View Full Version : Usergroup Permissions on Already Created Usergroups

01-18-2007, 05:15 PM
I was told by vBulletin.com to come here to make this request. I hope somebody can help me out here. Evidently 3.6.4 does not have this support (thus why I couldn't find it) but I was told somebody here could make a "hack" that did this for the community. It would act very much like the forum permissions copier but just for usergroups (regardless of forum--because forums would not matter in this case).

First of all I have 174 forums and 78 usergroups--so tons of things. This is from a forum that was created years ago and it is being migrated to VBulletin 3.6.4.

All I need now is a way to copy the rights of the usergroup "registered
users" to the rights of other selected usergroups (about 65 of them)--and I should be able to choose which groups. I do NOT want this at forum level--I want the usergroup rights of 1 usergroup to be copied to the usergroups rights of other usergroups and I could care less
what forum they are in at this level. This will save me many hours as it will give the default usergroup rights that I need.

I see the Permissions Duplication Tools and there is a "Copy Usergroup" in there but it is applied to a single forum. I don't need/want that. I just want to copy the usergroup rights (no how they apply to a forum but the usergroup itself). Is there a way to do this? I thought it would be in the usergroup manager area but I do not seem to find it.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you.

01-20-2007, 09:56 PM
Eh, as useful as this kind of hack is, people will not be enthusiastic about spending several hours coding a hack to save someone else a 30-45 minutes or so. Not that this isn't a good idea for a hack, it would be very useful. However, this is something that I think vbulletin.com should really integrate into their next version, rather than depending on the mod-making community.

01-20-2007, 09:59 PM
Yeah, totally agree with that. I just think that will be some time coming and I think a fair amount of people would find it useful.

And well, it would save me MANY hours of work and I think others quite a lot of time as well.

01-20-2007, 10:00 PM
heh heh... additionally, I just scanned through plugin locations and there are no plugins to modify usergroups in the admincp. (I just glazed over it... but I am relatively sure that I would have seen it if it was there.) So it would likely need to be a file edit.

Edit: Just took a more comprehensive look through it... it is definitely not there, along with almost all of the admincp plugin locations. Probably to prevent another vbhosting fiasco... lol