01-12-2007, 09:26 AM
Im trying to use the $totalonline php variable in the header, but it wont work, here what I got.
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the part im talking about is at the very bottom with the $totalonline. I put it under the "<!-- content table -->
figuring that needed to be before, otherwise it wont work. :/
help please :)
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var noNewLogin = "false";
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<td valign=bottom align=right><FONT SIZE="1" FACE="Verdana, Arial">$totalonline peeps browsing the board now!</font></td></tr>
<hr />
the part im talking about is at the very bottom with the $totalonline. I put it under the "<!-- content table -->
figuring that needed to be before, otherwise it wont work. :/
help please :)