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01-24-2007, 02:51 PM
hiii frankly do not know the appropriate section but I want to work chippings or something and found programmers Arab programmed Hak was doing sending automatically to the members at a given time and, of course, with the identification of several letters example, the first day to send a letter in which subjects the department today, the second dispatch within topics of the sports section and so I did not appreciate that the answer Alhak says that special programming, I do not appreciate to sell as its price, 160 $ Therefore, I should want such Alhak because the process of transmission cumbersome, especially to the sites of many Member wait for your answer and see you

I used to translate the web engine where little English languages http://www.google.com.eg/language_tools?hl=en

01-25-2007, 06:33 PM