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09-03-2006, 10:00 PM
vbMp3 Player + XEON vbMp3 Player
See second Message for CMPS Block version for vbMp3 Player. XEON vBa CMPS install instructions are in the XEON package.

http://www.digitalport.co.uk/images/ipod_reflect.jpg ---- https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2006/10/8.jpg

vbMp3 Player designed by Syrus XL
IMPORTANT: No longer supported on here - if you require advice or support then this is only available from www.digitalport.co.uk

Requirements: Any vBulletin forum (requires no database to function)

XEON Update:
The Xeon vBmp3 player will be released soon to full vBulletin integration, this means you will able to add tracks to the 5 playlists from the AdminCP, all urls,track titles and playlists are stored in the database.

If you would like to support my work with this modification please contact me via PM regarding donations, and I will add you to the supporters list. You will receive advanced notice of future beta releases, and also permission to beta test them. :)

Support: Only given to members that have clicked 'Installed'.

The 'mighty' XEON vbMp3 player now available for download. Note: XEON is a beta release, replacing the 'Black Gloss' version. There are a few bugs with playlist switching, these will be 'fixed' in an update, hopefully within the next few days. This is a high-quality designed mp3 player and has many new features that the iPod 'lookalike' lacks. If you have the space, I would recommend you update to the Xeon version. The vBa CMPS XEON version is also demonstrated at this address, Click HERE for Xeon vbMp3 Demo (http://www.digitalport.co.uk), this demo is using the full vBulletin integrated beta version all populated from the vb database.

XML Editing:
To change track data, edit the XML files with Notepad or Wordpad, and enter your own urls and tracks.

XEON Facts & Features:

50 mp3 playlist bug fixed, can now hold upto 100 tracks(debugging test environment).
Multiple Playlist Switching(*see important note below).
Volume control.
Panorama (Balance).
Visual Effects.
Multiple function display.
Blue Neon 'Media' effect buttons.
Larger font display (as requested).
Player coding updated for future vBulletin integration.
XEON uses approximately 100 movie clips.
Protect from Import implemented, to prevent copyright.
XEON comes with 5 populated example playlists.
XEON is fully compatible to the forthcoming Pro vbMp3 Player.

XEON To do List:

Incorporate 'float' coding, enabling the player to 'float' within the main vBulletin forum or vBa CMPS.
Add 'float' close button to XEON flash player.
Add Alpha background to flash player (for 'float' to work correctly)

Note: These changes will only affect the XEON mp3 player, it will still remain compatible with the Pro version vBulletin integration.

*XEON Known issues:
1. A bug on XEON means I had to currently release it only in a beta stage. The issue relates to playlist switching, this has been currently set to only 5 playlists, the bug relates to when you click to load a new playlist, you may recieve no autostart upon new playlist load. This 'issue' I am working on, and hopefully have an updated version with unlimited playlists, by deleting the 5-button bank and replacing it with forward and back buttons to skip through playlists. Please note you may experience strange behaviour if you only populate a XML playlist with less than 5 tracks.
2. A sizing problem in the vBa CMPS block requires reversed dimensions.
3. Problem with populating any playlist with over 100 tracks, will cause the player to go into an infinite loop, and become unstable. This was not caught during the 1,000 'dummy' track environment test.

XEON Fixed Issues:
An issue with the popup window displaying the height and width the wrong size is now fixed.

XEON vbMp3 Player Installation:
The Xeon uses very similar installation code to the vbMp3 Player, full instructions are included in the XEON download package. This player has been tested with the forthcoming vBulletin full integration Pro Mp3 player, soon to be released. For Pro Player details see towards the end of this post.

XEON vbMp3 Player in CMPS:
This is now been added to the XEON package. Full instructions on how to change the background color to match your style is also documented.

vbMp3 Player
This mp3 player is designed as a popup for your members to listen to, while browsing your website. The actual flash mp3 player is designed to read data from mp3 ID tags, or you can enter the artist and tracks manually using the XML file included. The flash player is designed not to auto-start, so you may scroll through all available tracks. All buttons function and you can also select tracks by using the scroll controls and double-clicking a track.

2 sample tracks are already included the playlist XML file {Note: The urls in the example tracks are void, you must replace these urls with your own}.

This modification should function on any vBulletin board from version 3.0 upwards, since only a small piece of javascript is used to create the popup mp3 player window, from the navbar. However, the CMPS block version has only beem tested on vBulletin 3.6 and vBadvanced CMPS 2.2. The planned major addon version will be developed for vBulletin 3.6.1 and higher, since it will require changes to database.

Configuring of tracks is all done in the XML file, do not rename this file because the flash file will fail. Mp3?s can be uploaded to the same server as your site or an external site (just change the complete URL in the XML file). So to add tracks all you need to do is edit the plylist.xml file, and enter the urls and track data (if needed).

NOTE: Using external servers may cause the player to run slower, this can be changed by altering the soundbuffer value of the song/track, in the XML file, which will override the value in the flash file.

Streaming & Sound Buffer parameters in the XML file
There are 2 parameters they may confuse some people so heres an explanation on how they work.
Both can be set in the XML file and set per mp3 track.

If set to 'False' will cause the player to download an entire mp3 before playing.
If set to 'True' will play the mp3 track as soon as the 'soundbuffer' value is reached.

Sound Buffer:
This parameter controls the number of seconds before the mp3 will start to play, obviously it will only work if 'streaming' is set to 'True'.

Using other mp3 Players:
The coding used on this modification can be used with many other free or commercial based mp3 players around the internet, with slight alterations. Please note that the other full integrated version will only work with the players we release, due to the call routines used within the player.

06/10/06: + XEON vbMp3 Player released This is a high-quality design, all graphics are vectors, and created in Flash 8.0, all embedding code has been updated for this player. The package contains various versions of the player, and 5 example populated playlists.
01/10/06: + vbPlayer 1.01 added: Player with AutoStart and Shuffle(randomize tracks) disabled. Some minimal code optimized. Requires either the vbMp3 player download or CMPS vbMp3 Player for additional files to function.
Pop up code updated to show link only to registered members.
+ Alternative vbPlayer added: (autoStart Enabled) requires main download to function. If updating from previous version, you may need to clear your browser cache, before the new version will show. Same vbMp3 player just autoStart enabled.

Click INSTALL to receive notifications of updates of this modification.

vbMp3 Player Installation:
Requires uploading of 3 files and 1 template edit.

Upload the following files to your forum ?ROOT?


Template Edit:
AdminCP -> Styles & Templates -> Navigation / Breadcrumb Templates -> navbar

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="calendar.php$session[sessionurl_q]">$vbphrase[calendar]</a></td>

After add:

<!-- vbMp3 Player Start -->
<if condition="$show['member']">
<script type="text/javascript">

function OpeniPod(){
iPod = window.open('ipod.htm','iPod','directories=no,heig ht=430,width=190,location=no,menubar=no,resizable= no,status=no,toolbar=no')

return false;

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="#" onclick="return OpeniPod()">vbPlayer</a></td>
<!-- vbMp3 Player End -->

End of template edits.

How to Enable all visitors to see vbMp3 Player
To Enable all visitors to see this link, remove the following code from the above code:
<if condition="$show['member']">
and this


Known Issues:
Always have more than one track in the playlist available or the flash file will fail (excludes the new Xeon player).
Place no more than 50 tracks in playlist (excludes the new Xeon player).

Future planned release details
Change name of mp3 player to vBmp3 Pro Player.


Use of AdminCP to populate flash player via using the vBulletin product plugin system.
Playlist urls and track details stored in database as opposed to the current XML file.
Allow playlist to show thumbnails of tracks being played, if available.
Create multiple playlists to populate flash player.
Playlist will include stream variable and buffer enable/disable per track.
Usergroup permissions for use. Good for lowering bandwidth consumption if hosting your own mp3's.
Allow admin to set if player should popup or use Flash 'float' in page (requires flash button on player).
Allow admin to set autoStart variable (effectively lowering bandwidth upon false page loads).
Allow admin to set default variables.
Allow admin to enable/disable tracks without deleting.
Possibility to allow users to add tracks to a favorite list.
Ability to color match the player to the webmasters style.
Admin can set color 'tint' of player via RGB or hex values, default will be silver.
Color 'tint' of buttons.

Enhanced Flash Player

Fix player to use more than 50 tracks per playlist.
Pre-loader for slower connections.
Controls for volume, pan(balance), etc.
Control to enable/disable 'shuffle' of tracks.
Use buttons to view available playlists.
Use image slide to view images of tracks if available.
Incorporate equalizer.
New player to be created wider to fit CMPS when used in center block.
Old players will be backward compatible.

Please note the demonstration for this modification is no longer available.

In Development:
2 new skinned players - Both of which are shown below. Both players will have more features than the present skin, and other updated files. Your input is always appreciated, to further enhance this modification.

Screenshots below show both the popup and CMPS block versions (see post below for CMPS version).
The other screenshots are players in development (not yet available), enhanced to use the center column of the CMPS.

09-04-2006, 09:07 PM
Adding the vbMp3 Player to vBadvanced CMPS

CMPS Installation

These instructions are based on vBulletin 3.6 and using CMPS 2.2

This package contains all files needed to enable the vbMp3 Player to work in a left or right block. To compensate for the default 175px block width, the player dimensions have been reduced, as opposed to the popup version. You may adjust them if you wish to the default values of width 190 by height 430, but note you will also need to change your default CMPS Block width.

The template code uses the supplied flashobject.js to call the vbPlayer.swf, this fixes the issue with view the player in Internet Explorer 6.0 and above. There is some text in the code “Warning!!! To view this vbMp3 Player please enable JavaScript and Flash ! “, this will only display if a person views your site with javascript and flash disabled. You can change this line of text to what you would like to display to visitors. The flashobject.js file will detect if the person has javascript and flash enabled, and will either display the text or the mp3 player automatically.

For Stream & Buffer settings read the main modication details above.

Files included in this package:


Upload these 3 files to the root of your forum, if your main cmps_index.php file is located within the forum directory. Else upload them to domains root directory.

The vbplayer.swf supplied in this package is the autoStart version, meaning it will automatically start buffering the mp3's on page load. It also has 'shuffle' disabled. If you want the 'shuffle' version of the player download the main zip file.

Creating the CMPS Block

Login in to AdminCP -> vBa CMPS -> Add Module
Select Module Type: ‘Template’

Template details:
Module Title: vbMp3 Player
Column: Left or Right (Your preference)
Display Order: (Your preference)
Active: Yes
Update All Pages: (Your preference)

Template to Include: adv_portal_vbmp3player
Style: (select your style you wish to add this module to)
Template Content: Copy and paste all of the following code:

<!-- Start vbMp3 Player -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="flashobject.js"></script>


<td class="$getbgrow">
<!-- js flashobject -->

<div align="center" width="100%" id="vbMp3_player">
Warning!!! To view this vbMp3 Player please enable JavaScript and Flash !
<script type="text/javascript">
var fo = new FlashObject("vbPlayer.swf", "vbMp3_player", "170", "383", "8,0,0,0", "#666666");
fo.addParam("quality", "high");

<!-- js flashobject -->
<!-- End vbMp3 Player -->

Use Module Shell Template: Yes

Set Usergroups as you wish.

Click Save and you are finished.

A Pro version of this add-on will be available soon, giving many more extra features, and control.

If you wish to be kept up-to-date with new enhancements to this modification please click Install.

This mod is fully supported only vbulletin.org

DEMO: http://www.digitalport.co.uk/vb36/?styleid=1

09-04-2006, 09:16 PM
No, it is not off there. I compiled the flash source file myself, besides I've included a scrolling playlist and also a loader while tracks load.

TBH, I designed it quite awhile ago - just never got around to putting on here. However, it was on my blog on myspace and still is - but I don't use other peoples work.

09-04-2006, 09:22 PM
looks cool!

09-04-2006, 09:35 PM
Does it use alot of bandwidth?

09-04-2006, 09:41 PM
Installed and working great! great mod

09-04-2006, 09:41 PM
Does it use alot of bandwidth?

Really depends if you host the mp3 files on your server or an external server like http://filelodge.bolt.com This was one reason why it is set not to auto-play on start.

Most mp3's are around 3-4Mb's in size, which are cached in your browser once played. The player itself is very lightweight, and hardly uses any bandwidth worth mentioning.

09-04-2006, 10:24 PM
Great addition.

Is there a way to make a CMPS module for this? That would be perfect. Right now once you click on the vbPlayer link it comes up in a blank window with just the player.

edit: I should say in IE7 it opens a new window instead of a re-sized pop-up which fits the player size. A center module in CMPS would be perfect.

09-04-2006, 10:27 PM
Brilliant Installed thank you for the add on. Much appreciated.

