View Full Version : Add-On Releases - CinVin vB Forum Feed Listing

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12-05-2006, 10:00 PM
[ BY REQUEST (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=132898) ]

This nifty little utility will present a list of all of your forums RSS feeds on one page! Your users can then easily pick & choose which forums they want to subscribe to via RSS, Google, Yahoo, or Bloglines.

Ever go to a big site like CNN and view their page of RSS feeds that you can subscribe to? This is the same thing but for your vBulletin forums!

In addition to your users, the search engine spiders will love this! ;)

We went out of our way to make sure that this CinVin vBulletin add-on was quick & easy to both install and modify!

Automatically adds an RSS button to your footer template.
Correctly shows where your visitors are when viewing the Who's Online page.
Forums can be specifically excluded from being listed.
Ability to specify which usergroup to use for permissions when viewing the list of forums.
"Link" forums can be turned off from showing.
All options are configured through the vBulletin ACP.
All descriptions and names are completely phrased so you can quickly add alternate lanquages or change the existing wording.
All display output is handled through vBulletin templates so you can quickly change the output appearance.
All templates and phrase are installed as a vBulletin product through your ACP which means there are no file edits!
Compatible with vBSEO (http://www.vbseo.com/).
Easy integration with vBadvanced CMPS (http://www.vbadvanced.com).
Debug mode to help you with any problems you may be having.
Installation only take a few moments...
Unzip the .zip file that you downloaded.
Upload the single PHP file and single folder in the upload_to_your_forum_folder folder from the download to your forums folder.
Go into your ACP and select Plugins & Products => Manage Products => Add/Import Product => {Select the CinVin_vB_Forum_Feed_Listing.xml file from the download} => ImportYou're all done! Just point your browser to http://www.yoursite.com/forums/cv_rss_feeds.php to view your new RSS feed listings.

DEMO #1: CinVin RSS Feeds (http://www.cinvin.com/forums/cv_rss_feeds.php) (this is the 'stock' version)

DEMO #2: Cool Sci-Fi RSS Feeds (http://www.coolscifi.com/forums/cv_rss_feeds.php) (this one has been integrated with vBa CMPS)

- What vB versions? This should work with all versions of vB 3.6.x and above. It should also work with vB 3.5.x but I have not tested it on that version.

- Can I remove the "CinVin" text at the very bottom? NO! Believe it or not that little text is what allows us to work on hacks like this for free and, more importantly, to continue to support them. You are free to move the notice to your footer template, for example, if you would like to keep your notices all together but for removing it entirely a Branding Free license is available through CinVin (http://www.cinvin.com).

12-06-2006, 06:50 PM
- Added WOL plugins

- Strip HTML from forum descriptions
- Fixed forum link to go to forum display instead of external.php
- Added additional template (cf_ffl_forum_link) for forum links versus feed links
- Removed logic that would not show a forum if the forum was not listed on the forum jump menu

1.x.x - 2.1.0
- Several new features, check your ACP.

- Fix for vBSEO users that were having an issue with no forums being listed.

- Added new feature to show forums based upon a usergroup ID. The default value is now usergroup ID 1.
- Fixed 'Excluded Forums' option; was not working in all circumstances.
- Fixed display issue introduced in 2.1.1 for vBSEO users.
- Code cleanup.

- Private release

- A new feature has been added to automatically add an RSS button to your footer template as can be seen here at CinVin. The option is turned on by default and can be turned on or off in the ACP.
- Session ID variables have been removed from the cv_ffl_forum_link template as some older styles that were converted to the vB 3.6.x were having some issues.
- The method of including the vBadvanced CMPS file for CMPS 2.x & older has been changed. If you are using CMPS but not integrating the CinVin Forum Feed Listing with it then you may have seen an error at the top of the page.
- For those interested in removing the "CinVin" branding from the footer, the Branding Free License cost has been reduced.

12-06-2006, 06:58 PM
* soulface clicked Install!

Nice hack kevin :)

12-06-2006, 07:09 PM
Uncached templates: cv_ffl_forum_feed_link (103)

12-06-2006, 07:11 PM
easy install... thanks.. just 1 question is how to forum permissions apply? example is if someone uses the site feed they wont get private forum access?

tested w/ yahoo so far :)

12-06-2006, 07:13 PM
easy install... thanks.. just 1 question is how to forum permissions apply? example is if someone uses the site feed they wont get private forum access?

tested w/ yahoo so far :)

LOL, just wanted to ask the same question :p

12-06-2006, 07:15 PM
Uncached templates: cv_ffl_forum_feed_link (103)Whoops! Sorry, I missed that one. I'll fix it in the next update. To patch it, modify the cv_rss_feeds.php and look for... 'cv_ffl_forum_sub_forum_indicator'
); ... and change it to: 'cv_ffl_forum_sub_forum_indicator',

easy install... thanks.. just 1 question is how to forum permissions apply? example is if someone uses the site feed they wont get private forum access?

tested w/ yahoo so far :)It should be using the permissions of the user that's logged in. If you're viewing the page logged in, take note of any private forums, etc. that you have access to and then log out. When you view the page again you should see only the forums that guest have access to.

12-06-2006, 07:18 PM
As a side note... the page will display a list of the forums that the user has access to but the actual RSS feeds are still coming from the "external.php" script so even if somebody sees a forum that they shouldn't then they still won't see the threads in it.

To give a working example of that, view the CinVin demo link above as a guest. I have the "Styles Support" forum visible to guests but they can't read the threads in it. The forum is listed on the page but when you try to view the RSS feed for that forum it'll be blank since they don't have permissions to view the threads, only view the forum.

12-06-2006, 07:39 PM
i see none of forums - but the main site is displayed in your .php.

just tried to add a feed with url/external.php?type=RSS2&forumids=17
not listed in cv_rss_feeds.php

how to list all forums / subforums on cv_rss_feeds.php ?

12-06-2006, 07:40 PM
i see none of forums - but the main site is displayed in your .php.

just tried to add a feed with url/external.php?type=RSS2&forumids=17
not listed in cv_rss_feeds.php

how to list all forums / subforums on cv_rss_feeds.php ?
Sorry, not sure I'm following the question.

12-06-2006, 07:51 PM
Sorry, not sure I'm following the question.

have a lot of feeds in yahoo. so i like your hack -
if in know how rss run in vb.

your feed listing lists all forums - right ? or do i need to make any feeds
with rss manager in acp ?

right now i see only one feed - or should this be correct when i have about 30 forums ?

12-06-2006, 07:59 PM
Nice one, installed, thanks!

12-06-2006, 08:12 PM
Thanks for the feedback, everybody. :) If anybody has some suggestions or ideas on what else I can throw in there, please let me know.

I just updated the package to version 1.0.1 so that the Who's Online page shows properly now. :)

... right now i see only one feed - or should this be correct when i have about 30 forums ?Can I see a link?

12-06-2006, 08:31 PM
Can I see a link?

pm is sent ;)

12-06-2006, 08:51 PM
Nice hack, well done but....

I get a db error when i click on the RSS image for the whole forum
I also get a blank page when i click on any other RSS image?
It says im unregistereed in the error message as well :( lol

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.4:

Invalid SQL:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM user WHERE referrerid =;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 Error Number : 1064
Date : Wednesday, December 6th 2006 @ 10:54:09 PM
Script : http://www.bashys-place.com/forums/external.php
Referrer : http://www.bashys-place.com/forums/cv_rss_feeds.php
IP Address :
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vb_database

12-06-2006, 09:04 PM
Great idea!

There is a slight problem with HTML Descriptions for forums. See here: http://www.webgurus.de/forum/cv_rss_feeds.php

Regards, Wachtmeister

12-06-2006, 09:11 PM
kw whats the problem here for some reason i have it double each time ?

12-06-2006, 09:12 PM
pm is sent ;)
I get a db error when i click on the RSS image for the whole forum I also get a blank page when i click on any other RSS image?

Cocko, bashy: I'll check it out late tonight when I'm back at my house.

There is a slight problem with HTML Descriptions for forums. ... OOohh.... I need to strip HTML tags from the forum descriptions. When I'm back home tonight I'll get a fix for that.

12-06-2006, 09:14 PM
Bashy: Your error doesn't seem to be related to this hack. If I go directly to your external.php script I get the error as well. To confirm, just uninstall the product and go directly to your external.php script to see what you get.

12-06-2006, 09:21 PM
very nice, woked flawlessly:


thank you

12-06-2006, 09:26 PM
There is a slight problem with HTML Descriptions for forums.

OOohh.... I need to strip HTML tags from the forum descriptions.

Wachtmeister, I'll update the attachment later tonight to version 1.0.2 but for now modify the cv_rss_feeds.php file and around line 139 find... $forum_desc = $forum['description'];... and change it to:$forum_desc = strip_tags($forum['description']);

very nice, woked flawlessly ... thank you:cool:

12-06-2006, 09:28 PM
I also get a blank page when i click on any other RSS image?

oops, I get this too

12-06-2006, 09:29 PM
nominated for MOTM....great hack.......I'd love the ability to add my site's other RSS Feeds to the list......but its a little over my head at this point

12-06-2006, 09:30 PM
Great work Kevin.

12-06-2006, 09:36 PM
oops, I get this tooI just visited your link and, at least with IE6, I'm seeing your RSS feeds after clicking on the RSS button. Nice site BTW. Is the name from the Aerosmith tour?

nominated for MOTM....great hack.......I'd love the ability to add my site's other RSS Feeds to the list......but its a little over my head at this pointWhich other RSS feeds do you offer besides the forums? I have a few other things on my sites besides the forums as well (eg: vBGallery, vBa Links, etc.) so I'd be interested in seeing what you've got in mind. :)

Great work Kevin.:)

12-06-2006, 09:38 PM
hey you forgot to answer my problem that i am having.

12-06-2006, 09:45 PM
kw whats the problem here http://www.drillerdeals.com/forum/cv_rss_feeds.php for some reason i have it double each time ?hey you forgot to answer my problem that i am having.I didn't forget, I didn't see it. :knockedout:

Looks like you the the "html in the forum description" problem also. Try this fix...

