View Full Version : Need help with a query (setting icon for a specific forum)

05-27-2006, 06:39 PM

I run 2.3.5 vbulletin & got access to Phpmyadmin. I want to run a query, in the 'thread' table, so that I am able to set the iconid to a value but only for a specific forumid. The iconid has te be "75", but only for forumid "67".

(I want to change the post icon for all the threads in a specific forum only)

SELECT * FROM `thread` WHERE `forumid=75`AND `iconid=75`

I got to this point, completely wrong probably, but no clue how to proceed. I am pretty newbie with this stuff.

So any help would be appreciated :-)



Kirk Y
05-28-2006, 10:48 PM
Well, I suppose you could try:

UPDATE thread SET iconid = '75' WHERE forumid = '67'

But, this won't keep people from selecting a different post icon each time they post -- unless you're planning on making a scheduled task out of it.

Perhaps it's time for an upgrade to 3.5, where you can set a default post icon. ;)

06-03-2006, 03:32 PM
Thanks Acid! I already managed to figure that out myself eventually. Not really rocket science indeed :-)