09-04-2006, 10:28 PM
Is there a version that doesn't look like an iPod?

09-04-2006, 10:34 PM
Installed. Seems to be working just great. Thanks!

Now to fill up the playlist. :D

09-04-2006, 10:35 PM
Great addition.

Is there a way to make a CMPS module for this? That would be perfect. Right now once you click on the vbPlayer link it comes up in a blank window with just the player.

edit: I should say in IE7 it opens a new window instead of a re-sized pop-up which fits the player size. A center module in CMPS would be perfect.


Yes, a CMPS would be possible - it would be just a case of creating a new template. I will look into this, as then I could code the javascript fix for Internet Explorer 6.0 and 7.0, which stops the popup saying 'Click here to activate'.

As for IE 7.0 - I will wait until it is out of the beta stage, because I tried that awhile ago with serious problems.:confused:

09-04-2006, 10:38 PM
Is there a version that doesn't look like an iPod?

I've designed quite a few mp3 players, but this was my first standalone. Initially, I was going to create it in a 3D environment, but I never got that far.

I'll have a look what else I can come up with... iPod's aren't everyones idea of a good mp3 player..lol

09-04-2006, 10:53 PM
Great Work ......

Will install shortly !

09-04-2006, 11:21 PM
Installed what a pretty little thing i wonder if i can use any other skins for it i will try wimpy with the same code i am sure it will work fine

corn dog
09-04-2006, 11:52 PM
Sweet :)

09-05-2006, 12:41 AM
i like it very much... i can see the value in this for my poetry site... good job.. now i just have to figure out how to get the songs in the xml.. im sure its like pointing at an img or any other file...

09-05-2006, 02:40 AM
Anyway to add in an "auto play" feature? The flash player I was messing with had that option in a seperate config file. Though there was no place "static" to stick it on the site. Kept on thinking the top header was static, but apparently it isn't. =(

09-05-2006, 03:18 AM
awsome mod.. Thank you so much for sharing with us..

I wish I had the know how to create such things..

again thank you ~

09-05-2006, 03:48 AM
I've designed quite a few mp3 players, but this was my first standalone. Initially, I was going to create it in a 3D environment, but I never got that far.

I'll have a look what else I can come up with... iPod's aren't everyones idea of a good mp3 player..lol
Don't get me wrong, it looks nice, but it seems a little nichey/gimmicky to me. If it were something more basic and standard looking, I'd be interested in this.

09-05-2006, 04:07 AM
Syrus, where does it save the MP3 files? Hopefully, not in the DB?
Thanks. Looks good.

09-05-2006, 04:15 AM
i just love it .........

09-05-2006, 04:17 AM
Sola, you can either save them in your Database.. or to a file share site like he did for the examples that are included in the download..