Wachtmeister, I'll update the attachment later tonight to version 1.0.2 but for now modify the cv_rss_feeds.php file and around line 139 find... $forum_desc = $forum['description'];... and change it to:$forum_desc = strip_tags($forum['description']);

12-06-2006, 09:47 PM
I have a main page thats tied to my forums....I have an RSS Feed page there as well, but nothing nearly as nice as yours.....would it be possible to integrate them all together under one page

12-06-2006, 09:52 PM
I posted about trying to do this a while back. You did an awesome job KW802 :)

This is going to help alot of Vbulletin sites.


12-06-2006, 09:53 PM
I have a main page thats tied to my forums....I'm not familiar with PHP Cow at all. Are the tables in the same DB as vBulletin or are they in different DBs?

12-06-2006, 09:54 PM
different DB.....and I have no idea how to edit DBs

12-06-2006, 09:55 PM
Doesn't work right for me.. ONly showing 1 thing:


12-06-2006, 10:00 PM
excellent thanks clicks install also you selling the copyright?

12-06-2006, 10:07 PM
different DB.....and I have no idea how to edit DBsUnfortunately I'm not in a position to try to work with another package (PHP Cow) right now. I'll put it on the 'One of these days...' list of things to check out.

Doesn't work right for me.. ONly showing 1 thing:

http://www.cruiselinefans.com/cv_rss_feeds.php HHHmm.... I haven't looked at Cocko's PM yet but I'm wondering if he's also running his forums in the root folder. I'll have to experiment a bit when I get home but I can't see any reason why it would affect it. The code just loops through the list for forums in the cache to produce the output. The main link is always shown but if no forums are listed beneath it then it's not finding any in the cache that meet the criteria.

excellent thanks clicks install also you selling the copyright?Selling the copyright? Not sure I'm following, it's a freebie hack that anybody can use (but not redistribute).

12-06-2006, 10:11 PM
I just visited your link and, at least with IE6, I'm seeing your RSS feeds after clicking on the RSS button. Nice site BTW. Is the name from the Aerosmith tour?

Thank you..:)

You're right in IE it works fine on the forum ones and general one, just not in FF.

Nominated for HOTM as well

12-06-2006, 10:17 PM
this sign "vB Forum Feeds by CinVin"

12-07-2006, 12:38 AM
Totally installed. Thank you! ;)

12-07-2006, 02:59 AM
works fine here. thanks.

12-07-2006, 03:26 AM
Doesn't work right for me.. ONly showing 1 thing:

http://www.cruiselinefans.com/cv_rss_feeds.php I think I know what you & Cocko may have in common. Do you have an IM that I could get you at to confirm something rather than going back and forth via the forums or PM? If yes, please PM and I'll track down you sometime tommorrow.

Kihon Kata
12-07-2006, 05:00 AM

I have the exact thing happening as REX_B. Look here: http://www.makeuptalk.com/forums/cv_rss_feeds.php

I am not running it from my root directory either. Any ideas?

I think I know what you & Cocko may have in common. Do you have an IM that I could get you at to confirm something rather than going back and forth via the forums or PM? If yes, please PM and I'll track down you sometime tommorrow.

12-07-2006, 05:21 AM

I have turned off anything to do with referrer and i no longer get the database errors when i click the main forum RSS Image.

I still get a blank page when i click any other RSS image on the page though :(

12-07-2006, 05:31 AM
Hey Kevin.. Nice hack.. Installed.. Works fine.. But I've a request.. Its also showing 'Private Forum'.. Can u please add an option thus I can exclude 'Private Forum'? Here is my link.. http://www.golpo.net/forum/cv_rss_feeds.php

12-07-2006, 07:37 AM
Nice mod! I need it.
Any news on vBa integration?

12-07-2006, 09:02 AM
Great, great hack! Installed but am going to have to remove it too because of guests being able to view private forums. :( It would be wonderful if we had the option to select which forums we wish to provide an rss feed for. ;)

12-07-2006, 09:21 AM
so nice thanks. installed.

12-07-2006, 10:17 AM

I have turned off anything to do with referrer and i no longer get the database errors when i click the main forum RSS Image.

I still get a blank page when i click any other RSS image on the page though :(

hmmmm, maybe I spoke too soon......not working very well with firefox.....some feeds are fine, others are blank pages, and still others have one feed or two.......any suggestions?

12-07-2006, 10:57 AM
Good point, just checked and the blank pages are in Firefox, and in IE 50% o:(
hmmmm, maybe I spoke too soon......not working very well with firefox.....some feeds are fine, others are blank pages, and still others have one feed or two.......any suggestions?

Kihon Kata
12-07-2006, 12:45 PM
guests can view private forums? eeeeeek, uninstalls

12-07-2006, 12:46 PM
I'm not seeing that issue. I've checked with various accounts, and its completely based on the user permissions

12-07-2006, 01:01 PM
No, this is not so, its based on forum permissions!

guests can view private forums? eeeeeek, uninstalls

12-07-2006, 01:09 PM
Nice mod! I need it.
Any news on vBa integration?It's on my to do list to type up the instructions! I ended up helping the wife make some cookies last night so my choices were... (A) Type up some instructions or (B) Eat some freshly baked cookies. I went with choice B. :D I'll get something typed up today.

Great, great hack! Installed but am going to have to remove it too because of guests being able to view private forums. :( It would be wonderful if we had the option to select which forums we wish to provide an rss feed for. ;)As others have mentioned, it's based upon the permissions of the user who is viewing the page. You see everything because you are likely the admin' of your site. Logout and view the page as a guest or a non-admin account.

hmmmm, maybe I spoke too soon......not working very well with firefox.....some feeds are fine, others are blank pages, and still others have one feed or two.......any suggestions?I have yet to see any blank pages with IE. I'll play around with FF & Opera today to see what I get. If you're getting a blank page though... it's most likely not because of this hack. When you click on the RSS button, for example, you're seeing the output of the normal vBulletin "external.php" script. But, who knows, I'll check it out.

guests can view private forums? eeeeeek, uninstallsNo, guests can not view private forums. The views are permissions based like any other page in vB would be.

I'm not seeing that issue. I've checked with various accounts, and its completely based on the user permissionsYep. :)

12-07-2006, 01:12 PM

I have the exact thing happening as REX_B. Look here: http://www.makeuptalk.com/forums/cv_rss_feeds.php

I am not running it from my root directory either. Any ideas?Do you have an IM address I can you reach you to ask a quick question to confirm my suspicion on what the problem is?

12-07-2006, 01:56 PM
Hmmm, I did test as a guest. All they have to do is simply view the RSS feed and the private content is there.

For example the private boards on my site, guests can view forum and post titles but can not view thread content. With the RSS hack in place the content provided in the feed is viewable in a text form (as to be expected). But this is still a concern for my site as I run a parenting board and my private boards are those that contain pics of the kids. It's the published links that are my concern...

Actual private categories and their forums are hidden as they should be. Let me reinstall and see if I missed something.

eta: Odd, this is happening on some but not all. I've checked all my permissions, tested as a guest and everything else I can think of. I'm going to go ahead and click install because I think this is an awesome mod. And if I may, I would really love it if you could give us the ability to choose which forums to provide feeds for in your next version. Thanks!

12-07-2006, 02:11 PM
Hmmm, I did test as a guest. All they have to do is simply view the RSS feed and the private content is there. .. Tobybird, this hack to view the forum list would have no affect on what guests can & can't see once they go to http://www.yoursite.com/forums/external.php as that is controlled through the permissions of the stock vBulletin external.php script. Even if a private forum was accidently listed with this hack then once they clicked on the link they still wouldn't be able to see anything if the forum permissions are correct. If a guest is able to go directly to your external.php link and view threads from a private forum then a different problem is going on.

12-07-2006, 02:38 PM
KW802, would you mind if I pm you with a link showing exactly what I'm talking about?

12-07-2006, 03:03 PM
KW802, would you mind if I pm you with a link showing exactly what I'm talking about?Sure, no problem. As long as it isn't a NWS site I can take a look this afternoon, otherwise it'll have to wait until I get home.

12-07-2006, 03:52 PM
How can I whave the rss feeds to my webpage?

12-07-2006, 04:05 PM
How can I whave the rss feeds to my webpage?

If you're talking about putting the feed(s) on an external php page then take a look at this. Worked for me. :)

Here are the instructions for using an external feeds on a non-vB page:




Reply With Quote

Quoted from: http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1242567&postcount=2

12-07-2006, 05:45 PM
Doesn't work right for me.. ONly showing 1 thing:


me to.

whats the difference to forums where this nice hack works perfectly ?

Edit: sorry read not all the thread news.

I think I know what you & Cocko may have in common. Do you have an IM that I could get you at to confirm something rather than going back and forth via the forums or PM? If yes, please PM and I'll track down you sometime tommorrow.

sent new pm

12-07-2006, 05:51 PM
me to.

whats the difference to forums where this nice hack works perfectly ?I've tried a few different things & Kihon Kata was kind enough to help me experiment a bit this morning and so far the only thing that I can find in common so far with Kihon's site and RexB's site is that they are both running vBSEO. I wouldn't think it'd make a difference but that's the only thing so far I'm finding. Cocko, do you have vBSEO on your site as well? I can't view your site from work so I can't check myself right now.

Kihon Kata
12-07-2006, 05:56 PM
No, you are kind enough to care about your hack release and are taking the time to work with us. It's appreciated :)

I've tried a few different things & Kihon Kata was kind enough to help me experiment a bit this morning and so far the only thing that I can find in common so far with Kihon's site and RexB's site is that they are both running vBSEO. I wouldn't think it'd make a difference but that's the only thing so far I'm finding. Cocko, do you have vBSEO on your site as well? I can't view your site from work so I can't check myself right now.

