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03-08-2007, 05:19 PM
I'm having the same problem with random quotes not displaying that BrettMo did, except I checked my tables in phpMyAdmin and found nothing wrong. Repaired them anyway and still nothing. The BEGIN and END comments are in the source, random quotes are enabled in the options, quotes.php is working just fine, and I have no quotes in the moderation queue. I even installed the global quotes plugin and tried it on a couple other pages just in case, but that had no effect. Any ideas for me?

Thanks for all your hard work, Cap'n Steve.

Cap'n Steve
03-08-2007, 11:10 PM
Could you post a link?

03-08-2007, 11:26 PM
I can't figure out the right way to import quotes from a file. Can somebody please attach a file with some quotes so I can see how they are arranged?

Thanks in advanced..

Cap'n Steve
03-09-2007, 08:13 PM
Soliloquy - What do you have for Total Threshold and Average Threshold in your QuoteIt! Settings? Better yet, just post a screenshot of those options.

Stop - It just splits them up based on what you put in the Separator box. So if the Separator was set to | and the Field Order was set to quote, author, userid, context (the default) then the file you upload would look like this:

quote text|me|1|none
another quote|you|32|none
last quote|last author|0|from a tv show

03-11-2007, 11:08 AM
Thanks a lot Steve. It did work fine with me.
But I noticed that the quotes I imported, go the no where. I mean there were not classified under any category, though I can browse them through the Quotes main page.
Can you please add a field so we can choose to which category the quotes will sent to when we import some from a file ?

03-11-2007, 07:56 PM
Soliloquy - What do you have for Total Threshold and Average Threshold in your QuoteIt! Settings? Better yet, just post a screenshot of those options.

I've experimented with different settings for those options, but don't really understand what they refer to. Right now they're at 10 and 10.

Cap'n Steve
03-12-2007, 12:21 AM
Stop - Just add categoryid to the Field Order and then include the ID in the file.

Soliloquy - That's the problem then. It's looking for only quotes with a total rating and average rating greater than or equal to 10. Just set those to blank.

03-14-2007, 01:32 AM
I set them to blank and still no luck. Anything else it could be?

Cap'n Steve
03-15-2007, 06:28 AM
It was a bug in the cron job that picks a new quote. Install the latest version and save the QuoteIt! Options again and it should work.

03-17-2007, 10:46 AM

For some reason, I'm getting a weird error displayed in the ACP when I change options. But, the changes seem to work okay... so I don't know what to think of it.

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /{deleted path}/forum/includes/functions_quoteit.php on line 1678

I checked that php script and this is what appears on lines 1678-1681:

$cronexists = $db->query_first('
WHERE filename = "./includes/cron/guestquotes.php"

Cap'n Steve
03-17-2007, 10:39 PM
It was a typo, I've fixed that and added a missing phrase I just found.

03-18-2007, 02:40 AM
It was a typo, I've fixed that and added a missing phrase I just found.

Thank you, Steve. I reuploaded the most recent dated files and that error message I reported has gone away. It's also accepting the fact that I'm allowed to edit quotes now when I give my usergroup editing permissions.

I'm still having other problems, though, with the functioning of this hack. And I'm getting a new error message in the ACP when I change QuoteIt options:

"Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: range out of order in character class at offset 13 in /admincp/quoteadmin.php on line 164"

That's one of the new files in your most recent download.

Lines 164-165:

$quoteitoptions['reportemails'] = preg_match('/^([a-z0-9\.-\+]+@[a-z0-9-]+[a-z\.]+\.[a-z]{2,}[ ]+)*[a-z0-9\.-\+]+@[a-z0-9-]+[a-z\.]+\.[a-z]{2,}$/i', $_REQUEST['report']) ? $_REQUEST['report'] : '';

$globaloptions['reportquotes'] = !empty($quoteitoptions['reportemails']) ? 1 : 0;

The hack isn't letting me edit quotes from a preview screen. I get a message at the bottom saying there's an error on the page. It also gets weird if I try to delete a quote.

Any suggestions?

Cap'n Steve
03-18-2007, 07:36 AM
The first error should be fixed. I'm not sure what you mean about the editing error.

03-19-2007, 09:14 PM
I just upgraded and re-uploaded all files, plugin but now suddenly the quotes are not showing up at all.

Not only that, found the 3 quoteit! crons disabled. I re-enabled, manually ran each one and quotes
still do not appear

"Show Random Quote" is indeed enabled as well

Cap'n Steve
03-20-2007, 04:50 AM
Well, the crons should be managed automatically (they only run if you have certain options enabled).

Try saving the QuoteIt! Options or rebuilding bitfields. If that doesn't work, send me a link to your site.

03-20-2007, 11:21 AM
Fixed, I had to reupload the extras/plugin again for some reason


- prevent duplicate category names
- sort alphabetically categories in admincp
- search by author

03-21-2007, 01:05 AM
I'm getting Not Found
The requested URL /forum/modcp/adminpermissions.php was not found on this server.

when I get redirected from moderate quotes saying that I don't have permission to do so.

Also, what templates do I need to edit to make sure only some groups can submit quotes, and others don't see the option to submit quotes.

Cap'n Steve
03-22-2007, 02:27 AM
Check and make sure you've given yourself permission to approve quotes in the Usergroup Manager. You can control who can add quotes with usergroup permissions, but to make the submit button not even show up, you'll need to edit either postbit or postbit_legacy, depending on which style postbit you use.

03-22-2007, 11:23 AM

i've got a lot of "bugs"...
First there is a big space after each quote on forumhome or at "list all quotes". Is there a way to remove the lagre space und the quotes?

Nest one ist, if I uses the quick change option at Forumhome... the save--button has obviously no effect. After klicking save AND cancel the changes will be stored.

And at least, there is a bug at the quote preview. I think a <td>-tag sperates the close-quote.img from the quote...


Cap'n Steve
03-23-2007, 02:16 AM
To change the style, you'll need to edit the css files in clientscript/vbulletin_css. I know that editing the random quote has some problems, and I'll look at the quote preview.

03-26-2007, 07:38 PM
Hi -- great hack! I'm getting this error when trying to install:

Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /path/to/my/forums/includes/adminfunctions.php

Thanks for any help you can give.

Cap'n Steve
03-26-2007, 08:31 PM
This happens when you try to import the product xml? What other mods do you have installed?

03-26-2007, 08:33 PM
This happens when you try to import the product xml? What other mods do you have installed?

Right -- when I try to install the product xml. What other mods? Too many to list :o

Cap'n Steve
03-27-2007, 03:27 AM
Well, the install code doesn't set any headers, so it must be a bad interaction with another mod. Can you install any mods?

03-27-2007, 03:57 AM
Yeah, I installed a couple of other mods just to check and they installed fine. It's weird error to see on a mod install. I may try the install code manually and then run the rest of the product without the install code and see what happens. I kind of don't think it's a problem with your mod.

Cap'n Steve
03-27-2007, 09:28 PM
It looks like it might be installed, but I don't have permission to view quotes. Does the QuoteIt! Options show up in your admincp? Also, make sure you have the latest version.

03-27-2007, 09:36 PM
Oh -- I didn't realize I had the quote permissions set to off for guests. I've changed that.

I did get it to install. I did some manual PHP queries and then ran the xml without the install code. It seems to be working fine now. I think it was just a conflict with another hack. No biggie.

Thanks! :)

03-29-2007, 01:20 AM
Please add ability to sort categories alphabetically and change window/frame size (in view quotes page)

Cap'n Steve
03-29-2007, 02:18 AM
I'll add some sorting options in the next version. Until then you can arrange them manually with the display order. What do you mean about the windows size?

03-29-2007, 10:45 AM
Why it doesn't count the Quotes which were imported by the admin cp when showing the numbers of quotes in postbit for every member ?

03-29-2007, 07:01 PM

All installed great, I'm modifying it slightly as I wasnt it to quote random rugby laws, don't ask.

Anyway, the problem I am having is that when I view the quote list, all the quote displays fine, I am using BBcode to bold up certain parts.

When I enable the random quote on the forum home, the BBcode is shown as code, and is not doing what it's supposed to do.

See screenshots for what I mean.

I do have Enable quote BB Codes set to yes.

Cap'n Steve
03-29-2007, 08:00 PM
Stop - You should rebuild the quote counts. It's under "Quote Maintenance".

rburns - Are you sure you have all the latest files?

03-29-2007, 08:21 PM
I beleive so, I'll reupload just in case but I only installed it yesterday.

03-29-2007, 08:37 PM
re-uploaded all the files, still does the same thing, just ignores the line breaks and bb code. I don't particularly want to enable HTML to do it.

Also, is there a way to remove the 'added by' and the time when added?

Thanks for the help Steve.

03-29-2007, 09:51 PM
rburns - try going into the admincp and saving the parse options again, even without changing anything. In the past, just re-saving the options is enough to get BBCode to be parsed correctly.

Cap'n Steve
03-30-2007, 02:04 AM
Yeah, try that while I take a look at it. Apparently I also broke the version number at some point :o. The user and date are in the quote_listbit template.

03-30-2007, 05:21 AM
ummm when i try to access quotes.php it offers only to download the quotes.php file... I have no issue with any other files so what's up with this?

03-30-2007, 05:39 AM
something is wrong. My URLs for the board are all set correctly yet this hack thinks my quotes.php is located in the site root directory and not in /forums...

When I go into the php files and replace some of the file paths with URL's the issue with it trying to download the php file stopped but now I am just getting a blank page.

Cap'n Steve
03-30-2007, 06:41 AM

03-30-2007, 08:13 AM
rburns - try going into the admincp and saving the parse options again, even without changing anything. In the past, just re-saving the options is enough to get BBCode to be parsed correctly.
That did the trick.

Thanks a lot for your prompt help on this BaconDelight & Cap'n Steve.

great Mod, Voted MotM!

03-30-2007, 10:21 AM
Another Question,

I have edited the bb code so that instead of using [quotes] it uses .

but when I do it in a post, i.e. [law]1 it only displays the HTML replacement? which looks something like this:


Why is it doing this and not displaying the law (quote) that I chose.

Also, is there a way of adding a drop down box in reply toolbars that will allow you to select a category, as I only have one law (quote) in each.


Is there a way to edit the categoryid? if so am I able to use decimal points in the id so that it matches my law refs? i.e. law 1.4 would be categoryid 14, law 10.12 could be categoryid 1012

Thanks in advance for the help.

03-31-2007, 01:13 PM
Cap'n Steve - I'd like to reduce the font size for the quote and author information to 11px and the "submitter" row information to the smallfont class if at all possible. The new version makes the quoteit section too large in appearance on our forum.

I found the css files quoteit_ie_lt_7.css and quoteit_ie_all.css and tried revising the font size parameters but it didn't change anything, they still appeared the same.

Could you point me in the right direction please.

03-31-2007, 08:13 PM
I'll have to reinstall it. then I'll send a link. With it not working it was defacing the site.

Cap'n Steve
04-01-2007, 12:52 AM
digital3 - Well, judging by the symptoms, either something went wrong during the upload or your server is misconfigured somehow.

ChiliVB - quoteit_ie_lt_7.css is used by Internet Explorer versions 6 and lower, quoteit_ie_all.css is used by all versions of Internet Explorer, and quoteit_main.css is used by all browsers. If you want to add a class to the submitter section, you'll have to edit the quote_listbit template.

rburns - The BBCode is kind of complicated to prevent too many queries on a page. You'll have to edit includes/functions_quoteit.php. In that file, find
$tag_list['no_option']['quotes'] = array(

and replace that with
$tag_list['no_option']['law'] = array(

In the same file, find
return '' . $quoteid . '';

and replace that with
return '' . $quoteid . '';

To change the categoryid, you currently need to do it directly in the database through phpMyAdmin or something similar. If you want it to be a decimal, you'll have to add some code to convert it like you demonstrated. That might end up being a little difficult, so I'd suggest just including the number in the title. Users aren't really supposed to be paying attention to the id anyway.

