View Full Version : Edit Contact Us page

03-11-2006, 09:34 PM
What I would like to do is to use the sendmessage.php template and make my own form with it. But I'm Not sure what to change. I want this form to be used for people to fill out if they wish to become affiliates with me.


**Further Details**

What I would want exactly is this:

Your Details:
Your Name:
Your MSN:
Your Email Address:
Your Site Url:
Link to your button:


And where it says message I'd like it to say "Small description of your site"

03-13-2006, 01:00 PM
do a search in the vb3.5 Modifications Forum for "forms" hack ... it would be the easiest way to accomplish this

(I believe a few exists ... not sure which one would be best for you.)