View Full Version : Giving new admins SUPER ADMIN rights

12-26-2006, 12:42 PM
Okay i know this is a pretty easy thing to do, but i made this tutorial to help those who are new to vB so if your gonna flame reply on how easy this is to do, theres no point in replying cause allot of people know it but hopefully this tutorial will help newbies.

Make sure you are running on firefox cause im to lazy to explain this in IE

Goto your host control pannel

Goto includes/config.php and select edit config.php
Press |Ctr| + F and then enter "****** SUPER ADMINISTRATORS ******" (Without the "")

The users specified below will have permission to access the administrator permissions page, which controls the permissions of other administrators

THis is the message you will see below ****** SUPER ADMINISTRATORS ******

Now bellow this you will see $config['SpecialUsers']['superadministrators'] = '1,4';

1 and 4 are UserID's already entered. If your installing vB for the first time, there will be no new numbers here.

Enter the UserID numbers (Forund in the UserOptions in the adminCP) were the 1 is and seperate userID's with the Super Admin permissions with ","(Without the "")

THen save and ur done ;)