I'm not sure what you mean about the reply dropdown. Are you talking about choosing a category when replying to a post?

04-01-2007, 03:14 PM
ChiliVB - quoteit_ie_lt_7.css is used by Internet Explorer versions 6 and lower, quoteit_ie_all.css is used by all versions of Internet Explorer, and quoteit_main.css is used by all browsers. If you want to add a class to the submitter section, you'll have to edit the quote_listbit template.
I've tried reducing the font size in the quoteit_main.css in the section below and didn't see a change. Is this the correct place?
vertical-align: super;
position: absolute;
margin-left: -50px;
position: relative;
right: 0;
margin-bottom: -40px;
z-index: 5;
font-size: 7em;
color: #E3E9F2;
font-family: "Bernard MT Condensed", "ITC Garamond", "Trebuchet MS", Garamond;

Cap'n Steve
04-01-2007, 11:41 PM
The openquote and closequote classes are there for the quotation mark images. You probably want the quotetext and author classes.

04-02-2007, 03:52 PM
This is a truly excellent hack, and one which I am already re-coding much of my forum to integrate more fully, as it brings together external features we had previously been achieving by other means.

Three outstanding issues with the current release:

1: On using the quote importer-from-file in the AdminCP, there is no option to assign imported quotes to a specific category, if categories are enabled and defined. All imported quotes seem only to be importable into 'unfiled'. (The route I eventually ended up taking to assign 500+ imported quotes to a common category was to 'delete' them all them all in the user interface, which threw them back into the moderation queue; and from the moderation queue I could click 'Approve all', since in the queue their default was set to the first category.)

*2: [I](more urgent): When 'context' is enabled, and the postbit template is modified to include a 'submit quote' button on each post, the automatic convert-thread-to-context feature does not work properly. The hack properly inserts its text ("Posted in thread x..."), with appropriate link, into the 'context' field on the submission form, and it is likewise visible in the preview screen; but once the 'submit' button is pressed, the context field is truncated, so that when one views the pending quote in the moderation queue, the context field reads simply 'Posted in', with no further information (i.e. the link to the thread has been entirely lost). This is a series bug, as the end-result is bizarrely truncated quote submissions -- for the time being I've had to disable the 'context' feature altogether to prevent this. An urgent fix would be most appreciated.

3: This one is minor: in the AdminCP options for the hack, 'Moderation que' should be properly spelled 'Moderation queue'. :)


04-02-2007, 04:21 PM
A few further issues have arisen:

4: When dealing with pending quotes in the moderation queue, selecting 'ignore' effectively ignores the quote for moderation purposes (i.e. leaves it in the queue, whilst other messages are either approved or deleted as per admin selections); but it is not ignored as far as PM notification goes -- i.e., Private Messages are sent out to the submitters of the 'ignored' quote reading, e.g. "Your quote (#407) has been updated". If one is holding a post in the queue while trying to decide what to do with it, whilst dealing with other quotes, this is very problematic: the member(s) with posts being ignored receive a new PM every time the queue is moderated -- which can amount to a great many. It would be a very helpful fix to ensure that the hack does NOT send out PMs to members when a quote in the queue is 'ignored' for later assessment.

5: Is there a way to disable all PM notification of moderation of quotes? I added the style template modification that adds the option setting to the user control panel; but users seem automatically to be receiving PMs on moderation changes, even without visiting their control panel.

Cap'n Steve
04-02-2007, 09:47 PM

1. You can add categoryid to the fields, but you need to know the numeric id of the category you want.

2. That's strange. Do you have bbcode enabled for quotes?

3. Oops.

4. Good point, I'll fix that soon.

5. They should be disabled by default, you can run this query to make sure (replace $TP with your table prefix): UPDATE $TPuser SET quoteitoptions = 0

04-03-2007, 07:36 AM
It seems there is still a bug with the language selector after installing the newest version of this hack: After installation, the language-chooser drop down list in the vB footer lists my normal language (only one), but now follows it with an option "--a" (as has been reported earlier in this thread).

Any fix on this? It's already been confusing readers!

Many thanks.

04-03-2007, 07:40 AM
*2: (more urgent): When 'context' is enabled, and the postbit template is modified to include a 'submit quote' button on each post, the automatic convert-thread-to-context feature does not work properly. The hack properly inserts its text ("Posted in thread x..."), with appropriate link, into the 'context' field on the submission form, and it is likewise visible in the preview screen; but once the 'submit' button is pressed, the context field is truncated, so that when one views the pending quote in the moderation queue, the context field reads simply 'Posted in', with no further information (i.e. the link to the thread has been entirely lost). This is a series bug, as the end-result is bizarrely truncated quote submissions -- for the time being I've had to disable the 'context' feature altogether to prevent this. An urgent fix would be most appreciated.

2. That's strange. Do you have bbcode enabled for quotes?

Yes, indeed. BBCode for quotes is enabled (while HTML is turned off). It seems that there is some error in passing the code through the submission form to the actualy dB; as I say, the link appears in the 'preview' screen, if used; but once you click 'submit', the link is lost (removed) on submission, and the submitted quote appears without it in the moderation queue.

I've tested this on IE6 and IE7, as well as the newest release of Firefox, and the same issue occurs - so that would seem to rule out it being a browser problem.

For information, this is on vB 3.6.5.

With thanks in advance for further assistance.

04-03-2007, 02:26 PM
Getting the following error attempting to install this latest version of Quoteit:

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.4:

Invalid SQL:


MySQL Error : Duplicate column name 'quoteid'
Error Number : 1060

Background information:

I was previously running quoteit version 1.2 for VB 3.07. I upgraded board to 3.64. I am trying to upgrade the Quoteit system now to the latest version and I keep getting this error.


Cap'n Steve
04-03-2007, 09:27 PM
monForum - Does the link problem happen on every thread? It's possible the title is too long to fit in the database. I still don't get the quick language chooser problem. Could you export your language and post it so I can see what's different about it?

deb0 - Try following these instructions to add each column by hand. If that doesn't work, do this instead. Any information about your database would be helpful, I'm still trying to figure out why that happens sometimes.

04-04-2007, 01:14 PM
Tried to install this but was unable to import the plugin. Apache error log says:

[Wed Apr 04 08:44:52 2007] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class fPluginServices in /home/bruset/websites/forums.njpinebarrens.com/public_html/jvb_fservices.php on line 12, referer: http://forums.njpinebarrens.com/admincp/plugin.php?do=productadd

04-04-2007, 08:02 PM
digital3 - Well, judging by the symptoms, either something went wrong during the upload or your server is misconfigured somehow.

ChiliVB - quoteit_ie_lt_7.css is used by Internet Explorer versions 6 and lower, quoteit_ie_all.css is used by all versions of Internet Explorer, and quoteit_main.css is used by all browsers. If you want to add a class to the submitter section, you'll have to edit the quote_listbit template.

rburns - The BBCode is kind of complicated to prevent too many queries on a page. You'll have to edit includes/functions_quoteit.php. In that file, find
$tag_list['no_option']['quotes'] = array(

and replace that with
$tag_list['no_option']['law'] = array(

In the same file, find
return '' . $quoteid . '';

and replace that with
return '' . $quoteid . '';

To change the categoryid, you currently need to do it directly in the database through phpMyAdmin or something similar. If you want it to be a decimal, you'll have to add some code to convert it like you demonstrated. That might end up being a little difficult, so I'd suggest just including the number in the title. Users aren't really supposed to be paying attention to the id anyway.

I'm not sure what you mean about the reply dropdown. Are you talking about choosing a category when replying to a post?

Thanks for that, yes a drop down box with the categories on post reply (both quick and advanced) is what I was wanting.

I agree about the catids, that's a better idea.

Cap'n Steve
04-05-2007, 02:18 AM
ZippySLC - It looks like that's an error with some Joomla plugin. You'll have to ask wherever you got that addon.

rburns - So what do want to happen when they post? Do you want the quote from that category added to the post?

04-06-2007, 08:46 PM
I am having some trouble, my quoter is not visible at all but I have the ability to submit, approve, moderate quotes through my admin cp and people can submit quotes but the actual quoter itself is not showing up anywhere. This is a recent problem and I'm not sure what to do to fix it.

Cap'n Steve
04-07-2007, 05:13 AM
What did you change when this started happening? First, it doesn't look like you have all the latest files. Make sure you do and then try re-saving your QuoteIt! Options.

04-08-2007, 10:49 PM
What did you change when this started happening? First, it doesn't look like you have all the latest files. Make sure you do and then try re-saving your QuoteIt! Options.

ok I reinstalled it and so far it looks good except the bb codes do not show up and I have them enabled. What can I do to fix that?

Cap'n Steve
04-09-2007, 02:40 AM
Try saving the Quote Parsing Options again.

04-09-2007, 03:20 AM
thanks so far so good!

04-10-2007, 05:13 AM
ZippySLC - It looks like that's an error with some Joomla plugin. You'll have to ask wherever you got that addon.

rburns - So what do want to happen when they post? Do you want the quote from that category added to the post?
Yes, that's exactly what I would like.

I also still have the funny {Q5263537:4} answer to my BBcode? I rechecked all the file changes you gave me all are correct.


Cap'n Steve
04-11-2007, 01:51 AM
Try adding this in a plugin at the quoteit_bbcode_begin hook and tell me what it prints when viewing a thread with the bbcode in it. You can disable the plugin afterward.
header('Content-type: text/plain');
die(print_r($quotebbcodeids, true));

I'm not sure how to handle the request to automatically add quotes when posting. The best way would probably be to add a the bbcode to the post before it gets processed, but you'll have to find the right hook. You can use this code to get a listbox with the categories:
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_quoteit.php');
$listbox = fetch_quote_categories(false, $the_id_of_the_default_category);

You'll need to put that in another hook and then use $listbox where you want it to appear. Then when they submit the post, $_REQUEST['category'] will be an array containing the selected category id.

04-11-2007, 05:56 PM
Try adding this in a plugin at the quoteit_bbcode_begin hook and tell me what it prints when viewing a thread with the bbcode in it. You can disable the plugin afterward.
header('Content-type: text/plain');
die(print_r($quotebbcodeids, true));

I'm not sure how to handle the request to automatically add quotes when posting. The best way would probably be to add a the bbcode to the post before it gets processed, but you'll have to find the right hook. You can use this code to get a listbox with the categories:
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_quoteit.php');
$listbox = fetch_quote_categories(false, $the_id_of_the_default_category);

You'll need to put that in another hook and then use $listbox where you want it to appear. Then when they submit the post, $_REQUEST['category'] will be an array containing the selected category id.
Did that and when the plugin is active it just gives me a white page, source is blank too.

Just to make sure I did the right thing:

1, add new plugin
2, product: quoteit!
3, choose quoteit_bbcode_begin as the hook location
4, title called it quoteithelp
5, execution order is 5 (was there so left it)
6, pasted in the PHP
7, active: yes

went to page to put in bbcode but when I selcted the thread it went to the blank page. have I done something wrong?

list box is exactly what I'd like, what hook do I put it in?