12-07-2006, 06:01 PM
I've tried a few different things & Kihon Kata was kind enough to help me experiment a bit this morning and so far the only thing that I can find in common so far with Kihon's site and RexB's site is that they are both running vBSEO. I wouldn't think it'd make a difference but that's the only thing so far I'm finding. Cocko, do you have vBSEO on your site as well? I can't view your site from work so I can't check myself right now.

serveral hacks installed but there is no vbseo on my forum.
i.e. CMPS 2.2.1 ==> forum.php (was index.php)

Edit: maybe a hint: cmps box forumlist does not work propperly (don't know why)

Edit #2: v1.0.2 is running ! (just even have seen this version)

12-07-2006, 11:41 PM
installed :)

12-08-2006, 01:18 AM
Edit #2: v1.0.2 is running ! (just even have seen this version)Cool! :D Thanks for downloading the new version and letting me know it worked. :)

This means it's down to Kihon & Rex having problems yet. Must be something I'm missing... back to going over the code.

12-08-2006, 01:55 AM
Installed on v3.6.3 and pointed my browser to:


But I'm not seeing all of my forums listed. I know the RSS feeds are listed there....but it's not actually showing the names of the forums for the feeds.

Also, are we to make our own navbar links or was this suppose to place the link automatically?

12-08-2006, 02:35 AM
Smoknz28, I can't view the link. When I try to view it as a guest I get a error message redirecting me to a "Please donate..." page.

No, it won't build the navbar link automatically. I'm not a big fan of products/plugins that try to change stuff in the templates but if enough people want it I'll put it on the To Do list for a future revision.

12-08-2006, 03:37 AM
I upgraded to the latest version and now clicking on the RSS links in FF do nothing. Just take me to the top of the page. In IE, it just takes me to the forums, not the .xml output.

12-08-2006, 09:49 AM

works great!

12-08-2006, 01:27 PM
Merci! works great!:)

I upgraded to the latest version and now clicking on the RSS links in FF do nothing. Just take me to the top of the page. In IE, it just takes me to the forums, not the .xml output.Are you sure you uploaded all of the files, in particular the PHP file? I just took a look at your link and your descriptions still have HTML in them which means the PHP file is version 1.0.1 or older (in version 1.0.2 stripping the HTML from the descriptions is default).

12-08-2006, 02:07 PM

I have now found out why mine is showing a blank page,
Its because of this http://www.bashys-place.com/forums/external.php?forumids=90
Should be this http://www.bashys-place.com/forums/external.php?forumid=90

Notice the word forumids and should be forumid

Please see for your self :) How do i get it to change please?

12-08-2006, 02:22 PM

I have now found out why mine is showing a blank page,
Its because of this http://www.bashys-place.com/forums/external.php?forumids=90
Should be this http://www.bashys-place.com/forums/external.php?forumid=90

Notice the word forumids and should be forumid

Please see for your self :) How do i get it to change please?Actually "forumids" is the proper one. What kind of permissions do you have on forum #90? When I try to view your forum #90 (here (http://www.bashys-place.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=90)) as a guest I get a permission denied message which means that as a guest I would also be unable to view the RSS feeds for it. ;)

12-08-2006, 02:35 PM
This is weird, Forumids work ok on this 1, new members http://www.bashys-place.com/forums/external.php?forumids=21

but not on this 1... actually i just figured out a little more, anything that guests
cannot see is showing as a blank page!!!

12-08-2006, 02:49 PM
This is weird, Forumids work ok on this 1, new members http://www.bashys-place.com/forums/external.php?forumids=21

but not on this 1... actually i just figured out a little more, anything that guests
cannot see is showing as a blank page!!!Yep on both accounts. :)

Inside of "external.php" (the actual stock vBulletin script that products the RSS feeds) it is looking for "forumids" so if you use "forumid" instead it'll just ignore it and behave as if you didn't specify any options at all. If the guest does not have permissions to view anything then it will produce a blank page. That is why "forumids=90" produces a blank page (because it's the right variable but no permission to view a a guest) while "forumid=90" produces output (because it's the wrong variable so it's being ignored and it instead shows any & all forums that a guest does have access to).

12-08-2006, 03:09 PM
So, Why would this show as a blank page for me when i am admin, it shows a blank page on the pages that guests cant see, or did you explain that i am that thick i couldnt understand it lol

Is there a fix or is it as is? Cause i will assume that all members will get this blank page

12-08-2006, 03:29 PM
strange problem.. i'm getting an error just trying to unzip it on a mac..lol

12-08-2006, 03:37 PM
strange problem.. i'm getting an error just trying to unzip it on a mac..lolThat actually doesn't surprise me. The zip file was created through the CinVin products system which is a version of the same one used at vBadvanced which... sometimes has problems with zip files on Macs. Give me a few minutes to attach a tar file to the first post which usually works on a Mac.

EDIT: Well, it turns out that .tar is an invalid attachment her at vB.org so I had to go with Plan B. I rezipped the file in post #1 above using the internal functions of WindowsXP and re-attached the file. Please try now.

12-08-2006, 03:59 PM

Are you sure you uploaded all of the files, in particular the PHP file? I just took a look at your link and your descriptions still have HTML in them which means the PHP file is version 1.0.1 or older (in version 1.0.2 stripping the HTML from the descriptions is default).

ok, made sur i re-upped and now i have the same issues as bashy

12-08-2006, 04:01 PM
ok, made sur i re-upped and now i have the same issues as bashyBashy's issue is permissions for guests.

12-08-2006, 04:13 PM

Looks like there is still an issue with at least one of the templates. Please try the following...

In your ACP uninstall the product and then install a fresh copy from 1.0.2 release.
Upload a fresh copy of the 1.0.2 PHP file.
In your ACP choose ACP => vBulletin Options => External Data Provider => Thread Cutoff and bump that number up! The default is something like 30 (if I remember correctly) and some of your forums have no recent activity in them so for those forums you'll get a 'blank' feed since there were no recent threads within the cutoff period. In FF nothing is displayed but in IE you'll see the XML container. That's why, for example, the "PC Games" RSS feed will be blank in FF but the "PC Games Reviews & Previews" RSS feed isn't. ;)

12-08-2006, 04:27 PM
Cool! :D Thanks for downloading the new version and letting me know it worked. :)

This means it's down to Kihon & Rex having problems yet. Must be something I'm missing... back to going over the code.


good job!

12-08-2006, 05:49 PM

Looks like there is still an issue with at least one of the templates. Please try the following...

In your ACP uninstall the product and then install a fresh copy from 1.0.2 release.
Upload a fresh copy of the 1.0.2 PHP file.
In your ACP choose ACP => vBulletin Options => External Data Provider => Thread Cutoff and bump that number up! The default is something like 30 (if I remember correctly) and some of your forums have no recent activity in them so for those forums you'll get a 'blank' feed since there were no recent threads within the cutoff period. In FF nothing is displayed but in IE you'll see the XML container. That's why, for example, the "PC Games" RSS feed will be blank in FF but the "PC Games Reviews & Previews" RSS feed isn't. ;)

done, its odd how some show and some dont. I know certain forums have activity and they're showing blank?

12-08-2006, 07:16 PM
Great mod! Anybody have any ideas as how to present this to my members? I'd rather not put up a sticky and point members to the cv_rss_feeds.php page. Maybe a button or link somewhere.

12-08-2006, 07:21 PM
Great mod! Anybody have any ideas as how to present this to my members? I'd rather not put up a sticky and point members to the cv_rss_feeds.php page. Maybe a button or link somewhere.

i.e. cmps navigations box

12-08-2006, 07:26 PM
Great mod! Anybody have any ideas as how to present this to my members? I'd rather not put up a sticky and point members to the cv_rss_feeds.php page. Maybe a button or link somewhere.For Cool SciFi I just put the RSS image in my footer template as a link. The code to insert would be...<a href="$vboptions[bburl]/cv_rss_feeds.php" target="_self" title="$vboptions[hometitle] RSS Feeds"><img src="$vboptions[bburl]/images/cinvin_forum_feed_listing/rss.gif" border="0" alt="$vboptions[hometitle] RSS Feeds" /></a>

12-08-2006, 07:48 PM
this is not working on me :(
check out

what is the problem ?

12-08-2006, 08:05 PM
this is not working on me :(
check out

what is the problem ?Did you upload the images folder to your server?

Do guests have permissions to view your forums?

Kihon Kata
12-09-2006, 01:41 AM
So, KW802, where are we at with this? Just wonderin' :)

12-09-2006, 01:54 AM
For Cool SciFi I just put the RSS image in my footer template as a link. The code to insert would be..

Thanks, I used that idea.

12-09-2006, 06:11 AM
i have corrected the image path now the images are showing but there is still mistake. there is no forum to display

by the way yes my guests have permission to see the forums
also should i have to set the rss for each forum if yes how?

12-09-2006, 04:47 PM
So, KW802, where are we at with this? Just wonderin' :)I've only got a few minutes but in short... with version 1.0.2 I added a debug option to help figure out problems like this one. Completely uninstall the version you're running (delete the PHP file and then in the ACP choose Plugins & Products => Manage Products => CinVin Forum Feed Listing => Uninstall) and then install a fresh copy of the 1.0.2 package. After that modify the cv_rss_feeds.php and look for...$debug_mode = 0;... and change it to:$debug_mode = 1;After that run it again to see if any message are displayed (would be at the top of your screen before your vB output). I'll try to catch you on IM again ASAP.

Thanks, I used that idea.It makes life easier and most sites just have a simple "RSS" link or button at the bottom. I am a bit disheartened, though, that you went ahead and removed the tiny little CinVin text at the bottom of the screen and replaced it with your own rather than waiting for my answer to your original question last night. :( There is a branding free option available through CinVin for those that wish to remove it entirely like you did. People are also free to move it into their footer template to keep all of their copyrights & various notices together in one place.

i have corrected the image path now the images are showing but there is still mistake. there is no forum to display

by the way yes my guests have permission to see the forums
also should i have to set the rss for each forum if yes how?I'll have to check out your site a little bit later when I have more time. What version of the package are you using and did you import the XML into your Product Manager?

12-09-2006, 04:52 PM
There is a branding free option available through CinVin for those that wish to remove it entirely like you did. People are also free to move it into their footer template to keep all of their copyrights & various notices together in one place.

Sorry about that, I just found the phrase myself and edited it. Didn't think it would be an issue so that's why I edited my post here.

