View Full Version : Members don't stay logged in

11-05-2006, 08:35 PM
Hi, I have a question about members not being able to stay logged in at www.oddtopic.net.

On my personal computer, I'm able to log in and stay logged in (even on a test account), however when my members try to log in, they get the "thank you for logging in" screen, and it redirects back to the previous page as normal, but they're logged out already. In other words they can log in, but the forum doesn't actually log them in.

Is this a coding problem in the header or navbar, or is there something else I missed?

Thanks alot,

11-12-2006, 01:55 PM
bump maybe someone can help you

11-18-2006, 09:17 PM
I am getting a lot of that also. Having just awitched over from 2.3x to 3.6.x I don't see where there is an Option in the UserCP where users can select to automatically log in each time. I am getting an awful lot of support mail from members complaining that they have to log in each time, and with almost 12,000 members it's a real headache. Is there an option that I am missing?

Paul M
11-18-2006, 10:35 PM
There is a "Remember Me" tickbox where the username and password are entered.

11-18-2006, 10:53 PM
Also make sure your cookie settings are correct in the Admin CP.