04-12-2007, 01:38 AM
whenever I try to rate a quote I get this message The requested URL /http://www.theneighborhoodpub.com/forums.php was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Cap'n Steve
04-12-2007, 04:00 AM
I've uploaded a new version that fixes a few small things.

thepub - Try the new files, or enable Javascript to use the AJAX voting.

rburns - Something's definitely wrong then, try redoing the edits and testing it in several places, like the post preview, the actual post, and a private message. I'm not exactly sure what hook to use for your listbox idea, the listbox just has to be generated before the new post template is shown. The one to insert bbcode needs to run before bbcode is parsed. Other than that, I'm not sure.

04-12-2007, 05:50 AM
I love the idea and concept of the quotes sytem but I can't get it to work with the Zoints profile system without causing errors. I get the errors and problems after installing the plugin-globalquote.xml file to allow quotes to be on all pages (PhotoPost Products using VB3 Enhanced feature). I am sure it's a somewhat easy fix, I played with it for a while and could not get it to work. I would say forget Zoints but it is a nice profile system.

Better Idea:
I managed to get the quotes showing globably by placing your code in the navbar instead of the forumhome template since I am using vb3enhanced feature with PhotoPost:

<!-- BEGIN QuoteIt! -->
<!-- END QuoteIt! -->

** I still get the same error regardless of where I put the code

Error shown in Zoints after adding the global plugin
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/allswac1/public_html/forum/z/includes/external_auth/vbulletin36.php(116) : eval()'d code on line 3

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/allswac1/public_html/forum/z/includes/external_auth/vbulletin36.php(116) : eval()'d code:3) in /z/includes/zoints.php on line 341

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/allswac1/public_html/forum/z/includes/external_auth/vbulletin36.php(116) : eval()'d code:3) in /z/includes/zoints.php on line 342

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/allswac1/public_html/forum/z/includes/external_auth/vbulletin36.php(116) : eval()'d code:3) in /z/includes/zoints.php on line 343

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/allswac1/public_html/forum/z/includes/external_auth/vbulletin36.php(116) : eval()'d code:3) in /z/includes/functions.php on line 100

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/allswac1/public_html/forum/z/includes/external_auth/vbulletin36.php(116) : eval()'d code:3) in /z/includes/functions.php on line 103


Here is the plugin-globalquote.xml code:

<plugin active="1" executionorder="7" product="quoteit">
<title>Global Random Quote</title>
<phpcode><![CDATA[if ($quoteitoptions['showrandomquote']) {
define('QUOTEIT_GLOBAL', true);
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_quoteit.php');

I tried changing the executionorder number, true to false, and some oddball ideas which didn't work.

Can someone help because I don't want to just have this on the forum. Thanks for your time and consideration.

Cap'n Steve
04-12-2007, 07:55 AM
Could you tell me what's on those lines mentioned in the Zoint's error messages?

04-12-2007, 04:04 PM
Could you tell me what's on those lines mentioned in the Zoint's error messages?

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/allswac1/public_html/forum/z/includes/external_auth/vbulletin36.php(116) : eval()'d code on line 3


Here is line 3 on vbulletin36.php:
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'Zoints'); # fix for vbportal's lack of vbulletin compatibility

Here is line 116:
eval('$headinclude = "' . fetch_template('headinclude') . '";');

** Should line 116 have this? '";'); I am not a programmer but looks weird


Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/allswac1/public_html/forum/z/includes/external_auth/vbulletin36.php(116) : eval()'d code:3) in /z/includes/zoints.php on lines (341 + 342 + 343)


Line 341 header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
Line 342 header("Pragma: no-cache");
Line 343 header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");

Lines 335-350 if this helps:

if (is_a($this->_user, 'z_user') AND $this->_user->usergroup('zointsadmin') AND !$this->_config['userstyles'])
$this->_config['userstyles_off'] = 1;
$this->_config['userstyles'] = 1;

header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
header("Pragma: no-cache");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");

if (!defined('z_install'))


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/allswac1/public_html/forum/z/includes/external_auth/vbulletin36.php(116) : eval()'d code:3) in /z/includes/functions.php on lines (100+103)


Line 100 header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
Line 103 header("Location: $url");

This is lines 82-105 if this helps:

// check if it's a full url, ie http://
if (!preg_match('#^[a-z]+://#i',$url))
$dir = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
if (substr($url,0,1) != '/' AND substr($dir,-1,1) != '/')
$dir .= '/';
$url = (($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == 443)?'https://':'http://') . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $dir . $url;

if (strpos($url, '&amp;'))
$url = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $url);

if ($threeohone)
header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");

header("Location: $url");


I hope this helps, like I said. The quotes works perfectly on the forums page but I would like it to be on other pages too like this. It does this after adding the global plugin but it doesn't allow the zoints profile's to work anymore.

Cap'n Steve
04-13-2007, 03:04 AM
It looks like a problem with the headinclude template. Try editing and then saving it without changing anything. If it doesn't give you an error when saving, post the template here.

04-13-2007, 05:10 AM
It looks like a problem with the headinclude template. Try editing and then saving it without changing anything. If it doesn't give you an error when saving, post the template here.

I don't understand, do you mean try editing the plugin and resaving it?

I managed to get it to work somewhat. It's not the right way but I will wait till someone else has this problem and wait for their solution.

I put this in the
Global Random Quote-global start plugin

if ($quoteitoptions['showrandomquote']) {
require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_quoteit.php');
$showrandomquote = get_random_quote();


and then put full paths or urls in the templates. It works somewhat except for the star ratings.


The quotes don't as nice as they do on the quotes.php page.

Cap'n Steve
04-13-2007, 07:55 AM
I meant the headinclude template. It's at least part of the problem.

04-13-2007, 11:21 AM
I've uploaded a new version that fixes a few small things.

rburns - Something's definitely wrong then, try redoing the edits and testing it in several places, like the post preview, the actual post, and a private message. I'm not exactly sure what hook to use for your listbox idea, the listbox just has to be generated before the new post template is shown. The one to insert bbcode needs to run before bbcode is parsed. Other than that, I'm not sure.

Ok, I'll give that a go.

Random Quote in the forum home is working perfectly though, lol.

04-13-2007, 12:39 PM
I've uploaded a new version that fixes a few small things.

thepub - Try the new files, or enable Javascript to use the AJAX voting.


How many new files are there? When I reinstalled it, I thought I was installing the new files?:confused: Also, my quoter does not look near as good as skorzguys attachment. I want to know what the heck I am doing wrong, it's so frustrating.l

04-13-2007, 03:42 PM
Dear all,

I have just upgraded to the latest release, and note that a number of issues are still outstanding. I'll try to go through them as thoroughly as possible. Those marked with an * are what I would consider critical bugs or faults.

(a) AJAX editing of quotes will not save: When double-clicking on a quote to edit it, the AJAX editor appears as it ought; however, the save button does nothing, and there is no way to save the edit apart from clicking the 'Go advanced' button and going to the full editor. The cancel button and advanced buttons do work; it is simply the save function that does not work with AJAX. (I note that other AJAX functions on the vB board do work properly, so this is unique to the mod.)

* (b) Quotes submitted after using preview function do not submit: This has been a problem with the last release also, and remains now. If a user adds a quote and directly clicks submit, without previewing the quote, the quote is successfully sent to the moderation queue as it ought to be. If, however, the user first previews the quote, and then clicks submit from the quote preview screen, the quote is lost, and nothing is sent to the queue. On forums where users are used to previewing before posting, they intuitively preview the quotes before submitting -- and this has resulted in tremendous numbers of quote submissions from my members never getting through (I learned about a few from e-mail complaints; I then issued a general notice and learned how wide-ranging the problem is).

(c) Incorrect layout on quote preview screen: On the quote submission preview screen, the basic layout is a table with two columns: tags on the left and fields for revision on the right. The quote being previewed is displayed above these, and the layout should have the quote spanning both columns. However, it instead is crammed into the left-hand column alone, thereby making the preview screen look quite odd.

* (d) View All Quotes screen displays improperly in IE7: The view all quotes screen works fine in FireFox, but when viewed in IE the table containing all the quotations runs substantially off the right-hand side of the page, causing rather horrifying layout consequences. Oddly, it does not do this with the random quote function, for which the table lines up nicely in IE -- it is an issue solely with the View All Quotes function.

All these can be seen in action on the forum with this mod enabled here (http://www.monachos.net/forum/).

Cap'n Steve
04-14-2007, 06:35 AM
thepub - I uploaded a new version after your original post. You can check if your version is up to date by going to Manage Products in your admincp and selecting Check Version.

monForum - Thanks for the feedback. You're right about the previewing, I'll investigate that. About the AJAX editing, what browser are you using and does it give you any kind of error? The IE7 problem is specific to your style, but I'll take a look at it when I get a chance.

04-14-2007, 11:57 PM
alrighty...I installed the latest files and it still hasn't changed. I've taken a couple screen caps to show you what I am looking at. Also, I still cannot vote for a quote, I get a 404 error.

The first pic is what you see on my forum homepage and the second pic is how it looks on my forum index and if I change the hook to global start.

Cap'n Steve
04-15-2007, 03:07 AM
The CSS files aren't loading in those screenshots, what do you mean you changed it to global_start?

Could you go to vBulletin Options, then Site Name / URL / Contact Details and tell me what Forum URL is set to? Also, in includes/functions_quoteit.php find this and tell me what you have on the first non-blank line below it:
else {
$ref = false;

04-15-2007, 03:31 PM
The CSS files aren't loading in those screenshots, what do you mean you changed it to global_start?

Could you go to vBulletin Options, then Site Name / URL / Contact Details and tell me what Forum URL is set to? Also, in includes/functions_quoteit.php find this and tell me what you have on the first non-blank line below it:
else {
$ref = false;

if ($ref AND !$relative AND !preg_match('#^(https?|ftp)://#i', $ref)) {
$ref = $vbulletin->options['bburl'] . '/' . $ref;

forum url is set as http://www.theneighborhoodpub.com

I changed the hook to global start instead of forum home.
I readded the css files again and it still looks the same. If you want you can pm me for a test account ID and pw so you can see for yourself. :(

Cap'n Steve
04-15-2007, 08:24 PM
You can't just change the hook location, there's a global quote plugin in the extras folder to use if you want it enabled on any page. I don't know why it's still redirecting wrong. I'll keep working on it, but until then you could just use the AJAX voting.

04-16-2007, 12:28 AM
what's AJAX voting? I will change the hook back, why does it look different from the others though? I want it to look as good as it is supposed to and to be uniform on all pages not nice on one page then on another looking not nearly as professional or slick you know?

Cap'n Steve
04-16-2007, 05:46 AM
AJAX voting is where it votes without reloading the page. You might have Javascript disabled in your browser, or it might be turned off in the vBulletin Options. There should be instructions for adding a global quote in the README file, it's just a plugin import.

04-17-2007, 01:22 AM
I looked in my cp and I have AJAX something or other enabled. Why does my quoter look different from the others?

Cap'n Steve
04-17-2007, 05:36 AM
The CSS and Javascript files aren't being included in the page. Are you sure you're back to a default installation?

04-17-2007, 12:43 PM
what do you mean default? If you mean revert the templates back then I would lose a LOT of other things and have to reinstall nearly everything I've installed. This is killing me I dont feel like I am getting anywhere. Ive followed every single instruction and it still looks cruddy on my forum but looks great on others, I can't vote for a quote and apparently I can't install it correctly despite using the "read me" and information from here.

Cap'n Steve
04-18-2007, 02:27 AM
When did it stop looking good? You shouldn't ever have to edit any of the plugins manually. As a workaround, you could edit the headinclude template and add all the external files included in the <head> of the quote_listquote template.

04-18-2007, 04:09 PM
edit them how??? It never looked like the demo or others posted. I've uninstalled and reinstalled MANY times.

