View Full Version : Where to put RSS buttons?

01-12-2007, 02:23 PM
I seem to be on a roll with the uestions today.... anyway.

I want to put an RSS button on the forumhome, for each category... and/or forum.

I already use cinvins rss feed listings, which provides me a nice $forumids variable i can use to get each forumid if need be, But i dont know which templates i would need to modify... or where, to get the RSS button for each category up near the collapse button, and where an RSS button for each forum might look good, without cluttering the place up.

Hopefully someone out there has some ideas :)

01-18-2007, 09:19 PM
help? anyone?

01-18-2007, 10:19 PM
There is a quick little template mod that will add an RSS icon into each forum, next to the "Search This Forum" link on top of the thread listings. I am using it, it works great:


As for forum home, you can just put an RSS Icon in your navbar if you wish. Bear in mind that the feed will be indicated in any browser which supports automated feed discovery (FF 2.0 and IE 7.0 both do this) so you don't necessarily need an icon on the page, if people know what RSS is they will see the icon come active.


01-20-2007, 05:38 PM
ok thats pretty cool.... problem is, due to some unknown reason, and likely not related to this hack, my RSS feeds arent working now.

When i try to use feeds from some of my lounges, no matter how i do it, they are returned as invalid.... and blank basically. :(

they are turned on.... but i dont know why it does this.