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02-13-2006, 10:00 PM
BB Code [table]
by StGaensler

This Hack provides a BB code to add a table to the post
The skin of the table automatically fits the style because the CSS classes of vBulletin are used.

A table is simply made of some lines (will be the rows). The cols are seperated by |. So this will be a table:
[table="head"]head col1|head col2|head col3
row1 col1|row1 col2|row1 col3
row2 col1|row2 col2|row2 col3
A screenshot of a "ready" table is attached

install attached product XML through product manager (overwrite existing) install at least one language pack in AdminCP -> Languages & Phrases -> Download / Upload Languages -> Import Language XML File
Important: Select the language you want to import the phrases into, not "(Create New Language)" - this won't work! If you use another version of vBulletin than I use enable "Ignore Language Version" to import the language pack.

Please note: (installing)
Installing this product will: (reverted during uninstall)
rename a existing BB code "table" to "table_saved"
add a new BB code [table]

If you want to have live sortable columns (JavaScript): Download attached sorttable.js.txt rename it to sorttable.js and place it into the /clientscript/ folder of your vBulletin. Then go to AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> BB Code [table] Settings -> Enabled Features Of This BB Code and enable sortable
Note: Including the file on the webpages where it is necessary is done by my product. So if sortable is disabled, it won't be included automatically.
If you want to have a icon for the editor you may use this for free:https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2009/07/8.gif Download this icon and place it in your /images/editor/ folder.

Please note: (usage)
Of course you can use vB Code and smilies inside the table!
The first line defines how much columns are in the table. If the other lines have more or less colums they are cut off or filled with   (space)
You can find a detailed description of the options (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=900270&postcount=2) (please read it before requesting help)
Empty rows are (should be ;)) removed.

New features
define colspan of cells
small panel in AdminCP
define CSS class of table and tablerows
live sorting of table through clicking the head of a column
defining maximum width of a table

Maybe planned features
detailed description of the vB Code in misc.php?do=bbcode depending on the features enabled in AdminCP (planned for next beta version)
define formatting (bold, italic), align (left, right, center) and width of the cols

Suggested but not planned features

Known problems
Bugfix of version 0.1.1 doesn't work if vBulletin should write template names into the source code

Version history:
0.0.1 - 0.0.5 internal releases for testing purposes (Thanks to Zombie79 from powerforen.de (http://powerforen.de/forum/) for testing)
0.1 first official release
0.1.1 fixed small bug: if a line ends with eg vbcode quote no new row was generated (should already have been fixed but did not work)
0.1.2 workaround: removed call to function bcmod(), it could also be done another way :)
0.1.3.x beta version described here (and following) - added admin panel, colpan and css feature
0.1.4 stable version - no significant changes to the last beta (
0.1.5.x beta version described here (and following) - added sortable, maxwidth, versioncheck, upgrade message, compatibility to vB 3.6
0.1.6 stable version - two bugfixes to last beta, {br} for posting linebreaks in a tablecell
0.1.7.x stable version - compatibility to vB 3.7 (description) - added tab seperated tables

This hack can be used for free. If you want to make a small donation, just contact me. We will find a way :)
I don't want this product to be distributed from other sources. Please don't upload it to other vBulletin related boards etc.

02-14-2006, 06:25 PM
Introduction to options:
example: [table="option1;option2=value;option3='this is a long value with space';option4=value1,value2,value3"]
The whole option list should be wrapped with quotes.
Options are seperated by a semicolon
If an option has a value it is assigned with "equal to" mark. (option2)
If the value contains blanks or special characters it has to be wrapped with apostrophes. (option3)
If an option has more than one value they are seperated by a comma. (option4)

Description of options:
This option defines the first line as head, so the first row is shown as head of the table. If the table sould be sorted, the head is not sorted.

This defines the table to be sorted by column 1, then column 2, then column 3. The "d" after the first colum specifies the order: descending (default: ascending)

autonum=1 (equal to autonum) autonum=a autonum=A
Defines that a new first column containing a numbering should be inserted.
1 -> 1, 2, 3, 4, ... , 999, 1000, ....
a -> a, b, c, ... , aa, ab, ... , zz
A -> A, B, C, ... , AA, BB, ... , ZZ

autonumtitle=oneword autonumtitle='long value with spaces'
Defines the title of the autonum-column. Can be left empty.

width=123px width=45em width=67%
Defines the width of the table.

My plugin outputs a simple comment line after the table.
"<!-- table generated by StG's vB Code [table] v.0.1.4 o.31 -->"
With this option the output gets more verbose:
"<!-- table has 3 rows, 2 cols with 36 chars. Parsetime: 0.47 ms at Wed 17th 2006, 12:24:42 pm by StG's vB Code [table] v.0.1.4 o.31 -->"
This is helpful for debugging especially if you want to know if this table comes from the cache or was generated.

Defines the aditional css class of the whole table. Possible values have to be defined in admincp.
The value is prepended by stg_table_ so the resulting css class with above example would be stg_table_myclass
The css code has to be added to "Additional CSS Definitions" of your style (AdminCP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> (Dropdown) Main CSS -> Additional CSS Definitions)

Introduction to special options (formating cells and rows):
example: {option1=value1}{option2=value2}
These "special" options can be written as the very first content of a cell to format it.

