce on about 3500 members. My users aren't getting put into their original usergroup when they are updating their email address. :( They are staying in the group they were moved too when I clicked the ezbounce link.

No reactivation email is sent. I assume it's only sent if Verify Email address in Registration is on. I usually have this off. Turned it on temporarily. Tested, got the reverification email, clicked, but still didn't set the usergroup to the original.

EZ Bounce Management - construct code mail_send
EZ Bounce Management - update values register_activate_process

Changed these hooks execution order from 10 to 1. Didn't make any difference.

As far as I can see I have no other mods using these hooks so there is no interference there.

Any idea what could be going on? Please help.

06-19-2007, 10:57 PM
well when i get a bounced email..and when i click the admin link it SETS me as the admin as bounced email. Why is that? The other version showed the user's ID number instead of mine.

06-21-2007, 10:31 AM
where do I modify the PM that is sent?

06-27-2007, 04:14 AM
Nice hack.

Running Version 1.8 on 3.67.

Recently installed and ran the Ezbounce on about 3500 members. My users aren't getting put into their original usergroup when they are updating their email address. :( They are staying in the group they were moved too when I clicked the ezbounce link.

No reactivation email is sent. I assume it's only sent if Verify Email address in Registration is on. I usually have this off. Turned it on temporarily. Tested, got the reverification email, clicked, but still didn't set the usergroup to the original.

EZ Bounce Management - construct code mail_send
EZ Bounce Management - update values register_activate_process

Changed these hooks execution order from 10 to 1. Didn't make any difference.

As far as I can see I have no other mods using these hooks so there is no interference there.

Any idea what could be going on? Please help.


06-27-2007, 02:10 PM
where do I modify the PM that is sent?

For the PM title, edit phrase: anti_your_email_bounced_sub
For the PM message, edit phrase: anti_your_email_bounced_body

07-05-2007, 12:47 AM
Thank you Antivirus. This is great!



07-05-2007, 02:49 AM
I thought this hack was https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2012/01/11.gifSupported?

Why am I being ignored?

07-07-2007, 10:03 PM
Just what I've been looking for! ** installs **


07-08-2007, 01:28 PM
Just a question, I have a lot of new members who use bogas email addys

can this be setup for new members/new signups only?

thank you

07-08-2007, 04:19 PM
Just a question, I have a lot of new members who use bogas email addys

can this be setup for new members/new signups only?

You don't need an add-on to do that. Simnply require email validation for new registrations:

Admin CP | vBulletin Options | Help User Registration Options

Verify Email address in Registration
If you set this option to 'Yes' new members will not be allowed to post messages until they visit a link that is sent to them in an email when they sign up.

If a user's account is not activated by the user visiting the link, it will remain in the 'Users Awaiting Activation' usergroup.

07-09-2007, 06:37 AM
in case we have more than 1000 bouncing emails per day, it's not possible to click the link for all the msgs rite, so is there any alternate method to do ?

07-09-2007, 11:39 AM
in case we have more than 1000 bouncing emails per day, it's not possible to click the link for all the msgs rite, so is there any alternate method to do ?

If you set it up correctly, you'll only have those 1000 bouncing emails once. After that, those members will be moved to the "inactive" or "invalid" group until they come back and correct the email addresses.

It's just a matter of moving through your database once.

07-09-2007, 10:20 PM
I am having a problem with this - it is moving them to the usergroup when I click the link, but not overriding title of 'Member' or whatever they are... so I can see this being a nightmare when they all contact me to find out why they cant post etc when it's not visually obvious. I have turned it on to 'can override usertitle' but that only allows the user to do it... so is there any way to make the usertitle I have created (something like 'Please Update Your Email Address') to be the one to be displayed in their details? Otherwise I really see no point to this for me, I will get bombarded with lots of 'whys'....

07-09-2007, 11:51 PM
well i know this doesn't even show the user id anymore on bounced emails..it has my user id as bounced instead. any ideas?

07-18-2007, 12:42 PM
Mrdby, do you still have this issue after disabling all other products & plugins? I think you may have a connflict between this and another hack, as that's not how it should be behaving.

07-18-2007, 12:44 PM
Mrdby, do you still have this issue after disabling all other products & plugins? I think you may have a connflict between this and another hack, as that's not how it should be behaving.

still the same. Should i post a list of my mods? I can give you access to my site if you like.

07-19-2007, 02:57 AM
Perhaps you could post the header from one of the bounced emails so I could see what it's doing?

07-20-2007, 02:34 AM
To view their profile, go here:


Email Address : j*****@yahoo.com
Birthday : October 22, 1983
Referrer: darkbrotha
IP Address:

Who or where did you hear about us? : don't rember
Gender : male~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
EZ Bounce Management:

If this email has bounced, visit the following URL for bounce management:

You mean this right?

07-21-2007, 09:05 PM
It seems that there's another mod/hack sending out your email. My guess is that it's conflicting with EZbounce when creating the link as the email is sent out. What mod generates this email that was sent?

07-28-2007, 04:17 AM
Great mod.

I have my users going to One Forum where they can post. This way when the Yahoo/Snotmail users get locked there, they can cry and moan and we know they are valid users.

08-04-2007, 07:22 PM
I think this is the greatest mod I have ever seen, if I can get it to work right for me.

I got a legitimately bounced email today but the link was incomplete, there was no usernumber. I clicked on it and got a blank screen. I could easily see the user number from the email and plugged it into the address and it worked!

We have the latest version installed. What's wrong? What do we need to do to get that link complete?

*** Later Information *** I see that some links do have the correct user number inlcuded and others have just U= with nothing after it. Are there some types of emails that don't include it? The ones that DON'T have it are the ones from "Contact Us" and the usernumber is shown right above the ezbounce link.


08-04-2007, 07:24 PM
anti virus you never logged in to check my hack.

08-07-2007, 04:16 PM
I can see how handy this is but at the same time I wonder how I can use this to improve bounced back email on a large board. I mean that I get a massive amount of bounced email per month. A monthly newsletter alone renders many thousands of bounced emails. Add subscriptions and notifications to that and the number of emails is quite unmanageable. I guess at least 10.000 per month. I am a bit in doubt whether it is feasible to start on such project. At the same time, I need to fix this as this is putting strain on my server.

What are your thoughts about this?

08-08-2007, 09:30 AM
I am having a problem with this - it is moving them to the usergroup when I click the link, but not overriding title of 'Member' or whatever they are... so I can see this being a nightmare when they all contact me to find out why they cant post etc when it's not visually obvious. I have turned it on to 'can override usertitle' but that only allows the user to do it... so is there any way to make the usertitle I have created (something like 'Please Update Your Email Address') to be the one to be displayed in their details? Otherwise I really see no point to this for me, I will get bombarded with lots of 'whys'....
G'Day Everyone,
I would suggest, nay, nominate this as the BMOTY(Best Mod Of The Year).
As the webmaster of an extremely large Board, I find this mod to be "The best thing since sliced bread and Vegemite.". Have been subject to dDoS attacks for the past 7 months, which I have largely negated. This, but another weapon in my arsenal. I'm still tweaking along the various suggestions in this thread, but in the meantime would like to add this observation.
Many are aware that they can create a "New User Group" with appropriate permissions/title/colour, However this does not show in "Users On Line" in the "Footer Template". I've used "Bounced Email Users" with a #99FFFF coding.(azure). Whatever for a distinctive colour. To do this, go to Styles and Templates/ footer and find this , and insert the highlighted line. Perhaps it could be added in the next update.
May have to edit Footer Template
<div style="padding:3px">
<b><font color="#FF0000">Administrator</font></b>
| <b><font color="#0033FF">Super&nbsp;Moderator</font></b>
| <b><font color="#F4D600">Moderator</font></b>
| <b><font color="#9900CC">Filemaster</font></b>
| <b><font color="#FF9600">VIP&nbsp;Member</font></b>
| <b><font color="#99CC00">Donator</font></b>
| <font color="#22229C">Member</font>
| <i><font color="#707070">User&nbsp;Awaiting&nbsp;Email&nbsp;Confirmation</font></i>
| <b><font color="#99FFFF">Bounced&nbsp;Email&nbsp;Users</font></b>
| <s><font color="#000000">Banned&nbsp;User</font></s>
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx

Forever in your debt for an excellent Mod and all your work supporting it.
Very Kindest Regards, Bill.