What's the branding free option?

12-09-2006, 06:37 PM
done, its odd how some show and some dont. I know certain forums have activity and they're showing blank?


Kihon Kata
12-09-2006, 07:28 PM
Ok, I did what you said, hit me on MSN. Thanks for your time again.
I've only got a few minutes but in short... with version 1.0.2 I added a debug option to help figure out problems like this one. Completely uninstall the version you're running (delete the PHP file and then in the ACP choose Plugins & Products => Manage Products => CinVin Forum Feed Listing => Uninstall) and then install a fresh copy of the 1.0.2 package. After that modify the cv_rss_feeds.php and look for...$debug_mode = 0;... and change it to:$debug_mode = 1;After that run it again to see if any message are displayed (would be at the top of your screen before your vB output). I'll try to catch you on IM again ASAP.

12-09-2006, 08:07 PM

12-09-2006, 09:16 PM
I've only got a few minutes but in short... with version 1.0.2 I added a debug option to help figure out problems like this one. Completely uninstall the version you're running (delete the PHP file and then in the ACP choose Plugins & Products => Manage Products => CinVin Forum Feed Listing => Uninstall) and then install a fresh copy of the 1.0.2 package. After that modify the cv_rss_feeds.php and look for...$debug_mode = 0;... and change it to:$debug_mode = 1;After that run it again to see if any message are displayed (would be at the top of your screen before your vB output). I'll try to catch you on IM again ASAP.

It makes life easier and most sites just have a simple "RSS" link or button at the bottom. I am a bit disheartened, though, that you went ahead and removed the tiny little CinVin text at the bottom of the screen and replaced it with your own rather than waiting for my answer to your original question last night. :( There is a branding free option available through CinVin for those that wish to remove it entirely like you did. People are also free to move it into their footer template to keep all of their copyrights & various notices together in one place.

I'll have to check out your site a little bit later when I have more time. What version of the package are you using and did you import the XML into your Product Manager?

i am using the last version and yes, of course i imported the xml :)

12-10-2006, 05:02 PM

Is there way create to use rss.xml for each forum?

12-10-2006, 06:37 PM
wonderful stuff, I would however wish to rename the file to rss.php for ease. :)

12-10-2006, 08:13 PM
i am using the last version and yes, of course i imported the xml :)Please turn on the "debug" option and let me know what messages are shown.


Is there way create to use rss.xml for each forum?Sorry, but I'm not sure what you mean by "rss.xml" -- Do you want to use XML instead or RSS or offer feeds for both or... ?

wonderful stuff, I would however wish to rename the file to rss.php for ease. :)Sure, that'd be no problem. But if you do that you will also need to change the file name in the plugin ACP => Plugins & Products => Plugin Manager => CinVin Forum Feed Listing => Who's Online (Part 1) so that the Who's Online page doesn't break. I'll put it on the To Do list to make it easier to change the file name (most likely I'll create a new option in the ACP instead of having to modify the plugin directly).

12-10-2006, 08:25 PM
before using this mod. do we have to set rss or xml feed for each forum? if yes, how?

12-10-2006, 10:52 PM
I installed this latest version on my site http://www.versionist.com/cv_rss_feeds.php

debug mode set to "1" and this is the error i get DEBUG MODE IS TURNED ON! :) Not much help there

I do not have this installed in a http://www.versionist.com/forums directory.

The urls for the links are a bit messed up. I am running vbseo.
External php does appear to work


12-10-2006, 11:34 PM
before using this mod. do we have to set rss or xml feed for each forum? if yes, how?ACP => vBulletin Options => External Data Provider => Enable RSS Syndication

... debug mode set to "1" and this is the error i get DEBUG MODE IS TURNED ON! :) Not much help there ...The debug mode is really meant for helping to see why a forum is not being listed, not for a forum being listed but with a bad URL.
The urls for the links are a bit messed up. I am running vbseo. I have to get my test site with vBSEO on it up updated to test it on. I haven't played with vBSEO for some time so off the top of my head I'm not sure why you'd be seeing the template names like that instead of the link.

12-11-2006, 03:14 PM
Some forums have activity and they're still showing blank?

12-11-2006, 03:19 PM
Some forums have activity and they're still showing blank?Give an explicit example. :)

(Also, remember, the blank screen is related to what the stock "external.php" script is doing, not this hack. ;) )

Kihon Kata
12-11-2006, 04:05 PM
Didja forget me? :)

12-11-2006, 08:59 PM
Give an explicit example. :)

(Also, remember, the blank screen is related to what the stock "external.php" script is doing, not this hack. ;) )

Like my admin area. I KNOW there are posts there, but the page is showing up blank still.

But General Chat is showing up just fine....:confused:

12-11-2006, 09:09 PM
Didja forget me? :)No, just not a chance to install vBSEO yet. Been a bit of a hectic few days.

Like my admin area. I KNOW there are posts there, but the page is showing up blank still.

But General Chat is showing up just fine....:confused:Which forum explicitly? As a guest viewing your forums I don't see an "admin" area (which, I'm assuming, is a good thing).

12-11-2006, 10:36 PM
No, just not a chance to install vBSEO yet. Been a bit of a hectic few days.

Which forum explicitly? As a guest viewing your forums I don't see an "admin" area (which, I'm assuming, is a good thing).

Yes, the admin area is not visible to guests, but as an admin myself, shouldn't I be seeing it so I can use the RSS fee myself?

12-11-2006, 11:03 PM

Thanks so much for responding to my request to make this! You did a great job!

12-14-2006, 07:33 PM
I know that this isn't exactly related to this hack, but is it possible to limit the text of each post in the feed? So it creates a link directing the user to my forums to read the rest of the post?

Also, can you turn off feeds for individual forums?


12-14-2006, 08:24 PM
Yes, the admin area is not visible to guests, but as an admin myself, shouldn't I be seeing it so I can use the RSS fee myself?When you are attempting to view the feed, are you still logged in to vB? I haven't torn apart the vB 3.6.x version of external.php yet so off the top of my head I'm not sure how they're handling authorization in it.


Thanks so much for responding to my request to make this! You did a great job!:) Glad to help out.

I know that this isn't exactly related to this hack, but is it possible to limit the text of each post in the feed? So it creates a link directing the user to my forums to read the rest of the post?By default vBulletin will use the 'threadpreview' value as the feed description. You could either change that or try this hack (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=125100).

Also, can you turn off feeds for individual forums?In this hack or do you mean in general? In this hack, no; it will show all forums that the person who is viewing the page has access to. In general, you can change the external.php to only include certain forums but as far as I know there are no vBulletin options to exclude forums.

12-14-2006, 08:43 PM
The problem with only the main index showing on the RSS feeds is due to categories being set up as links, such as using # to make each category an anchor. This has nothing to do with VBSEO per say, although it too allows such anchoring to be done.

Perhaps this information will help you to rewrite the code a little bit differently in a way to enable those categories which are anchored to also show properly.

12-14-2006, 09:51 PM
The problem with only the main index showing on the RSS feeds is due to categories being set up as links, such as using # to make each category an anchor. This has nothing to do with VBSEO per say, although it too allows such anchoring to be done.

Perhaps this information will help you to rewrite the code a little bit differently in a way to enable those categories which are anchored to also show properly.Discussions, is using the # tag something that a stock vBulletin does? I have several categories set up as links as well and in the code I skip them (actually, in this version it skips them in the next version there is an option to include them or not).

12-14-2006, 10:08 PM
When you are attempting to view the feed, are you still logged in to vB? I haven't torn apart the vB 3.6.x version of external.php yet so off the top of my head I'm not sure how they're handling authorization in it.


12-14-2006, 10:56 PM
Discussions, is using the # tag something that a stock vBulletin does? I have several categories set up as links as well and in the code I skip them (actually, in this version it skips them in the next version there is an option to include them or not).

No, a stock version of Vbulletin doesn't use the # on categories. But is useful to implement # for search engine optimization or if you don't want members clicking on the category name.

12-14-2006, 11:36 PM
By default RSS2 is enabled it seems, how can i change this to display on RSS format ?
I dont want the descriptions to be added alongwith RSS feeds.
(if there is any advantage / disadvantage of using rss2 over rss do let me know)


Code Monkey
12-15-2006, 02:53 AM
Very nice indeed.

12-15-2006, 02:57 AM
YesI'd have to play around but it's something outside of the scope of this hack. Before you installed this hack (or if you uninstall it) are you able to view the RSS feeds for your admin forums?

No, a stock version of Vbulletin doesn't use the # on categories. But is useful to implement # for search engine optimization or if you don't want members clicking on the category name.Can you give an example of a typical implementation of it? I'll see what I can do.

By default RSS2 is enabled it seems, how can i change this to display on RSS format ?
I dont want the descriptions to be added alongwith RSS feeds.
(if there is any advantage / disadvantage of using rss2 over rss do let me know)

Thanks.Essentially RSS2 offers a lot more options than RSS feeds. If all you're after is a basic thread title & description then just about any of the forms will work but for your users subscribing to the RSS feeds then most likely there preference would be RSS2. To change the actual link to external.php then modify the "cv_ffl_forum_feed_link" template (it's in a grouping called "CinVin Forum Feed Listing Templates").

With the newer versions of external.php (as of vB 3.6.x I believe) the default was changed to be RSS2 instead of RSS. To change it back in regards to this hack then change the template from...$vboptions[bburl]/external.php<if condition="$forumid">?forumids=$forumid</if>... to:$vboptions[bburl]/external.php?type=rss<if condition="$forumid">&forumids=$forumid</if>

12-15-2006, 03:56 AM
I'd have to play around but it's something outside of the scope of this hack. Before you installed this hack (or if you uninstall it) are you able to view the RSS feeds for your admin forums?

We're getting close to the solution or problem. I disabled the hack and then went and tried to access the RSS feed by typing in the url i.e.


The feed for the admin area came up a blank page but the general chat area showed up just fine.

12-15-2006, 01:39 PM
Im getting blank pages too. Yahoo says it can't find the RSS file...



Strange, I went to JD45's site:


I don't even get that, what gives?

