02-03-2007, 07:01 PM
to allow users to set a meta refresh time on the search page.
am using the folling code but for the life of me i cannot get the custom field to return a value.
<if condition="$action == 'getnew'"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="<if condition="$userinfo['field7'] != ''">$userinfo[field7]<else />30</if>;URL=search.php?do=getnew"><else /></if>
<if condition="$action == 'getdaily'"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="<if condition="$userinfo['field7'] != ''">$userinfo[field7]<else />30</if>;URL=search.php?do=getdaily"><else /></if>
Hence the refresh defaults to 30 seconds. Am I caling this custom profile value incorrectly?
to allow users to set a meta refresh time on the search page.
am using the folling code but for the life of me i cannot get the custom field to return a value.
<if condition="$action == 'getnew'"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="<if condition="$userinfo['field7'] != ''">$userinfo[field7]<else />30</if>;URL=search.php?do=getnew"><else /></if>
<if condition="$action == 'getdaily'"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="<if condition="$userinfo['field7'] != ''">$userinfo[field7]<else />30</if>;URL=search.php?do=getdaily"><else /></if>
Hence the refresh defaults to 30 seconds. Am I caling this custom profile value incorrectly?