Cap'n Steve
04-18-2007, 10:01 PM
The same way you edit any template. Go to your admincp, then go to Styles & Templates, then Style Manager, then copy the stuff from from the <head> element in quote_listquote and paste it into headinclude. And judging by your earlier posts in this thread, it must have worked at some point, so can you remember when it first stopped looking right?

04-19-2007, 08:51 PM
It worked before as far as being able to edit and vote on quotes. It has always looked like it does though.

04-19-2007, 09:59 PM
When I upgraded to the newest version it screwed all my quotes. I deleted the tables and reinstalled and now whenever I make a quote it is just blank.

Cap'n Steve
04-20-2007, 01:56 AM
Any errors? If you're talking about the site in your signature, it's not currently installed.

04-24-2007, 12:42 AM
A new error for you to look at, cap'n Steve.

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /my/path/to/forum/htdocs/forum/includes/adminfunctions.php:3319) in /includes/functions.php on l

I noticed my 'submit' button & post counts (in postbit) were suddenly missing for no apparent reason. I uninstalled quoteit (v3.16) and then reinstalled.
As it the plugin was uploaded, it gave the above error.

I'm at a complete loss as to what it even means LoL

Cap'n Steve
04-25-2007, 03:38 AM
Could you tell me what's on line 3319 in includes/adminfunctions.php? It looks like there was an error installing.

04-25-2007, 11:18 AM
Could you tell me what's on line 3319 in includes/adminfunctions.php? It looks like there was an error installing.

$output_handler = @ini_get('output_handler');

The surrounding code:-

// ############################## Start vbflush ####################################
* Force the output buffers to the browser
function vbflush()
static $output_handler = null;
if ($output_handler === null)
$output_handler = @ini_get('output_handler');

if ($output_handler == 'ob_gzhandler')
// forcing a flush with this is very bad

Cap'n Steve
04-26-2007, 12:30 AM
Hmm. I'm really not sure what's causing the output. Try installing it again, and make sure you get the whole error message. It looks like the previous one was referencing something in includes/functions.php.

04-26-2007, 03:33 PM
Right this moment, i'm in the process of swapping hosts - but, when installing, the error messages & vanishes so quickly - i had to do it gawd knows how many times just to get that much copied LoL.
as soon as all is done here with the swapping hosts, i'll get onto checking the re-installation.

Cap'n Steve
04-27-2007, 02:57 AM
You could try just taking a screenshot.

04-27-2007, 04:39 AM
Thanks Cap for a great mod.

I have installed it and made a few changes to the display which I hope is ok but I am not a coder as such but the attached screen shot is what I was trying to achieve and it works in both IE and Firefox.

The Quote_ListBit has been changed to:

<tr><td class="quoterow {$quoteclass}" align="left" id="quote{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}">
<td width="15%" align="Top">
<if condition="$_REQUEST['do'] != 'preview' AND !$sidebar">
Quote #:<a href="quotes.php?{$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']}do=view&amp;quoteid={$quote['quoteid']}">{$quotedisplayid}</a><br>
{$vbphrase['added_by']}: <a href="member.php?{$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']}userid={$quote['userid']}">{$quote['username']}</a><div class="date">{$quote['date']}</div>
<if condition="$quoteitoptions['reportquotes'] AND $quoteitpermissions['canreportquotes']">
<a id="report{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}" rel="nofollow" href="quotes.php?{$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']}{$quotedisplay['querystring']}{$quotedisplay['orderstring']}&amp;page={$quotedisplay['page']}&amp;do=report&amp;quoteid={$quote['quoteid']}" onclick="reportQuote(event, {$quote['quoteid']});return false;"><img class="inlineimg" src="{$stylevar['imgdir_button']}/report.gif" alt="{$vbphrase['report_this_quote']}" /></a>
<else />
<if condition="$sidebar">
Quote #:<a href="quotes.php?{$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']}do=view&amp;quoteid={$quote['quoteid']}">#{$quotedisplayid}</a>
<img src="{$stylevar['imgdir_misc']}/quotation-open.png" alt="“" width="60px" height="51px">&nbsp;
<td width="60%" align="center">
<span class="smallfont" id="quotetext{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}">{$quote['quote']}
<b><if condition="!empty($quote['author'])">
<div class="author" id="author{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}">- {$quote['author']}</div>
<if condition="$quoteitoptions['enablecontext'] AND !empty($quote['context'])">
<span class="context" id="context{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}">({$quote['context']})</span>
<img src="{$stylevar['imgdir_misc']}/quotation-close.png" alt="“" width="60px" height="51px">&nbsp;
<td width="15%" align="right" valign="top">
<if condition="($quote['userid'] == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] AND $quoteitpermissions['caneditownquotes']) OR ($quote['userid'] != $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] AND $quoteitpermissions['caneditotherquotes'])">
<a rel="nofollow" href="quotes.php?{$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']}{$quotedisplay['querystring']}{$quotedisplay['orderstring']}&amp;page={$quotedisplay['page']}&amp;do=editquote&amp;quoteid={$quote['quoteid']}" onclick="editQuote(event, {$quote['quoteid']}, {$globalcounter});return false;"><img class="inlineimg" src="{$stylevar['imgdir_button']}/edit.gif" alt="{$vbphrase['edit_this_quote']}" /></a>
<if condition="($quote['userid'] == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] AND $quoteitpermissions['candeleteownquotes']) OR ($quote['userid'] != $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] AND $quoteitpermissions['candeleteotherquotes'])">
<a rel="nofollow" href="quotes.php?{$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']}{$quotedisplay['querystring']}{$quotedisplay['orderstring']}&amp;page={$quotedisplay['page']}&amp;do=delquote&amp;quoteid={$quote['quoteid']}" onclick="deleteQuote(event, {$quote['quoteid']});return false;">{$vbphrase['delete_this_quote']}</a>
<if condition="$quoteitpermissions['canmoderatequotes'] AND THIS_SCRIPT == 'quotes'">
<input class="inlineimg" type="checkbox" name="modquotes[{$quote['quoteid']}]" id="modquotes{$quote['quoteid']}" value="y" onclick="selectQuote({$quote['quoteid']});"{$checked[$quote['quoteid']]} />
<td colspan="5" align="center">
<if condition="$_REQUEST['do'] != 'preview' AND !$sidebar">
<if condition="$quoteitoptions['ratings']">
<span id="rating{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}">{$ratethis}</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<span id="stats{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}">{$vbphrase['total_rating']}: {$quote['rating']} - {$vbphrase['votes']}: {$quote['votes']} - {$vbphrase['average']}: {$quote['average']}</span>
<span class="inlineimg unapproved" id="unapproved{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}">
<img src="{$stylevar['imgdir_misc']}/moderated.gif" alt="{$vbphrase['unapproved_quote']}" <if condition="$quote['approved']">class="approved" </if>/>

The quote_randomquote has been changed to:

<if condition="!defined('QUOTE_FORM_ADDED') AND ($quoteitpermissions['caneditownquotes'] OR $quoteitpermissions['caneditotherquotes'] OR $quoteitpermissions['candeleteotherquotes'] OR $quoteitpermissions['candeleteownquotes'])">
<form action="quotes.php" method="post" id="sneakyform">
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="{$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionhash']}" />
<input type="hidden" name="do" value="edit" />
<input type="hidden" name="quoteid" id="hiddenquoteid" />
<input type="hidden" name="quote" id="hiddenquote" />
<input type="hidden" name="author" id="hiddenauthor" />
<input type="hidden" name="context" id="hiddencontext" />
<input type="hidden" name="category[]" id="hiddencategory" />
<input type="hidden" name="all" id="hiddenall" value="{$sneaky['all']}" />
<input type="hidden" name="searchtext" id="hiddensearchtext" value="{$sneaky['searchtext']}" />
<input type="hidden" name="searchauthor" id="hiddensearchauthor" value="{$sneaky['searchauthor']}" />
<input type="hidden" name="searchcontext" id="hiddensearchcontext" value="{$sneaky['searchcontext']}" />
<input type="hidden" name="sortby" id="hiddensortby" value="{$sneaky['sortby']}" />
<input type="hidden" name="order" id="hiddenorder" value="{$sneaky['order']}" />
<table id="forumhome_randomquote{$quotecount}" class="randomtable tborder" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="{$stylevar['tablewidth']}" align="center">
<tr><td class="tcat">
<div class="quoteheading">
<if condition="$sidebar">{$vbphrase['quote']}
<else />
<a href="quotes.php?{$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']}do=list"><if condition="$sidebar">{$vbphrase['all']}<else />{$vbphrase['random_quote']}</if></a>
<div class="collapsebutton">
<a href="#top" onclick="return toggleMultiCollapse('forumhome_randomquote');"><img id="collapseimg_forumhome_randomquote{$quotecount}" src="{$stylevar['imgdir_button']}/collapse_tcat{$vbcollapse['collapseimg_forumhome_randomquote']}.gif" alt="{$vbphrase['collapse_this']}" class="inlineimg" /></a>

<tr><td class="thead">
Random Quote

<tbody id="collapseobj_forumhome_randomquote{$quotecount}" style="{$vbcollapse['collapseobj_forumhome_randomquote']}">
Powered by QuoteIt! {$quoteitoptions['version']}

The only thing now is how to hide the Moderation drop down box to show only for moderators - any suggestions?

04-27-2007, 05:16 PM
Just like the last time I upgraded your mod, the mod no longer shows quotes and the 3 quoteit sheduled tasks became disabled. I re-enabled those 3, ran them and still does not show up. Any reason?

Cap'n Steve
04-27-2007, 08:31 PM
Try saving the QuoteIt! Options and a set of Usergroup Permissions. Like I said, you don't need to worry about the scheduled tasks.

04-27-2007, 08:37 PM
I have already done both with usergroup permissions and quoteit settings. Still does not work.

Cap'n Steve
04-28-2007, 08:26 AM
iBaker - I don't see what you mean about a moderation dropdown. If you're talking about people being able to moderate quotes, you can just use a conditional to check $quoteitpermissions['canmoderatequotes'].

chadi - Well, if it's the site in your signature, I see the quotes just fine when I go to quotes.php. I don't see where you performed the edit on your index page, though.

04-28-2007, 11:29 AM
I'm not talking about quotes.php I'm talking about the random quotes that should (and used to) appear on top of each forum home, which I double checked to make sure that $showrandomquote DOES appear in forumdisplay template, just where it always was and always worked before the upgrade.


This is the 2nd time this happened after an upgrade. What's the fix please?

Cap'n Steve
04-30-2007, 07:30 AM
I wish I knew what your problem was, but I can't think of anything. Do you know how you fixed it last time? Also, could you list all the other mods you have installed?

04-30-2007, 06:25 PM
How can I make the main page of the Quotes show random quotes every time the page loads ?
It's really boring to have the old quotes always in the beginning and the newest in the last pages..

Cap'n Steve
04-30-2007, 09:07 PM
You could add &sortby=random to the View All Quotes link.

Cap'n Steve
05-01-2007, 05:22 AM
chadi - Go to the Plugin Manager and see if there are any plugins besides "Random Quote" set to use the hook "forumhome_start" and post their contents if you can. You can also try following the instructions in the README file for adding a random quote to any page.

05-17-2007, 10:29 PM
I just wanted to make a note that this hack totally screwed up my forum after the latest vB upgrade. I had to disable it in order to get anything to work. Might wanna look into that. ;)

Cap'n Steve
05-18-2007, 07:56 AM
I was afraid of that. I'll look into it, but it might take a while, so if you want to keep using this hack you might want to install the patch rather than the full upgrade.

05-24-2007, 01:41 AM
I'm at 3.6.7 pl1 and I haven't had a problem? Although, I'm not using all the features either.