08-09-2007, 03:48 PM
quick question. first of all, great hack. i love the large memeber count, but if only a fraction are active, why keep the old data. anyways, is there a way to have an annoucement show up on all pages per usergroup? im lazy and didnt search yet, but figured i'd ask. if they dont check thier pm when they get to the site, it would be nice to annoy them with an announcement that follows them around.

08-12-2007, 05:09 AM
I think this is the greatest mod I have ever seen, if I can get it to work right for me. I got a legitimately bounced email today but the link was incomplete, there was no usernumber. I clicked on it and got a blank screen. I could easily see the user number from the email and plugged it into the address and it worked! We have the latest version installed. What's wrong? What do we need to do to get that link complete?

*** Later Information *** I see that some links do have the correct user number inlcuded and others have just U= with nothing after it. Are there some types of emails that don't include it? The ones that DON'T have it are the ones from "Contact Us" and the usernumber is shown right above the ezbounce link.
All links should have the correct user number after it. I don';t know why some would and some wouldn't. Is there anything differen tabout the ones that are missing it? How / why are those sent as opposed to the others?

anti virus you never logged in to check my hack.
Sorry mrdby, i'm not sure what you're talking about? Please clarify.

I can see how handy this is but at the same time I wonder how I can use this to improve bounced back email on a large board. I mean that I get a massive amount of bounced email per month. A monthly newsletter alone renders many thousands of bounced emails. Add subscriptions and notifications to that and the number of emails is quite unmanageable. I guess at least 10.000 per month. I am a bit in doubt whether it is feasible to start on such project. At the same time, I need to fix this as this is putting strain on my server. What are your thoughts about this?
It's just a matter of having to do it once, then not again (provided you never sent to users who requested not to receive emails from admins)

quick question. first of all, great hack. i love the large memeber count, but if only a fraction are active, why keep the old data. anyways, is there a way to have an annoucement show up on all pages per usergroup? im lazy and didnt search yet, but figured i'd ask. if they dont check thier pm when they get to the site, it would be nice to annoy them with an announcement that follows them around.
Not sure what you mean by "member count". It's up to you regarding keepin gthe old data. If oyu want to get rid of members who are bouncing, then move em to another usergroup and prune the members of that group. This could certainly be modified to display a :"nag" message for members who's email has bounced. I'll consider it for next update.

08-12-2007, 11:12 AM
All links should have the correct user number after it. I don';t know why some would and some wouldn't. Is there anything differen tabout the ones that are missing it? How / why are those sent as opposed to the others?

The ones that do not have the user number are the ones that user "Contact Us". The ones that are generated completely by the board do have the user number (such as activation, password and birthday). Only this one group is missing the number and it is given just above the bounce link as "USERID: xxxxxx" so I know the number is available.

I have to use the link in the body because the emails are forwarded to Gmail which does not allow access to the full header.

08-12-2007, 11:18 AM
I had a user get moved to the "bad email" group when the activation email bounced. That was done correctly. The user changed their email address and re-activated. It put them BACK in the bounced group. Why? I would have expected it to go to the "Registered Users" group?

What is supposed to happen when they get bounced while in the "Users Awaiting for Email Confirmation" (which we call Awaiters)?

08-12-2007, 11:20 AM
*** Later Information *** I see that some links do have the correct user number inlcuded and others have just U= with nothing after it. Are there some types of emails that don't include it? The ones that DON'T have it are the ones from "Contact Us" and the usernumber is shown right above the ezbounce link.

All links should have the correct user number after it. I don';t know why some would and some wouldn't. Is there anything different about the ones that are missing it? How / why are those sent as opposed to the others?

The ones that do not have the user number are the ones that user "Contact Us". The ones that are generated completely by the board do have the user number (such as activation, password and birthday). Only this one group is missing the number and it is given just above the bounce link as "USERID: xxxxxx" so I know the number is available.

Typically, someone using "Contact us" is either not yet registered or not logged in. A typical reason for using "Contact us" is when the user is having trouble registering or logging in.

If the individual is not logged in, there is no user number to display. That's why it's blank.

08-12-2007, 03:19 PM
Typically, someone using "Contact us" is either not yet registered or not logged in. A typical reason for using "Contact us" is when the user is having trouble registering or logging in.

If the individual is not logged in, there is no user number to display. That's why it's blank.
I agree, that if they are not logged in, then there would be no number. However, that is not always the case. For example:User ID: 85423~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
EZ Bounce Management:

If this email has bounced, visit the following URL for bounce management:

Note that the user was logged in - user number 85423 but that number is NOT in the EZ Bounce link.

This example is directly from one of the "Contact Us" emails.

Black Tiger
08-13-2007, 09:33 PM
Request: Change url after processing ezbounce.

At this moment, after processing an ezbounce, the forum will load the page:

In that case, the left side bar from the ACP is not visible. I would like to make a request to fix this so not user.php but /admincp/index.php is loaded and we get the complete ACP back again.
It would be also alright if somebody could tell me how to fix this by changing files or templates, but it would be nicer to make such funktion in the hack itselve.

08-14-2007, 12:19 AM
Request: Change url after processing ezbounce. At this moment, after processing an ezbounce, the forum will load the page: In that case, the left side bar from the ACP is not visible. I would like to make a request to fix this so not user.php but /admincp/index.php is loaded and we get the complete ACP back again.
It would be also alright if somebody could tell me how to fix this by changing files or templates, but it would be nicer to make such funktion in the hack itselve.
A simple workaround for this would be to right-click on the Ezbounce link then select "Open in new window" to open the script. Then just close the Ezbounce window after it's processed.

I had a user get moved to the "bad email" group when the activation email bounced. That was done correctly. The user changed their email address and re-activated. It put them BACK in the bounced group. Why? I would have expected it to go to the "Registered Users" group? What is supposed to happen when they get bounced while in the "Users Awaiting for Email Confirmation" (which we call Awaiters)?
This bug was fixed in version 1.4, what version are you running? Do you have any other mods installed?

I agree, that if they are not logged in, then there would be no number. However, that is not always the case. For example: Note that the user was logged in - user number 85423 but that number is NOT in the EZ Bounce link. This example is directly from one of the "Contact Us" emails.
I will have to look into this when i get a chance. Is anyone else able to reproduce this behavior?

Black Tiger
08-14-2007, 05:08 PM
A simple workaround for this would be to right-click on the Ezbounce link then select "Open in new window" to open the script. Then just close the Ezbounce window after it's processed.
This workaround will not work, because one clicks on the link in the email which contains the ezbounce link to the ACP.
So the ACP will open instantly with /board/admincp/ezbounce.php etc. There is no option to use a new window, unless you are already logged in to the ACP.
That's why I would rather do a php file edit or template edit.

08-14-2007, 06:43 PM
This bug was fixed in version 1.4, what version are you running? Do you have any other mods installed?

I will have to look into this when i get a chance. Is anyone else able to reproduce this behavior?
I had to check with my owner on exactly what is installed and at what level.

We are at 1.8 of EZ Bounce so we are up to date on that one.

The only other mod we have that affects emails at all is Validate E-Mail 1.0 to try to catch the email errors before they even get through the registration process.

One other point. I had an activation email daemon today without the usernumber. This was a user who had registered over 2 years ago and had changed her email address. As is normal procedure, she had to re-activate. Again, I was able to get the usernumber from the email to tack onto the link to make it work. This is the first time an activation email has not had the number.

I forgot to add - I'm using vb 3.6.7PL1

08-15-2007, 12:22 AM
After a member is set to 'members awaiting email confirmation', they somehow get a 'newbie' user title. I have no clue why. This member group has no user title settings.

More importantly: after the member activates his account, the member is not returned to it's original member group. How do I fix this?

I also get links without memberID's in them, leading to a blank page.

I am using vb 3.6.8 and the latest version of ez bounce.

08-17-2007, 10:20 PM
Can this be caused by ezbounced:
User CP > Edit Options > Default Thread Subscription Mode

From the drop down box I have selected "no email notification" but I am still getting email notifications!

