View Full Version : Shopping Cart Software -- In The Market

Masked Crusader
01-18-2007, 07:34 AM
EDIT: This may be in the wrong forum, but I have NO IDEA where the heck to post this question... :). If it is in the wrong place, I apologize.

Evening ladies and gentlemen. I am going to start selling my skins later on down the road after I have made a name for myself. I have all of business plans worked out, but I ran into one hiccup. How the heck are people supposed to buy stuff?

That is where the shopping cart software comes into play. I am looking for something professional but not too damn difficult to navigate through. I do have an example of a site that is using something similar to what I am looking for.


Obviously the design has been heavily modified, but the core coding is in there somewhere :).

Any opinions are greatly appreciated. If you could please link the software's site that you are recommending, that would be ideal.

Thanks for all of your time.

01-19-2007, 06:12 PM
vbbox is using digishop: http://digishop.sumeffect.com/

another couple to consider are xcart: http://www.x-cart.com/ and litecommerce: http://www.litecommerce.com/ (both made by the same company)