I tried changing the template "cv_ffl_forum_feed_link", no joy.

This hack is realy handy as my forums are news based... :(

12-15-2006, 02:31 PM
Sometime shortly (next couple of days at worst) I'll be updating the code to have some more debugging information in it as well a few other fixes.

In the interim... if all of the forums are getting blank pages, make sure you have RSS feeds turned on in your ACP!

12-15-2006, 04:52 PM
OMG! Fixed.

I didn't notice the RSS option... Something so simple... lol


12-17-2006, 02:59 PM
Maybe an off-topic question to this hack - but
why the yahoo integration doesn' update the feeds automatically




12-20-2006, 05:23 PM
Sometime shortly (next couple of days at worst) I'll be updating the code to have some more debugging information in it as well a few other fixes.

In the interim... if all of the forums are getting blank pages, make sure you have RSS feeds turned on in your ACP!

any luck?

12-20-2006, 07:15 PM
<a href="http://www.muppets-clan.com/cv_rss_feeds.php" target="_blank">http://www.muppets-clan.com/cv_rss_feeds.php</a> heres mine please try n you will see blank page when click on rss image

12-21-2006, 06:03 AM
Just wondering where would the best place to put a link to the rss page, would it be the footer, and would an RSS picture be better? could someone provide the code to do this as well :)


12-21-2006, 09:35 PM
Great mod. Thank you :)

12-29-2006, 07:06 AM
Hi @all,

I use in my board the Zoints SEO hack (Mod_Rewrite) but zionts dos not work on the cv_rss_feeds.php.
what musst i do to get rewrite aso work on the cv_rss_feeds.php ?

sorry for my bad english, i working on it:surprised:

12-29-2006, 03:15 PM
It works for me on zoints w/ mod_rewrite

12-29-2006, 08:14 PM
It works for me on zoints w/ mod_rewrite

Thats not true, i viseted you board and found the same content via 2 URL?s

For Example:

www.mindifidoaj.com/forum/world-f16.html (From Your Board Home)
www.mindifidoaj.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=16 (From your cv_rss_feeds.php)

same content via 2 diffrent url?s = Double Content

Has anyone a soulution ?

12-29-2006, 10:05 PM
Thats not true, i viseted you board and found the same content via 2 URL?s

For Example:

www.mindifidoaj.com/forum/world-f16.html (From Your Board Home)
www.mindifidoaj.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=16 (From your cv_rss_feeds.php)

same content via 2 diffrent url?s = Double Content

Has anyone a soulution ?

Oh, it's not rewriting, i thought you were saying you were not able to access it.

That doesn't bother me, as long as it works is all Im concerned about. ;)

12-31-2006, 07:16 PM
any luck?

I guess not..time to uninstall...

01-08-2007, 12:48 AM
The next version is about 99% ready to go. I've cleaned up a bunch of code, moved various options to the ACP so you don't have to modify the PHP file, and added internal vBSEO compatibility.

You can see it running in action with vBSEO here (http://www.coolscifi.com/forums/cv_rss_feeds.php). Attached is a screen shot showing the new ACP options.

Before I package the update and release can I get anybody who is running vBSEO with the Direct Forum Links option turned to give it a go?


Kihon Kata
01-08-2007, 01:28 AM
The next version is about 99% ready to go. I've cleaned up a bunch of code, moved various options to the ACP so you don't have to modify the PHP file, and added internal vBSEO compatibility.

You can see it running in action with vBSEO here (http://www.coolscifi.com/forums/cv_rss_feeds.php). Attached is a screen shot showing the new ACP options.

Before I package the update and release can I get anybody who is running vBSEO with the Direct Forum Links option turned to give it a go?

Sweeeeeeeet! Very nice! looking good! You're very dedicated man! Also with PP Gallery too. I download everything from you. =)

01-08-2007, 01:59 AM
Before I package the update and release can I get anybody who is running vBSEO with the Direct Forum Links option turned to give it a go?

:)I'll give it a go :)

01-08-2007, 02:54 AM
I'll give it a go :)PM me an email address to use (or IM; I'm usually on in the afternoons EST) either here, at CinVin, or at vBulletinUsers.com and I'll forward the current package to you. :cool:

Kihon Kata
01-08-2007, 03:23 AM
I'm running vbseo. :)

01-09-2007, 07:19 PM
Any updates on this?

Sal Collaziano
01-10-2007, 04:02 PM
Installed, awaiting the latest update:


01-13-2007, 09:34 AM
Darn - I am getting this when importing....

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.4:

Invalid SQL:

### INSERT QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
INSERT INTO vb_plugin
(`active`, `executionorder`, `title`, `hookname`, `phpcode`, `product`)
('1', '5', 'Who\'s Online (Part 1)', 'online_location_process', 'if ($filename == \'cv_rss_feeds.php\')\r\n{\r\n $userinfo[\'activity\'] = \'cvrssfeeds\';\r\n}', 'cv_ffl');

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'executionorder' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Date : Saturday, January 13th 2007 @ 11:21:37 AM
Script : http://www.(edited).com/admincp/plugin.php
Referrer : http://www.(edited).com/admincp/plugin.php?do=productadd
IP Address : (edited)
Username : ***** (edited)
Classname : vb_database

Any ideas please?

01-13-2007, 11:16 AM
Darn - I am getting this when importing....

Any ideas please?

It's a vB 3.6.4 product ...

01-13-2007, 11:24 AM
Thanks but I checked that...

- What vB versions? This should work with all versions of vB 3.6.x and above. It should also work with vB 3.5.x but I have not tested it on that version.r

Guess it doesn't then.... :(

01-13-2007, 03:06 PM
can you give me the link for branding free option?

01-18-2007, 10:02 PM
Thanks but I checked that...

Guess it doesn't then.... :(From what I've been reading the problem is the version # in the 3.6.x product XML file that isn't recognized by 3.5.x importer. I'll see what I can do.

can you give me the link for branding free option?A link to CinVin has been sent in response to your PM.

01-19-2007, 06:53 PM
I get blank page

01-19-2007, 06:59 PM
I get blank page
http://forum.iraqvip.cc/cv_rss_feeds.phpDid you import the product XML?

01-20-2007, 12:00 AM
Have you an update to the latest version which helps with the anchors? I'm using vbseo.

01-20-2007, 03:07 AM
yes i did !!!

01-24-2007, 03:55 AM
Well, since we don't have an update to solve the anchor issues just yet...I will have to make the RSS page into pure html.

01-24-2007, 11:20 AM
Hi KW802..

Firstly a great hack.. absolutely superb.. and succesfully installed...and minimal install time.. (though I spent most time trying to find out how to view the RSS feeds as I did not read the install instructions correctly and realise I had to point to /cv_rss_feeds.php... doh!)

But I have reached to the same issue as Bashy..

So, Why would this show as a blank page for me when i am admin, it shows a blank page on the pages that guests cant see, or did you explain that i am that thick i couldnt understand it lol

Is there a fix or is it as is? Cause i will assume that all members will get this blank page

in my forum.. guests are allowed to view the forum, but not the threads within it.. members have different permissions to view forums based on their usergroups.

It does make sence to have the RSS link only able to get the posts based on the view of guests, else guests cud hijak the forums links and post it on an external RSS reader and get the brief posts information that they don't have access within the actual forum itself.

Q1) However, what I was wondering.. is it possible to limit information of what gets displayed in the RSS readers, i.e. perhaps just the first 10 characters only.. perhaps just limiting it to the title header only of a new post made in the forum?

Q2) Does the number of forums have anything to do with parsing of RSS.. the reason I ask is because, there are over 100 forums where I am trying to implement this Hack...

Doing it on forumID = 99.. i.e. passing through
works fine and I can post that to RSS external readers

But if I try
I get nothing.. external RSS readers are not able to acknoweldge this as a valid RSS code. Entering the site through the RSS validation service I get error messages as...

line 1, column 0: XML parsing error: <unknown>:1:0: no element found
Feeds should not be served with the "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" media type


Ok.. I think if this hack is used together with Abe1's hack regarding External Data Provider Usergroup / Cookie setting (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=127062)it should allow RSS feed based on which usergroup you define within the Exteral Data Provider option in ACP as it will be based on cookies.

01-24-2007, 01:04 PM
Kevin - just a couple of quick question for you ?

Is there anyway to control the feed from the individual forums, for instance I have a few hosted forums which aren't as busy as the rest of the site, but I'm creating a mini-site for some of these forums, and I was going to include the RSS Feed in Wordpress as I was using that as the CMS for the mini site, but due to the lack of activity, low numbers of threads are showing up on the feed.

01-28-2007, 05:07 PM
Hello Guys!

I have installed this product but I see only one link with RSS, the principal title of my forum; other sections there aren't

Link (http://www.p2psin.net/forum/cv_rss_feeds.php)

I have also check in my ACP and RSS, Javascript in External Provider are active...Please, How Can I resolve this problem?

Thank all :)

01-29-2007, 03:20 AM
Great hack! It was working fine, then I just started getting a blank page. I'm not sure what could be conflicting with it. One thing that is curious is that you are using the variable $adv_portal_forumlist, which looks like a CMPS module. I'm using CMPS, but I don't see how your variable could be conflicting.

Anyway, any ideas would be great. I'd love to get this back online. Thanks!

01-29-2007, 12:10 PM
The feeds seem to be updated by a cron job. May I know which cron job is involved in this, so that I can run it manually when I require.

01-29-2007, 08:03 PM
Hello Guys!

I have installed this product but I see only one link with RSS, the principal title of my forum; other sections there aren't

Link (http://www.p2psin.net/forum/cv_rss_feeds.php)

I have also check in my ACP and RSS, Javascript in External Provider are active...Please, How Can I resolve this problem?

Thank all :)

That is a known flaw with the program. It refuses to add in categories that are anchored (#) Supposedly there is a new version that is being tested..that fixes this issue. It has not been released.

Brandon Sheley
02-07-2007, 08:31 PM
has this been updated to work with vBSEO yet ?

I guess I'll un-install it if its never going to be :(

02-07-2007, 08:52 PM
A quite FYI...