I choose to save my mp3's directly in my Database to make it easier for myself and also I have the room so figured might as well use it :)

~~~~~~~ One thing though...

would it be possible to create a hack for this mod that will make it only possible for registered/signed in members to use/view the mp3 player?

I really don't like it being veiwable and useable my unregistered guests and visitors..

thanks in advance..

09-05-2006, 04:55 AM
Don't get me wrong, it looks nice, but it seems a little nichey/gimmicky to me. If it were something more basic and standard looking, I'd be interested in this.

dont' be a hata!! this pwns! great job

will install once I get home tonight ;) :D

09-05-2006, 04:56 AM
would it be possible to create a hack for this mod that will make it only possible for registered/signed in members to use/view the mp3 player?

I really don't like it being veiwable and useable my unregistered guests and visitors..

thanks in advance..

I second that!

09-05-2006, 05:29 AM
hmm...how do you get it read from mp3 tags? just enter the url to the file and its automatic?

09-05-2006, 05:57 AM
hmm...how do you get it read from mp3 tags? just enter the url to the file and its automatic?

You need to edit the plylist.xml file to include the song title/artist as you'd like them to appear for each mp3.

09-05-2006, 06:44 AM

Yes, a CMPS would be possible - it would be just a case of creating a new template. I will look into this, as then I could code the javascript fix for Internet Explorer 6.0 and 7.0, which stops the popup saying 'Click here to activate'.

second that as well. CMPS mod would be great too. :D

alway, I have a feeling the server load would be pretty intense if a lot of users were using this at the same time and files were hosted own our server.

is that correct (ie: is a better idea to be hosting them elsewhere if I expect lots of users using it simultaneously?)

09-05-2006, 06:59 AM
interesting idea indeed....
what about bandwidth consumption?

09-05-2006, 07:00 AM
Hmmmm....doesn't play for me. Checkit out in my forum! http://www.RealityTVFriends.com Thanks!

09-05-2006, 07:34 AM
Firstly, bandwidth consumption - this mod would definately eat up bandwidth this is why I used file lodge, in the example. With quite large boards this probably would be a better option, than hosting mp3's on your own server. There are a number of sites dedicated to providing free hosting of mp3's.

However, I will update the download later today, with 2 versions of the actual player, so you can choose which version you would like to install - an Auto-start and the non Auto-start version.

Secondly, with regards to non-registered users you could just hide the link, which is better idea, considering this type of modification using the IF condition.

Here's the modified code to do this:

<!-- vbMp3 Player Start -->
<if condition="$show['member']">
<script type="text/javascript">

function OpeniPod(){
iPod = window.open('ipod.htm','iPod','directories=no,heig ht=430,width=190,location=no,menubar=no,resizable= no,status=no,toolbar=no')

return false;

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="#" onclick="return OpeniPod()">vbPlayer</a></td>
<!-- vbMp3 Player End -->

I'll update this modification later today, and explain other options this mod offers - which I overlooked.

Glad most you like the mod, though!:D

09-05-2006, 08:01 AM
Installed.. but worried about bandwidth consumption. Also is this legal?

09-05-2006, 08:04 AM
Also is this legal?

Is the ability to play mp3s legal? Absolutely, no question.

From there, the argument diverges based upon your point of view. ;)

09-05-2006, 08:14 AM
Cool... great hack anyways. Thanks!

Can you provide the code that lets everyone see it too including guests? Thank you

09-05-2006, 08:21 AM
Installed.. but worried about bandwidth consumption. Also is this legal?

Regarding bandwidth - see post 31

With reference to being legal... As far as I'm aware it is only illegal if a person downloads mp3's for personal use, and they do not own the original. However, laws vary from country to country.

09-05-2006, 09:18 AM
How can we edit the visual look of the player ? Being that Apple has all kind of patents and such on the design, look, layout, and name ipod. I would like a more more basic looking player option as well, l ike another person mentioned.

09-05-2006, 09:20 AM

already getting comments on it. people love it. very l33t!! thanks! can't wait for the little updates you mentioned. :)
(and CMPS module. then I'd be happy as bug in a rug :p)

09-05-2006, 10:18 AM
Regarding bandwidth - see post 31

With reference to being legal... As far as I'm aware it is only illegal if a person downloads mp3's for personal use, and they do not own the original. However, laws vary from country to country.

Hello, so ppl can download the mp3s i will add in or just play them? Also, is it supports playlist? I mean create a playlist with lots of mp3s in it, and then user choose what playlist should listen.

Ty a lot :)

09-05-2006, 10:34 AM
(and CMPS module. then I'd be happy as bug in a rug :p)
Ya, a CMPS module would be awesome because it always shows up on the page without having to click on a link. Plus it would look nice in the center or left/right side of the page.

09-05-2006, 11:12 AM
Would you release an unprotected flash file. So we can design our own look for this. Also the ipod layout comes with all kinds of patents and such. Id rather not use that look. Id like to throw in some adsense ads and other ads in the player with phpads if possible.

09-05-2006, 11:26 AM
would someone help a dude who knows jack about all this...

I love the player but don't have the confidence to install it without some more help.

I have some spare webspace and hardly use any of my bandwidth so would like to store the mp3's there. Here is my folder directory, www being the root. Would someone explain to me where to create this new folder (if I actually need one) to upload my mp3's to?


I don't have any clue about the contents of the playlist.xml file and need some help there too. Soundbuffers? Stream?

if my url is www.teadrinker.net and I have uploaded three tunes to the suggested folder called earlgrey.mp3, darjeeling.mp3 and englishbreakfast.mp3 would someone create an example playlist for me?

cheers folks

09-05-2006, 11:45 AM
would someone help a dude who knows jack about all this...

I love the player but don't have the confidence to install it without some more help.

I have some spare webspace and hardly use any of my bandwidth so would like to store the mp3's there. Here is my folder directory, www being the root. Would someone explain to me where to create this new folder (if I actually need one) to upload my mp3's to?

I don't have any clue about the contents of the playlist.xml file and need some help there too. Soundbuffers? Stream?

if my url is www.teadrinker.net and I have uploaded three tunes to the suggested folder called earlgrey.mp3, darjeeling.mp3 and englishbreakfast.mp3 would someone create an example playlist for me?

cheers folks

Upload the files yto your forum root.

so it would be teadrinker.net/forum teaddrinker.net/forums etc .... where forum/forums is put the folder the vbulletin forumhome index file is located.

open the xml file and link to the mp3 files as you would do a normal link, picture etc.

09-05-2006, 12:20 PM
Place no more than 50 tracks in playlist

This can be changed? I plan to post more than 500 songs :)

Ty again


Also a feature : Download it for a specific usergroup, it will be awesome:D

09-05-2006, 12:26 PM
ive added the mod and ye pretty nifty works good ..............little answer if you can help .............

the coding to add it to navbar etc .i opted to make a little ipod as a pic in the forum so you click it and obviously opens the pod window.........however its "vbplayer" phrase thats linked (or whatever you put in there) and i want the image to open the pod window ............without the phrase ,,,,,,,

this is the code........

<center><!-- vbMp3 Player Start -->
<script type="text/javascript">

function OpeniPod(){
iPod = window.open('ipod.htm','iPod','directories=no,heig ht=430,width=190,location=no,menubar=no,resizable= no,status=no,toolbar=no')

return false;

<td class="vbmenu_control"><img class=""src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/pod.gif"></br><a href="#" onclick="return OpeniPod()">I Pod</a></td>
<!-- vbMp3 Player End -->

obviously the image shows.........but the phrase "IPod" is lnked , how can i link the image without the phrase , just looks better

you can see it here


09-05-2006, 12:28 PM
Place no more than 50 tracks in playlist

This can be changed? I plan to post more than 500 songs :)

Ty again

It's a bug I have in my ActionScript of the player itself, nothing major really just annoying. What happens is if the swf flash file tries to import the XML file with more than 50 tracks, is it causes a scripting error, which then can crash the browser. I haven't yet tried it on any other browser apart from Internet Explorer 6.0.

Hopefully, I have a fix for this problem soon. And update the package.

09-05-2006, 12:45 PM
ive added the mod and ye pretty nifty works good ..............little answer if you can help .............

the coding to add it to navbar etc .i opted to make a little ipod as a pic in the forum so you click it and obviously opens the pod window.........however its "vbplayer" phrase thats linked (or whatever you put in there) and i want the image to open the pod window ............without the phrase ,,,,,,,

this is the code........

<center><!-- vbMp3 Player Start -->
<script type="text/javascript">

function OpeniPod(){
iPod = window.open('ipod.htm','iPod','directories=no,heig ht=430,width=190,location=no,menubar=no,resizable= no,status=no,toolbar=no')

return false;

<td class="vbmenu_control"><img class=""src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/pod.gif"></br><a href="#" onclick="return OpeniPod()">I Pod</a></td>
<!-- vbMp3 Player End -->

obviously the image shows.........but the phrase "IPod" is lnked , how can i link the image without the phrase , just looks better

you can see it here


Try this code, you had tried to place the image in the onclick statement. Should work fine with this code.

<!-- vbMp3 Player Start -->
<script type="text/javascript">

function OpeniPod(){
iPod = window.open('ipod.htm','iPod','directories=no,heig ht=430,width=190,location=no,menubar=no,resizable= no,status=no,toolbar=no')

return false;

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="#" onclick="return OpeniPod()"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/pod.gif" border="0"></a></td>
<!-- vbMp3 Player End -->

09-05-2006, 01:27 PM
thank you syrus for the new code so only members can view.. works like a charm..

09-05-2006, 01:29 PM
This looks awesome!

Is it possible to have this put into like a sidebar as you have done in digitalport?!


09-05-2006, 01:33 PM
one more idea..

would it be possible to have this as a imported product.. where as you can add songs direct from the admin cp instead of having to go in and alter the xml. file for each song?

not that its to difficult just takes some time :D

09-05-2006, 02:26 PM
Slight problem... working fine in Firefox but not in IE. Any suggestions? Thank you

09-05-2006, 02:56 PM
soletrader i had the same problem. i changed the coding to read the full path of the ipod.htm file

www.mysite.com/forums/ipod.htm and it works fine now

09-05-2006, 04:12 PM

Anyway to support also .midi files the player?

09-05-2006, 04:15 PM
This looks awesome!

Is it possible to have this put into like a sidebar as you have done in digitalport?!


The way that is coded on digitalport is just normal HTML block used in MkPortal, which is the portal I'm changing my site to use. Obviously, there are a few issues I need to sort out first.

I will make a Template hack, for use with CMPS later hopefully.

09-05-2006, 04:17 PM

Anyway to support also .midi files the player?

.midi is a file format which is not recognized by Flash. I wish it was, maybe Adobe will change this with Flash 9.0, but I wouldn't have thought so.

09-05-2006, 04:22 PM
soletrader i had the same problem. i changed the coding to read the full path of the ipod.htm file

www.mysite.com/forums/ipod.htm and it works fine now

This was a problem I had, flash can be 'fussy' on where it will work in a domain, sometimes it has to be forced to work in sub-directories.

At least using absolute rather than relative paths does have its advantages in this case.

09-05-2006, 05:00 PM
Hi peeps...been reading this with interest...

if your uploading MP3 to a server this is 95% of the time against the ToS of the, I would advise checking yout ToS as i am sure you would not want to be suspended for something trivial as failing to read lol...

I know for 1 that my host will not condone any form of this, therefore i cannot install for this reason alone....

Great hack thoguh, i do like the look of the player, Well done and good luck :)

09-05-2006, 05:05 PM
Damn Macromedia, midi files are very small indeed:(

09-05-2006, 05:44 PM
Powered by vBadvanced CMPS v2.2.0 Home Page.
Not sure what to add into the Navbar Replacements were it says to (Here you may enter a list of filenames that should be prefixed with your Forum's URL.)

From my home page i get 404
and from my forums page works great

Love it

Any help thanks in advance

09-05-2006, 05:53 PM
Powered by vBadvanced CMPS v2.2.0 Home Page.
Not sure what to add into the Navbar Replacements were it says to (Here you may enter a list of filenames that should be prefixed with your Forum's URL.)

From my home page i get 404
and from my forums page works great

Love it

Any help thanks in advance

In the navbar code you should see this line:

function OpeniPod(){
iPod = window.open('ipod.htm','iPod','directories=no,heig ht=430,width=190,location=no,menubar=no,resizable= no,status=no,toolbar=no')

The part ipod.htm, make it an absolute url not relative, so it would become www.yourdomain.com/forum/ipod.htm

Make sure the address is pointing directly to the ipod.htm

That should fix your problem.

09-05-2006, 06:10 PM
worked fine bandwidth is not a problem for me

wht abt the playlist is there any way it takes a whole folder automatically ?

09-05-2006, 06:17 PM
Perfect worked great Thanks for your fast reply ;)

09-05-2006, 07:29 PM
This may sound like a daft question but what the hell! lol...

I was wondering is it possible for me to have this as link in my sidebar like my other links. i dont actually want the ipod in the sidebar, just the link.
i have a few in there, the usual '<a href=>' etc... but im not too good with the javascrpit thing and its throwing me a little...

Is it possible to have this?!


09-05-2006, 07:34 PM
How could I add this to there members profile see when My members sign on t he go to t here member profile page why its like myspace has there friends mail and other stuff I want this however I would like to add there any suggestions thanks in advance also I have other stuff to add any suggestions on how to do this??

thank youVB3.6.0

09-05-2006, 07:34 PM
This may sound like a daft question but what the hell! lol...

I was wondering is it possible for me to have this as link in my sidebar like my other links. i dont actually want the ipod in the sidebar, just the link.
i have a few in there, the usual '<a href=>' etc... but im not too good with the javascrpit thing and its throwing me a little...

Is it possible to have this?!


Just took a look at your site, do you need it to show to members only, or guests as well? Nice site by the way!:)

09-05-2006, 07:39 PM
soletrader i had the same problem. i changed the coding to read the full path of the ipod.htm file

www.mysite.com/forums/ipod.htm and it works fine now

Hello, can you tell me what you edited? Thank you

09-05-2006, 07:40 PM
Just took a look at your site, do you need it to show to members only, or guests as well? Nice site by the way!:)
Thanks :D means a lot to the fellow forum master!

erm yeah it can go to guests aswell for me... i think its a great hack... and it may just swing a few people to register, so yeah make it open to guests for me...

Surely this must be up there for hack of the month of some sort?! i think its great... its not really poker specific but its going up and staying there! lol


09-05-2006, 07:51 PM
whats great is people were looking for an mp3 player, and someone in the mod discussion wanted 200 yes votes before he started the mod, and said it could take a month or two ( his version was going to support other media files ) but you come along and blind side him. lol i love it. and was hoping this would happen.

works perfectly.

09-05-2006, 08:18 PM
Any chance of getting a block that will work with vbadvanced?

09-05-2006, 08:25 PM
Any chance of getting a block that will work with vbadvanced?

Next on the agenda! :)

vBadvanced will just be a simple template module. Not sure if I should make it a side or centre block though. A centre block may look out of place... decision time! lol

