View Full Version : Here's a mad idea.. RSS banner ads... is it possible

Make Money?
01-29-2007, 04:23 PM
Didnt know where to ask.. hope here is ok..

I was daydreaming that my advertisers could serve an RSS text message - in a 468 x 60 banner ad area.. on my site as a change from a regular graphic banner

Kind of like a news ticker.. basic text.. perhaps headlines from their own RSS feeds

An automatic banner ad with auto updated news headlines..

Anyone think this is possible?

or am I crazy?


01-30-2007, 04:28 PM
I don't see why not. You probably couldn't have a valid RSS document where the channel image was that large (I think the limits are quite a bit smaller in at least the RSS .9x and 1.0 formats, if I remember right), but you could pass an image in the description of one of the child item elements. Or, you could certainly use the rss elements to dynamically build a banner, yes.

Make Money?
01-30-2007, 08:31 PM
Sounds encoraging....
