View Full Version : making a post

05-11-2006, 10:33 PM
I made a script to make a post from a form and to assign the post to a user regarless of who posted it from the form. It works good, except for the fact that when you see the thread listed in the forum, it says its posted by 'unregistered' but when you view the post, its got the correct user as the poster. Anybody know how I can get it to show the user who posted it?

05-13-2006, 06:01 PM
A thread has a table column 'postusername' and 'postuserid', which is separate information from the posts user information.

So double check you are setting these values correctly. If you are using the datamanager (Thread_FirstPost), it should take care of the details automatically when you set the username and userid.