09-05-2006, 08:49 PM
Next on the agenda! :)

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2006/09/6.gif Woot! :D

vBadvanced will just be a simple template module. Not sure if I should make it a side or centre block though. A centre block may look out of place... decision time! lol

Side! Side! Side! ;)

09-05-2006, 08:51 PM
whats great is people were looking for an mp3 player, and someone in the mod discussion wanted 200 yes votes before he started the mod, and said it could take a month or two ( his version was going to support other media files ) but you come along and blind side him. lol i love it. and was hoping this would happen.

works perfectly.

Oh well, it was something I intended to release quite awhile ago! Just never got around to it... 200 votes?? for what?

This mod is only small, and just a piece of javascript for the popup window. It wasn't my initial idea to use a popup, it was just going to be a CMPS block, which many are asking for now...ironically! lol I go and design a different version! Oh well, the CMPS will be next, just a simple template block XML import and a file upload. The additional file will be a flashObject embed via javascript to get around the problem with Flash files and Internet Explorer.

Mod of the Month! lol... I think it would require a lot more work than this small modification.;)

09-05-2006, 09:02 PM
I like the pop up better. Once again great hack. Thanks!

09-05-2006, 09:24 PM
Sweet!! :)

09-05-2006, 09:37 PM
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2006/09/6.gif Woot! :D

Side! Side! Side! ;)
I personally vote to have it use the center block with CMPS, just because I don't use left or right sides. I do agree it would look better on the side, but perhaps syrus.xl could make it for either left, center or right as you can already display many cmps modules where you want them. Maybe Syrus.xl could adjust the dimensions on the player so it wouldn't look like it takes up a ton of space using it in the center of CMPS.

09-05-2006, 11:02 PM
How could I add this to there members profile see when My members sign on t he go to t here member profile page why its like myspace has there friends mail and other stuff I want this however I would like to add there any suggestions thanks in advance also I have other stuff to add any suggestions on how to do this??

thank youVB3.6.0

Do you mean you wish to add the vbMp3 Player to all Members Profiles? If that is the case it's just a simple Template edit and a flashObject javascript file upload to fix a problem with Internet Explorer and embed tags.

09-05-2006, 11:12 PM
I personally vote to have it use the center block with CMPS, just because I don't use left or right sides. I do agree it would look better on the side, but perhaps syrus.xl could make it for either left, center or right as you can already display many cmps modules where you want them. Maybe Syrus.xl could adjust the dimensions on the player so it wouldn't look like it takes up a ton of space using it in the center of CMPS.

One problem with trying to fill the center block - if I adjust the size of the vbMp3 Player, it will look messy. I designed it and used pixel font 'snapping' which gives the best clarity in a compiled flash movie.

I suppose I could code it so an image was around the player, which could be changed by the webmaster to suit the site. I would need to mask the current player in order to achieve this effect, so an alpha channel could be used, then the player would look okay on a light or dark background...

09-06-2006, 12:05 AM
One problem with trying to fill the center block - if I adjust the size of the vbMp3 Player, it will look messy. I designed it and used pixel font 'snapping' which gives the best clarity in a compiled flash movie.

I suppose I could code it so an image was around the player, which could be changed by the webmaster to suit the site. I would need to mask the current player in order to achieve this effect, so an alpha channel could be used, then the player would look okay on a light or dark background...
Maybe you could just release a cmps module which can be used on the left/right side for now - like you have done with your example page (I know it's not cmps but would be similar) instead of working to get both out as that might take more time. Since it's a simple CMPS addition, I'll re-enable my left column just for this mod as I enjoy it very much. People tend to pay more attention to things if it's in front of them as it would be in cmps compared to clicking on a link. I'll try to be patient and wait for your cmps addition as I manually refresh this thread every 2 minutes. ;)

09-06-2006, 02:43 AM
Well, I'm not sure what happened, but when I open the player it does nothing when I play a song. It does not start the caching and playing. Wierd. Thanks for any help.

09-06-2006, 03:10 AM
Well, I'm not sure what happened, but when I open the player it does nothing when I play a song. It does not start the caching and playing. Wierd. Thanks for any help.

See this post it should help solve your problem.


09-06-2006, 11:12 AM
Great hack, syrus.
We run a music and musicians related site, and they ate this thing up as soon as I uploaded the first playlist I made:p

How could I make it possible to have two or three different playlists to choose from? I imagine that would require changes to the master flash file, eh? And some coding change to the javascript to have the player call different playlists?

I'm not a coder by any means, so if that question sounds stupid, that's why!
But if this is inside the realm of the possible, I'd love to hear what you have to say. I'm fearless when it comes to editing code, and will try anything once!

Thanks again for a superb hack.
It's utter simplicity alone merits a mod of the month nomination.

09-06-2006, 12:02 PM
Great hack, syrus.
We run a music and musicians related site, and they ate this thing up as soon as I uploaded the first playlist I made:p

How could I make it possible to have two or three different playlists to choose from? I imagine that would require changes to the master flash file, eh? And some coding change to the javascript to have the player call different playlists?

I'm not a coder by any means, so if that question sounds stupid, that's why!
But if this is inside the realm of the possible, I'd love to hear what you have to say. I'm fearless when it comes to editing code, and will try anything once!

Thanks again for a superb hack.
It's utter simplicity alone merits a mod of the month nomination.

Javascript would not work to call new playlists into the main flash file. However, I could design a new player with the feature to load/unload new playlists, obviously it would need extra buttons to move forward and backwards through the various playlists. It's not that hard to code, just takes awhile to design a new player.

I can add things like, volume control, pan (balance), equalizer, etc.. Basically, I could copy most of the Actionscripting used in this version and build upon it, and add a new interface, perhaps more hifi looking.

So, yeah multiple-playlists can be integrated.:)

09-06-2006, 12:11 PM
I can add things like, volume control, pan (balance), equalizer, etc.. Basically, I could copy most of the Actionscripting used in this version and build upon it, and add a new interface, perhaps more hifi looking.

So, yeah multiple-playlists can be integrated.:)Outstanding!

Just for me, the possibility of selecting from different playlists is really all I'm after. Let them adjust their volume themselves:)

I suppose the changes for this would involved some kind of selector inside the player? And obviously, playlists with different names. Pretty simple on my end, if you ever get around to coding the player to do that.

I will watch this thread closely.

09-06-2006, 12:18 PM

Just for me, the possibility of selecting from different playlists is really all I'm after. Let them adjust their volume themselves:)

I suppose the changes for this would involved some kind of selector inside the player? And obviously, playlists with different names. Pretty simple on my end, if you ever get around to coding the player to do that.

I will watch this thread closely.

Actually, a number of members have enquired about being able to change playlists. Probably, take me about a week or less, to design a new interface with controls to do this. I'll probably release a new version very soon, due to the response this modification has generated.

And also fix the problem with only 50 tracks per playlist.:)

09-06-2006, 12:19 PM
First in line I'll be:p
Thanks for staying close to your release and taking our suggestions under consideration.

09-06-2006, 02:28 PM
First in line I'll be:p
Thanks for staying close to your release and taking our suggestions under consideration.


You're welcome! I'll support this modification, and always welcome suggestions on improving its current features.

The new one, will be better and lighter than this version - even with all the new features I'll be adding.:)

If any of you have not yet clicked Install, I would suggest you do so, then I will notify you of any major addons, or changes. :)

09-06-2006, 03:01 PM
This is 1 of the best add-ons I've added to my site. Excellent job Syrus!

09-06-2006, 03:26 PM
This is 1 of the best add-ons I've added to my site. Excellent job Syrus!

You're welcome!

Thanks for the compliment...:D

09-06-2006, 10:00 PM
I know many of you have been waiting for me to release a vBadvanced CMPS version of this modification. The player itself had to be resized correctly to fit in the side column, and this caused a few problems. It maybe released as a module, or full instructions on how to create the module, since I had problems exporting the module from the CMPS system, and not showing when imported into a new installation..:confused:

I have it up and running now, and will be releasing it tomorrow as a new separate package, with the autoStart player and a few other files for it to function correctly in Internet Explorer.

Anyway, sorry for the delay - but it was my youngest daughter's 6th birthday today, so I was tied up for a few hours.


Syrus XL

09-06-2006, 11:14 PM
Happy birthday to her, take your time, Real life comes first...ppl could wait ofcourse :)

09-07-2006, 06:32 AM
hiya, i've read this whole forum fairly well and i just figured i'd mention that i've got this running with vbadvanced CMPS already. I did it like so:

In the "vBa CMPS" control panel in the admincp, add a new page, and have it be the html file page type. Add whatever other modules you like + Custom Page Content.

Now create and html file that explains a little, like "'hi listen to some groovy tunes lol'" here's mine:

<table width="60%" align="center">
<p><h4><b>hippsta's Music Archive</b></h4></p><br/>

<p>Welcome to the hippsta.com Music Archive. Here are contained a large portion of my personal music and / or collaborations with my wife. Some were actual audio, and others the MIDIs i created of yesteryear.</p>

<tr align="left"><ul><hr>
<i>i.<b> Astrabella, hippsta</b></i>
<li>1 The Pot Song - (3:47) ~ 2002
<li>2 Numbers - (3:45) ~ 2003
<li>3 Tempest - (3:43) ~ 2003
<i>ii.<b> Some Classical hippsta</b></i>
<li>4 Rhapsody in D " Spirit of the East" - (2:57) ~ 2000
<li>5 Suite for a Sextext of Strings - (2:22) ~ 1999
<li>6 Overture - (2:23) ~ 1998
<li>7 Piano Sonata no.2 - (1:30) ~ 1997
<li>8 Piano Sonata no.3 - (1:58) ~ 1999
<i>iii.<b> ElectroSymphonica</b></i>
<li>9 Blues Theme in C minor - (1:19) ~ 1999
<li>10 Jammin' - (1:49) ~ 1999
<li>11 Necro IV - (1:50) ~ 1996
<li>12 Ragnarok - (2:24) ~ 1998

<!-- vbMp3 Player Start -->
<if condition="$show['member']">
<script type="text/javascript">

function OpeniPod(){

iPod =

window.open('ipod.htm','iPod','directories=no,heig ht=430,width=190,location=no,menubar=no,resizable= no,


return false;

<td class="vbmenu_control"><a href="#" onclick="return OpeniPod()">Click Here to Listen</a></td>
<!-- vbMp3 Player End -->


</html> then just upload the html file along with the other files and point the 'html file page options' to it. I'm not a good coder, but i manage to frankenstein some interesting stuff together lol. I sincerely hope this helps someone, and thank you for a great mod. (b'-')b

btw the conditional <if> statements don't work for me in this situation, tho

you can see it here (http://www.hippsta.com/index.php?page=Music) if u want....

edit: oO dumb. I see now that it could have been more easily added as a Module in vBa CMPS, but then it would reset between pages >.<

09-07-2006, 08:31 AM
Happy Birthday to the little 'un chief.

Got this installed and running now. Got me two probs. First one was using CMPS with the index page not in the forum folder. Adding ipod.htm to the CMPS URL list didn't work, and changing the url path in the template to the direct path made it look for "forum/www.mydomain.com/forum/ipod.htm" ??
Anyway, fixed it by making two playlists, two swf's and two ipod.htm's - one of each in the forum folder and and one of each in the root. No biggie.
2nd prob is *some* MP3's play either slowly or too fast. I'm sure this is nothing whatsoever to do with VbPlayer, but wondered if you'd come across the prob and/or if you knew a fix.
Driving me up the wall. Each MP3 I have a prob with is fine locally, is fine when I download it from the server suing a hyperlink, BUT when played thru VbPlayer, it's speed is screwed up.
Any clues?

09-07-2006, 08:44 AM
Happy Birthday to the little 'unchief.

Got this installed and running now. Got me two probs. First one was using CMPS with the index page not in the forum folder. Adding ipod.htm to the CMPS URL list didn't work, and changing the url path in the template to the direct path made it look for "forum/www.mydomain.com/forum/ipod.htm" ??
Anyway, fixed it by making two playlists, two swf's and two ipod.htm's - one of each in the forum folder and and one of each in the root. No biggie.
2nd prob is *some* MP3's play either slowly or too fast. I'm sure this is nothing whatsoever to do with VbPlayer, but wondered if you'd come across the prob and/or if you knew a fix.
Driving me up the wall. Each MP3 I have a prob with is fine locally, is fine when I download it from the server suing a hyperlink, BUT when played thru VbPlayer, it's speed is screwed up.
Any clues?

That would cause a problem, if the CMPS index.php was outside the main vB forum directory.

As for the speed differences on mp3's, this wouldn't be the player causing the problems, but the actual mp3 encoding. If you have varying bitrates, then the mp3's will sound like they are speeding up or slowing down. If you encode all mp3's to use a fixed bitrate of 128k then it should fix this little problem.

09-07-2006, 08:52 AM
That would cause a problem, if the CMPS index.php was outside the main vB forum directory.

As for the speed differences on mp3's, this wouldn't be the player causing the problems, but the actual mp3 encoding. If you have varying bitrates, then the mp3's will sound like they are speeding up or slowing down. If you encode all mp3's to use a fixed bitrate of 128k then it should fix this little problem.

I guessed it might be an encoding issue.
It's a radio session converted from real to MP3 so probably allsorts of issues with it.
Thanks for that and your hard work. This is an absolute peach of a mod.

09-07-2006, 09:00 AM
Once I get this CMPS version done and packaged, then I'll start designing a new look mp3 player with much better features, taking into consideration other members suggestions.:)

Thanks for the compliment! :D

09-07-2006, 09:41 AM
Hope the download it function it will then can be implemented :D (i mean for specific usergroups maybe, not just for everyone (put a statement if condition for usergroup=12 for example)

09-07-2006, 09:45 AM
Hope the download it function it will then can be implemented :D (i mean for specific usergroups maybe, not just for everyone (put a statement if condition for usergroup=12 for example)

Do you mean, to download the actual mp3 playing at the time having a download link?:confused:

09-07-2006, 11:16 AM
Once I get this CMPS version done and packaged, then I'll start designing a new look mp3 player with much better features, taking into consideration other members suggestions.:)

Thanks for the compliment! :D

Sounds great.
Wanted to say I've resolved the speed issue by recoding with Lame (as I usually do.. lol ) rather than the poor app/codec I was using previously.
All sorted now, and this is the perfect addition to a music related forum.
I look forward to the updates!

09-07-2006, 12:06 PM
Do you mean, to download the actual mp3 playing at the time having a download link?:confused:

Yes, i mean in the flash player u will make, when i song is selected, to have a download link for the actual mp3, but for a specific usergroup. So they can download the mp3 if they want it:) . Also, maybe display the size of the file somehow? So ppl in slow connections, know what they will encounter?