08-18-2007, 05:20 PM
Yep, Im using the latest version and 3.6.8. and it gives me the ezbounce link without the members id in the email header.

08-20-2007, 09:12 PM

08-28-2007, 12:05 PM

08-28-2007, 03:26 PM


Please stop wasting everyone's time with pointless posts like these. Try reading the thread and the installation instructions and in most cases you'll find your questions are already answered.

08-28-2007, 04:00 PM
Djbaxer Fall back. Seems like you the only one having a problem. This isn't your hack. You either can help me or STFU.

08-28-2007, 04:13 PM
Djbaxer Fall back. Seems like you the only one having a problem.

I doubt that. Thread bumping is almost universally hated.

This isn't your hack. You either can help me or STFU.

I did help you. I advised you to read the installation instructions and this thread. Did you do that?

08-28-2007, 04:18 PM
of course i did man lol Let me GO BACK and download once more.

08-28-2007, 04:22 PM
maybe even the inactive user email reminder could be conflicting with it. But i did do everything as followed in the install/readme txt.

08-28-2007, 04:44 PM
still the same. Should i post a list of my mods? I can give you access to my site if you like.

The following is ONLY applicable if you're using the "Email Inactive Users" mod v1.09 and given all the noise here, I'm not sure if you are or not.

If you are, then on my system, when running with the "Email Inactive Users" mod, I get bounced emails with no links in the body of the bounced email for me to manage email.

Instead, what I have to do is open the email that was sent and at the top of my Outlook email program, I select <V>iew, <O>ptions and then in the box under Internet Headers scroll to the bottom. You'll see an HTML link following the phrase X-EZbouncer:

I simply cut-n-paste that link into a browser window and this mod works fine from there forward, managing that user ID.

I realize that it's a round about way if getting there and it isn't as simple as clicking a link within the body of the bounced sent email from the "Email Inactive Users" mod, but it works and it isn't that inconvenient for me, in order to get the benefit of using both mods together.


08-28-2007, 11:45 PM
Can this be caused by ezbounced:
I think it's most likely a conflict with some other mod on your site, as the current version works as designed on a clean install.

The only other mod we have that affects emails at all is Validate E-Mail 1.0 to try to catch the email errors before they even get through the registration process.
That might be your problem, as this mod uses one of the same hooks while confirming new emails after previously bouncing.

This workaround will not work, because one clicks on the link in the email which contains the ezbounce link to the ACP. So the ACP will open instantly with /board/admincp/ezbounce.php etc. There is no option to use a new window, unless you are already logged in to the ACP.
That's exactly how you need to do it, log in to your adminCP, then minimize that window. Then, when you click on your ezbounce link in another browser window, right-click to open in an new window and then just clost that new window after.

Djbaxer Fall back. You either can help me or STFU.
Djbaxter was trying to help you. Please be nice. :)

Black Tiger
08-29-2007, 12:14 AM
That's exactly how you need to do it,
Oke but I don't like that method because I like the logoff funktion when I'm ready, for which at this moment, I have to change the url manually to the index.php of the admincp, because then you have the logoff funktion on the right hand upper side.

I saw in the ezbounce php file a link to http://admincp.url/user.php which appears when you are ready handling a user with ezbounce.
I'm gonna change that to http://admincp.url/index.php so after the ezbounce handling I get the normal ACP screen and not only the user.php screen.

But I saw two or three of them I don't know which one to change, would be nice if you could point out which to change because I'm not very good at php.:)

08-29-2007, 02:21 AM
lol ok...this is confusing..i will just deal with it for now. Thanks everybody!!!

08-30-2007, 01:19 AM
Black tiger, so you are talking about the location of the redirect after the "member has been mqanaqged for bounces" message is displayed?

08-30-2007, 01:45 PM
Hi antivirus,

At first, I would like to thank you for your great add-on. :up: This is what I was looking for the past 3 days. :)

Furthermore, I would like to request a feature which will make things easier but not sure if it can be done. Is it possible to develop an email parser like in ticket support systems which parses emails and modify automatically the bouncing members settings to prevent further bouncing emails? I think it will be great for huge forums.

08-31-2007, 12:46 AM
Is it possible to develop an email parser like in ticket support systems which parses emails and modify automatically the bouncing members settings to prevent further bouncing emails?

Unfortunately, I am extremely unfamiliar with email piping, and therefore unable to add this feature at this time.

09-01-2007, 03:12 PM
Has anyone got this to work in Outlook 2007 with the link clickable?

09-01-2007, 05:26 PM
Has anyone got this to work in Outlook 2007 with the link clickable?

No, see my note to Mrdby previously.....

I use Outlook 2003 and you don't get a clickable link, but you can use it by jury rigging the approach as I mentioned...


09-02-2007, 11:17 AM
We turned off the email address at registration check. The only email mod we have is this one. I even found out how to get at the header with Gmail and turned off the option to put the link in the body of the message. However, it is NOT resetting users back to normal when they activate after getting bounced. It is putting them back in the bad-email usergroup.

BTW - we had one user click on the link in the body and the results were confusing. They could not get past the ACP log in screen but the messages you get looking at their public profile showed them as IN the ACP. It took a bit to figure out how it was done and when we determined they were still seeing the log in screen despite the message, we realized it was not a hacker!

09-02-2007, 12:37 PM
We turned off the email address at registration check. The only email mod we have is this one.

Why would you do that? Leave email validation on - at least that way, you discourage some of the spammers. And EZ Bounce works quite well in tandem with email validation, the Activation Reminder add-on, and the Inactive Users add-on. The four together make a pretty good invalid email management system.

09-02-2007, 02:50 PM
Why would you do that? Leave email validation on - at least that way, you discourage some of the spammers. And EZ Bounce works quite well in tandem with email validation, the Activation Reminder add-on, and the Inactive Users add-on. The four together make a pretty good invalid email management system.
We do have email validation on! What I turned off was a mod that was supposed to check the validity of an email address before the registration was accepted. The desire was to catch badly formed emails, obvious typos and such. It didn't seem to work anyway so we turned that off.

We do still have email validation. That's what most of this hack catches as the daemons.

Black Tiger
09-02-2007, 04:35 PM
Black tiger, so you are talking about the location of the redirect after the "member has been mqanaqged for bounces" message is displayed?
@Antivirus: Correct! That's what I'm talking about.

09-02-2007, 05:07 PM
We do have email validation on! What I turned off was a mod that was supposed to check the validity of an email address before the registration was accepted. The desire was to catch badly formed emails, obvious typos and such. It didn't seem to work anyway so we turned that off.

We do still have email validation. That's what most of this hack catches as the daemons.

Ah. I understand now. I looked at that other add-on but it seemed like too much overhead and never installed it.

09-05-2007, 01:04 PM
Most of the returned email is email to newly registered members with their activation codes in them.

09-05-2007, 01:08 PM
Most of the returned email is email to newly registered members with their activation codes in them.

not mine

Black Tiger
09-05-2007, 02:37 PM
Most of the returned email is email to newly registered members with their activation codes in them.
In that case they did not use a good email adres. You just have to check if their email box was full or if it is really a bounce because the adress is not valid.
If then Ezbounce is also perfekt, move them with ezbounce to a special usergroup, you can prune that usergroup from time to time.

09-17-2007, 12:37 PM
ok, that's great...but what happens when an user changes its mail address to a new one?

is it promoted to the "registered member" automatically?


Black Tiger
09-17-2007, 01:04 PM
When a user changes his email adress to a new one, the normal procedure is followed which also works when ezbounce is not installed, depending on your ACP settings.
If you have email verification on, the user will be placed in the "awaiting confirmation" email group until he has re-activated his/her account with the link in the activation email.
Because he will get a new activation email to his new email adres. If all goes well, he will be promoted back to the registered member group.

If he filled in a wrong new email address, you will get a bounce again.

In that case there could be a problem, because as far as I know, there is no way fo seeing if it's a new user, or a user changing email adres.

So that's a little problem I think.

