View Full Version : Redirect error with forum. Possible to fix this?

04-04-2006, 04:42 PM
Here is the page


If you click on a post in the "last post" section it displays an error page however if you notice in the URL /edmontongolf/forums is inserted into it causing this error. The reason this is there is because I have multiple sites set up in my account so my URL's point to specific folders.

My subdomain forums.edmontongolf.com points to where the forums are located in /edmontongolf/forums

Now if you access the forums using from the base folder of http://edmontongolfing.netfirms.com/edmontongolf/forums then all the links will work fine. It's just from a forwarding location where the error occurs.

My host tells me that if I use PHPBB they can edit a config file to reset the forwarding location so everything functions correctly however from what I can tell Vbulletin does not have this. Correct?

If there is no way to set the forwarding location in vbulletin is there any other possible way to do this? Can I create a redirect or can I set the forums in teh base folder and see go from there?

Please help as this has been two weeks dealing with this.

04-07-2006, 03:55 PM
you tried using relative links?

04-08-2006, 03:47 PM
Fixed!! I put all the forum files in the root directory.. It's messy but it works!! Good enough for now :)