Anyway, suggestions :)

09-07-2006, 01:12 PM
Yes, i mean in the flash player u will make, when i song is selected, to have a download link for the actual mp3, but for a specific usergroup. So they can download the mp3 if they want it:) . Also, maybe display the size of the file somehow? So ppl in slow connections, know what they will encounter?

Anyway, suggestions :)

It could be incorporated, but then there is the matter of copyright infringement. I maybe wrong on this (so don't quote me), but I am under the impression that it's legal to listen to mp3's on the internet, but not to download them, unless you have an original copy. But to me this contradicts itself, because any form of streaming whether it be mp3's or video, can be accessed via your browsers cache anyway.:surprised:

This law does vary considerably from country to country. This is why certain P2P websites carrying torrents, can get away with it.

The actual idea of this modification was just to allow mp3's to be streamed through the player, not actually download them as well. I don't think I've ever seen a mp3 player with download capabilities.:confused:

09-07-2006, 01:26 PM
I am using the latest CMPS and am having issues as well. I tried following what some people were saying but I just want to see what I can do to get this to work. Here's my setup:

Followed all instructions on installation - nothing happens or works on main page or forums.

My paths are as follows:

root\forum\(files are here)

So, my cmps index is out of the forum directory.

Also, with CMPS I created a special "forum" page so that the portal can wrap around it. This is my existing setup now.

Is there something special that I need to do to get this to work with my CMPS or with my forum?

Thanks in advance.

09-07-2006, 01:30 PM
Ι will use this addon, not for popular songs that of course is illegal to download them, but for other purposes so really for me is legal :) I just asked if it can have a button (or an icon) like this, and use it for specific usergroups (for example i have a usergroup that ppl take it when they write more than 600 messages).

Hope it can be done:D

Cool Matty
09-07-2006, 01:45 PM
Is this player capable of playing Shoutcast streams? I'd love ya to death if it did :D

09-07-2006, 02:09 PM
I think I'm going to create a new module for cmps and incorporate this - it works fine externally. I'll post a link when I finish.

09-07-2006, 02:50 PM
Okay I got it to work with CMPS even if the page is outside of the forum. Here's what I did. I'm using latest CMPS and vb 3.6.0.

I created a module template called adv_portal_ipod and you can use the following code:

<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" class="tborder" width="100%">
<td class="tcat">
<a style="float:$stylevar[right]" href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('ipod')"><img id="collapseimg_ipod"

src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_tcat$collapseimg_ipod.gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>
<span class="smallfont"><strong>$vba_style[portal_blockbullet] IPOD</strong></span></td>
<tbody id="collapseobj_ipod" style="$collapseobj_ipod">
<td class="$getbgrow">
<!-- Custom Code Start -->
<div align="center">
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0" width="190" height="430" align="top">
<param name="movie" value="vbPlayer.swf">
<param name="quality" value="high">
<embed src="vbPlayer.swf" width="190" height="430" align="top" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>
<!-- Custom Code End -->
<br />

I then placed the playlist and the vb player on my root and on my root/forum. This is because my cmps is not in the forum. It works great.

fyi.. :)

09-07-2006, 03:21 PM
Okay I got it to work with CMPS even if the page is outside of the forum. Here's what I did. I'm using latest CMPS and vb 3.6.0.

I created a module template called adv_portal_ipod and you can use the following code:

<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" class="tborder" width="100%">
<td class="tcat">
<a style="float:$stylevar[right]" href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('ipod')"><img id="collapseimg_ipod"

src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_tcat$collapseimg_ipod.gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>
<span class="smallfont"><strong>$vba_style[portal_blockbullet] IPOD</strong></span></td>
<tbody id="collapseobj_ipod" style="$collapseobj_ipod">
<td class="$getbgrow">
<!-- Custom Code Start -->
<div align="center">
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0" width="190" height="430" align="top">
<param name="movie" value="vbPlayer.swf">
<param name="quality" value="high">
<embed src="vbPlayer.swf" width="190" height="430" align="top" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>
<!-- Custom Code End -->
<br />

I then placed the playlist and the vb player on my root and on my root/forum. This is because my cmps is not in the forum. It works great.

fyi.. :)

Cool elricstorm - thanks!:D My coding is slightly different, and I've resized the actual player dimensions to fit the default side blocks of 175 px. I've also incorporated a javascript 'fix' when viewing flash objects in Internet Explorer 6.0 and above.

Would it be okay to modify your code, and add the javascript I've used in the new package?

Bit busy at the moment moving a website, but I could do this a little later.:)

09-07-2006, 04:42 PM
sure thing mate. :)

09-07-2006, 05:01 PM
sure thing mate. :)

Cool!:D I'll modify the code and add the js so it's compliant with Internet Explorer, with installation instructions. There will not be much change, apart from a javascript call for the player, and a resized player.

I'll package the whole lot with the autoStart mp3 player swf.:)

09-07-2006, 05:01 PM
i have everything all in the same directory. Change the forum path in the CMPS file to "/" rename the index.php (forumhome) file to something else; i picked forum_index.php. Rename CMPS_index, to index.php. change the pathe to the cmps file in the forumhome/display options.

09-07-2006, 05:24 PM
i have everything all in the same directory. Change the forum path in the CMPS file to "/" rename the index.php (forumhome) file to something else; i picked forum_index.php. Rename CMPS_index, to index.php. change the pathe to the cmps file in the forumhome/display options.

That does work!:)

What I'm going to do is stop the white outline showing up in Internet Explorer, when you hover your mouse over a flash embedded object, it normally says 'Click to activate and use this control'. It isn't so prominent in the popup, so I didn't add the javascript to disable it, but in a block it probably would be.

09-07-2006, 11:10 PM
questio: people will eventually try browsing to the xml file and find all your mp3 urls, so is there a way to stop that?

09-07-2006, 11:25 PM
questio: people will eventually try browsing to the xml file and find all your mp3 urls, so is there a way to stop that?

Good question... I could add a variable, which could be changed by the user dynamically, so the XML file name wouldn't be the same on every site. Obviously, this would need to be set in the AdminCP, and perhaps with a few other options as well, namely number of playlists, etc which I will bring out in the next version.

This was just going to be a small modification, but the attention it has attracted and members input may well place this into a much larger modification than I first anticipated. Nevertheless, I do appreciate the input which will give me the inclination to improve this modification to a better version.

09-07-2006, 11:44 PM
How would I be able to edit the XML so that I can have my own server host the files? I have Macromedia Dreamweaver and that supports the use of XML files, but I have no clue whatsoever how to use that.

Can you please tell us how we may configure this? BTW, this is AWESOME! Thank you for this mod!

09-07-2006, 11:58 PM
How would I be able to edit the XML so that I can have my own server host the files? I have Macromedia Dreamweaver and that supports the use of XML files, but I have no clue whatsoever how to use that.

Can you please tell us how we may configure this? BTW, this is AWESOME! Thank you for this mod!

With Dreamweaver installed all you need to do is Right-Click on the plylist.xml file and select Edit with Dreamweaver. It should now open in Dreameaver, in the Code view - If not, click the Code button.

In order for the Flash file to process the data correctly I would suggest you enter the full addresses of the mp3's (In Dreamweaver this will show up in green text) - e.g. www.yourdomain.com/mp3/mysong.mp3 then enter the title and track (the black text).

It also supports messages - by this I mean if you wish to have a scrolling message between certain tracks, then you can just enter the text where the url would go... if the flash file detects no extension e.g. .mp3 then it will display the text as a message.

Hope that explains everything!:)

09-08-2006, 12:27 AM
No matter what I do to the playlist xml, the order of the mp3s is always random on the popup. What can I do to fix that?

09-08-2006, 12:35 AM
No matter what I do to the playlist xml, the order of the mp3s is always random on the popup. What can I do to fix that?

The first main vbMp3 Player package has the non-autoStart version of the vbPlayer.swf - this version has a 'shuffle' in it. However, the second zip contains the autoStart vbPlayer.swf with no 'shuffle'. If you download the second player, and overwrite the previous version, it will correct this.

It's the 'shuffle' feature that would be causing that issue. Sorry I should have pointed that out in the documentation for the first player.

09-08-2006, 10:55 AM
Hello, the 50 songs limit is not fixed yet i assume? Hope it does:P

Also, can in the new version, support different playlists? I mean build playlists as an admin with songs in it, and then the user decides which one will play :)


Mods, this is going to be a major addition :P

09-08-2006, 11:35 AM
Hello, the 50 songs limit is not fixed yet i assume? Hope it does:P

Also, can in the new version, support different playlists? I mean build playlists as an admin with songs in it, and then the user decides which one will play :)


Mods, this is going to be a major addition :P

That 50 track glitch I should have fixed, in the new version.:)

There will be playlist selection buttons added, to change playlists from the player, combined with many new functions, including Shuffle, Volume, Pan(Balance), etc.

I'm hoping to have an Admincp panel so new features can be used, namely the following:

AdminCP Settings:

Playlist - Setup of all urls and track details.
Playlist - Allowing an admin to setup the playlist name and store all tracks in the database as opposed to the XML.
Sound Buffer and Streaming - All set by Admicp.
Multiple playlist enabled.
Usergroup permission settings.

Possible future additions:

Thumbnail image uploading of album covers, viewable in the player (can be closed if not required).
Hide track information.
Equalizer (on player - maybe on next player release).

Obviously, all this will take time since it does involve a lot more coding and flash actionscripting. I will release it has a major addon, since it will also have other addons for the vbAdvanced CMPS portal.

Any other players I make in the meanwhile, will just use XML to populate the flash file.

I have seen many flash players, many have nice skins but then let down by functional controls.:surprised: Personally, if you are going to make a nice looking GUI, then all controls should function.

Oh well, I'll stop babbling and get this CMPS version finsihed and packed!:D

09-08-2006, 12:12 PM

As i said before, this is a major addition, i wanted to suggest you the Album Cover (and maybe more than one per file if it can be done) per file and equalizer, but you already thought it, so i am just amased :)

09-08-2006, 12:29 PM
Well, I may as well turn this modification into a full major addon since many members have shown alot of interest.:) I didn't intend for this to be so popular, should have released back in March when I originally designed it. But I just never got around to it... lol

09-08-2006, 05:55 PM
There will be playlist selection buttons added, to change playlists from the player, combined with many new functions, including Shuffle, Volume, Pan(Balance), etc.

I'm hoping to have an Admincp panel so new features can be used, namely the following:

AdminCP Settings:

Playlist - Setup of all urls and track details.
Playlist - Allowing an admin to setup the playlist name and store all tracks in the database as opposed to the XML.
Sound Buffer and Streaming - All set by Admicp.
Multiple playlist enabled.
Usergroup permission settings.

Prayers answered.
May the coding be smooth work, and the wind always at your back, syrus:)

09-08-2006, 06:29 PM
very nice and clean hack! works great!

09-08-2006, 09:28 PM
good job man!! bravo...AGAIN....

09-08-2006, 10:36 PM
Thanks for the CMPS addition.

This might have been mentioned already… I smell video integration with this hack in a future release. ;)

09-08-2006, 10:52 PM
Thanks for the CMPS addition.

This might have been mentioned already… I smell video integration with this hack in a future release. ;)

Video is one thing I haven't even thought of, yet it's very easy to integrate video using flash. The players aren't that hard to code either - I did take an interest in Crist with his AnyMedia product, and was hoping to see his source fla which he promised me when he released the 3.6 version. But I've not seen him online in ages. Shame nice mod as well.

I have played around with Flash Video before, mainly because the compression of the format is quite good and there is free convertors around, to allow streaming of flash video. But whether I'll take that road is another matter. Use of places like google and youtube video in forums is a good idea as long as the security is good, to protect the use of people posting malicious code. A re-direct in flash used to be quite easy to accomplish, which is why Flash player 9.0 was introduced not so long ago, allowing authors to add a new parameter to stop such code from causing problems.

Maybe in the future, we'll see!;)

09-09-2006, 01:05 AM
Can you check and see if my player plays for you? http://www.gamingregime.com

It won't play for me. I've been to a couple of other people's sites and it doesn't play either. But, when I go to your demo site of the cmps block, it works fine. Maybe it's file lodge, idk. I am using IE7 on one computer and IE6 on another. It does the same thing on both computers.

09-09-2006, 01:43 AM
Can you check and see if my player plays for you? http://www.gamingregime.com

It won't play for me. I've been to a couple of other people's sites and it doesn't play either. But, when I go to your demo site of the cmps block, it works fine. Maybe it's file lodge, idk. I am using IE7 on one computer and IE6 on another. It does the same thing on both computers.

It really depends where you host your files, the examples I put on www.filelodge.com - but there are others sites. Normally, at peak times the server load on some these sites can cause the mp3's to load very slowly, sometimes even minutes. Many people use http://www.myfilehut.com as an alternative source, I haven't used this one myself, but some people have said its better than file lodge for streaming.

The reason my demo works quicky on my site is because I've got them stored on a very fast server, which I use mainly for testing purposes, of large files.

Try alternatives, you'll probably find one thats better than file lodge.:)

09-09-2006, 01:50 AM
The only real problem with it is the huge picture used to represent the player, is there a way I can make my own and change that? I could contribute to the project by making skins if you would like, i am not too bad at photoshop.

09-09-2006, 02:19 AM
The only real problem with it is the huge picture used to represent the player, is there a way I can make my own and change that? I could contribute to the project by making skins if you would like, i am not too bad at photoshop.

Hi Draygonia,

The skin isn't easy to change on this version, because of the way I designed it. Initially, it was just a player I designed for use on myspace.com profiles, but I never released it.

It could be changed, but many parts of it would need to be changed, currently is uses 36 movie clips, and quite a lot of actionscript to position the MC's from a top-left registration point - this makes it harder even just to resize.

The easiest way would be to just start a new player, and use all the actionscript I used in this version, and keeping all instances correctly named.

It only uses one image, which is set on a background layer as a movie clip, and part of the display screen has been masked in Flash. All the small buttons are designed in Flash, mainly to keep the file size to a minimum.