- Version 2.x is delayed as I work out some vBSEO issues. The current version posted in this thread is supposed to be working just fine with vBSEO according to their developer guidelines but obviously it isn't. When I use their functions to create vBSEO standardized URLs I am getting mixed results. As soon as I hear back from their tech' guys for a resolution I'll either update this thread or incorporate the changes in the new version.

- If you are getting a blank page when attempting to view the RSS results for an individual forum then make sure that you have (a) RSS feeds enabled in your ACP and (b) the last thread in that forum is newer then the X days specified in the ACP.

- If you are getting a blank page when attempting to the cv_rss_feeds.php page then the usual problem is a missing template (eg: something may have gone wrong when importing the product). If you are still getting a blank page then try either installing a fresh copy and importing a fresh copy of the product (uninstall the current one loaded and then install the fresh product XML) or you can submit a Support Ticket at CinVin and I'll take a look.

Lizard King
02-07-2007, 09:49 PM
Kevin ,
In rss feeds there is currently a problem it doesn't recognize the forumids so it takes all forums feeds. I also double checked it on your board and you also have the same problem.
http://www.ayyas.com/rss if you check in here you can see that RSS and Bloglines images donot have the forumids but yahoo and google have the forumids. Is there any workaround for this ?

also i dont want to read 11 pages :p what is the problem with vbseo :p

02-07-2007, 10:29 PM
Installed no drama on 3.6.4

Just imported the product
uploaded the images folder to ../forum/images/
uploaded the php file to ../forum/

Checked the page and all is working.

Thank you very very handy.

Eagle Creek
02-16-2007, 12:53 PM
Sweet! Used the FTP program and clicked the install button!

02-22-2007, 05:36 AM
This works great! Thanks for all your hard work, as it is really appreciated. :)

02-23-2007, 10:14 AM
<a href="http://forum.ragezone.com/cv_rss_feeds.php" target="_blank">http://forum.ragezone.com/cv_rss_feeds.php</a>

Any word on when it will work with vbseo?

02-25-2007, 12:04 PM

Been looking for something like this for ages - Great! :)

I have a problem though. The links don't work. When hovering over the link the link shows:
http://www.forum.familyhistory.uk.com/<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE:cv_ffl_forum_feed_link --->http://www.forum.familyhistory.uk.com/external.php <!-- END TEMPLATE:cv_ffl_forum_feed_link-->
Link to site: http://www.forum.familyhistory.uk.com/cv_rss_feeds.php
I have tried tracking the <!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE and can only find it in the fuctions.php around line 2881

Please help,

03-01-2007, 02:41 PM
Still have the problem! - sorry but the file with <!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE is found in functions.php.


03-07-2007, 04:38 AM
installed on 3.6.5.

still need to shake out, but this far appears to be running as advertised. :)

03-07-2007, 05:53 AM
Nice mod, thanks.


03-07-2007, 05:41 PM
Are there any updates on getting this to work with vBSEO?

03-11-2007, 04:21 AM
Been playing around with. For whatever reason the feeds to not comply with some standards. I tried importing into an RSS reader and the mesage I receive from link validator is:

XML syntax error. Root element is missing. This feed is valid, but may cause problems for some users. We recommend fixing these problems.


line 21, column 35: description contains bad characters (2 occurrences) [help]

<description>BEVERLY HILLS (MI) \x96- Time once again for the FTS e-Mailbox, ...


line 24, column 119: content:encoded contains bad characters (52 occurrences) [help]

... erif"><font size="2">BEVERLY HILLS (MI) \x96- Time once again for the FTS e ...

03-12-2007, 02:58 PM

Been looking for something like this for ages - Great! :)

I have a problem though. The links don't work. When hovering over the link the link shows:
http://www.forum.familyhistory.uk.com/<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE:cv_ffl_forum_feed_link --->http://www.forum.familyhistory.uk.com/external.php <!-- END TEMPLATE:cv_ffl_forum_feed_link-->
Link to site: http://www.forum.familyhistory.uk.com/cv_rss_feeds.php
I have tried tracking the <!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE and can only find it in the fuctions.php around line 2881

Please help,

I'm also encountering a similar problem.
Did you manage to fix your problem, Dave?

03-15-2007, 08:50 PM
A quite FYI...

- Version 2.x is delayed as I work out some vBSEO issues. The current version posted in this thread is supposed to be working just fine with vBSEO according to their developer guidelines but obviously it isn't. When I use their functions to create vBSEO standardized URLs I am getting mixed results. As soon as I hear back from their tech' guys for a resolution I'll either update this thread or incorporate the changes in the new version.

- If you are getting a blank page when attempting to view the RSS results for an individual forum then make sure that you have (a) RSS feeds enabled in your ACP and (b) the last thread in that forum is newer then the X days specified in the ACP.

- If you are getting a blank page when attempting to the cv_rss_feeds.php page then the usual problem is a missing template (eg: something may have gone wrong when importing the product). If you are still getting a blank page then try either installing a fresh copy and importing a fresh copy of the product (uninstall the current one loaded and then install the fresh product XML) or you can submit a Support Ticket at CinVin and I'll take a look.

hello KW i have that issue with the blank page but not all are like that selected post show blank page i follow all that you said and everything appears in order.

03-16-2007, 01:17 AM
wonderful!! thank you!!!

03-19-2007, 01:37 AM
So far this is working for me. I just installed it.


I'm looking forward to the next version.

Brandon Sheley
03-19-2007, 01:46 AM
can you please update so it'll show the correct url with vbseo.

I asked a few Months ago also..


03-19-2007, 03:42 AM
This is a great hack, hoping the issues with vbSEO & Direct Category Links get resolved.

03-19-2007, 06:06 PM
This is a great hack that I've been looking for , for long time. I did every thing but as some others, I get a blank page when I click on the RSS button.
Please KW802 try to update it and I'm sure lots of people would find it very handy and then donate to reward your efforts, starting of me.. :)

03-19-2007, 08:18 PM
This is a great hack that I've been looking for , for long time. I did every thing but as some others, I get a blank page when I click on the RSS button.
Please KW802 try to update it and I'm sure lots of people would find it very handy and then donate to reward your efforts, starting of me.. :)

Most likely you need to enable rss in external data in acp.

03-19-2007, 08:58 PM
Most likely you need to enable rss in external data in acp.

It's already enabled..

Brandon Sheley
03-19-2007, 09:05 PM
It's already enabled..

you shouldn't get a blank page ?
I looked at the link in your sig, but the site is shut down.

can you post a link to the feed page ?

03-19-2007, 09:43 PM
The site is now under Maintenance . The feed page is showing well and all the forums are listed but once you click on a RSS button, you get a blank page. I doubled check every thing and I'm sure that the RSS is enabled coz I'm receiving feeds through my site tool-bar( special tool-bar for my site). There must be something wrong with the hack.

03-28-2007, 12:58 PM
bump for VBSEO compatibility :(

03-28-2007, 03:18 PM
When I click on the RSS button, I get a link such as:
http://www.mysite.com/forum/<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: cv_ffl_forum_feed_link -->http://www.mysite.com/forum/external.php<!-- END TEMPLATE: cv_ffl_forum_feed_link-->
instead of a proper link to a rss page.

I have enabled rss in the external options page. My external.php page displays fine. I have it installed in my mysite.com/forum/ folder.

03-29-2007, 09:41 PM
I've been offline for a bit guys/gals. I'll be going back through this thread for open issue.

03-31-2007, 09:05 AM
Very nice addon. I have it now added aswell way down under in the page. *installed*

04-03-2007, 05:08 PM
When I click on the RSS button, I get a link such as:
http://www.mysite.com/forum/<!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: cv_ffl_forum_feed_link -->http://www.mysite.com/forum/external.php<!-- END TEMPLATE: cv_ffl_forum_feed_link-->
instead of a proper link to a rss page.

I have enabled rss in the external options page. My external.php page displays fine. I have it installed in my mysite.com/forum/ folder.Well i just installed this on my test forum, i enabled external data, then entered the feeds php and i'm getting similar links lke the one irishblue got.

This is my homepage link on rss feeds page

http://localhost/forum/%3C!--%20BEGIN%20TEMPLATE:%20cv_ffl_forum_link%20--%3Ehttp://localhost/forum/forum.php%3C!--%20END%20TEMPLATE:%20cv_ffl_forum_link%20--%3E :(

Did i do something wrong?

04-03-2007, 05:57 PM
@obmob & Irishblue

This is because you have template commenting on. Turn it off by going to the acp / general settings

change the setting for "Add Template Name in HTML Comments" to NO.

This is a great setting for testing, but should be normally off anyway.


in other news, this is a great plugin!


04-04-2007, 12:26 AM
@obmob & Irishblue

This is because you have template commenting on. Turn it off by going to the acp / general settings

change the setting for "Add Template Name in HTML Comments" to NO.

This is a great setting for testing, but should be normally off anyway.


in other news, this is a great plugin!

/installedThank you majorxp! :p

04-04-2007, 12:49 PM
Well, on an active forum (20K+ posts/week)

1 - CV's 1.0.2 xml imports smoothly.
2 - CV's php and image files upload smoothly.
3 - permissions on uploaded files set to 755
4 - External Data Provider options set as: Y, Y, Y, Y, 10, 90, 90
5 - external.php displays properly
6 - external.php?forumids=20 displays properly
7 - external.php?forumids=20&count=15 displays properly
8 - forums located in root: forums.mydomain.com/index.php
9 - some forums use simple html tags (bold; font color) in description
10 - Have multiple top-level (parent-less) forums (Main; Closed; Mod; Admin)
- Main is visible to all and postable by reg'd members
- Closed is visible to all and closed to posting (this is an "archive" where we throw old forums)
- Mod is Mod/Admin only
- Admin is Admin only
11 - No "link" forums
12 - No "category" forums
13 - Fiddled with colspan on some forumhome styles, but noit sure if that is what you are referring to.
14 - Not using vBSEO
15 - Not using VBA/CMPS (or any other portal)
16 - Not using Zoints
17 - vB 3.6.4
18 - PHP 4.3.9
19 - MySQL 4.1.20
20 - Linux/Apache 2
21 - xCache 1.2.0
22 - Logged in as admin
23 - Have 90 ForumManager entries, but actual forum ID count is now up to 112.
24 - Some "forums" are closed to new threads/posting and serve as a folder for sub-fora.

