View Full Version : How do i programattically create a new thread?

01-24-2007, 06:36 PM

I'm creating an integrated site with a Ruby on Rails app and a vBulletin forum. From my ROR app, I want certain actions to result in the generation of a new thread in the forum.

I have searched high and low for this information. I am new to vBulletin so maybe I am not seraching effectively.

As I understand it, I could directly modify the tables, and perhaps replicate the inserts that are performed by newthread.php.

But is that the recommended / easiest thing to do? I thought there might already be a published recipe for this ... or perhaps even better , a hack or API that I could tap into.

Thanks in advance.

Well thanks to the cool "similar threads" feature. I saw the thread on "Auto-Create Discussion thread"

I guess i can use that PHP code in the "DISCUSSION MAKER CREATE" section as a recipe that i can translate into Rails code.

If anybody has a better idea , let me know.