You are more than welcome to design a skin, using Adobe PhotoShop - all I would ask is that you either save the document as a PSD or export the graphics with a transparent alpha background in a PNG format. All button images really need transparent backgrounds, and normally 3 states depending on the function of the button. Saving images in any other format means they would all need to be masked in Flash, and that is a tedious job.

The next version I have planned will all be done in flash, which will create a very light-weight player, even with adding new functions.


09-09-2006, 02:49 AM
Well, I can only make the skin, and even that is hard, I know nothing of flash or coding yet. But I can probably figure out how to make some cool skins :)

09-09-2006, 03:47 AM
*clicks install*

Going to wait for some updates before actually installing this. Most of the AdminCp changes you have listed would make this much more usuable.

I think you have a potential HotM here. Cheers. :)

09-09-2006, 04:50 AM
It really depends where you host your files, the examples I put on www.filelodge.com - but there are others sites. Normally, at peak times the server load on some these sites can cause the mp3's to load very slowly, sometimes even minutes. Many people use http://www.myfilehut.com as an alternative source, I haven't used this one myself, but some people have said its better than file lodge for streaming.

The reason my demo works quicky on my site is because I've got them stored on a very fast server, which I use mainly for testing purposes, of large files.

Try alternatives, you'll probably find one thats better than file lodge.:)
Thanks. That was the problem. Works perfect now. Great job on this. :)

09-09-2006, 04:29 PM
*clicks install*

Going to wait for some updates before actually installing this. Most of the AdminCp changes you have listed would make this much more usuable.

I think you have a potential HotM here. Cheers. :)

Would be nice to have a 'Modification of the Month', but perhaps more for the future version as you mentioned!:)

I've already started designing the new player.:D with new ideas coming along at the same time. The AdminCP will make this modification much easier to setup and use.

It's just a matter of time...:D and a lot of new code!

09-09-2006, 05:53 PM
Would it be much trouble to have a shuffle version of the current cmps version? If so, no big deal. I just liked having that feature.

09-09-2006, 08:15 PM
Would it be much trouble to have a shuffle version of the current cmps version? If so, no big deal. I just liked having that feature.

The version with the 'shuffle' feature is in the first package. Simply download that version, and overwrite the vbPlayer.swf. You may need to empty your browsers cache after, to see the new version overwrite.

It's exactly the same player, with just the 'shuffle' enabled - only the swf 'call' code is different in the javascript.


09-10-2006, 01:45 PM
I was one of the first folks to install this when you posted it. I'm still using it. :) I love it, my users love it, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with it!

*thumbs up* keep up the good work.

09-10-2006, 04:06 PM
Would be nice to have a 'Modification of the Month', but perhaps more for the future version as you mentioned!:)

I've already started designing the new player.:D with new ideas coming along at the same time. The AdminCP will make this modification much easier to setup and use.

It's just a matter of time...:D and a lot of new code!

You take this thing where it can go and you'll have Mod of the Year on your hands. I wait anxiously for updates and truly applaud your work and effort.

09-10-2006, 04:13 PM
Although it is a small mod, it is one of the best ones I have seen. The quality is what counts, not the size of the mod. :)

09-10-2006, 06:18 PM
Although it is a small mod, it is one of the best ones I have seen. The quality is what counts, not the size of the mod. :)

hehe... As I work in Flash mostly, I have to be pixel precise - being out by one pixel in a movie-clip in flash can cause all sorts of problems. Most noticeably is if pixel fonts are used and then not 'snapped' in place - they appear all blurred, like you see on many flash-based adverts! If a job needs doing, then I just don't cut corners - as you will notice in future I've got planned for this mod.

Today I've got quite a few parts done, but mostly costmetic - no programming yet, thats the fun part to come.


09-13-2006, 05:23 AM
hey this is gr8 hack :) btw without pop-up player...is it possible to have player in Whats Going On ???

09-13-2006, 05:39 AM
Request for the CMPS addition:

A few people have mentioned the text is hard to read, mostly due to the small font squished into the screen area. I know the player is supposed to resemble an iPod - perhaps you could come up with an additional skin that uses a lot of the black area that's not being used in order to make the viewing area somewhat bigger & increasing the font size… just a suggestion.


09-13-2006, 10:16 AM
hey this is gr8 hack :) btw without pop-up player...is it possible to have player in Whats Going On ???

With this is version it is not possible due to the mod uses no queries on the vBulletin database. The version I am designing now has many new features, which is all controlled via the AdminCP, which will allow for other addons.


09-13-2006, 10:32 AM
Request for the CMPS addition:

A few people have mentioned the text is hard to read, mostly due to the small font squished into the screen area. I know the player is supposed to resemble an iPod - perhaps you could come up with an additional skin that uses a lot of the black area that's not being used in order to make the viewing area somewhat bigger & increasing the font size? just a suggestion.


The fonts I used in that skin, were to make the design as close to the Pod as possible, which is why they are so small - I would guess the player would vary depending on the monitor it is being viewed on, I designed it on quite a large TFT screen, so to me it looked fine. With the CMPS version, the only way to fit this it into a block was to decrease the player size, this leads to further problems, since the player was designed to be viewed at fixed dimension.

A new skin, which I started to design is shown below. The name on the player as change since this is the start of the new player, however I could release this version as a new skin, without AdminCP control until I have the the new one fully released. It will be quite awhile before I get the new version out, since it requires major coding (which I've already started!:) )

Let me know what you think, and I'll design the rest of the skin. The font used on this example where it says the title is '_sans' at 12pt. The way flash works is I have to embed all fonts used within the swf file, so the more fonts used the larger the file becomes.


09-13-2006, 11:51 AM
The fonts I used in that skin, were to make the design as close to the Pod as possible, which is why they are so small - I would guess the player would vary depending on the monitor it is being viewed on, I designed it on quite a large TFT screen, so to me it looked fine. With the CMPS version, the only way to fit this it into a block was to decrease the player size, this leads to further problems, since the player was designed to be viewed at fixed dimension.

A new skin, which I started to design is shown below. The name on the player as change since this is the start of the new player, however I could release this version as a new skin, without AdminCP control until I have the the new one fully released. It will be quite awhile before I get the new version out, since it requires major coding (which I've already started!:) )

Let me know what you think, and I'll design the rest of the skin. The font used on this example where it says the title is '_sans' at 12pt. The way flash works is I have to embed all fonts used within the swf file, so the more fonts used the larger the file becomes.

Looks nice. Can you make a skin to match the current player? It matches my site perfect.

09-13-2006, 12:24 PM
Looks nice. Can you make a skin to match the current player? It matches my site perfect.

Do you mean a 'black' gloss skin? With a blue neon effect on buttons, etc. Obviously, the display I would need to change to a blue look, and add a glass effect.

09-13-2006, 12:43 PM
I love the skin. Keep it up syrus :)

09-13-2006, 03:03 PM
Do you mean a 'black' gloss skin? With a blue neon effect on buttons, etc. Obviously, the display I would need to change to a blue look, and add a glass effect.
Yes, the black gloss skin. The blue neon would look great. I think it would universally fit all of the darker and lighter styled websites out there. Thanks alot. :)

09-13-2006, 03:35 PM
Yes, the black gloss skin. The blue neon would look great. I think it would universally fit all of the darker and lighter styled websites out there. Thanks alot. :)

I suppose it would be something along the lines of a 'vista' look. Well, button-wise. I'll see what I can come up with.

With the new player it will be possible to change the colors of the player using just the AdminCP, making it much easier to color match a site.:)

09-13-2006, 10:47 PM
Looks nice. Can you make a skin to match the current player? It matches my site perfect.

Here's one I just designed... the jpg image doesn't really do the player justice, lost alot of clarity. But similar to the current design on colors, however the overall look when finished would be much better.

A button bank, could be designed and added to the right of the playlist window, I mean in an oval format.

Note: This is just an image, no working parts yet.;) (apart from a spinning disc on the display corner)..:D

09-14-2006, 12:25 AM
The fonts I used in that skin, were to make the design as close to the Pod as possible, which is why they are so small - I would guess the player would vary depending on the monitor it is being viewed on, I designed it on quite a large TFT screen, so to me it looked fine. With the CMPS version, the only way to fit this it into a block was to decrease the player size, this leads to further problems, since the player was designed to be viewed at fixed dimension.

A new skin, which I started to design is shown below. The name on the player as change since this is the start of the new player, however I could release this version as a new skin, without AdminCP control until I have the the new one fully released. It will be quite awhile before I get the new version out, since it requires major coding (which I've already started!:) )

Let me know what you think, and I'll design the rest of the skin. The font used on this example where it says the title is '_sans' at 12pt. The way flash works is I have to embed all fonts used within the swf file, so the more fonts used the larger the file becomes.

I prefer the blue one over the gold (and text is easier to read with the blue) - I think black would be nice, too. The only problem I see is fitting that player into the CMPS left-column, unless you are designing it as a center module and if that's the case, the width is good but I'd cut down a bit on the height.

Anyway... overall, very nice work.

edit: I see that you added the gold one to the installation list. Is that designed to work with CMPS, too?

09-14-2006, 04:28 AM
With this is version it is not possible due to the mod uses no queries on the vBulletin database. The version I am designing now has many new features, which is all controlled via the AdminCP, which will allow for other addons.

but please this is a request to have player in "Whats Going On" ..hope u have this in your next version :)

09-14-2006, 11:49 AM
Here's one I just designed... the jpg image doesn't really do the player justice, lost alot of clarity. But similar to the current design on colors, however the overall look when finished would be much better.

A button bank, could be designed and added to the right of the playlist window, I mean in an oval format.

Note: This is just an image, no working parts yet.;) (apart from a spinning disc on the display corner)..:D
Very nice! That one would be perfect for my site. :)

09-14-2006, 12:13 PM
Very nice! That one would be perfect for my site. :)

Okay, I will get both the Silver and Black Gloss 'skinned' players coded.:)

Both will be full packages, and will include the following:

An updated mp3 player engine, including volume, balance, etc.
A non autostart and a autostart version of the player.
A CMPS center block version (this is what the players were designed for).
Example XML files (until I release a Pro version).
Updated javascript files.

Please note that the development images maybe changed, they are only just 'rough' skins.

09-16-2006, 12:45 PM
Ive installed it but I only see a blank page when the popups open :(

Ive tried with Firefox and IE and I get the same result.


09-16-2006, 01:45 PM
Ive installed it but I only see a blank page when the popups open :(

Ive tried with Firefox and IE and I get the same result.


I just checked your website, the required vbPlayer.swf files is missing from your forum root.

Hope that helps!:)

09-16-2006, 08:34 PM
Ive checked it. It is in my forum root.

Ive checked the value in ipod.htm and its fine.

But still no works

09-17-2006, 01:37 AM
I just wondered what sort of timescale you were looking at for the new skins on the right and if they will also be available as a popup player instead of within a page?

09-17-2006, 07:49 AM
Ive checked it. It is in my forum root.

Ive checked the value in ipod.htm and its fine.

But still no works

It looks like the vbPlayer.swf file may be corrupt. Try uploading a new copy and overwrite the old one. I've not seen this problem before.:surprised:

If you need further help let me know.:)

09-17-2006, 10:57 AM
this is really Great hack thank you so muchhhhhhh :D and Can someone please tell me how to put it like this image:


what mod do i have to add for that? Thank you...

09-17-2006, 11:47 AM
this is really Great hack thank you so muchhhhhhh :D and Can someone please tell me how to put it like this image:


what mod do i have to add for that? Thank you...

You're welcome!:)

That is done using the free CMPS portal available from www.vbadvanced.com

Instructions on how to intall it is here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1068038&postcount=2). You will also need to download the 3rd version of this modification, which contains the flashobject.js file to display the mp3 player correctly.

09-17-2006, 12:20 PM
hey thanx buddy. I did all that steps for VB CMPS too. but still not showin..
http://forums.bollyjaan.com/gallery see its not showing. Also how about i wanna put it on homepage (http://forums.bollyjaan.com - there) too like on a side you know what i mean. :D I think i need a hack for it ?? pleast tell me
thank you :D

09-17-2006, 12:39 PM
Awesome! I have been waiting for something like this. Thanks! :D

09-17-2006, 12:48 PM
hey thanx buddy. I did all that steps for VB CMPS too. but still not showin..
http://forums.bollyjaan.com/gallery see its not showing. Also how about i wanna put it on homepage (http://forums.bollyjaan.com - there) too like on a side you know what i mean. :D I think i need a hack for it ?? pleast tell me
thank you :D

Did you install the vBavanced CMPS Portal? It doesn't look like you have.

To place the modification on your main forum home would require a 'FORUMHOME' template edit in the style you are using. At the moment I have not done this modfication to work from the forum home.

09-17-2006, 12:53 PM
I just wondered what sort of timescale you were looking at for the new skins on the right and if they will also be available as a popup player instead of within a page?

Hi bandare,

Both skins will be released with popup and CMPS versions (the CMPS will be for center column only). Timescale, possibly the 'Black Gloss' version I will release sometime this week, and the Silver version about a week later.

Busy with other projects at the moment but, I'm trying to get the players done at the same time.;)

09-17-2006, 07:23 PM
Did you install the vBavanced CMPS Portal? It doesn't look like you have.

To place the modification on your main forum home would require a 'FORUMHOME' template edit in the style you are using. At the moment I have not done this modfication to work from the forum home.

hey I did install VBa CMPS because i can see it in admin panel. Also When i click on edit module, i see VbMP3 player. I have also put it under the Right Column. so i think i installed VBa CMPS. what should i do then.

09-17-2006, 07:34 PM
hey I did install VBa CMPS because i can see it in admin panel. Also When i click on edit module, i see VbMP3 player. I have also put it under the Right Column. so i think i installed VBa CMPS. what should i do then.

I just checked, and sorry I should have checked this earlier - in the CMPS instructions it does inform you to change your vBulletin index.php to something else, then change the cmps_index.php to index.php. Then your site will have the portal on the front.