09-17-2007, 01:10 PM
When a user changes his email adress to a new one, the normal procedure is followed which also works when ezbounce is not installed, depending on your ACP settings.
If you have email verification on, the user will be placed in the "awaiting confirmation" email group until he has re-activated his/her account with the link in the activation email.
Because he will get a new activation email to his new email adres. If all goes well, he will be promoted back to the registered member group.

If he filled in a wrong new email address, you will get a bounce again.

In that case there could be a problem, because as far as I know, there is no way fo seeing if it's a new user, or a user changing email adres.

So that's a little problem I think.

thanks, that's very interesting!

09-18-2007, 12:09 AM
ok, that's great...but what happens when an user changes its mail address to a new one? is it promoted to the "registered member" automatically?

if member enters an email address which bounces, member will be suceptible to admin's action when that email confirmation email is sent to the new email address and it bounces. When member confirms the email address, they are moved back to whatever usergroup they were previously a member of at the time admin invokes the ezbounce.php script.

If your boards have "email confirmation" turned off, you should really consider turning it on.

Black Tiger
09-18-2007, 01:03 AM
member will be suceptible to admin's action when that email confirmation email is sent to the new email address and it bounces.
Right... so like I said, if it bounces when chaing email adress, there is probably no way to see if the user is changing the email or if it's a new user, because both emails have the activation link in them.
Since when changing, registered users are also set to the "awaiting" usergroup by the forumsoftware, you could have the risk of deleting existing users when they change and enter a wrong email address, in case you suppose it's a new user who used an incorrect email address.

09-18-2007, 11:08 AM
So far, I have yet to confirm that someome who gets bounced is able to get back in. I have had several try and re-activate but they are placed back in the error group (where they came from) when they activate and NOT the group they were in before they bounced. This means I have to manually reset them to the correct group when they contact me.

However, a manual reset does not clear the ezbounce tags. If they later have an email problem, I cannot bounce them, I just get the blank screen from ezbounce that means "Already processed". Is there a way for me to tell ezbounce to clear itself?

09-20-2007, 05:40 AM
Hi Antivirus,

I am using your hack and I am very satisfied but I have a question.
I am getting all bounce messages at the moment and click on the link to move the user from one group to another.
This is working very good.

You wrote in your feature list
"(if turned on) When member updates & confirms their new email, they are returned to original usergroup."

How can this be done?
Currently I see no way for a user to enter a new mail, confirm it and be returned into his old groups.

I had this yesterday where a user wrote me an email that he can't post in the board. I check with this account data and did not find any option to change this back.

Can you please assist?

09-20-2007, 10:58 AM

That's the problem I've been finding as well. All I can do is manually change the usergroup back. However, it's still tagged as bounced so if the new email address has a problem, I cannot bounce them. I just get a blank screen. At least the user has normal access in the time being.

09-20-2007, 11:28 AM
mines not working

09-22-2007, 01:52 AM
i'm pretty sure that if you're having any issues with this mod, it's a conflice with other mods you have installed. This works just fine on a clean install, and many other users are not finding any issues with this.

09-22-2007, 01:53 AM
should i uninstall and install? should I post a list of my mods?

09-22-2007, 03:42 AM
Great modification = Works perfectly
Thanx for the sharing ;)


09-22-2007, 05:34 AM
should i uninstall and install? should I post a list of my mods?

I can't really get into debugging this to work with every possible mod out there.

I just posted an update (version 1.9) though which might make this compatible with more mods out there, hopefully it will work for the few peoplewho are having a problem with it.

09-22-2007, 08:18 AM
Thanks for the update! I was having the same problems, but I took them for granted since the pro's of this hack far outweigh those small problems. Now that they are fixed it's even better.

09-22-2007, 11:42 AM
THANKS!!! Updated!!! Let me run a test!!

09-22-2007, 12:03 PM
I have the hack enabled..but...i know for a fact one of my members need a new email address..when emailing him from my acp.. it just gives me this.

The original message was received at Sat, 22 Sep 2007 07:58:46 -0500 (CDT) from localhost [******.0.0.1]

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- <*****@comcast.net>
(reason: 550 [SUSPEND] The mailbox is currently unavailable - please contact correspondent directly.)

----- Transcript of session follows ----- ... while talking to gateway-s.comcast.net.:
>>> DATA
<<< 550 [SUSPEND] The mailbox is currently unavailable - please contact correspondent directly.
550 5.1.1 <*****@comcast.net>... User unknown <<< 503 need RCPT command [data]

I get no bounced email link nor is he placed in users waiting email confirmation. I'm not sure..maybe you can look into it for me please? Or should I post all the mods I have that might be conflicting with it?

09-22-2007, 12:51 PM
I get no bounced email link nor is he placed in users waiting email confirmation. I'm not sure..maybe you can look into it for me please? Or should I post all the mods I have that might be conflicting with it?

This has been thoroughly tested on a clean install and works as designed. I'm sorry, but I don't have the time to debug this with every possible hack out there (i wish i did). Maybe post them here and someone else can help, or if I get some free time I can look into it.

(If you're testing "When member updates & confirms their new email, they are returned to original usergroup")...
If you decide to test this feature, you HAVE to use an entirely different session when logging in as the user and updating the bouncing user's email address. And especially when the bouncing user clicks the confirm link in the email confirmation after updating the email. This is essential to recreate the circumstances in which "real life" will interact with this script. This is because the code which restores the original usergroup retrieves the original usergroupid by calling $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'].

It you're testing this with two open IE windows, it will get the sessions confused. I test this using IE for adminCP and Firefox for user.

Black Tiger
09-22-2007, 03:14 PM
@Antivirus, could you have another look at the following question in this thread:

#350 -> My question to you

#352 -> Your reply with your question

#360 -> My reply with the confirmation of your question.

Would be nice if there was a way to make it like that.
Thanks in advance!

09-22-2007, 04:50 PM
Thanx very much for the upgrade!
Question similar to one above....
X-Mailer: GAZ via vBulletin Mail via PHP
There is no link provided with Geek Gazette mail - Any suggestions?



09-24-2007, 01:57 PM
Would be nice if there was a way to make it like that. Thanks in advance!

Sorry Tiger. In ezbounce.php, there two instances of the following code:

define('CP_REDIRECT', 'user.php?do=modify');

In each of them, replace 'user.php?do=modify' with 'index.php'

That should give you what you're looking for.

There is no link provided with Geek Gazette mail - Any suggestions?
I don't use Geek Gazette so i have no way to know, but it might be something to do with the execution order of the plugins using hook location mail_send.

Go to AdminCP->Plugins & Products->PluginManager
Try increasing the execution order for the plugin at this hook location for Ezbouncer to a higher number than that of the plugin from geek gazette using the same hook location. If this doesn't work, then try it with making Ezbounce execute before that of the plugin for geek gazette.

09-24-2007, 10:44 PM
OK - the only plugins using the mail_send hook location is vBSEO and EZ Bounce.... The vBSEO was set at 5 the EZ Bounce = 10 ---- So I changed the execution order to 4 ---- Next round of emails sends in 1 week - so hopefully will work correctly then....

At anyrate - I've spent the last couple hours manually updating bounced emails - This hack does indeed make it so much easier - whether the clickable link is readily available or not...

So Thanx for the sharing! Will let you know if the link shows in the next round ;)


Black Tiger
09-25-2007, 01:47 AM
In each of them, replace 'user.php?do=modify' with 'index.php'

09-25-2007, 02:41 PM
no problem, glad I could help.

09-25-2007, 02:49 PM
i still need help

09-25-2007, 03:00 PM
when i set up a test account it gave me my user ID in the bounced email on the footer... but when I get the email using my admin account...the footer has my ID in it instead of the new user that just registered.

09-27-2007, 05:10 PM
Where can I edit the PM message, so that it explains that the account is blocked until it is activated by email validation? We are still getting a mass of emails of confused members.

09-29-2007, 09:54 AM
even emails i get for new updates on mods look use id number and yes I know..it shouldnt have one..but my new users have the same thing..no user ip.