PROBLEM: cv_rss_feeds.php comes up blank in IE7 and FF2.0.0.2
IE reports just an empty html wrapper:
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8"></HEAD>
But FF says the page is completely empty.

Also tried uninstalling and changing file name to rss.php (changed xml and php files).
After new install, same results.

And Debug=1 produces page containing only:

Any help anyone?

04-11-2007, 08:18 AM

<<I shouldn't do this stuff when I'm not feeling well. I coulda swore I did it right the first time. Oh well.>>

Anyway, once the file permissions were set (755) and the file's ownership (user/group) was set properly, it all worked as advertised.

KW802, my apologies for wasting your time.


04-11-2007, 04:40 PM
Thanks sweet heart! This should be a default thing in vB. *pokes jelsoft*

04-11-2007, 09:55 PM
Any ETA for the vBSEO version? If you need a tester for vBSEO compatibility you can contact me. I just read all 13 pages :eek: and I'm getting the same results as all the other vBSEO users.

This is a wonderful hack...once I can get it to work lol. This should really be DEFAULT in vBulletin (like it is for IPB...IPB has many more options for RSS which saddens me :( ).

04-12-2007, 09:34 AM
Hello could someone tell me how to manually update one of my rss feed's Builddate whilst using this hack? Thanks and great work by the author.

04-12-2007, 02:05 PM
i really love this hack..your are great and keep up the good work

04-18-2007, 08:56 PM
I got this working for with vBSEO now!!! :D Thanks should go to MaestroX at vbseo.com.

Just add

to the "Exclude Pages?" option in your vbseocp.

04-18-2007, 09:14 PM
Friggin W00t!!!! It Workss!!!!!

04-18-2007, 11:00 PM
I did that along time ago and I still get a blank page. I think it's because I'm using PHP5. I'm not sure...

I got this working for with vBSEO now!!! :D Thanks should go to MaestroX at vbseo.com.

Just add

to the "Exclude Pages?" option in your vbseocp.

04-19-2007, 01:42 AM
I did that along time ago and I still get a blank page. I think it's because I'm using PHP5. I'm not sure...
This was a solution to those that had only the main forums showing up and not the subforums.

04-20-2007, 02:23 PM
wow!! How'd I miss this incredible addon!! thanks!

<< installed.

@obmob & Irishblue

This is because you have template commenting on. Turn it off by going to the acp / general settings

change the setting for "Add Template Name in HTML Comments" to NO.

This is a great setting for testing, but should be normally off anyway.


in other news, this is a great plugin!


Thank you majorxp! :p

and thanks cause now its working perfectly. :D :D

04-27-2007, 02:36 AM
I'm getting this error on the page:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare construct_forum_list() (previously declared in /home/path/to/forum/rss_feeds.php:63) in /home/path/to/forum//global.php(371) : eval()'d code on line 578

04-27-2007, 03:41 PM
I finally got around to updating to vBSEO 3.0.0 Gold and... the problem seems to have gone away with the current development version of the forum feed listing.


Give me a little bit of time this afternoon to package it up and update the attachment.

Doug Nelson
04-28-2007, 01:04 AM
Any way to add a sub-subforum indent? I know they're not a good thing to have, but I have some legacy sub-subs to support.

04-28-2007, 04:54 AM
It isnt working with vBSEO.

04-28-2007, 04:39 PM
I finally got around to updating to vBSEO 3.0.0 Gold and... the problem seems to have gone away with the current development version of the forum feed listing.


Give me a little bit of time this afternoon to package it up and update the attachment.
I posted a solution to get it to work with your current version :P

It isnt working with vBSEO.
If you do this, it will work (quoting myself from 1 page back...I'm glad you tried to read the thread <_< ):

I got this working for with vBSEO now!!! :D Thanks should go to MaestroX at vbseo.com.

Just add

to the "Exclude Pages?" option in your vbseocp.

04-28-2007, 04:48 PM
It looks like KW802 hasn't updated the download here, but at his site, www.cinvin.com, he has Version 2 posted. Version 1.x wasn't working for me (and I have vBSEO). Version 2 works great! NO problems! :)

Thanks for the great hack!

05-16-2007, 04:32 PM
theres no external.php page, it shows blank on my site when i click the rss buttons

is there anyway to make the feed only display certain forums ?

05-18-2007, 07:44 PM
any demos?

05-24-2007, 06:27 AM
How can I modify external.php update time. It seems that it updates every 20 minutes. I want it to be shorter.

05-31-2007, 12:07 AM

06-04-2007, 03:24 PM
I install it but When I was subscribe in google yahoo or blog it shown this message
No feeds were found. Please verify that the website publishes an RSS feed.
Preview not available. Add this content to your page to see it.

this is our site addresses: www.sat2m.com & this is our rss feed http://www.sat2m.com/cv_rss_feeds.php

please help me

06-05-2007, 10:49 AM
just installed it over at www.forumjunkies.net - loving it - I just added a icon to it and place the icon where I wanted it !!

Great stuff

06-15-2007, 09:29 AM
please, explain, why my forum need this mod? how can I use it?

06-16-2007, 12:36 AM
I experienced a "blank page" too but I got it working now. I'm not sure which step fixed the problem but I'll tell you everything I did.

First I didn't check if RSS in ACP was on, sure enough, it was off. I turned it on and still no go. i went to http://------.com/forum/external.php, still blank. I went into "external data provier" and just turn everything on, then rebuilt style, reload cv_rss_feeds.php and no more blank page.

06-16-2007, 01:41 AM
change 777 permissions for cv_rss_feeds.php and i think it will be on fly.

why do you need this mod? explane me please how you will use it

06-20-2007, 01:38 PM
Version to from the cinvin site is much better - I advise those who use this to upgrade.

Well done with this, excellent stuff.


Why display private forums if feeds are not going to work from them? All private forums show up as blank pages, which is kinda good or else anyone with the right URL could read private forum content - but why have them in the list at all? it confuses my staff and makes them ask me if they can get feeds of the staff forums!

Is it not possible at all for the rss file to check cookie permissions on the browser in which the feed was being displayed - to allow for rss feeds of private forums?

It doesn't seem impossible to me thinking about it, but that doesn't mean it isnt!



06-22-2007, 12:52 AM
I can't log in over at cinvin, I get a 404 error. Can anyone here or someone from cinvin send me or upload the newest version here? I would really like to have this please :)

06-22-2007, 10:23 AM
Only Forum main link is appearing.


Can you help me fix this so it show all forum rss feeds ?

Many Thanks.

06-27-2007, 03:35 AM
Kevin? Are you supporting this? Can we have the newest version please?

@ anyone - is there supposed to be something in the ACP to edit settings? Or is that part of the update promised here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1153150&postcount=132) that's not here? ? I saw a screenshot on one of the posts in this thread, but I can find nothing in my acp for this.

06-27-2007, 05:37 PM

06-28-2007, 12:55 PM
This mod is FAB! thank you

07-05-2007, 09:38 PM
Seem to have a problem...Once I click on the 'RSS' icon, I get a blank screen. I looked at some of the previous posts to see if anyone had anything similar happen to them, but couldn't really come to a solution for the problem. You can find the problem Here (http://www.u-connex.com/cv_rss_feeds.php).

Any suggestions? :)

Great mod, *clicks installed*

07-13-2007, 10:41 PM
Does this mod do anything to change the feeds?

On my board without this mod, all feeds have the post information within the {description} node.

But on my board with this mode, there is a {description} node which is truncated, and a {content:encoded} node which contains the post information.

The reading I'm using ONLY reads {description} so this is causing me problems. I disabled the mod, and will wait for my feeds to refresh, but wanted to see if anyone knew the answer.


07-20-2007, 04:25 PM
Just added it to 3.6.5 Works perfectly. Thanks :up:

Eagle Creek
08-09-2007, 01:27 PM
3.6.8 compatible?

09-20-2007, 03:51 AM
i got some sub categories and they aren't showing in the rss...what can i do about it?

Btw nice hack :)

09-20-2007, 04:04 AM
Why display private forums if feeds are not going to work from them? All private forums show up as blank pages, which is kinda good or else anyone with the right URL could read private forum content - but why have them in the list at all? it confuses my staff and makes them ask me if they can get feeds of the staff forums!I agree, and will uninstall until this can be fixed - a shame,too - this hack is about 99% there...

09-20-2007, 10:51 AM
I agree, and will uninstall until this can be fixed - a shame,too - this hack is about 99% there...

But they DON't show...


look at mine under Producing Corner u only see
- Media
- New Riddim Database
- Dj BattleDome

as a guest but when ur a member level 2 u get to see all the fields (there's 6) That is what the author was saying...

If you are logged in as admin you will see everything log out completely and you will only see what guest as permissions too...

p.s My Staff Corner has a password so u can see it there..but u need a pswd to login

09-22-2007, 01:26 AM
3.6.8 compatible?Yes. As long as the basic architecture of the forums aren't changed between versions then it should work going forward as well.

i got some sub categories and they aren't showing in the rss...what can i do about it?Could you let me know what the URL and missing sub-categories are? Feel free to PM the info if you prefer not posting the URL in public. I'm in the midst of working on the code to add a new feature that somebody had requested so if there is a bug then this is the perfect time for me to dig into it.

If you are logged in as admin you will see everything log out completely and you will only see what guest as permissions too...Exactly. :)

09-24-2007, 12:46 AM
Yes. As long as the basic architecture of the forums aren't changed between versions then it should work going forward as well.

Could you let me know what the URL and missing sub-categories are? Feel free to PM the info if you prefer not posting the URL in public. I'm in the midst of working on the code to add a new feature that somebody had requested so if there is a bug then this is the perfect time for me to dig into it.