I can see it at http://forums.bollyjaan.com/cmps_index.php - so you obviously have installed it, but I don't see the mp3 player - but this could be due to the way you have set your permissions for guests. But as an admin you should be able to see the module at this address.

09-17-2006, 10:00 PM
Hi bandare,

Both skins will be released with popup and CMPS versions (the CMPS will be for center column only). Timescale, possibly the 'Black Gloss' version I will release sometime this week, and the Silver version about a week later.

Busy with other projects at the moment but, I'm trying to get the players done at the same time.;)

Thanks a lot. I am going to wait for those i think as they look awesome!

09-18-2006, 05:53 PM


09-19-2006, 12:51 AM
I have to ask... is it LEGAL to put commercial songs up for listening like that?

09-19-2006, 01:36 AM
I have to ask... is it LEGAL to put commercial songs up for listening like that?
Good question. According to the **AA, everything is illegal. From their website:

What is webcasting?

Webcasting generally refers to the streaming of audio on the Internet. It is sometimes called "Internet radio."

Are licenses required to webcast music?

Yes. A license usually must be obtained for each of the two copyrighted works embodied in a musical recording.

And it's not cheap - licenses can cost you thousands of dollars a year. However, sites such as MySpace.com & AOL's Streamcast have high-quality full length songs available in huge numbers. So if you look at it that way, it must be legal as they've been doing it for years now without any ramifications.

09-19-2006, 06:55 AM
I have to ask... is it LEGAL to put commercial songs up for listening like that?

This question has been answered previously on this thread, however I will answer it again.

The **AA is an american body, and does not have worldwide control of laws relating to music. Some countries have laws which allows anyone to legally place music on their websites, for streaming, etc.

Other exclusions include bands/artists that like to promote themselves freely over the internet, there are many US websites that employ this already.

There are also contradictions on this issue, in some countries it is legal to listen to streaming music, but illegal to download. This is where a loophole exists since if music is streamed, it is also 'cached', meaning it would be available in your browsers cache.

Then you have other various other combinations, example - you are hosting mp3's on a server which is based in a country where streaming is perfectly legal, but you are based in a country where it is illegal to listen to streaming music.

You also find there are sites that allow you to use their music legally. So it really is a difficult question, regarding legal issues. It depends, if the tracks are illegal in your country (if hosted on servers within your country), if the artist/band offers their music for free for promotion (1,000's do nowadays), there is so many loopholes, really to know where an actual person stands.

So many people have used this modification on their websites to specifically allow their members to stream their own music they have recorded themselves, and just want others to listen to their music for free.

This modification itself is free to use, but how it is implemented is another matter and legalities is just another issue. I've had many requests for using multiple playlists, so people can have their own recordings in separate playlists - I will be adding this into the major release at a later date.

09-19-2006, 02:23 PM
Is it possible to have the launched window be automatically closed if somebody closes the main browser that the player was launched from? In other words, if somebody goes to http://www.yoursite.com, launches the player, and then leaves the main site that the launched player would close.

09-19-2006, 06:47 PM
So basically, if I live in the US, and my members will all live in the US - I can't use this hack legally if I were to use it to play commercially available music? Bummer :(

09-19-2006, 07:09 PM
So basically, if I live in the US, and my members will all live in the US - I can't use this hack legally if I were to use it to play commercially available music? Bummer :(

Not necessarily... it depends where you host the actual mp3's. Any country where it's legal to use mp3 streaming, could be used.

However, I'm not sure how the US law stands with respect to mp3 streaming into users computers from a foreign country.:confused: There are alot of contradictions on this subject.

09-20-2006, 10:38 AM
Is it possible to have the launched window be automatically closed if somebody closes the main browser that the player was launched from? In other words, if somebody goes to http://www.yoursite.com, launches the player, and then leaves the main site that the launched player would close.

I've never really thought about that... However I can see the reason why it would be a good idea. It would save on bandwidth consumption. Not too sure how I would accomplish the task though. I'll have to see if this is possible...

09-20-2006, 01:46 PM
I've never really thought about that... However I can see the reason why it would be a good idea. It would save on bandwidth consumption. Not too sure how I would accomplish the task though. I'll have to see if this is possible...Cool. I think you may be able to use the vB smilies page as a starting reference (eg: You launch the smilie box when writing a reply and when you exit the page the smilie window automatically closes).

Thanks for looking into it. :)

09-21-2006, 06:40 AM
Great Hack syrus!

It works fine, but i dont know how to play a Shoutcast mp3 Radio Webstream, does this work?

09-21-2006, 09:11 AM
Syrus (or anyone)..
Just where do the MP3's cache too when streaming?
Installed this on another forum now and got a problem with one of the MP3's again. So, deleted the MP3 from the server, but the player is still playing it, regardless of my deleting all temp internet files, cookies, closing browser session, temp files etc. Using Firefox - driving me up the wall trying to find where it's caching to.

09-21-2006, 10:56 PM
Great Hack syrus!

It works fine, but i dont know how to play a Shoutcast mp3 Radio Webstream, does this work?

This flash player I didn't design to work with Shoutcast, it would require further coding to use Shoutcast - perhaps a possibility for a future version. At the moment it is only populated via direct mp3 urls in the XML file, the version in development will be read directly from the vBulletin database and all tracks can be entered in the AdminCP, along with many other parameters.:)

09-22-2006, 03:54 PM
Hello, I installed your add-on and is great!

However I wonder when the pro version will be out, and if its a way to include more than one play list, like use the Menu and change to another play list, and some way to bookmark your favorite song, also to filter what kind of music you want to listen :).

Also on your pro version, could you make a horizontal layout option, so it shows the song only follow by a next / back/ stop / play / etc buttons on a black ipop cover :O!

09-22-2006, 09:36 PM
I installed this but I can't hear whats playing. My speakers work but when I click play to one of the 2 songs, I can't hear anything? Is there something else I need to do? Carmen

09-23-2006, 04:51 AM
What an absolutely awesome hack!!! *INSTALLED*


09-23-2006, 12:49 PM
I installed this but I can't hear whats playing. My speakers work but when I click play to one of the 2 songs, I can't hear anything? Is there something else I need to do? Carmen

The two example tracks are prone to slow download, from the server they are on. Try entering some tracks of your own, this should correct the problem.

09-23-2006, 01:00 PM
Hello, I installed your add-on and is great!

However I wonder when the pro version will be out, and if its a way to include more than one play list, like use the Menu and change to another play list, and some way to bookmark your favorite song, also to filter what kind of music you want to listen :).

Also on your pro version, could you make a horizontal layout option, so it shows the song only follow by a next / back/ stop / play / etc buttons on a black ipop cover :O!

The pro version will be released probably within a few months, as it requires alot more coding than this simple modification. As for the features it will use, they are currently listed in the main post towards the bottom.

As for favorite bookmarking, this is something I haven't even thought of yet, so it maybe incorporated into the pro version, as it will require use of the vbulletin database.

There are other skinned players I will be releasing before the pro version that will have more features than the current one, however playlist switching will not be available until the pro version release.

09-23-2006, 01:38 PM
The pro version will be released probably within a few months, as it requires alot more coding than this simple modification. As for the features it will use, they are currently listed in the main post towards the bottom.

As for favorite bookmarking, this is something I haven't even thought of yet, so it maybe incorporated into the pro version, as it will require use of the vbulletin database.

There are other skinned players I will be releasing before the pro version that will have more features than the current one, however playlist switching will not be available until the pro version release.

Until the new version is out, I'm "mixing it up" for my members by using several different folders of different music with 50 songs in each, and several copies of the playlist with the URL's edited accordingly. When I want to "shuffle" for the members, I just overwrite the playlist. *Waiting for new version* :)

09-23-2006, 10:53 PM
I could add a playlist switch to the new skinned players, just takes a bit more coding in the player, nothing really drastic though. Just need to sort the code to unload one XML file and load another. I'll see maybe I will add this feature, eventhough it will function better in a version with AdminCP control. :D

09-23-2006, 11:02 PM
I could add a playlist switch to the new skinned players, just takes a bit more coding in the player, nothing really drastic though. Just need to sort the code to unload one XML file and load another. I'll see maybe I will add this feature, eventhough it will function better in a version with AdminCP control. :D

No worries... my members have more songs than they could listen to in a day anyway. This is one sweeeeet mod. :D

09-24-2006, 01:33 AM
Here's a question:

I have my music on the server in different folders (rock, classic rock, country)... do the MP3's all have to be called from the same folder by the playlist? What I mean is, can I edit the URL's in the playlist to call the MP3's from different folders to mix them up? Or do they have to be in the same folder? (As long as there is only 50 songs in the playlist, right?) :)

09-24-2006, 01:52 AM
Here's a question:

I have my music on the server in different folders (rock, classic rock, country)... do the MP3's all have to be called from the same folder by the playlist? What I mean is, can I edit the URL's in the playlist to call the MP3's from different folders to mix them up? Or do they have to be in the same folder? (As long as there is only 50 songs in the playlist, right?) :)

The playlist will accept mp3's from virtually anywhere, as long as the url/path is entered correctly. It supports internal and external hosted mp3's, obviously if the mp3's are on an external host then you may notice a delay while retrieving the mp3 data, this is why I designed the player to use stream/soundbuffer feature. The player does have a default value for buffering of 5 secs, which can be overrided using a different value in the XML file.

If I incorporate the XML playlist switching, then the player will have buttons to select various playlists on-demand and I'll fix the under 50 mp3's per playlist bug.

I may add the 'shuffle' enable/disable button as well.:)

09-24-2006, 02:13 AM
Awesome :)

I have a plenty of space and transfer on my server. I have a gig of songs for my members to listen to, in category folders.

I just need to play around with the playlist and make several of them to mix things up until the new version comes out. Thanks much. :D

09-24-2006, 08:56 PM
The 2 player.swf files have a slight difference between them. The first download has the 'shuffle' tracks enabled, while the second version has it disabled.

09-26-2006, 01:27 PM
I just installed this and for some reason I uploaded the songs and urled them, but nothing is playing... when it pops up, it shows the name and 0:00 mins...

09-26-2006, 03:58 PM
I just installed this and for some reason I uploaded the songs and urled them, but nothing is playing... when it pops up, it shows the name and 0:00 mins...

If the track name is showing then the data from the XML files is read correctly, however if the track doesn't start playing (no time showing), then the url maybe incorrect to the mp3's or the server they are hosted on has a slow connection.

Hope that helps!:)

09-27-2006, 06:42 PM
Hello, first off. Great Hack!

Im using a custon so editing my navbar wont make the " mp3 player " tag show up. I want to put the mp3 player where it says " Advertise ", of course ill change the " Advertise " pic to Mp3 Player but I dont know how. Can you advise me on how to do it. Below is the code in my header template & I know where the " # " is where i should put the path to the mp3 player but im lost when it comes to that. Can you tell me what should go there bro. Thanks

<td valign="middle"><a href="#"><img src="street/advertise.gif" border="0" alt="" /></a></td>

09-27-2006, 11:06 PM
Hello, first off. Great Hack!

Im using a custon so editing my navbar wont make the " mp3 player " tag show up. I want to put the mp3 player where it says " Advertise ", of course ill change the " Advertise " pic to Mp3 Player but I dont know how. Can you advise me on how to do it. Below is the code in my header template & I know where the " # " is where i should put the path to the mp3 player but im lost when it comes to that. Can you tell me what should go there bro. Thanks

<td valign="middle"><a href="#"><img src="street/advertise.gif" border="0" alt="" /></a></td>

Hi, and thanks!:)

You will still need the javascript in the code, for the popup to work. The part of the code with the '#' symbol in tells your browser not to change the current page (but is needed for the popup code to work correctly). You're not the first to ask this question with reference to having a custom style, I remember someone else had a similar query.

Here's the modified code you would need.

<!-- vbMp3 Player Start -->
<script type="text/javascript">

function OpeniPod(){
iPod = window.open('ipod.htm','iPod','directories=no,heig ht=430,width=190,location=no,menubar=no,resizable= no,status=no,toolbar=no')

return false;

<td valign="middle"><a href="#" onclick="return OpeniPod()"><img src="street/advertise.gif" border="0"></a></td>
<!-- vbMp3 Player End -->

Obviously, you would change the 'advertise.gif' to whatever the image you wish to use for the player.

Hope that helps you!:)

09-27-2006, 11:39 PM
coo, thanks bro.

09-28-2006, 09:06 PM
Hey I'm having some problems when I edit the XML file. I uploaded the songs that I want onto my server in a folder, and then I placed the URL into the XML file. BUT when I bring up the player from my forums the only songs that appear are the default ones that came with. Why is that, and what am I doing wrong? Thanks

09-28-2006, 09:14 PM
Hey I'm having some problems when I edit the XML file. I uploaded the songs that I want onto my server in a folder, and then I placed the URL into the XML file. BUT when I bring up the player from my forums the only songs that appear are the default ones that came with. Why is that, and what am I doing wrong? Thanks

Hi there,

Can you PM me the url of the site, I'll have a look for you.:)

09-28-2006, 10:48 PM
nice feature syrus.xl :cool: my members are loving this :laugh: many thanks!!

09-29-2006, 01:00 AM
Voted for mod of the month! ;)

09-29-2006, 10:01 AM
Voted for mod of the month! ;)

:D Thanks, appreciated. I think the future releases will merit that though, not this small-mod. To me its just too small.;)


Ben Wilkins
09-29-2006, 11:02 PM
It's a bug I have in my ActionScript of the player itself, nothing major really just annoying. What happens is if the swf flash file tries to import the XML file with more than 50 tracks, is it causes a scripting error, which then can crash the browser. I haven't yet tried it on any other browser apart from Internet Explorer 6.0.

Hopefully, I have a fix for this problem soon. And update the package.

HI, when i close the player in IE. It makes my browser crash. Any ideas?

09-29-2006, 11:10 PM
HI, when i close the player in IE. It makes my browser crash. Any ideas?


