View Full Version : Joomla header on Vbulletin

02-08-2007, 01:37 PM
I want know is possible for an not coder doing this work
In next future i update my website whit joomla cms,and want continue to showed the same header whit main menu of joomla website instead the vbulletin
The template is that
Thanks for the support
Sorry for my bad english but i am an italian:)

02-09-2007, 04:25 PM
One easy way to hack it (if the header is more or less static), would be to view the HTML source the the Joomla header, copy it and paste it into vBulletin's header template.

02-12-2007, 12:34 PM
You can always use the "wrapper" feature of Joomla too. It will wrap (ie. IFRAME) any external site into your Joomla site thereby displaying Joomla's header and footer. Some tweaking of your vBulletin style may be necessary to get it to look right, but it should accomplish what you're looking for I'd think.

04-16-2007, 01:09 PM
This is a very interesting method. Is there any easy way to modify the header to call the entire Joomla site \ wrapper?

I'd love to be able to have all links to the forum launch a wrapped version of the forum.

01-28-2008, 03:27 PM
I ended up taking the header from the Joomla site and modifying it to work as a header for the Vbulletin. It looks great and works well.

02-28-2008, 03:41 PM
You can always use the "wrapper" feature of Joomla too. It will wrap (ie. IFRAME) any external site into your Joomla site thereby displaying Joomla's header and footer. Some tweaking of your vBulletin style may be necessary to get it to look right, but it should accomplish what you're looking for I'd think.

How does this work? I have J1.5 installed, trying to test it with JFusion and my vBulletin site. JFusion appears to be working fine, but I just can't figure out how to get Joomla to put my site in a wrapper on a link. Ugh.


James Argo
06-24-2008, 01:46 PM
Maybe this is what you need:



06-25-2008, 04:22 PM
I ended up doing the same thing as Dekard (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/member.php?u=185257). Go to home page of Joomla! site, right click, then view source.

On our particular setup, I copied everything below the <title></title> down to right above the </head> tag and copied that into the bottom of my vB headinclude template.

Then going back to the html view source from the J! page I copied everything below the <body> tag down to just above the <div id=main-content> and pasted that into my vB header template in place of the the whole Logo section. IOW delete the logo section entirely from the header template and paste in the html copied from the view source.

On our particular modified Rockettheme template this creates a static snapshot of your Joomla header. The menu works perfectly, and the visual integration is nearly perfect. We'll have to update it to refelect any changes made to menu items etc, and there are a handfull of validation errors I still need to sort out, but it's *fast* loading and looks beautiful.

The problem with the wrapper is that it totally screwes up your urls from the forum, as they are now all Joomla URLs. So if you have an established site with any SERPs in Google etc, you'll lose it all. Things like VBSEO will be essentially useless to you as well.

Anyway, I'm not a developer, and please don't ask for help with the above. It's just an account of what's worked for me, you'll have to adapted it to your particular vB and J! template.
