View Full Version : How to manage Large file uploads (up to 50mb)

06-05-2006, 12:21 PM
Hi, I am trying to create some sort of applet that will allow a user to upload a file up to 50mb --- I realized some sort of Java Applet would do this. Also it needs to upload to a directory that would be passed as a variable through the pages.

Please advise :(

06-05-2006, 02:51 PM
Why not use a simple PHP script to capture the upload?
I am using several of those on my site and they work fine with larger uploads as well (max I tried myself so far was ~300MB).

You only need max upload limit and max execution time set appropriately in the PHP ini....

06-06-2006, 03:41 AM
Why not use a simple PHP script to capture the upload?
I am using several of those on my site and they work fine with larger uploads as well (max I tried myself so far was ~300MB).

You only need max upload limit and max execution time set appropriately in the PHP ini....
I want to make it interactive to a point.

06-06-2006, 03:46 AM
Hmm.... can you be more specific for that? :)