EZ Bounce Management:

If this email has bounced, visit the following URL for bounce management:

09-30-2007, 09:55 PM
Where can I edit the PM message, so that it explains that the account is blocked until it is activated by email validation? We are still getting a mass of emails of confused members.
For the PM title, edit phrase: anti_your_email_bounced_sub
For the PM message, edit phrase: anti_your_email_bounced_body

09-30-2007, 11:58 PM
Sorry, but where can I do this?
Could you please update the hack with an explanation in the PM message?

10-02-2007, 07:27 PM
This is something I really need
But I didn't need to click to any link :D I want the settings modify automatically

For ex:
If the e-mail is bounce so the members settings modify automatically to prevent further bouncing emails.

10-02-2007, 08:39 PM
For the PM title, edit phrase: anti_your_email_bounced_sub
For the PM message, edit phrase: anti_your_email_bounced_body

Where can I edit that,regards.

10-02-2007, 09:02 PM
Where can I edit that,regards.

Admin CP | Languages and Phrases | Search in Phrases
Enter the variable names above (one at a time).
Make sure you check Phrase Text and Phrase Variable Name.

10-02-2007, 09:32 PM
Done,thanks very much.:D

10-03-2007, 09:28 PM
Part of my users are registering Arabic usernames (in Arabic characters) which seems to give some problems.

I just received a bouncing e-mail and it says that this is the username:

اÙfبر اÙ"بØ+ر

At the bottom of the e-mail it says:

If this email has bounced, visit the following URL for bounce management:

For some reason strange characters appear in the url(s) and when I click it I can log in but I always get the 'blank screen' in cases like this. So basically I am unable to manage these users for bouncing.

I don't understand why the url gets all weird if a user entered a username in Arabic?

The url that users need to click to confirm their registration also look messed up for these users, for example: forums/register.php?a¬t&u68&i.839467

What can/should I do?


10-03-2007, 09:34 PM
If this email has bounced, visit the following URL for bounce management:

The = in the url is showing as = when I post it here, but now I quote my own post I see the charachter that I also see in the url in the e-mail (the character that obviously is the cause of the problem). It looks like a strange character, looks a bit like a T but positioned halfway down the line..

10-08-2007, 02:15 PM
It sounds as if your problem is caused by something other than thiis mod, since you're experiencing same issue with the email confirm regristration... Unfortunately I can't give support for arabic characters as I don't use them.

10-08-2007, 05:54 PM
I just installed, freaking awesome! Your a saint!!



10-12-2007, 05:57 PM
Sorry i'm a little confused...I installed this, changed the settings in admin cp > options

Now what?

I got this error when i got to ezbounce.php

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8:

Invalid SQL:

SET options = options - 16
WHERE options & 16 AND userid =;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 3
Error Number : 1064
Date : Friday, October 12th 2007 @ 12:05:23 PM
Script : http://www.forum.com/forums/admincp/ezbounce.php
Referrer :
IP Address : 67.xxx.xxx.xx
Username : user
Classname : vb_databa

10-12-2007, 11:53 PM
Great how is it possible to change the text to swedish instead?

Best regards

10-14-2007, 03:59 AM
Azn - please read the mod description for instructions on how to use this mod.

Wrang - please read up a few posts for names of phrases which you need to edit.

10-18-2007, 03:09 AM

10-21-2007, 04:16 PM
"When bouncing member is managed for bouncing, email notification is turned OFF for all of bouncing user's subscribed forums."

Q1: Does this mod unsubscribe users from 'subscribed forums' and 'subscribed threads'?
Q2: When the user updates their email address are they automatically resubscribed to the forums and threads they were previously subscribed to?

10-21-2007, 04:33 PM
Q1: Does this mod unsubscribe users from 'subscribed forums' and 'subscribed threads'?
Q2: When the user updates their email address are they automatically resubscribed to the forums and threads they were previously subscribed to?

It doesn't unsubscribe them - it simply disables emails from the forum, which means they won't get email notifications of subscribed threads.

10-21-2007, 04:34 PM

What is the point of posts like this? It's annoying. :mad:

the Sandman
10-27-2007, 01:33 PM
How does this modification deal with bounced CommBull newsletters? I get most of my bounces from them.

10-27-2007, 02:00 PM
It works great with CommBull (I'm using the paid version 4.5x I think).

10-29-2007, 03:50 PM
so if i get 500 emails bounce back i have to click the link in each of them manually for them to receive the notice ??

10-29-2007, 04:43 PM
so if i get 500 emails bounce back i have to click the link in each of them manually for them to receive the notice ??

Yes, that's true. On the other hand, this is only likely to happen if you have a mass mailout such as a newsletter. In that case, with a moderate to large size forum, my experience is that you will get a number of bouncebacks to click initially but you only have to do that once - in subsequent mailouts, you'll get perhaps 2 or 3 or 6 because the previous invalid email addresses will already have been "managed", as this add-on puts it.

10-31-2007, 01:24 AM
and what happens when the member updates their email? how will they go back into normal usergroup ?

will the system automatically move them back to where they were?

11-03-2007, 12:46 PM
Yes, that's true. On the other hand, this is only likely to happen if you have a mass mailout such as a newsletter. In that case, with a moderate to large size forum, my experience is that you will get a number of bouncebacks to click initially but you only have to do that once - in subsequent mailouts, you'll get perhaps 2 or 3 or 6 because the previous invalid email addresses will already have been "managed", as this add-on puts it.
What if a mass mailout gets me 4.000 bounced emails? Even if i spend a month clicking those links i will still have a large number of bounced emails in subsequent mailings. Although far less than otherwise, it is still too much to handle. It would be great to have a solution for this. I have been thinking about this. I am just repeating the same action over and over. There must be a way to write a script for this??

11-03-2007, 12:56 PM
What is the point of posts like this? It's annoying. :mad:

then stop looking..you didn;t amke this hack..i uninstalled it anyway..dude took to long to help and i been asking for some time now.

11-03-2007, 01:05 PM
What if a mass mailout gets me 4.000 bounced emails? Even if i spend a month clicking those links i will still have a large number of bounced emails in subsequent mailings. Although far less than otherwise, it is still too much to handle. It would be great to have a solution for this. I have been thinking about this. I am just repeating the same action over and over. There must be a way to write a script for this??

I'm sure it can be done but I'm not sure it should be. There are many reasons for bounced emails besides the obvious - an invalid or expired email address. Others include "mailbox temporarily unavailable" and "mailbox temporarily over quota". I prefer to personally examine the bounced emails so that I don't deactivate any except "mailbox doesn't exist".

11-04-2007, 01:17 PM
When I ezbounce a user they are still getting thread subscription emails.

Should I uninstall and reinstall?

11-04-2007, 02:58 PM
I'm sure it can be done but I'm not sure it should be. There are many reasons for bounced emails besides the obvious - an invalid or expired email address. Others include "mailbox temporarily unavailable" and "mailbox temporarily over quota". I prefer to personally examine the bounced emails so that I don't deactivate any except "mailbox doesn't exist".
Yes, true. But with large numbers this does not seem viable to me. When I send out mailings, I just mass delete the bounced email, because I can?t handle the workload.

11-04-2007, 03:06 PM
Yes, true. But with large numbers this does not seem viable to me. When I send out mailings, I just mass delete the bounced email, because I can?t handle the workload.

That's what I used to do, too, before I installed this mod.

What would you prefer:

1. Having a bit more work to do now to stop email going out to those invalid email addresses and bouncing back permanently? or

2. Having all those invalid email addresses continue to bounce back every time you send out a newsletter, and having to delete them all from your inbox?

I'd prefer #1.

11-04-2007, 03:24 PM
I handle bounced email daily with Anti-Virus his awesome mod. And after a mass mailout, I handle some of them. But 4.000 emails is waaay too much to process.

11-08-2007, 10:28 AM

when i install tha mod
the bounced emails stop coming to my email
but when i stop the product
i start getting the bounced emails

Any idea?


11-08-2007, 08:59 PM
I handle bounced email daily with Anti-Virus his awesome mod. And after a mass mailout, I handle some of them. But 4.000 emails is waaay too much to process.