Maybe being specific might be helpful since not all of it doesn't work, at least I'm not having trouble. You do have to re-edit your templates, but that's not a big deal.

05-24-2007, 02:14 AM
everytime we post a new quote - it takes us back to the main forum page; is there a way we can have it go back to the quotes.php page?

05-24-2007, 03:35 AM

05-24-2007, 03:40 AM
nope - 3.6.5

everything else has worked perfectly except this one thing :)


05-24-2007, 10:09 PM
Hi Cap'n Steve,

i had this working on a fresh install - but my host cut mysql access because of size issues - and now I've restored to a new b/d from a backup, and removed a few of the addons i was using, quoteit being one of them. I'm just trying to get to bare bones to save a bit of size.
Anyway, I uninstalled the product using the manager page and it all seems to have gone quite well - until i return to my vbadvanced index, at which i'm confronted with this error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.6:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM vbquotes
WHERE approved = 0;
MySQL Error : Table 'antimisan2.vbquotes' doesn't exist
Error Number : 1146
Date : Friday, May 25th 2007 @ 12:04:40 AM
Script : http://antimisandry.com/index.php/
Referrer : http://antimisandry.com/forums.php
IP Address : my.i.p.addy
Username : My_User_name
Classname : vB_Database_MySQLi

If you could give me some idea of how to escape from this, I'd really appreciate the effort & time.



Cap'n Steve
05-25-2007, 05:35 AM
It must not have removed the module for some reason. You should be able to just delete that from the vBadvanced control panel.

05-25-2007, 10:08 AM
Thanks Cap'n Steve, I tried that and MSIE keeps on spewing the error. However, I just refreshed using Opera and it works again.
So, I'm not sure what to think LoL

05-25-2007, 10:54 AM
I've had to reinstall - but disable - it due to this error... it's kinda freaky LoL

05-27-2007, 07:41 AM
Hi there.

I installed this on my forum however i would like to make the quote box it's self smaller so it does not take up too much room. How would i go about doing this.

thanks in advance.

05-27-2007, 04:07 PM
Hi there.

I installed this on my forum however i would like to make the quote box it's self smaller so it does not take up too much room. How would i go about doing this.

thanks in advance.

u need to edit quote_randomquote template

assuming ur talking about the random quote module on ur home page.

05-27-2007, 06:36 PM
Two problems with my Russian quotes (http://www.russophile.com/quotes.php) page that I am seeing now:

1) It has funny looking boxes or lines around the graphics.
2) if a quote spans multiple lines, the last line is separated from the others because of the end-quote graphic.

This must be related to using CMPS, but I would like to run both on the page. Any ideas how to fix it? Thanks.

05-27-2007, 07:17 PM
Any chance you could supply the SQL statements to install this, whenever I try to install it I get as far as this:

Importing Product, Please Wait...


And that is it.

I'm using 3.6.5 btw.


Cap'n Steve
05-30-2007, 02:58 AM
Spookysalem - The quote_listbit template is used for each individual quote, the quote_randomquote template is the container for the random quote, and the quote_listquote template is the container for the main quotes page.

BrettMo - Yes, I'm not sure exactly how you set up the page like that, but the problem is that it isn't getting any of the stylesheets. You can find the HTML for those in the quote_listquote template and just copy that into the <head> element of the template you're using.

Cybertims - I can't really just give you some queries to run, since vBulletin does a lot of the work. If you try it a few times and it still doesn't work, you could try installing it on a test forum on your home computer and then making a backup of that. You could then backup your main forum, restore the test forum database on your main forum, and then restore just the data (not the table structure) from the main forum.

05-30-2007, 01:08 PM
Spookysalem - The quote_listbit template is used for each individual quote, the quote_randomquote template is the container for the random quote, and the quote_listquote template is the container for the main quotes page.

Thanks. I am still having difficultly getting the sizing right:D

06-03-2007, 12:40 PM
How can I put quotes on the forumhome but without the header portion of the quoteit? I just want the text: quote and author only.

$showrandomquote will show that with the header design

Cap'n Steve
06-03-2007, 11:45 PM
Just edit the quote_randomquote template, that's the container for the random quote.

06-03-2007, 11:48 PM
Yes, but I actually *do* want to keep the header for forumdisplay and main quoteit home page. I just wanted to remove the header specifically for forumhome only.

Cap'n Steve
06-04-2007, 07:24 AM
Oh, well the main quoteit page uses quote_listquote so that won't be affected. To differentiate between random quotes you'll need a conditional in quote_randomquote, something like this:
<if condition="THIS_SCRIPT == 'forumdisplay'">

(everything in the standard quote_randomquote template)

<else />



I'm not sure if forumdisplay is the right value to use though, you'll need to check forumdisplay.php (it should be right at the top).

06-06-2007, 01:34 AM
This mod has a problem that needs to be fixed, hopefully will be.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/user/public_html/tags/index.php(194) : eval()'d code on line 1

The kind support team at Zoints who created Zoints Tag module spent countless hours on my site trying to figure out why I kept getting the below errors oddly, on two different modules: Zoints Tags and vBISpy.

Their final find was this:

$headinclude =& $vbulletin->templatecache['headinclude'];

That is the line that is causing the problem, it is not the correct method of parsing a template to a variable.

I hope you can correct this. The errors went away after disabling the "parse_templates" in the quoteit plugin.

Cap'n Steve
06-07-2007, 05:08 AM
That plugin is necessary if you want to have a random quote on every page. For the moment, it looks like you can't have that enabled along with the tags system.

06-07-2007, 11:32 PM
That plugin is necessary if you want to have a random quote on every page. For the moment, it looks like you can't have that enabled along with the tags system.

Can there be a workaround?

Cap'n Steve
06-08-2007, 04:47 AM
Not at the moment. The problem is that it expects the headinclude template to already be parsed by the time that hook gets executed. I'll have to look around and see if I can find a better hook for it.

Dr. Bantham
06-09-2007, 03:10 PM
What are the proper settings for the BB Codes? These appear to be botched in my setup for some reason. I have tried deleting and re-importing, but to no avail. Previously, the fields were empty. Now I have text within brackets appearing. I searched through the posts here and found another user with apparently the same problem, but found no solution. If someone could post the valid content of their BB Code setup for QUOTES and RANDOMQUOTE, I should be able to manually fix this. See attached image for my current settings.

I swear I had tried this before, but upon uploading all files again and importing the bbCodes seem to be working

Dr. Bantham
06-10-2007, 11:33 AM
In the course of installing, tweaking and importing quotes, I had somehow managed to create a gap in the quote ID numbers. I tried the maintenance routine and even deleted all quotes a couple of times and re-imported. This only increased the gap. I have 193 quotes, but if you click on the #1 for the first quote in the list, it changes to #534. There are no quotes that exist between 1 and 532. This makes it very confusing to reference a quote with bbCode, among other things. Random quotes seem to be working well.

My question is:
How can I renumber the quotes sequentially from 1? Where can I revert the next quote number to 1 so that I can delete and re-import? Again, I have performed the rebuild routines under ACP-->QuoteIt-->Maintenance several times.

If I have not said it yet, this is a great MOD and one for which I am very grateful for!

Cap'n Steve
06-11-2007, 07:41 PM
I'll take a look, but I'm not sure if there's any good way to reset the numbers. You could turn off the "Show continuous quote ids" option and then it will show the real id instead of starting at 1.

06-14-2007, 01:43 AM
Just curious if you found a trick around the headinclude problem. Thanks.

Dr. Bantham
06-14-2007, 10:55 PM
I'll take a look, but I'm not sure if there's any good way to reset the numbers. You could turn off the "Show continuous quote ids" option and then it will show the real id instead of starting at 1.What if I uninstalled the mod, reinstalled, and then did a mass import of the entire quote collection? As it is not allowing the QUOTES bbCode to work properly and creates confusion, I would like to fix it.

Cap'n Steve
06-15-2007, 02:49 AM
chadi - Not yet.

Dr. Bantham - The mod itself has nothing to do with it. If we want to backup the quotes and then reimport them, you'll need to edit the backup and remove all the ids. The way I mentioned in my last post is the easiest.

Dr. Bantham
06-15-2007, 09:46 AM
The mod itself has nothing to do with it. If we want to backup the quotes and then reimport them, you'll need to edit the backup and remove all the ids. The way I mentioned in my last post is the easiest.I was not referring to a backup, but a clean text file which I was using to import all quotations. I did not manually enter these quotations. I was proposing the clean uninstall/reinstall with a fresh import of the text file I created outside of vBulletin. Does this change your response?

06-15-2007, 01:16 PM
Hi, is there a way to get the QUOTES count in the postbit to link to the quotes.php page?

Cap'n Steve
06-16-2007, 11:07 PM
Dr. Bantham - Yes, that would work fine as long as you delete and recreate the quotes database table.

Roxie - Sure, you'll just have to find where you added it in the postbit and postbit_legacy templates and add the link.

06-25-2007, 03:26 PM
Just curious Steve if you have found a workaround for the headinclude problem.


Cap'n Steve
06-26-2007, 05:54 AM
Nope, I'm sorry, but I've just been busy with other things and this has to take a backseat.

07-03-2007, 10:56 PM
Firstly, Cap't thanks for this mod - I have been wanting to include Quotes in my forum for a long time.

I was hoping that someone could be able to offer some suggestions on how I could change a couple of things to suit my forum:

1. Change the Categories list box on the quote_filterbit template to just be a drop down box rather then a list box?

2. When you click Edit in a quote the layout is all disjointed - see attached image (not sure if I did this or it is the default) but I want to put say a couple of br's into it to clean it up but I can't seem to find where.

3. I think this may be a bug but when I edit a quote and just use the in-line edit (not the advanced edit when I save it the quote is shown without the Author until I refresh the screen - is this something that I have done or is it a bug?

Thanks again Cap't for a well needed mod :up:

Cap'n Steve
07-05-2007, 04:40 AM
1. In quotes.php, find this (it should be in there twice):fetch_quote_categories();

and replace both with this:fetch_quote_categories(false);

2. The HTML for that is generated in clientscript/quoteit_moderation.js, starting at line 320.

3. Probably a bug. The AJAX editing is not exactly great.

07-05-2007, 05:43 AM
Thanks Cap't - worked exactly as I needed it to. It seems that No3 as listed is a bug as it also doesn't when you save it show the edited quote until you refresh the page also.

Thanks again for your great help!

07-06-2007, 10:38 AM
Very nice work Steve! Thank you!

07-08-2007, 06:02 AM
Hi, i am having a problem
I am installing hack, all goes good, made all style modifications as readme.html file explains, but when I enable the hack my main index.php do not display.
A bit BLANK page its displayed, no error nor any information.

Any idea? When i disable the plugin, board works again.


Cap'n Steve
07-08-2007, 08:57 AM
Try reinstalling and then post as much information about your setup as you can. Can you still get to the admincp? What's you're vBulletin version and PHP version?

07-09-2007, 07:10 PM
Hey Cap'n, do you have a change history for this mod? I'm running and older version (3.07). It's fairly stable and unless the current version has some significant improvements, I'm not sure I want to tempt fate by upgrading.

Cap'n Steve
07-10-2007, 05:09 AM
Heh, no I'm definitely not that organized. There haven't been any security fixes for a long time, so you can stay on that version if you want to. There are quite a few bug fixes though, so I'd recommend you make a backup and do the upgrade. The install code is probably one of the safest parts of the mod, but if anything goes wrong you can just restore the backup.

08-01-2007, 09:22 PM
I need help please.

First, I want to make the category window/frame wider and vertically taller. Which template would I edit? I searched a few and couldn't find the code section for this.

I also want to move the search box to the right side of the category frame as well, in a new column of course.

