View Full Version : Ok a request and a question

04-13-2006, 03:04 AM
My users are loving the system, but how resource intensive is it? Loads went up alot right after the system was installed. Hopefully it goes down soon. :confused:

Is there any way to designate a forum the trashbin and threads sent there take the points back away from the users?

Or can I do that through the forum management system? Say if a thread is sent to the Recycle Bin I can have it so they get -50 points or something?

Ok, just tested it... If you put forum = -40 points for having a thread in that forum, it doesn't work. :(

Ok, I also cannot get colored usernames to work, I went back over the postbit template edits and can't figure it out at all.

Also how come if I buy someone an avatar, they can change it in their UserCP?

I really don't want to make someone buy an avatar to use it, but I would like people to be able to change other users avatars.

04-13-2006, 05:39 PM
1) Not sure about resource intensiveness, it does use a LOT of plugins.
2) There is not a trashbin functionality yet as I still have to figure out an effective way to remove points for deleted posts.
3) the -40 only affects New threads/posts, not moved ones.
4) do u have html usergroup markup? If so, do u have 1.5.4 or higher installed?
5) do u have the vbulletin settings enabled to allow users to change their own avatar for their usergroup in usergroup manager?