So do 100 at a time, or 50. Then every time you do a mailout, you'll have that many fewer bounced emails. And eventually you'll get 'em all. :)

11-08-2007, 10:30 PM
I handle bounced email daily with Anti-Virus his awesome mod. And after a mass mailout, I handle some of them. But 4.000 emails is waaay too much to process.
It is a lot of work, but you only have to do the work one time, then never again, providing you only send emails to users choosing to receive admin emails on a going-forward basis.

when i install tha mod the bounced emails stop coming to my email but when i stop the product i start getting the bounced emails. Any idea?
The product has nothing to do with when/how bounced email is recieved by you, only with how email is sent (by adding the ezbounce header to all outgoing emails).

11-19-2007, 08:29 AM
Hi antivirus, scotsmist from vbportal.com here. Thank you for providing this addon.

I am seeing problems with URLS showing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in them

Here is an example from an email:

Webmaster http://www.testdomain.com~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
EZ Bounce Management:

There's another problem with URLs that include anything with an & sign. For example the activation email

To stop receiving this email, please visit this url:
EZ Bounce Management:

(I split that into two lines due to it breaking the 800 pixel wide screen here)

Sometimes the URL is unreadable with strange characters appearing. It looks like the path has been urlencoded where certain characters are appearing as hexadecimal values.

Any help appreciated.

edit: just to add

here's another example email sent from the Admin CP Email Manager to myself

here is the test bounce message~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=0D
EZ Bounce Management: =0D
If this email has bounced, visit the following URL for bounce management:=

that's what it looks like in the email source.

edit: to change URLs. The staff edited my post and made the fictitious URLs into real clickable ones which is pointless as they aren't real.

11-19-2007, 08:41 AM
I don't really send out many member emails, but it sounds like a great idea.

Thank you.

11-23-2007, 08:04 AM
Hi antivirus, scotsmist from vbportal.com here. Thank you for providing this addon.

I am seeing problems with URLS showing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in them

Here is an example from an email:

Webmaster http://www.testdomain.com~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~
EZ Bounce Management:

There's another problem with URLs that include anything with an & sign. For example the activation email

To stop receiving this email, please visit this url:
EZ Bounce Management:

(I split that into two lines due to it breaking the 800 pixel wide screen here)

Sometimes the URL is unreadable with strange characters appearing. It looks like the path has been urlencoded where certain characters are appearing as hexadecimal values.

Any help appreciated.

edit: just to add

here's another example email sent from the Admin CP Email Manager to myself

here is the test bounce message~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=0D
EZ Bounce Management: =0D
If this email has bounced, visit the following URL for bounce management:=

that's what it looks like in the email source.

edit: to change URLs. The staff edited my post and made the fictitious URLs into real clickable ones which is pointless as they aren't real.

I'm having same problem with forum links,can we change that links and where,regards.

11-23-2007, 10:29 AM
Scotsmist & Baby41,
I have no idea why you're experiencing that issue. Perhaps it's a conflict with other hacks you have installed, but I don't know. That is not how this modification functions on a clean install...

The only insight I can offer regarding your issue is that you may have modified the phrase "anti_bounce_message"? Have you turned off all other mods and sent an email to a false address then looked at the message?

11-27-2007, 03:25 AM
Hi Antivirus, it is possibly caused by other hacks installed. All email from the board is affected with this extra ~~~~~~~~~~ in the message, getting tagged to a link thus making it un-clickable.

Edit: After adding $delimiter prior to the message when the bounce link is included with the email, the links appear to be fixed now.

11-27-2007, 03:32 AM
Scotsmist, glad to see you were able to solve the peoblem!

11-27-2007, 03:34 AM

11-27-2007, 04:06 PM
Scotsmist, glad to see you were able to solve the peoblem!


adding $delimiter to the plugin was needed for me, when including the bounce link in the email message.

// if turned on, construct bounce code & place in email message body
$bouncecode = $delimiter . construct_phrase($vbphrase['anti_bounce_message'], $bounceurl);
/* replace above line with following line if the url in bouncing email body is not displaying as a link
$bouncecode = construct_phrase($vbphrase['anti_bounce_message'], $bouncestring);
$message .= $bouncecode;

11-27-2007, 04:22 PM
Someone Help Me

11-29-2007, 08:44 PM
Hi, adding $delimiter to the plugin was needed for me, when including the bounce link in the email message.

I must have missed that, although you're the first to report that issue if I recall correctly.

11-29-2007, 11:08 PM

12-02-2007, 04:51 AM
A quick thankyou from me! This is going to save me so many headaches! A recent all-users email that went out returned over 700 bounced emails, so hopefully this will sort that out.

Thanks again.

12-09-2007, 09:17 PM
I have 10k of bouced emails. Too many hard to review each manually. Any way to do this automatically?


12-11-2007, 02:43 PM
Not at this time. I have requested the same.

12-11-2007, 10:53 PM
not working

12-11-2007, 11:12 PM
not working

That's another one of your characteristic totally useless and totally uninformative posts at vbulletin.org.... you've perfected this technique.

Do you really expect anyone to help you with the crap you post?

12-11-2007, 11:44 PM
That's another one of your characteristic totally useless and totally uninformative posts at vbulletin.org.... you've perfected this technique.

Do you really expect anyone to help you with the crap you post?

< REMOVED > I've been having problems with this hack.

12-12-2007, 12:21 AM

lol ok man look. The problem i'm having is that when emails aren't working for users or canceled..I don't get the ez bounce email. I'm not sure..It was working on previous versions..But now its not. Thanks in advance.lol

12-12-2007, 06:20 PM
Not at this time. I have requested the same.

And will we see this feature in a future version?

12-12-2007, 07:25 PM
thanks for the infractions DAVID.

Marco van Herwaarden
12-14-2007, 03:29 AM
thanks for the infractions DAVID.
Please take personal messages to PM, no need to post them in a modification thread.

12-15-2007, 12:13 PM
sure..i did and he ran to whine to the admin.

12-15-2007, 12:26 PM
Can we stop the BS and return to discussing EZbounced email management?

12-15-2007, 12:28 PM
sure..i did and he ran to whine to the admin.

1. no you didn't

2. I didn't whine to anyone - the moderators just did what they are supposed to do and they don't need input from you or me to do that

3. you obviously still haven't learned your lesson

4. please get back on topic

12-16-2007, 02:07 AM
I have 10k of bouced emails. Too many hard to review each manually. Any way to do this automatically?

I don't currently plan on integrating any kind of email piping methods into this script - it would be way too involved for me to code and probably exceeds my coding abilities at the present time. It might be difficult the first time around, but you do it once, and you're golden forever after.

Perfect example, is our site's forums: www.eclipserecords.com/forum/

We currently have around 24,000 registered members, and after installing this mod, sending a mass email, we received a few thousand bounces - it was a bit tedious managing all of them however it's worth the time it takes, because not only are we no longer receiving all those bounced emails every time we shoot out a mass email, but mail from our site is now less likely to end up in recipients junk folders because the ISPs receiving the email aren't receiving a ton of emails for dead email addresses anymore. :)

12-16-2007, 03:10 AM
We currently have around 24,000 registered members, and after installing this mod, sending a mass email, we received a few thousand bounces - it was a bit tedious managing all of them however it's worth the time it takes, because not only are we no longer receiving all those bounced emails every time we shoot out a mass email, but mail from our site is now less likely to end up in recipients junk folders because the ISPs receiving the email aren't receiving a ton of emails for dead email addresses anymore.

Exactly. And on successive mail-outs, I typically get 1-2 or up to a maxium of maybe 5-6 bounced emails, so it's well worth that initial effort.

12-16-2007, 10:19 AM
Receiving this error when i try to manually run the Activation Reminder Cron:

I figured out, that after installing these mod, two of cron-jobs (Birthday and Activation Reminder) are not run and have these error:

Fatal error: Call to a member function query_first() on a non-object in ..../includes/class_mail.php(266) : eval()'d code on line 4

code of line is
($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('mail_send')) ? eval($hook) : false;

Error happens only if a mail must send out.

If i deactivate the mod, all works fine.

any idea?


Big Kahuna
12-16-2007, 09:21 PM
Mucho Gracis Amigo

I had to set my mail to be sent in VBs Options at SMTP to be able to receive the messages -- but once I did that I was good to go. I post this -- so others might not spend as much times as I did figuring out why I couldn't get the emails.