Also, some features that would be nice:

sort categories alphabetically

Cap'n Steve
08-03-2007, 04:29 AM
quote_listquote contains the searchbox. The category list is generated in includes/functions_quoteit.php starting at line 1292.

08-04-2007, 08:21 AM
me 2
I am installing hack, all goes good, made all style modifications as readme.html file explains, but nothing appear in the homepage and seems can't find the way to add some quote!

08-04-2007, 09:41 PM
same here...i installed...and see nothing or now way to add a quote...

Cap'n Steve
08-06-2007, 05:39 AM
Make sure the random quote is enabled in the options, save the options just to be sure. Try going to quotes.php and see what happens. If all else fails, reinstall the mod.

08-06-2007, 07:17 PM
thanks its working now but need alot of style change :)

08-06-2007, 08:05 PM
how I can change the user id to "1" to moderate the quotes?

Cap'n Steve
08-07-2007, 06:04 AM
If you only want administrators to be able to moderate quotes, you can change that in the usergroup permissions.

08-07-2007, 08:51 AM
its correct! but still can't approved the quote!

Cap'n Steve
08-08-2007, 04:12 AM
Try saving the usergroup permissions again or rebuilding bitfields.

08-08-2007, 08:15 AM
how rebuilding bitfields?

Cap'n Steve
08-09-2007, 05:34 AM
It's under vBulletin Options, you might have to turn debug mode on.

08-11-2007, 06:02 PM
Make sure the random quote is enabled in the options, save the options just to be sure. Try going to quotes.php and see what happens. If all else fails, reinstall the mod.

that did it!

08-11-2007, 06:08 PM
actually it worked but its not allowing me to approve the quotes..saying

Sorry, you don't have permission to access the administrative controls on this page.

If you need to access this page, ask your lead administrator to enable your permissions for this page using the Administrator Permissions section of the control panel.

Cap'n Steve
08-12-2007, 06:58 AM
Try rebuilding the bitfields or saving the usergroup permissions like I mentioned in the post above. If that doesn't work, what vBulletin version are you using?

Gray Matter
08-14-2007, 02:56 AM
This may be a stupid question, but where can I edit the URL for the pagenav links? There are unencoded ampersands in it and I'm getting a bunch of errors in the W3C Validator. :p

Cap'n Steve
08-14-2007, 04:58 AM
I believe the pagnav is in the pagenav template. I never noticed that before, so I'm not sure exactly why they aren't getting escaped. It looks like they might need to be escaped in includes/functions_quoteit.php (just search for $querystring), but that might break something else. I'll have to take a deeper look sometime.

Megareus Rex
08-15-2007, 10:53 PM
For anyone who can help, I get this mysql error when trying to upload the product:

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ENGINE=MyISAM' at line 15
Error Number : 1064

Does anyone have any idea what causes it, and/or how to fix it?

Cap'n Steve
08-18-2007, 02:38 AM
Try redownloading and reinstalling it. What MySQL version do you have?

08-21-2007, 02:46 PM
Problem Solved...

08-23-2007, 08:00 PM
This mod has a problem that needs to be fixed, hopefully will be.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/user/public_html/tags/index.php(194) : eval()'d code on line 1

The kind support team at Zoints who created Zoints Tag module spent countless hours on my site trying to figure out why I kept getting the below errors oddly, on two different modules: Zoints Tags and vBISpy.

Their final find was this:

$headinclude =& $vbulletin->templatecache['headinclude'];

That is the line that is causing the problem, it is not the correct method of parsing a template to a variable.

I hope you can correct this. The errors went away after disabling the "parse_templates" in the quoteit plugin.

Has this been fixed yet?

08-24-2007, 08:14 PM
Anyone have an issue when a member submits a quote and the post was quoted, it doesn't parse the quotes tags


post text

It shows this instead of above.


Is there a way to fix it, it just shows all the code.

08-25-2007, 03:12 PM
Another issue I have is when you vote you have to refresh to see the vote.

I thought it was ajax

Cap'n Steve
08-26-2007, 08:28 AM
Sorry guys, I haven't had electricity for a couple of days.

chadi - Nope, I'll send an update when I release a new version. I'm still trying to get someone else to take over this hack though.

Robbed - I'm not sure about the quoting, I'll have to look at it. As for the voting, what browser and version are you using?

08-27-2007, 02:19 AM
Firefox 2.0.06 and the latest version of ie

In IE it shows error on page at the botton

Line 88
Char 3
Object expected
code 0

Cap'n Steve
08-27-2007, 06:13 AM
It works on my site in both those browsers, can I get a link to your quotes page?

08-27-2007, 06:48 PM
<a href="http://www.thebreakaway.net/forums/quotes.php?" target="_blank">http://www.thebreakaway.net/forums/quotes.php?</a>

I turned on guest view and vote so you can try.


You will see the quote tag issues too.

Cap'n Steve
08-28-2007, 06:55 AM
Looks like they removed some Javascript in 3.6.8. Try adding this at the top of clienscript/quoteit_common.js

var arrayRef;
var newValue;
function array_push(arrayRef, newValue) {

08-28-2007, 10:30 AM
i'm running 3.68 when i installed this app... it crashed my system.. i couldnt get into my acp normally... it broke my front end... when i did get to the back end... i noticed i had a nested core... at first, i was disabling each plug -in in the rouge core... but realized that the whole thing was alien.. and shouldnt be there... just to be safe, i disabled it only....

my community is back online with this disabled... any ideas why this happened?

08-28-2007, 09:53 PM
Looks like they removed some Javascript in 3.6.8. Try adding this at the top of clienscript/quoteit_common.js

var arrayRef;
var newValue;
function array_push(arrayRef, newValue) {

Thanks Steve, that worked

Anyway to make the quote tags work?

Cap'n Steve
08-29-2007, 09:58 AM
TheBlackPoet - I'm not sure what you mean. Did it show any errors?

Robbed - I don't know of a good way to do that yet, my advice would be just to avoid using [quote] tags for the time being.

08-29-2007, 10:06 AM
yeah.. i was getting a fatal error and a white screen....

Cap'n Steve
08-29-2007, 11:00 PM
Well if you could remember what it said, or even try to recreate it (if you're feeling brave), that might help.

09-03-2007, 11:42 PM
How to avoid conversion from 8bit endcoding to utf-8 in ajax edit?
I use windows-1251 charset for all data and html.

I just remove onClick handlers from page.

Cap'n Steve
09-04-2007, 06:59 AM
I never really considered character set for this hack, are you able to use the standard vBulletin ajax without problems?

09-04-2007, 09:11 AM
We haven't problems with ajax functions in vbulletin core.
Can this caused by htmlspecialchars_uni() than convert 8-bit symbols into html equialent?

You can see on php manual, function htmlspecialchars has special third argument for such national encodings

09-04-2007, 09:36 AM
I have created a sql file for this with about 1500 quotes if anyone is interested in the file please let me know if i should add here.

09-06-2007, 02:42 AM
I have created a sql file for this with about 1500 quotes if anyone is interested in the file please let me know if i should add here.
Yes please :D

09-06-2007, 09:27 AM
Yes please :D

Here you go its attached, but bare in mind it has my name in it you should change to your own or some random name...lol

09-06-2007, 09:53 AM
thanks pauleine

09-06-2007, 10:00 AM
Your welcome!

09-12-2007, 10:33 AM
Um, I just installed this on v3.6.8 and now I can't access my admin panel.

Getting this error:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /includes/functions.php on line 3717

I've deleted all the uploaded files and still getting this error... any ideas?

Cap'n Steve
09-13-2007, 04:45 AM
<a href="showthread.php?p=1153153#post1153153" title="vBulletin.org Forum - Post 1153153">Here's how to disable the plugin system.</a>

Do that, uninstall QuoteIt! and then redownload, reupload and reinstall it.

09-20-2007, 05:54 PM
This mod has a problem that needs to be fixed, hopefully will be.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/user/public_html/tags/index.php(194) : eval()'d code on line 1

The kind support team at Zoints who created Zoints Tag module spent countless hours on my site trying to figure out why I kept getting the below errors oddly, on two different modules: Zoints Tags and vBISpy.

Their final find was this:

$headinclude =& $vbulletin->templatecache['headinclude'];

That is the line that is causing the problem, it is not the correct method of parsing a template to a variable.

I hope you can correct this. The errors went away after disabling the "parse_templates" in the quoteit plugin.

Considering Steve is not supporting this anymore, maybe someone else can fix this?

10-14-2007, 04:38 PM
Thanks Cap for a great mod.

I have installed it and made a few changes to the display which I hope is ok but I am not a coder as such but the attached screen shot is what I was trying to achieve and it works in both IE and Firefox.

The Quote_ListBit has been changed to:

<tr><td class="quoterow {$quoteclass}" align="left" id="quote{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}">
<td width="15%" align="Top">
<if condition="$_REQUEST['do'] != 'preview' AND !$sidebar">
Quote #:<a href="quotes.php?{$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']}do=view&amp;quoteid={$quote['quoteid']}">{$quotedisplayid}</a><br>
{$vbphrase['added_by']}: <a href="member.php?{$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']}userid={$quote['userid']}">{$quote['username']}</a><div class="date">{$quote['date']}</div>
<if condition="$quoteitoptions['reportquotes'] AND $quoteitpermissions['canreportquotes']">
<a id="report{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}" rel="nofollow" href="quotes.php?{$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']}{$quotedisplay['querystring']}{$quotedisplay['orderstring']}&amp;page={$quotedisplay['page']}&amp;do=report&amp;quoteid={$quote['quoteid']}" onclick="reportQuote(event, {$quote['quoteid']});return false;"><img class="inlineimg" src="{$stylevar['imgdir_button']}/report.gif" alt="{$vbphrase['report_this_quote']}" /></a>
<else />
<if condition="$sidebar">
Quote #:<a href="quotes.php?{$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']}do=view&amp;quoteid={$quote['quoteid']}">#{$quotedisplayid}</a>
<img src="{$stylevar['imgdir_misc']}/quotation-open.png" alt="“" width="60px" height="51px">&nbsp;
<td width="60%" align="center">
<span class="smallfont" id="quotetext{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}">{$quote['quote']}
<b><if condition="!empty($quote['author'])">
<div class="author" id="author{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}">- {$quote['author']}</div>
<if condition="$quoteitoptions['enablecontext'] AND !empty($quote['context'])">
<span class="context" id="context{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}">({$quote['context']})</span>
<img src="{$stylevar['imgdir_misc']}/quotation-close.png" alt="“" width="60px" height="51px">&nbsp;
<td width="15%" align="right" valign="top">
<if condition="($quote['userid'] == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] AND $quoteitpermissions['caneditownquotes']) OR ($quote['userid'] != $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] AND $quoteitpermissions['caneditotherquotes'])">
<a rel="nofollow" href="quotes.php?{$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']}{$quotedisplay['querystring']}{$quotedisplay['orderstring']}&amp;page={$quotedisplay['page']}&amp;do=editquote&amp;quoteid={$quote['quoteid']}" onclick="editQuote(event, {$quote['quoteid']}, {$globalcounter});return false;"><img class="inlineimg" src="{$stylevar['imgdir_button']}/edit.gif" alt="{$vbphrase['edit_this_quote']}" /></a>
<if condition="($quote['userid'] == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] AND $quoteitpermissions['candeleteownquotes']) OR ($quote['userid'] != $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] AND $quoteitpermissions['candeleteotherquotes'])">
<a rel="nofollow" href="quotes.php?{$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']}{$quotedisplay['querystring']}{$quotedisplay['orderstring']}&amp;page={$quotedisplay['page']}&amp;do=delquote&amp;quoteid={$quote['quoteid']}" onclick="deleteQuote(event, {$quote['quoteid']});return false;">{$vbphrase['delete_this_quote']}</a>
<if condition="$quoteitpermissions['canmoderatequotes'] AND THIS_SCRIPT == 'quotes'">
<input class="inlineimg" type="checkbox" name="modquotes[{$quote['quoteid']}]" id="modquotes{$quote['quoteid']}" value="y" onclick="selectQuote({$quote['quoteid']});"{$checked[$quote['quoteid']]} />
<td colspan="5" align="center">
<if condition="$_REQUEST['do'] != 'preview' AND !$sidebar">
<if condition="$quoteitoptions['ratings']">
<span id="rating{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}">{$ratethis}</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;
<span id="stats{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}">{$vbphrase['total_rating']}: {$quote['rating']} - {$vbphrase['votes']}: {$quote['votes']} - {$vbphrase['average']}: {$quote['average']}</span>
<span class="inlineimg unapproved" id="unapproved{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}">
<img src="{$stylevar['imgdir_misc']}/moderated.gif" alt="{$vbphrase['unapproved_quote']}" <if condition="$quote['approved']">class="approved" </if>/>