The actual error you would receive with 'over-loading' the current flash player is a popup with "A script as stopped responding, do you wish to continue?" with 'Yes' and 'No' buttons.

It shouldn't crash your browser unless you have less than 2 tracks in the XML file or more than 50 tracks.

Other issues that can cause this is your internet cache needs emptying or you have spyware (BHO's) in your system.

P.S - Your signature image is too large, if vbulletin staff see it then it will be deleted.

Ben Wilkins
09-29-2006, 11:21 PM
Hey, i have 10 songs, and its just when i load up the player, then click the cross. the browser will freeze. It just happens on talkmods.com though

because when i closed it while i was on this site. it didnt crash.

Ben Wilkins
09-29-2006, 11:26 PM
EDIT: After i close the player. It takes about 20 seconds for the site to unfreze.

Check it at talkmods.com

09-29-2006, 11:51 PM
EDIT: After i close the player. It takes about 20 seconds for the site to unfreze.

Check it at talkmods.com

I just checked your site and it didn't freeze on close of the browser window.

The player may cause problems if you use mp3's of varying bitrates, ideally they should be encoded at 128k. The Flash player will still play them but it may sound like they are on a 'fast-forward' speed.

Have you updated your flash player plugin? It should be on version 9, since there are security issues with previous versions.

09-30-2006, 07:58 PM
Is there a way I can change that skin? I would like to change it to another one, but I have no idea how to do that :(

09-30-2006, 08:45 PM
Is there a way I can change that skin? I would like to change it to another one, but I have no idea how to do that :(


The current skin cannot be changed, it was specifically designed to look like an ipod as much as possible, including all the emulated functions - apart from the volume control. The whole design was integrated with the look, hence the actual look cannot be changed without ruining certain features. I designed it originally for use on myspace.com profiles back in March, but I never actually released it, and it did win an award for best lookalike in one group.

There are numerous mp3 players on the net which sell for around $30 each, but I don't intend to charge for my design - and they allow for different skins. The pro version mentioned in the first post will have many more features than any commercial ones on the net, and packed with a few different players for different usage.

The pro release will have the ability to change skins, change color tint via a HEX value and an alpha setting. However, this version will be integrated directly into the vBulletin database, and not due out for awhile yet.

A 'black gloss' skinned player will be released later this week, with some new features, followed by the 'silver skinned' version.

So, as you can see there is alot planned for this modification - and the current one was just a 'small mod' that I didn't think would attract so much attention.

I will fully support this version and forthcoming versions of this modification, with many new features that have been discussed throughout this thread.


09-30-2006, 10:00 PM
Is there a way to configure playlists based on genre or artist? My users keep complaining about all the rap in between thier rock :/

09-30-2006, 10:09 PM
Is there a way to configure playlists based on genre or artist? My users keep complaining about all the rap in between thier rock :/

I expect you're referring to multiple playlist 'switching' - this version doesn't support that feature.

The one I am currently designing (black gloss) does have multiple playlist switching by using numerous XML files containing your mp3 tracks. I'm not sure yet how many playlists it will be set to, as the number needs to be hardcoded into the player. With the pro version this won't be problem since all the playlists will be held in the database and all tracks entered through the AdminCP.

I wish now I had used the AdminCP panel from the start... oh well, we all learn by our mistakes.;)

09-30-2006, 10:31 PM
I might buy the full version when it comes out, but than again, thats only if my forums actually become popular and I would like to invest that kind of money into them.

09-30-2006, 10:43 PM
I might buy the full version when it comes out, but than again, thats only if my forums actually become popular and I would like to invest that kind of money into them.

The pro version will always be free on here, to all vBulletin users. I only charge for the player for non-vBulletin versions, which come with completely different documentation and code.

I will never charge a fee for any modifcations of this vbMp3 Player or the forthcoming vbPro Mp3 Player, they are only fully supported on vBulletin.org, and always will be.:cool:


10-01-2006, 04:17 AM
okay i must have missed it but it is late....

how do i stop the cmps autostart? i don't want to shuffle lol and i don't want autostart....

secondly anyway for the cmps module not to start over every time you change to a new forum page?

I absolutely love this mod though thanks so much!!! I have been looking for something just like this!

10-01-2006, 09:39 AM
okay i must have missed it but it is late....

how do i stop the cmps autostart? i don't want to shuffle lol and i don't want autostart....

I'll update the CMPS package with another player, with no autoStart and no 'Shuffle'.

secondly anyway for the cmps module not to start over every time you change to a new forum page?

This can't be achieved with the CMPS version since it would require a static block that doesn't reload on every page load. This is why I designed it originally as a popup to stop this problem.

I absolutely love this mod though thanks so much!!! I have been looking for something just like this!

You're welcome!:)

Neutral Singh
10-01-2006, 09:54 AM
Excellent!! Thats what i wanted. I want to add around 200 files in the playlists... are there still some issues regarding that. Thanks for sharing this wonder gift.

Best Regards

10-01-2006, 10:08 AM
Excellent!! Thats what i wanted. I want to add around 200 files in the playlists... are there still some issues regarding that. Thanks for sharing this wonder gift.

Best Regards

The fix for populating the current player with over 50 tracks hasn't been fixed yet. The new 'black gloss' player (which will be released this week) will be fixed to accept unlimited tracks, per playlist and have playlist 'switching'.


10-01-2006, 10:18 AM
nice can't wait!!!

10-01-2006, 03:05 PM
thanks for the quick update!

10-01-2006, 03:09 PM
thanks for the quick update!

You're welcome!:)

Further updated players will be released later this week.:cool: However, I will be packing them differently, cus the downloads on this thread are becoming too much.

About time I had a tidy up!;)

10-01-2006, 06:48 PM
Installed as instructed.
It does not appear on the screen, does not exist.
How to activate it? :hurt:


10-01-2006, 07:09 PM
Installed as instructed.
It does not appear on the screen, does not exist.
How to activate it? :hurt:



Can you be a little more specific?

Is the actual mp3 player loading (viewable)?

If the player is showing:

Does it display 'NAN' on the screen?
Are tracks showing, but not playing?
Are tracks not loading at all?

This will allow me to tell you what is wrong. Sometimes the example songs in the playlist will not play due to excessive plays throughout the day, or slow server response times.

Syrus XL

10-02-2006, 09:26 AM
Hi Syrus XL,

Is the actual mp3 player loading (viewable)?

Not at all. It does not exist.

Sometimes the example songs in the playlist will not play due to excessive plays throughout the day, or slow server response times.

I did try the songs' link from the .xml file, they are downloading and play fine with Media Player.

The forum(testvb) was password protected, removed the protection,did not improve.

I did try to upload the 3 files to the next places:
mysite.com/forum/ipod.htm(the correct one I think)
mysite.com/forum/vbMp3_Player/ipod.htm (the whole folder uploaded)

Browsers: IE and FF

My host is Yahoo. Could it be a problem?

Regards, beishe8

10-02-2006, 04:05 PM
Hi Syrus XL,

Not at all. It does not exist.

I did try the songs' link from the .xml file, they are downloading and play fine with Media Player.

The forum(testvb) was password protected, removed the protection,did not improve.

I did try to upload the 3 files to the next places:
mysite.com/forum/ipod.htm(the correct one I think)
mysite.com/forum/vbMp3_Player/ipod.htm (the whole folder uploaded)

Browsers: IE and FF

My host is Yahoo. Could it be a problem?

Regards, beishe8


Could you PM me your url, so I can see the problem?

I don't know about Yahoo hosting, but the player uses no MySQL queries.


10-02-2006, 07:24 PM

Could you PM me your url, so I can see the problem?

I don't know about Yahoo hosting, but the player uses no MySQL queries.


When you look, check urls, too... I had Yahoo! and they are in their own little world. Totally different server directory structure than any other Servers I've seen. They could be using some other MySQL version, too.

10-02-2006, 09:18 PM
When you look, check urls, too... I had Yahoo! and they are in their own little world. Totally different server directory structure than any other Servers I've seen. They could be using some other MySQL version, too.

I think the problem was down to a browser configuration, and not server related. The player seemed fine to me.:confused:

Thanks for the info though, G_Man!:) I'm not familar with Yahoo servers, never even thought they supported MySQL.. Oh well, I'm still learning!;)

10-03-2006, 09:57 AM
Thanks Syrus XL and G_Man.
The player is playing beautifully...
In the default style...

There is another style installed(the one set for me), it is not appearing there.
Not a big deal.
From the test forum it is moving to the real one soon.

Thanks again guys !

10-03-2006, 08:58 PM
You're welcome! :)

I've fixed the playlist bug with no more than 50 songs in one playlist, I'll be using the updated code, on the new skin I release later this week.

Getting there slowly! :)

10-03-2006, 09:00 PM
Will there be a max number in the play list when the new version comes out? I have about 7 playlists right now LOL. :)

10-03-2006, 09:06 PM
Will there be a max number in the play list when the new version comes out? I have about 7 playlists right now LOL. :)


No, I can't see there being a problem. I used an emulating script to populate the player earlier with 1,000 tracks of data, and it worked fine. The new player will have buttons to enable multiple playlist switching, think quite a few people wanted this feature, and I was originally going to hold it off until I designed the pro version. But I've decided to update quite a lot of code, and release it this week.


10-03-2006, 11:01 PM

No, I can't see there being a problem. I used an emulating script to populate the player earlier with 1,000 tracks of data, and it worked fine. The new player will have buttons to enable multiple playlist switching, think quite a few people wanted this feature, and I was originally going to hold it off until I designed the pro version. But I've decided to update quite a lot of code, and release it this week.



Thank you! :)

10-04-2006, 01:33 AM

Thank you! :)

Second that... :)

Great little mod.

10-04-2006, 04:39 AM
This is a great hack, thanks for a nice solution for an mp3 player on vb! If anyone wants to see a live demo, we have had a lot of contributions from our musician members adding their tracks to it, and even added some announcements to make it more radio-like. To view our demo visit my music forum (http://www.keepmusicalive.com) and click "vbPlayer" in the navbar.

Great work, I'll keep an eye out for other projects of yours. :)

10-04-2006, 09:21 AM
This is a great hack, thanks for a nice solution for an mp3 player on vb! If anyone wants to see a live demo, we have had a lot of contributions from our musician members adding their tracks to it, and even added some announcements to make it more radio-like. To view our demo visit my music forum (http://www.keepmusicalive.com) and click "vbPlayer" in the navbar.

Great work, I'll keep an eye out for other projects of yours. :)

Hi MusicMan,

That's one excellent way of using the player, the announcements is a clever idea. Certainly, an added welcome to your vBulletin boad.


10-06-2006, 07:44 PM
XEON player added for those of you that have been awaiting it's release. Formally, known as the 'Black Gloss' version, this has been re-coded from scratch, and includes many new features.


10-06-2006, 10:15 PM
I would donate money or blow a coder if this would play MP3s without needing to create the XML first...

10-06-2006, 10:24 PM
I would donate money or blow a coder if this would play MP3s without needing to create the XML first...

:D The Pro version doesn't use XML at all. We've tested both players using the current players reading directly from the database via PHP, and the tests seem to be running fine.

If all goes well the fully integrated version will be released within a few weeks.

So, the XML will soon be obsolete!:)

10-06-2006, 10:32 PM
SYRUS! DAMN GOOD JOB! SIMPLY AMAZING! Great new skin, its not hard to customize as an XML file if you got dreamweaver and ... well its an MP3 player!

I will definitely consider purchasing your full version, again, AWESOME job!

10-06-2006, 10:37 PM
Brilliant. Simply brilliant!

Thank you so very much for all your hard work on such an excellent add-on!

*thumbs up*

10-06-2006, 10:58 PM
The song files. do I host them or do members put in their info to listen to songs they choose. sorrY I know im gonig to get blasted for this but just curious where the songs come from....

10-06-2006, 10:58 PM
Has anyone tried the pro version with vb 3.5.3 & 3.5.4 ??

10-06-2006, 11:11 PM
The song files. do I host them or do members put in their info to listen to songs they choose. sorrY I know im gonig to get blasted for this but just curious where the songs come from....

The songs you can either host yourself, and enter the full urls in the XML file/s, or use an external server. The player is designed to accept internal or external server configurations.

Your members can't upload songs in this version, because it uses no database for storing. However, the pro version (available in a few weeks) will allow you to set permissions should you want members to add tracks, which you can moderate via the AdminCP. There will be many new features in the pro version, and it will be released as a major addon. The only limitations at the moment are caused by the lack of database integration, but this will soon be a thing of the past. :)

10-06-2006, 11:13 PM
Has anyone tried the pro version with vb 3.5.3 & 3.5.4 ??


Yes, this will work on all versions of vBulletin. It only uses a small amount of javascript to function.:D

Future versions will be specific to 3.6 and above.

10-07-2006, 12:20 AM
sorry not sure if this has been addressed but One how do yoy edit xml files? and two how does one resize the xeon player. Mine is a bit too short on one side and cuts off the player... I tried resizing it by click resize=yes and i tried adding more width and heighth but it doesnt seem to change

10-07-2006, 01:06 AM
Looked at the instructions and everywhere else...don't see any upgrade instructions. Is it upload/import/overwrite for the files and the xml?

10-07-2006, 01:14 AM
Question for ya, Syrus...

<if condition="$show['member']">

I just learning this php stuff, so how do a write a conditional array, so that I can enter just few userid's to see the button for right now while I set it up and my DJ provides material ??

10-07-2006, 01:24 AM
Tha new player looks nice bro, a little too bulky for my liking but just wondering if your ever going to fix the bug of nomore then 50 songs for the player that looks like an ipod?

Neutral Singh
10-07-2006, 01:54 AM
You are my hero syrus!! Sweet Update... waiting for pro version... :)

width of the popup window should set to 450 for a better view...

Best Regards

10-07-2006, 02:09 AM
Ive installed it but I only see a blank page when the popups open :(

Ive tried with Firefox and IE and I get the same result.


Same here mates!!

10-07-2006, 02:14 AM
[QUOTE=syrus.xl]I just checked your website, the required vbPlayer.swf files is missing from your forum root.

got it!!!

Oh hell yes this ROCKS awesome hack bro!!!! Def Mod of the year here!! whoa thanks man


except for dat music WTF LMAO can we change through admin correct lol sorry not our type of board!!!

10-07-2006, 11:11 AM
Great! Now its much more interessting, to use this player :)

And thats above all because now you can change the playlists, so you can offer your visitors several music genres


10-07-2006, 11:18 AM
Do you mean you wish to add the vbMp3 Player to all Members Profiles? If that is the case it's just a simple Template edit and a flashObject javascript file upload to fix a problem with Internet Explorer and embed tags.

Ok got ya thxs mate!!!!