View Full Version : Manually Adding Forums

01-19-2007, 07:00 PM
For the website I'm developing, I need to manually add forums by directly modifying the MySQL database. Can anybody tell me which tables this will involve?

I know that it involves the forum table, but after adding an entry to this table, several things happen.

1. The new forum doesn't show up anywhere
2. When I directly access it by forumid my superadmin account is informed that it doesn't have the privildge to view the forum

Thanks in advance.

- Nathan

More development on this...

I've found out that the forum table is the only table I need to change, but manually adding to the forum table in the database doesn't update the webpages for some reason. However, if I manually add a forum by inserting into the forum table and then create a forum usign the admincp, it will then pick up and display the forum i added manually.

Does anybody know what function I need to call or how I can get the database change to be "picked up"?

01-20-2007, 02:27 AM
For the website I'm developing, I need to manually add forums by directly modifying the MySQL database. Can anybody tell me which tables this will involve?

I know that it involves the forum table, but after adding an entry to this table, several things happen.

1. The new forum doesn't show up anywhere
2. When I directly access it by forumid my superadmin account is informed that it doesn't have the privildge to view the forum

Thanks in advance.

- Nathan

More development on this...

I've found out that the forum table is the only table I need to change, but manually adding to the forum table in the database doesn't update the webpages for some reason. However, if I manually add a forum by inserting into the forum table and then create a forum usign the admincp, it will then pick up and display the forum i added manually.

Does anybody know what function I need to call or how I can get the database change to be "picked up"?

Sounds like the data is cached and won't update the display. IIRC the cached data is in the "datastore" table. You should be able to delete the correct row and it will work. BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THAT TABLE. YOU CAN AND WILL FUBAR YOUR FORUM IF YOU ARE NOT EXTREMELY CAREFUL. MY RECOMMENDATION IS TO SETUP A DUMMY FORUM IN ANOTHER DIRECTORY ON ANOTHER DATABASE AND PLAY WITH IT THERE.

01-22-2007, 01:27 AM
Oh and just so you know the biggest danger with datastore is deleting a row. You can truncate the data column usually without any problems though, I do it all the time on the options row :p