The quote_randomquote has been changed to:

<if condition="!defined('QUOTE_FORM_ADDED') AND ($quoteitpermissions['caneditownquotes'] OR $quoteitpermissions['caneditotherquotes'] OR $quoteitpermissions['candeleteotherquotes'] OR $quoteitpermissions['candeleteownquotes'])">
<form action="quotes.php" method="post" id="sneakyform">
<input type="hidden" name="s" value="{$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionhash']}" />
<input type="hidden" name="do" value="edit" />
<input type="hidden" name="quoteid" id="hiddenquoteid" />
<input type="hidden" name="quote" id="hiddenquote" />
<input type="hidden" name="author" id="hiddenauthor" />
<input type="hidden" name="context" id="hiddencontext" />
<input type="hidden" name="category[]" id="hiddencategory" />
<input type="hidden" name="all" id="hiddenall" value="{$sneaky['all']}" />
<input type="hidden" name="searchtext" id="hiddensearchtext" value="{$sneaky['searchtext']}" />
<input type="hidden" name="searchauthor" id="hiddensearchauthor" value="{$sneaky['searchauthor']}" />
<input type="hidden" name="searchcontext" id="hiddensearchcontext" value="{$sneaky['searchcontext']}" />
<input type="hidden" name="sortby" id="hiddensortby" value="{$sneaky['sortby']}" />
<input type="hidden" name="order" id="hiddenorder" value="{$sneaky['order']}" />
<table id="forumhome_randomquote{$quotecount}" class="randomtable tborder" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="{$stylevar['tablewidth']}" align="center">
<tr><td class="tcat">
<div class="quoteheading">
<if condition="$sidebar">{$vbphrase['quote']}
<else />
<a href="quotes.php?{$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']}do=list"><if condition="$sidebar">{$vbphrase['all']}<else />{$vbphrase['random_quote']}</if></a>
<div class="collapsebutton">
<a href="#top" onclick="return toggleMultiCollapse('forumhome_randomquote');"><img id="collapseimg_forumhome_randomquote{$quotecount}" src="{$stylevar['imgdir_button']}/collapse_tcat{$vbcollapse['collapseimg_forumhome_randomquote']}.gif" alt="{$vbphrase['collapse_this']}" class="inlineimg" /></a>

<tr><td class="thead">
Random Quote

<tbody id="collapseobj_forumhome_randomquote{$quotecount}" style="{$vbcollapse['collapseobj_forumhome_randomquote']}">
Powered by QuoteIt! {$quoteitoptions['version']}

The only thing now is how to hide the Moderation drop down box to show only for moderators - any suggestions?

This works FANTASTIC - makes the Random quote box much smaller and looks much better on the forum. Thank you so much - I was trying to fix this over and over and couldn't get it to work. Now it looks great.

Thank you very much for this whole modification CapN Steve, our members LOVE it!

10-15-2007, 08:37 PM
Any tips on how I can make the " " darker?

At present you can hardly see them on my site.

Great mod though :)

Cap'n Steve
10-15-2007, 09:44 PM
They're made to be light, because sometimes the text overlaps them, but if you want them darker the image files are in this post.

10-15-2007, 09:59 PM
They're made to be light, because sometimes the text overlaps them, but if you want them darker the image files are in this post.

Thanks for your reply steve. For some reason the images got uploaded into the wrong folder, but managed to get it sorted now!

Im hoping you may be able to help with the next question! Ive been trying for the past 30 minutes but as I dont know much about code im not having much luck!

Quotes : 2

Is there anyway I can make it so people are able to click on the number and be taken to that persons quotes?

If thats not possible, is there anyway to either make the "quotes" or the "number" clickable so it takes the user to quotes.php?

<!-- BEGIN QuoteIt! -->
<if condition="$show['quotecount']">
<div class="info">
{$vbphrase['quotes']}: {$post['quotecount']}
<!-- END QuoteIt! -->

Cap'n Steve
10-16-2007, 06:43 AM
There's no way to view quotes submitted by a certain user, but if you just want a link to the qutoes page, replace this:

{$vbphrase['quotes']}: {$post['quotecount']}

with this:

<a href="quotes.php">{$vbphrase['quotes']}: {$post['quotecount']}</a>

10-16-2007, 08:30 PM
Hi steve, Thanks for your reply. Worked a treat.

Got a few problems that have popped up and wondered if you were able to shed any light on them.

When I goto delete a quote - I get a pop up box saying "No quotes matched your search" - however when I refresh the quote is gone.

The other question is the post count. It seems to have stopped working. Currently Ive got no quotes, when deleted im still showing as having two. Ive tried to refresh using the quote option in the acp, but this dosent work either.

Plus when you now post a quote, the amount dosent go up.

Any hints at all?

Cap'n Steve
10-18-2007, 02:50 AM
The AJAX moderation is a bit buggy but the only way to bypass it is to open the link in a new window or disable Javascript in your browser. The bugs are only display problems though, so you might want to just suffer through it.

I don't know about the quote counts. Are there any messages at all when you try to rebuild them?

Dr. Bantham
10-21-2007, 01:20 PM
I have been using this wonderful mod for some time and through various forum upgrades. This morning I upgraded vBadvanced CMPS from 3.0 RC1 to 3.0 RC2 and was surprised when the Random Quotation block from my portal page disappeared. What can I do to get this back? If I delete and reinstall the module, what templates should I copy since I made custom display modifications to the block?

10-21-2007, 05:57 PM
I'm having a bit of a problem, for some reason on my screen the right quotation marks are not showing where they should be (see screen shot) and how do I enable images/emoticons to show in the quoter.

Dr. Bantham
10-23-2007, 12:27 AM
I have been using this wonderful mod for some time and through various forum upgrades. This morning I upgraded vBadvanced CMPS from 3.0 RC1 to 3.0 RC2 and was surprised when the Random Quotation block from my portal page disappeared. What can I do to get this back? If I delete and reinstall the module, what templates should I copy since I made custom display modifications to the block?UPDATE
I tried to revert back to RC2, but appears that you must uninstall vBa CMPS in order to install a prior version. I also removed and reinstalled the random quotation module, but this did not fix things either. The random quote block has disappeared into oblivion, though it is certainly activated via all settings I am aware of (module, page, permissions, etc.)

10-23-2007, 01:24 AM
The AJAX moderation is a bit buggy but the only way to bypass it is to open the link in a new window or disable Javascript in your browser. The bugs are only display problems though, so you might want to just suffer through it.

I don't know about the quote counts. Are there any messages at all when you try to rebuild them?

Thanks for your reply :)

The problem with moderation seems to have sorted itself out somehow!

Regarding post counts - It dosent update itself, however if you rebuild quote counts manually it works. It dosent work however if you delete quotes, it dosent remove them from the post count.

Hope that makes sense!

Cap'n Steve
10-23-2007, 04:10 AM
Dr. Bantham - Well, changing the module shouldn't mess up any templates you might have edited. I'm not sure why it disappeared, try resaving some permissions and rebuilding bitfields. If all else fails, reinstall (DO NOT uninstall) QuoteIt! itself and recreate the module.

thepub - That should have been fixed a while ago, make sure you have the latest css files and templates. Sometimes the allow smileys option needs to be saved more than once before it works. Rebuilding bitfields also has helped some people.

powerful_rogue - That's strange, but thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Dr. Bantham
10-23-2007, 09:27 AM
Dr. Bantham - Well, changing the module shouldn't mess up any templates you might have edited. I'm not sure why it disappeared, try resaving some permissions and rebuilding bitfields. If all else fails, reinstall (DO NOT uninstall) QuoteIt! itself and recreate the module.Thanks, Steve. I re-saved related permissions everywhere I could find them, rebuilt bitfields, re-installed QuoteIt! and removed and re-installed the module. It is still missing. Everything else seems to be working. I had this module working perfectly for nearly a year, until the moment I upgraded vBadvanced CMPS from 3.0 RC1 to 3.0 RC2. Any other ideas?

10-24-2007, 01:35 AM
This mod has a problem that needs to be fixed, hopefully will be.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/user/public_html/tags/index.php(194) : eval()'d code on line 1

The kind support team at Zoints who created Zoints Tag module spent countless hours on my site trying to figure out why I kept getting the below errors oddly, on two different modules: Zoints Tags and vBISpy.

Their final find was this:

$headinclude =& $vbulletin->templatecache['headinclude'];

That is the line that is causing the problem, it is not the correct method of parsing a template to a variable.

I hope you can correct this. The errors went away after disabling the "parse_templates" in the quoteit plugin.

Does *anyone* please know a fix for this?

Cap'n Steve
10-24-2007, 06:04 AM
Dr. Bantham - Boy am I starting to hate vBadvanced. I'm sure it's not their fault, but that mod has caused me a ton of headaches. I'll try their latest version when I get a chance, but it might be a few days. Until then, your guess is as good as mine.

chadi - I wouldn't get your hopes up. That part is kind of a pain to fix, and no one seems to want to take over this mod. :(

Dr. Bantham
10-24-2007, 11:09 PM
Dr. Bantham - Boy am I starting to hate vBadvanced. I'm sure it's not their fault, but that mod has caused me a ton of headaches. I'll try their latest version when I get a chance, but it might be a few days. Until then, your guess is as good as mine.To be fair, I cross-posted this problem at vBadvanced, and the developer ended up resolving the issue, which was a case of globalizing QuoteIt! variables.Admin CP => vBa CMPS => Default Settings => Main Options => Portal Output Global Variables
Go there, add 'quoteitoptions' (without the quotes) to that setting, and see if it helps.Reference:

This restored my Random Quotation module back into glorious rotation. It is certainly a relief to get things back to normal. It is the centerpiece of the portal page, after all!

Cap'n Steve
10-25-2007, 05:14 AM
Thanks for solving that for me, I'll have to add that to the instructions.

10-25-2007, 02:58 PM
where can i change the size of the system on my forumhome?

Cap'n Steve
10-27-2007, 08:22 AM
The quote_randomquote template is what gets displayed.

11-03-2007, 05:38 PM
Has anyone edited this so it doesnt take up so much height space on the forum? Maybe getting rid of the quotation graphics, etc.

11-03-2007, 05:48 PM
Has anyone edited this so it doesnt take up so much height space on the forum? Maybe getting rid of the quotation graphics, etc.

