View Full Version : Usimg CSS -Text won't center in IE

Bubble #5
01-21-2007, 10:25 PM
We're trying to get some simple text to center inside of a table. The text is viewed through a simple javascipt scroller. Both Firefox and Safari work perfectly, but IE is right aligning when any centering tags are used :(

The table uses CSS so I have tried "Text-align: center;" but that doesn't work either in IE. I have also tried "Text-align: justify; " and simple <center> tags and "align="center" with no joy. Why does IE do this? More importantly, how should we correct it? :confused:

01-21-2007, 11:03 PM

<td alignt='center'>bleh</td>

I guess I've had the same problem a few months ago

Bubble #5
01-21-2007, 11:25 PM
I think you mean align='center'. That was one of the very first ones we tried and it had no effect on it :(