View Full Version : Bug - point on post edit

06-18-2006, 04:26 PM
on our forum we've installed vbux 1.5.6
When a user edit his own posts (both via quickedit or advanced edit) he gets the same points it would get if the post was a new reply.
Is this a bug?
I think it's no good ppl get point also by editing messages.

06-18-2006, 08:30 PM
yea, it happens for me too..

06-20-2006, 08:41 PM
The points u get for editing should be recalculated, if they add text to the message, they should get some points, if they remove text from the message, they should lose points.

That's how it was working for me on www.vbplaza.com

I'll double check it again for any bugs/changes that happened in v1.5.6 that could/would affect this though.