I have. I made it so it shows strictly only the quote and quote's author (not the author submitted the quote that is).

listbit template

<tr><td class="quoterow {$quoteclass}" align="center" id="quote{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}">
<br />
<br /><br />
<div class="authorcontainer">
<if condition="!empty($quote['author'])">
<div class="author" id="author{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}">- {$quote['author']}</div>
<if condition="$quoteitoptions['enablecontext'] AND !empty($quote['context'])">
<span class="context" id="context{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}">({$quote['context']})</span>
<br />

Neutral Singh
11-09-2007, 06:34 AM
When i enable random quotes option, the following error shows up:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/******/public_html/includes/vba_cmps_include_top.php(502) : eval()'d code on line 373

What could be reason? Please guide.

Cap'n Steve
11-12-2007, 11:10 PM
What have you changed recently? Is it a new version of vBadvanced?

11-15-2007, 09:23 PM
This mod has a problem that needs to be fixed, hopefully will be.

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/user/public_html/tags/index.php(194) : eval()'d code on line 1

The kind support team at Zoints who created Zoints Tag module spent countless hours on my site trying to figure out why I kept getting the below errors oddly, on two different modules: Zoints Tags and vBISpy.

Their final find was this:

$headinclude =& $vbulletin->templatecache['headinclude'];

That is the line that is causing the problem, it is not the correct method of parsing a template to a variable.

I hope you can correct this. The errors went away after disabling the "parse_templates" in the quoteit plugin.

Ok, calling all coders, geniuses, programmers - anyone that can figure out how to fix this problem. I'll pay $25 via paypal :)

11-19-2007, 05:57 AM
I've made a lot of changes lately (including upgrading to php and mysql 5.x) so I'm not sure what might've caused this weirdness, but now when I do a search in the quotes and there are no results, it redirects to my vps WHM page instead of anywhere on the forum. Any ideas?

Cap'n Steve
11-19-2007, 08:09 AM
Where is your forum? I have to see this.

11-19-2007, 02:49 PM
I'm having a bit of a problem, for some reason on my screen the right quotation marks are not showing where they should be (see screen shot) and how do I enable images/emoticons to show in the quoter.

That is what I am getting too. It shows both quotation marks in the verification screen after you submit but then on Forumhome it puts the outside quote in another window.

For the second part of the question, go to Admincp/vboptions/vbquote(Pro) and change the settings.

11-19-2007, 03:15 PM
Where is your forum? I have to see this.

PM sent!

11-20-2007, 04:49 AM
Hey Cap'n, looks like the problem is solved. It must've been something wonky with my Apache configuration, because it crashed tonight and when my host brought it back up this redirect issue was gone. Thanks anyway!

11-21-2007, 02:38 AM
I uploaded everything and followed the install instructions. I have the quote it options in my admincp, but nothing is showing on my homepage and there are no buttons to submit quotes.

Cap'n Steve
11-21-2007, 06:47 AM
Try resaving the options and double-check that you edited the template properly. Try going to quotes.php?do=addquote to add a quote. If none of that works, give me a link to your forum.

11-21-2007, 03:35 PM
Ok yay! I have it fixed. How do I make the quoter only visible to registered users

Cap'n Steve
11-24-2007, 03:43 AM
That's in the usergroup permissions. Just set "can view quotes" to no for guests.

11-24-2007, 07:01 AM
I finally got the mod running. When I first installed it it crashed my vb!! After an entertaining 50 minutes I got back into vb and rolled back the mod.

I then re-installed and presto, it worked. Dont know what caused the crash but.. it works a treat now.

I think there was an issue with uploading one of the files... anyway, its came together in the end. I have added this post just in case anyone else hits the same problem.

If anyone else has the same issue they can see how I got it back on line here. (http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?t=249542)

Thanks for the mod, luvin it already :up:

11-27-2007, 10:35 AM
Strange. First time I've had a problem with a product installation.

1. Initially received the error that I had no permissions so I rebuilt bit fields.
2. I can save certain options in the AdminCP but not others. For instance, if I change the option for Ratings, that is saved. If I try to set Require Author, Moderate Quotes, or Enable Categories to 'yes' then the settings do not "stick" but remain at 'no'.
3. How do I delete a quote once it's added? I added a test quote but don't see any moderator tools to delete or edit a quote in the list.

11-29-2007, 08:34 AM
Still can't get this to work. I cannot Enable Categories or Require Author. I've tried installing and uninstalling the product.

Was there a recent change to this product because it doesn't work properly now.

11-29-2007, 10:43 AM
Disregard. I figure out it was a problem with XCache and vBulletin.

12-06-2007, 04:08 PM
I have a problem here with the template stuff:

look at my attached image:

Ben E Lou
12-07-2007, 11:50 PM
Is there a way to make this appear smaller? It's just too big on my forum, as you can see here:


Ben E Lou
12-08-2007, 10:53 PM
OK. I've made it smaller, using the following code:

<tr><td class="quoterow {$quoteclass}" align="center" id="quote{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}">
<font size="1">"{$quote['quote']}"<if condition="!empty($quote['author'])">

- {$quote['author']}
<if condition="$quoteitoptions['enablecontext'] AND !empty($quote['context'])">
<span class="context" id="context{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}0">({$quote['context']})</span>
<font size="1"><div class="authorcontainer"><if condition="!empty($quote['author'])">
<div class="author" id="author{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}">&nbsp;</div>

However, I get no edit option. I'd like to be able to edit quotes from the forum.

Cap'n Steve
12-09-2007, 05:05 AM
goorgoor - What's your site address?

Ben E Lou - You removed the edit button. Here's the default links to control a quote:
<div class="modlinks">
<if condition="($quote['userid'] == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] AND $quoteitpermissions['candeleteownquotes']) OR ($quote['userid'] != $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] AND $quoteitpermissions['candeleteotherquotes'])">
<a rel="nofollow" href="quotes.php?{$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']}{$quotedisplay['querystring']}{$quotedisplay['orderstring']}&amp;page={$quotedisplay['page']}&amp;do=delquote&amp;quoteid={$quote['quoteid']}" onclick="deleteQuote(event, {$quote['quoteid']});return false;">{$vbphrase['delete_this_quote']}</a>
<if condition="($quote['userid'] == $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] AND $quoteitpermissions['caneditownquotes']) OR ($quote['userid'] != $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'] AND $quoteitpermissions['caneditotherquotes'])">
<a rel="nofollow" href="quotes.php?{$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']}{$quotedisplay['querystring']}{$quotedisplay['orderstring']}&amp;page={$quotedisplay['page']}&amp;do=editquote&amp;quoteid={$quote['quoteid']}" onclick="editQuote(event, {$quote['quoteid']}, {$globalcounter});return false;"><img class="inlineimg" src="{$stylevar['imgdir_button']}/edit.gif" alt="{$vbphrase['edit_this_quote']}" /></a>
<if condition="$quoteitoptions['reportquotes'] AND $quoteitpermissions['canreportquotes']">
<a id="report{$quote['quoteid']}-{$globalcounter}" rel="nofollow" href="quotes.php?{$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl']}{$quotedisplay['querystring']}{$quotedisplay['orderstring']}&amp;page={$quotedisplay['page']}&amp;do=report&amp;quoteid={$quote['quoteid']}" onclick="reportQuote(event, {$quote['quoteid']});return false;"><img class="inlineimg" src="{$stylevar['imgdir_button']}/report.gif" alt="{$vbphrase['report_this_quote']}" /></a>

12-09-2007, 12:14 PM
How do I link it to quotes.php ?? Can someone help?

Cap'n Steve
12-10-2007, 03:48 AM
I'm not sure what you mean.

12-12-2007, 12:59 AM
my forums are located here:


and in the white section where it says |-=R]A[D=->CLAN Forums, I want it to have the quotes. But in the plugin, it says to make sure you link to quotes.php for it to work. I do not know how to link to quotes.php. :(

Cap'n Steve
12-12-2007, 01:30 AM
You can follow the instructions to enable the random quote if you want a quote on your home page, or you can do this if you just want a link:
<a href="quotes.php">Quotes</a>

12-20-2007, 01:12 AM
The quotes bbcode is not working. I actually successfully integrated it into a tutorial that I had built using GARS and it seems to work for that but it's not working for another forum. It simply displays as:


on the page.


Cap'n Steve
12-23-2007, 05:26 AM
I'm not familiar with that mod, do the codes work in a normal post? You can also try saving the QuoteIt! options again.

12-24-2007, 07:02 PM
Hi, I'm looking to apply a very simple random quotation function on my vBulletin. I found yours, I found it much more than what I'm wanting. I was wondering if you--the author of the modification showcased on this thread--might have interest in undertaking such a project? I posted much detail about my request here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=1408495#post1408495).



Cap'n Steve
12-25-2007, 01:17 AM
I probably won't have time, but it looks like what you want is pretty simple. I don't think you'll have a problem finding someone to write it (or you could probably write it yourself if you don't mind spending some time reading tutorials).

12-25-2007, 01:46 AM
Well, I am trying to learn about coding on the vBulletin software, but I've been using it for only a few days (converted from phpBB2, the only forum software I've used beforehand), so I've got a lot of reading to do.

If you do end up having some free time, and would choose to attempt to code my requested modification, I would much appreciate that. Here is the URL for more info and download of the modification I used on my phpBB installation: http://www.phpbbhacks.com/viewhack.php?id=431
There's very little code. I believe it was one or two edits and the uploading of the text file.

01-16-2008, 11:33 AM
So, I screwed up when I upgraded my forum from 3.5.4 to 3.6.8

I uninstalled all hacks for a fresh clean install.
But I do have a functioning backup of the 3.5.4 with hacks still installed.

What I'm trying to do is restore the quotes
vb3_quote.sql & vb3_quoteratings.sql

I exported the files from the AdminCP in VB.
I put them in the root directory via FTP.
I'm ready to add them via SSH.
I can't get MyPHPAdmin to work.

Basically I don't want to overwrite the current database, I want to append to it.

So I have SecureCRT and I'm ready to do the SSH upload.

I've been trying to read up on this, but I am confused and I don't want to nuke my current database.

Suggestions / Help Appreciated!
- Ant

01-18-2008, 04:57 AM
Hi Steve,
have been using this mod for a while now and quotes are starting to build up. I have noticed however that my users quote count (in stats section on postbit) is showing as 0 (even for those who have posted quotes. Am I missing something??


I removed a fair bit of the script to reduce the size of the box on my forum index (as most people do). I now note that there is no-where to rate quotes. Is there a way to add the rate this quote etc in the Quotes page (seen after clicking view all quotes)?

Cap'n Steve
01-18-2008, 06:33 AM
Antwerp - If you open your backup SQL file in a text editor, you should be able to see what part is the table structure and what part is the actual data. If you just delete the table structure parts, the data might be able to be inserted without problems. The only conflict I could think of is the id column of the quotes table, which is the same number as the quoteid column of the quoteratings table. If new quotes have been added to your database since you upgraded, you'll have to adjust these numbers to avoid conflict (any number will work, as long as it's consistent). Be sure to backup your current database before you try anything.

expatdirectory - Try the "Rebuild Quote Counts" option in your control panel. If you open the product XML file in a text editor and search for the name of the template (quote_randomquote for the home page, quote_listbit for the main quotes page, etc.) you'll find the default template and should be able to spot the portion that handles ratings. Look for this:
<if condition="$quoteitpermissions['canratequotes']">

01-22-2008, 11:32 PM
Thanks for you response.

Now, is the only way to upload the tables through MyPHPAdmin?

Cap'n Steve
01-23-2008, 03:09 AM
Now, is the only way to upload the tables through MyPHPAdmin?

Yes, unless you have shell access on your server.

01-25-2008, 02:00 AM
Uninstalled. I have rebuilt bitfields like it says to in the instructions, but i still can't moderate quotes.