12-16-2007, 09:50 PM
I figured out, that after installing these mod, two of cron-jobs (Birthday and Activation Reminder) are not run and have these error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function query_first() on a non-object in ..../includes/class_mail.php(266) : eval()'d code on line 4
code of line is
($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('mail_send')) ? eval($hook) : false;

I've tested this on a clean install and don't have any problem running the cronjobs manually. They run just fine whether manually or automatically executed. Your issue may be that another modification is conflicting with this one - try searching for any other plugins which are utilizing the hook location 'mail_send' and tinker around with the plugin execution orders or disable the other mod.

If both of those don't work, then (and I don't think this will make a difference because I have no idea what you have that's causign the conflict with this) but try the following edit:

In plugin 'EZ Bounce Management - construct code':


$buser = $db->query_first("

and REPLACE with:

$buser = $vbulletin->db->query_first("

12-17-2007, 05:21 AM
...try the following edit:

In plugin 'EZ Bounce Management - construct code':


$buser = $db->query_first("

and REPLACE with:

$buser = $vbulletin->db->query_first("

GREAT!! :)

This work around is the clue - it works :)

Thanks very much!

12-17-2007, 04:02 PM
This work around is the clue - it works!

Interesting, i didn't think that would actually work, since $db is already globalized. Just out of curiosity, can you tell me which (if any) other mods have plugins utilizing the mail_send hook?

12-17-2007, 04:17 PM
can you tell me which (if any) other mods have plugins utilizing the mail_send hook?
Hmm, not realy, because i don't know
but if it helps i can PN you a list of my installed Mod's.

12-18-2007, 01:04 PM
I think it's an issue with your server configuration. Regardless, the fix above works, so i'll update the mod to avoide the rare circumstance of anyone else having the same problem you did. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

12-19-2007, 07:05 AM
Got problem here.

Success installed mods but when system found user with invalid email address,system do not moved current user to specify usergroup.

For your information I use setting below.

- Update Member's Usergroup when Processing Bounces? Yes
- Move Bouncing Members to this Usergroup ID 3
- Show EZ Bounce link in email message body No

But not work at all,then I change Move Bouncing Members to this Usergroup ID to 15 (Customs usergroup) but still same problem.

Help please

By the way in mod package I found plugin_code.php,where must upload this file?

12-19-2007, 09:43 AM
Thank you for the update.

I hope you enjoy your new CD ;-)


12-19-2007, 12:56 PM
Got problem here. Success installed mods but when system found user with invalid email address, system do not moved current user to specify usergroup.
When you say "invalid" email address, do you mean an email which bounces, or something else?

By the way in mod package I found plugin_code.php,where must upload this file?
ignore that file, not supposed to be there. v1.10 package has been updated.

12-19-2007, 11:15 PM
When you say "invalid" email address, do you mean an email which bounces, or something else?

I am not sure but below is message when I receive email from this mod:

This email shows that the product is installed and working as it should be.

Emails sent to:user A,user B,user C . We tried to email the following users, but their email address was invalid

But look like user A,user B,user C not moved to current usergroup destination (usergroup 3).

12-20-2007, 12:27 PM
I am not sure but below is message when I receive email from this mod:
This email shows that the product is installed and working as it should be. Emails sent to:user A,user B,user C . We tried to email the following users, but their email address was invalid
But look like user A,user B,user C not moved to current usergroup destination (usergroup 3).

Whatever you're showing me here (the message you're receiving) - isn't any part of this modification. It seems your problem lies with another hack, and not this one.

12-20-2007, 02:11 PM
Whatever you're showing me here (the message you're receiving) - isn't any part of this modification. It seems your problem lies with another hack, and not this one.

Sorry this is my bad,this totally my false.Forget all my question,was is "Inactive User Reminder Emails" mods.Again sorry for wasting your time.

12-20-2007, 07:50 PM
Sorry this is my bad,this totally my false.Forget all my question,was is "Inactive User Reminder Emails" mods.Again sorry for wasting your time.

:D no problem, lol

12-25-2007, 04:30 PM
So do 100 at a time, or 50. Then every time you do a mailout, you'll have that many fewer bounced emails. And eventually you'll get 'em all. :)

It is a lot of work, but you only have to do the work one time, then never again, providing you only send emails to users choosing to receive admin emails on a going-forward basis.

Just a short follow up on this:
I just did my first full mailing to most of my member groups and now have 21.692 bounced emails. A bit more than I expected. If I do 50 a day, every day, then I will be ready in the summer of 2009. If I still have my sanity. lol. But I think I will skip on that fun.

If anyone wants to write up a script to handle this, then I will be most grateful.

rant boss
12-27-2007, 03:16 AM
This mod sounds like gold.

Just one (possibly stupid) question: Does the admin have the ability to write his own text for the auto-generated PM to bounced users?

12-27-2007, 03:41 AM
Does the admin have the ability to write his own text for the auto-generated PM to bounced users?

For the PM title, edit phrase: anti_your_email_bounced_sub
For the PM message, edit phrase: anti_your_email_bounced_body

01-01-2008, 04:55 AM
if i make a new group for bounced users, is there a way to put them back into a regular group after they've updated their email?

01-02-2008, 01:47 AM
if i make a new group for bounced users, is there a way to put them back into a regular group after they've updated their email?

It does this automatically already :)

01-02-2008, 01:31 PM
Basically, if a bounced email has the phrase "This is a permanent error" in it, then the ezbounced link needs to be clicked.
Does anyone have an idea for a script for this? Does something already exist?

01-03-2008, 12:21 AM
still doesn't work for me. UNINSTALLED!

01-04-2008, 04:08 PM
Basically, if a bounced email has the phrase "This is a permanent error" in it, then the ezbounced link needs to be clicked. Does anyone have an idea for a script for this?

That would be nice, yes. Unfortunatlely however that would require email piping and connection to the mail server directly, which is beyond the scope of this mod.

01-11-2008, 10:45 PM
I installed it, used it, but disabled it because after sending out a newsletter today to members, I received the usual few bounced back emails. I logged in as a member with a bunk email, updated to a valid email, then when I went into the email account and clicked to link to validate the new email address, I was taking to an error on the register.php page.


01-12-2008, 02:08 PM
We are slowly working our way through thousands of bounced emails. Even though it is tedious, it is the only solution there is.

just a tip that may help others:

It may be a good idea to to download the emails and then do a search for the following terms, so that you can delete them in one go:

1. 'quota' - gives bounced email with the reason mailbox full
2. 'mailbox full' - gives bounced email with the reason mailbox full
3. 'incorrectly constructed' - - gives bounced email with the reason explained above
4. 'Delayed' - gives delayed mail

Black Tiger
01-13-2008, 12:05 AM
I'm having the same problem as Merrillizer, however I got 1.8 still installed. So I wil first upgrade to 1.10 and then test if it's fixed.

Black Tiger
01-13-2008, 01:01 AM
Problem is still present in 1.10. :eek:

I also disabled the plugin. Had to put the users back to a normal account with the prune/move user option because there is no way of saying if they already changed their email address.

Hopefully this will be fixed otherwise I have to uninstall and that should be a share because it's a great mod!

01-13-2008, 11:04 PM
I installed it, used it, but disabled it because after sending out a newsletter today to members, I received the usual few bounced back emails. I logged in as a member with a bunk email, updated to a valid email, then when I went into the email account and clicked to link to validate the new email address, I was taking to an error on the register.php page. SiGH.

Hi Merrillizer, you shouldn't be getting that kiind of behavior from this on a clean install. It sounds like it may be conflicting with another modification. Do you have any other mods installed? If so , which ones?

Black Tiger
01-13-2008, 11:29 PM
I have exactly the same problem and had installed ezbounce already a while ago.
These are my installed hacks:
1.) Atakan Marquee Text
2.) Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics
3.) Moderator Statistics
4.) Post Thank You hack
5.) Un-Activated User Management

And ofcourse Ezbounce. None of the above hacks have anything to do with mail except the Un-activated user management which only checks the "waiting confirmation" usergroup while Ezbounce is checking only the "read-only" group which I created myself.

