View Full Version : Problem: Not getting points for posts

06-19-2006, 09:40 PM
I keep having situations where no points are given for posts. The problem only occurs sometimes.

When the problem occurs, usually the first post I make to an existing thread receives no points and subsequent posts I make receive points. Some of my board members have also reported this issue.

Anyone else had this problem?

06-20-2006, 08:29 PM
It might be possible the first reply to the thread, that the points are not displayed on the same page. Like they are added, but they are not regotten from the database before they are displayed on the page.

I have created threads at www.vbplaza.com and replied and the points came through, if anyone is able to replicate this issue with ease, I could easily fix it.

But its like a needle in a haystack if its not replicatable.