Exactly. :)


which is under Dhaz Street Journal / Sub Menue

10-22-2007, 06:56 PM
I've updated the original post to include a new attachment, version 2.1.1 of the project. :)

There has been several additional to the application since the original version released here at vB.org -- After upgrading check your ACP for some of the new options.

This version also includes a bug fix for people running vBSEO and were experiencing an issue with no forums being listed on the page.

Please let me know if you have any questions or issues with the latest version.


10-26-2007, 12:11 PM
Hi ,
i installed the New Version . i have 2 problem :

1 - i have VBSEO ( the version that they published in vb.org ) installed in my forum , when i turned vbseo option ON i got this error :
Fatal error: Call to undefined function vbseo_forum_url() in /home/public_html/rss_feeds.php on line 162

2 - i turned up vbseo option , everything shows up but i got Blank Pages in some forums when i clicked on RSS button of them !!

Any Idea ?

10-26-2007, 01:35 PM
Hi ,
i installed the New Version . i have 2 problem :

1 - i have VBSEO ( the version that they published in vb.org ) installed in my forum , when i turned vbseo option ON i got this error :

2 - i turned up vbseo option , everything shows up but i got Blank Pages in some forums when i clicked on RSS button of them !!

Any Idea ?

Did you put the cv_rss_feeds.php script in the same folder as your forums? I may have not specified that in the install instructions.

10-26-2007, 02:22 PM
yea i did otherwise how could i browse it ! ?

10-26-2007, 05:46 PM
yea i did otherwise how could i browse it ! ?Is that a trick question?

Anway... I just re-read your problem:1 - i have VBSEO ( the version that they published in vb.org ) installed in my forum , when i turned vbseo option ON i got this error :There is no version of vBSEO released here at vB.org so in your case you'll want that option turned off. (The product "vBSEO SiteMap" is not the same thing as "vBSEO" -- They are made by the same company but are two very different products.)

As to why you're getting a blank page, turn off the vBSEO option and then give me a URL to take a look at where you are having the problem.

10-27-2007, 02:51 PM
I just upgraded and wanted to let you know that the "Exclude some forums from showing?" part isn't working, I put in some forum ID's and they still show.

10-27-2007, 03:38 PM
plz check ur pm box , links Sent

10-27-2007, 06:26 PM
I just upgraded and wanted to let you know that the "Exclude some forums from showing?" part isn't working, I put in some forum ID's and they still show.I'll check the code again this weekend... likely Sunday. I have a habit of working on several chunks of code at once so there is always the possibility that I missed something. :o

plz check ur pm box , links Sent
I'm only be online for a few minutes today but I see the PM alert and I'll check it out either late tonight or sometime Sunday. :)

10-27-2007, 06:57 PM
I just upgraded and wanted to let you know that the "Exclude some forums from showing?" part isn't working, I put in some forum ID's and they still show.

I'll check the code again this weekend... likely Sunday. I have a habit of working on several chunks of code at once so there is always the possibility that I missed something. :o
C, any chance your browser cache was being loaded instead of a fresh view? I just tried the option on a live site and it worked as expected and I just took a look at the code in the attachment here and it matches the code on the site where it worked.

Just to rule it out, could you re-view the page and either clear your cache first or do a hard-refresh when viewing it?


10-27-2007, 07:08 PM
C, any chance your browser cache was being loaded instead of a fresh view? I just tried the option on a live site and it worked as expected and I just took a look at the code in the attachment here and it matches the code on the site where it worked.

Just to rule it out, could you re-view the page and either clear your cache first or do a hard-refresh when viewing it?

ThanksHey, do I know you? (C?) :) I cleared the cache and now see it's only when I am logged in that I see it and I guess cause I am an admin and can see the forums I set it not to show... could this be it?

Oh yeah, duh me, cinvin Kevin, hey! :D

Brandon Sheley
10-28-2007, 07:40 PM
Would be nice if the first post was updated with the updated changes ;)


10-29-2007, 10:10 PM
Version 2.2.0 has been released and attached to the first post.
Added new option to show forums based upon a usergroup ID. The default value is now usergroup ID 1. What that means is that if you enter a usergroup ID then only those forums that the specified usergroup can view will be shown. The default value is 1 (unregistered users). This is now the default behavior. To have all forums shown that the user has permissions to view (the old behavior) then remove the value & leave it blank. This was added due to a concern that was raised about a site staff member using something like iGoogle (Google's personal portal page) to view an RSS feed for a forum that users do not normally have access to and then Google caching the feed & somehow the cache being released into the wild. The odds were slim (if at all possible) but I agree with the thought behind the concern. This will also most likely eliminate some people using the Exclude Forums option to do the same thing.
Fixed 'Excluded Forums' option; was not working in all circumstances.
Fixed display issue introduced in 2.1.1 for vBSEO users. If you are a vBSEO user and installed version 2.1.1 then you would've started seeing the text "DEBUG MODE" in the middle of the screen even if you had Debug Mode turned off.
Code cleanup. Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.Whew! OK, let me know what you guys/gals find next. :)

Hey, do I know you? (C?) :) I cleared the cache and now see it's only when I am logged in that I see it and I guess cause I am an admin and can see the forums I set it not to show... could this be it?

Oh yeah, duh me, cinvin Kevin, hey! :D:) Turns out I was uh.. uhm... hhhmm.... err... uhm.... wrong. The Excluded Forums option did indeed have a problem. It's been fixed in the 2.2.0 version.

Would be nice if the first post was updated with the updated changes ;)

cheersCheck post #2 ;)

10-30-2007, 09:47 PM
updated and still i can see Blankpages in some sections :(

10-30-2007, 09:59 PM
updated and still i can see Blankpages in some sections :(Something is going on with your session IDs being the URL like that. I'll take a closer look when I get home.

EDIT: OK, assuming that we're talking about the same problem then edit your 'cv_ffl_forum_link' template and replace it with this...<if condition="$forumid"><if condition="$use_vbseo_links">$vbseo_forum_link<else />$vboptions[bburl]/forumdisplay.php?f=$forumid</if><else />$vboptions[bburl]/$vboptions[forumhome].php</if>

10-31-2007, 09:05 AM
thanks but still the same !! blank pages with some sections .. as i checked all sections i guess i got blank pages for those sections that closed for guests !! but i was logged in

so the question is that guests should not see feeds , right ? so i have to exclude those sections in rss feed options ! but what about login members ( as i said i was logged in but i couldnt saw those feeds ) ??!

10-31-2007, 10:46 AM
nice addon, thx :up:

10-31-2007, 08:05 PM
thanks but still the same !! blank pages with some sections .. as i checked all sections i guess i got blank pages for those sections that closed for guests !! but i was logged in

so the question is that guests should not see feeds , right ? so i have to exclude those sections in rss feed options ! but what about login members ( as i said i was logged in but i couldnt saw those feeds ) ??!Send a PM with the specific URL where the blank page occurs. The last PM you sent was just the generic URL to your RSS feeds page script. Send the exact URL you are going to and what exactly you are clicking on what the 'blank page' occurs.

11-02-2007, 09:49 AM
they r alot . i sent some of them ..


Doug Nelson
11-02-2007, 10:40 AM
I'm getting the same error that is on the demo page:

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /includes/vba_cmps_include_template.php on line 47

Doug Nelson
11-02-2007, 10:43 AM
Could we get child-forums feeding with parents? And maybe clean up tertiary forums display (sub-sub-forums)? If you can do the first, I don't need the second.

11-02-2007, 01:31 PM
they r alot . i sent some of them ..

thanksGot your PM, thanks. Looks like you're having a problem with external.php not showing you any threads and not a problem with this script. I replied to your PM with a theory of what I think is going on.

I'm getting the same error that is on the demo page:

Warning: array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not an array in /includes/vba_cmps_include_template.php on line 47You found a bug. :) If CMPS is installed on the site and the page is not being integrated with CMPS then the error occurs. The way the old CMPS 2.x & older integration worked it requires a file to be included and the method I was previously doing always included the file if it found it. Apparently it doesn't like that with CMPS 3.x so now I'm wrapping the file include inside of a conditional. I'll post an updated version this afternoon.

Could we get child-forums feeding with parents? And maybe clean up tertiary forums display (sub-sub-forums)? If you can do the first, I don't need the second.I have to admit... I have not had enough caffeine yet today so I'm not sure what you're asking for. Could you elaborate a bit?

11-02-2007, 03:15 PM
Works fine for me :)

However, I have a dumb question :D

Where is the best place to show a link to cv_rss_feeds.php ?

Somebody suggested the code below, but Im not sure where to put it.

<a href="$vboptions[bburl]/cv_rss_feeds.php" target="_self" title="$vboptions[hometitle] RSS Feeds"><img src="$vboptions[bburl]/images/cinvin_forum_feed_listing/rss.gif" border="0" alt="$vboptions[hometitle] RSS Feeds" /></a>

As you have probabley guessed Im not a coder :o



11-02-2007, 11:29 PM
Having an update log would be nice. I have no clue what you changed in the latest version.

11-02-2007, 11:54 PM
Works fine for me :)

However, I have a dumb question :D

Where is the best place to show a link to cv_rss_feeds.php ?

Somebody suggested the code below, but Im not sure where to put it.<a href="$vboptions[bburl]/cv_rss_feeds.php" target="_self" title="$vboptions[hometitle] RSS Feeds"><img src="$vboptions[bburl]/images/cinvin_forum_feed_listing/rss.gif" border="0" alt="$vboptions[hometitle] RSS Feeds" /></a>As you have probabley guessed Im not a coder :o


VinylJunkyIt's really a question of where do you want to present the link to your visitors. Some sites, IMHO, go overboard and have an RSS link just about everywhere they can squeeze it in and others bury if RSS feeds are not considered a major item for them. At least for me personally I went with just a link in my footer template (eg: scroll to the bottom of the page (http://www.coolscifi.com)). If you come up with a spot of where you'd like the link, and whether you want a graphic link or a text link, just let me know where and I'll walk you through changing the template.

Having an update log would be nice. I have no clue what you changed in the latest version. Check post #2 ;)Besides post #2 in this thread I also usually post a more detailed explanation over at CinVin and as a reply here as well.