01-15-2008, 10:58 PM
And ofcourse Ezbounce. None of the above hacks have anything to do with mail except the Un-activated user management which only checks the "waiting confirmation" usergroup while Ezbounce is checking only the "read-only" group which I created myself.

I would expect that your problem is caused by the Un-activated user management Modification. Ican't commit to when I will have time to look into this mod to se why it's a problem, but it's got to be the reason, as it's the only one that delves into usergroup ids, etc...

Black Tiger
01-16-2008, 12:07 AM
Hmmz.. I can't imagine that.
Like I said it only checks users in the "awaiting email confirmation" group. Send them a mail after 3, 5 and 8 days. If they are still in this group 10 days after registration, it deletes the user.
As far as I can see it does not look at any other usergroups.

01-16-2008, 12:14 AM
I have exactly the same problem and had installed ezbounce already a while ago.
These are my installed hacks:
1.) Atakan Marquee Text
2.) Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics
3.) Moderator Statistics
4.) Post Thank You hack
5.) Un-Activated User Management

And ofcourse Ezbounce. None of the above hacks have anything to do with mail except the Un-activated user management which only checks the "waiting confirmation" usergroup while Ezbounce is checking only the "read-only" group which I created myself.

I would expect that your problem is caused by the Un-activated user management Modification. Ican't commit to when I will have time to look into this mod to se why it's a problem, but it's got to be the reason, as it's the only one that delves into usergroup ids, etc...

Hmmz.. I can't imagine that.
Like I said it only checks users in the "awaiting email confirmation" group. Send them a mail after 3, 5 and 8 days. If they are still in this group 10 days after registration, it deletes the user.
As far as I can see it does not look at any other usergroups.

It's not Unactivated User Management since I have that one installed too and EZ Boumce works great for me..

Of those in the list above, I do NOT use:

1.) Atakan Marquee Text
2.) Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics
4.) Post Thank You hack

01-19-2008, 09:14 AM
I love this hack. It's something I wanted for a looooooooong time. I asked for it here:
but until now, no one had made it. I really appreciate your work and this verrrry special mode. Gotta go try it now. Thanks.

01-19-2008, 09:52 AM
Got a problem now. If I press the link inside the bouncing mail all I get is the link to my admincp plus user.php?do=modify

It's like getting to a "search for user" page although the link in the email is different and has the member's number in it. What can be wrong?
I added the full path to my admincp in the VB options so what am I doing wrong?

01-19-2008, 09:59 AM
Sorry. My bad. It was my fault. File permission problem. Nominated.

01-19-2008, 10:00 AM
haytham, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.

01-19-2008, 01:21 PM
Haytham, you need to already be logged in to your AdminCP in order to run the script. This is to prevent members from running the script when they receive the email by clicking on the EZbounce link within the email's header :)

01-19-2008, 07:25 PM
Is there any way to add the EZBounce header to e-mails which the link is NOT in? I have another product installed: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=138946 which sends an email to the users saying they've been inactive for awhile and telling them to c'mon back and check out the site. I receive a LOT of bounces from that, but alas no link in the header to do anything with.

01-19-2008, 07:38 PM
Is there any way to add the EZBounce header to e-mails which the link is NOT in? I have another product installed: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=138946 which sends an email to the users saying they've been inactive for awhile and telling them to c'mon back and check out the site. I receive a LOT of bounces from that, but alas no link in the header to do anything with.

Yes and it's very easy.

Open remindermail.php

$headers .= "To: $username <$email>" . "\r\n";
$headers .= "From: " . $vbulletin->options['bbtitle'] . " Reminder Service <" . $vbulletin->options['webmasteremail'] . ">" . "\r\n";

below, add:

// add EZBounce headers
$bounceurl = $vbulletin->options['ezb_admincpurl'] . "/ezbounce.php?u=" . $userid;
$bouncestring = "<a href=\"$bounceurl\" target=\"_blank\">$bounceurl</a>";
$headers .= 'X-EZbouncer: ' . $bouncestring . $delimiter;

You can use the same concept for any other mod which sends emails.

01-19-2008, 08:45 PM
Thank You!! :D

01-23-2008, 11:48 AM
I noticed that I've been receiving delivery error e-mails with this error:

'554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a yahoo.com account'

but I've also been receiving some e-mails from the e-mail addresses of users who don't have a yahoo.com account according to the delivery errors :confused:

So basically I don't know if I should manage the users of which I receive 554 delivery errors or not. Obviously they (or at least part of them, as I've noticed) do have a yahoo.com otherwise they couldn't have e-mailed me.

Has anyone else noticed this? I'm not sure how to deal with this.

01-23-2008, 05:18 PM
I noticed that I've been receiving delivery error e-mails with this error: '554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a yahoo.com account'

but I've also been receiving some e-mails from the e-mail addresses of users who don't have a yahoo.com account according to the delivery errors :confused:
So basically I don't know if I should manage the users of which I receive 554 delivery errors or not. Obviously they (or at least part of them, as I've noticed) do have a yahoo.com otherwise they couldn't have e-mailed me. Has anyone else noticed this? I'm not sure how to deal with this.

I can't be sure but it sounds like these are bounces caused by someone who cancelled their email address with yahoo and never updated their email on your site.

01-23-2008, 06:30 PM
I can't be sure but it sounds like these are bounces caused by someone who cancelled their email address with yahoo and never updated their email on your site.

No, I received e-mail from the e-mail address(es) after I received the delivery error e-mail(s) :confused:

01-26-2008, 06:52 AM
will this work on vb 3.6.4 !?

01-28-2008, 02:22 AM
I do everything but what should i do to see this hack ?
i try to go to: http://www.+++.***/forum/admincp/ezbounce.php , but i got database error !!

01-28-2008, 09:10 AM
I noticed that I've been receiving delivery error e-mails with this error:

'554 delivery error: dd This user doesn't have a yahoo.com account'

but I've also been receiving some e-mails from the e-mail addresses of users who don't have a yahoo.com account according to the delivery errors :confused:

So basically I don't know if I should manage the users of which I receive 554 delivery errors or not. Obviously they (or at least part of them, as I've noticed) do have a yahoo.com otherwise they couldn't have e-mailed me.

Has anyone else noticed this? I'm not sure how to deal with this.

These 554 delivery errors are emails that were blocked as spam by either the user or Yahoo. I've been dealing with an increasing number of these as a hacker stole one of my domains email addresses. Even though we only send notices to members who have subscribed several IPs have blocked us resulting in a large number of bounced emails with the 554 error. Most are still valid email addresses that won't accept our mail. I have opted to manage mine as the use will see the PM and add our good addresses to their address book.

01-28-2008, 11:18 PM
I do everything but what should i do to see this hack ?
i try to go to: http://www.+++.***/forum/admincp/ezbounce.php , but i got database error !!

Any body can help me to start using this modifications ?

Black Tiger
01-29-2008, 12:14 AM
@Antivirus: Could my problem be fixed by re-installing the hack?
The problem was that all seemd to work correctly, except that users would not be put back to their original usergroup after changing their email adress.

01-29-2008, 08:32 PM
@Antivirus: Could my problem be fixed by re-installing the hack? The problem was that all seemd to work correctly, except that users would not be put back to their original usergroup after changing their email adress.
you could give that a try, but use overwrite option, dont uninstaaa furst as doing so would wipe out your existing ezbounced members original usergroupids, etc...

I do everything but what should i do to see this hack ?
i try to go to: http://www.+++.***/forum/admincp/ezbounce.php , but i got database error !!
you are supposed to access the script from bounced emails, you cant just type in ezbounce script.

02-01-2008, 09:47 AM
When/if will this be updated to work with 3.7??

02-03-2008, 02:49 AM
Thanks for this hack , installed ;)

02-04-2008, 08:26 AM
Very nice! I'm sorry I never noticed this before. I get a lot of bounces from birthday messages from users who haven't been around for a while and the like.

I don't know if this has already been suggested (too many pages to read!), but it'd be sweet to be able to specify an alternate sender user in the options page, instead of automatically defaulting to the admin account that you use to log in after clicking on the link. No biggie as I hard-coded my non-admin "bot user" in as the sender, but yeah... :)