View Full Version : Suggestion: Uploads gives X amounts of points (based on file extension)

05-08-2006, 11:26 PM
I was wondering if this feature is available. Users will gain X number of points when a member uploads an attachment (not to forums that disable this feature). It will only work for certain attachments, so if i want members to gain points if its an mp3 file, i would define that extension in the admin area, whereas they wont get any point for pictures and other files because i didnt define that extension in my admin area.

I was also wondering if its possible to not cost any points on certain file extensions, (like pics) but will cost on others (like zips and rars)

05-09-2006, 05:51 AM
Havent thought of that yet, but I'll check to see if there are any plugins available for this type of addition.