Description of special options:
Defines a colspan from current cell with the length of 5 cells

Defines the css class of the current row. This value is only valid in the first cell of a row and should be the first option (colspan defined after it - currently reversing the order works, too).

02-14-2006, 06:55 PM
Wow...im liking this...
Clicks install :)

02-14-2006, 07:47 PM
I have just installed another plugin that does it , posted last week here..
It had color , fonts ect.. options.. wonder in what this one is different :p

thanks for the share although

02-14-2006, 08:01 PM
Been looking for a long time :banana:

02-14-2006, 08:01 PM
thanks for this.. installed

02-15-2006, 03:58 AM
I have just installed another plugin that does it , posted last week here..
It had color , fonts ect.. options.. wonder in what this one is different :p

thanks for the share althoughWhich one do you mean? This one? (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=105802)

As I searched for a good table tag I didn't find any good. I found this one (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=100568) but it was much to complicated for the users. Then I started do develop one - this was at 6.1.2006: http://www.vbulletin-germany.com/forum/showpost.php?p=131704&postcount=7

My table code supports sorting and nummering of the rows - I haven't seen that before in a vBCode :)
I should add a short description saying that there is no problem to use vBCode inside the table.

02-15-2006, 06:11 AM
actually i can't find it anymore ? :disappointed:

Here it is Table bbcode 1.0 I cant even give credits to author as I cant find that topic.

02-15-2006, 06:45 AM

This is nice! Very nice! Could even be "misused" to do some sort of layouting of the post :D
* Hellcat installs

02-15-2006, 10:17 AM

This is nice! Very nice! Could even be "misused" to do some sort of layouting of the post :D
* Hellcat installs

A good mod and I've installed it - but what do you mean by misused?

02-15-2006, 11:09 AM
Thankies! :banana:

02-15-2006, 12:04 PM
not working:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: bcmod() in /home/www/xxxxxx/forum/includes/class_bbcode.php(149) : eval()'d code on line 329

02-15-2006, 12:19 PM
not working:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: bcmod() in /home/www/xxxxxx/forum/includes/class_bbcode.php(149) : eval()'d code on line 329

Seems your php doesn't have libbcmath or wasn't compiled with --enable-bcmath - I will try to do a workaround.

Edit: Workaround done, new version is online :)

02-15-2006, 01:42 PM
new version works for me! thanks again!!

02-15-2006, 11:37 PM
A good mod and I've installed it - but what do you mean by misused?
Well, tables are meant to display stacks of data.
But on most webpages they are used as layouting tool - you could do the same thing with this table BBCode in posts. That's what I was reffering to.

It wasn't meant negative!
More like "what else I can do with it" :)

02-16-2006, 06:01 AM
Oh right - I didn't want to have this installed and find out someone could use it maliciously to disrupt the layout of the forum, I couldn't see how the could but thought I'd missed something.

02-16-2006, 06:17 AM
Oh right - I didn't want to have this installed and find out someone could use it maliciously to disrupt the layout of the forum, I couldn't see how the could but thought I'd missed something.
I didn't say that.... :speechless:

I don't think it can be used maliciously to break the forum layout.... more like a nice "feature" to add some more formatting to a post like, lets say, a picture on the right and the text on the left of the picture, rather than just under it....
Just like it's common practice on web pages (even vB).

I didn't mean my comment negative.... sorry if it sounded so.... :ermm:

02-17-2006, 11:44 AM
It works. Thank you!

But is it a way to change table border style?

02-18-2006, 06:59 AM
It works. Thank you!

But is it a way to change table border style?

Yes, that is possible through simple CSS:/* format vBCode table */
table.stg_table {border:1px #0FF solid;}
table.stg_table thead tr {background:#000}
table.stg_table thead th {background:#FFF}
table.stg_table .alt1 {background:#F00;}
table.stg_table .alt2 {background:#0F0;}
table.stg_table td {border:1px #00F solid;}I think you want to have the second line.
Put it into your css-definitions of your style.

02-18-2006, 03:12 PM
Grand mercy :)

02-19-2006, 01:13 AM
If this is as good as it looks and I think it is, one of the admins on my site is going to love you forever. Although I can see a lot of thread editing going on to update all the old one's done using the other table code I had installed.

/me uninstalls a less well made version of a table code and gets ready to install this version.

02-19-2006, 04:36 PM
Could you possibly do an example table, using pretty much every formatting function available as an example please. My admins are having a bit of trouble trying to do certain tasks.

Aslo, would there be any chance of making it so you can actually doing the following:

1. Have a code to allow you to choose the cell class alt1 or alt2 instead of it being automatically alternating.
2. Make it so we can use tcat or thead for the header cells.
3. Make it so we can merge cells.

If they are already possible and i'm missing it, could you give me an example of how they work.

02-19-2006, 05:10 PM
Do you mean formating options of my vBCode or generally formatting (with vBulletin vBCode)? I am already using every (included) formating option in my example table in the first and second picture.

1. + 3. This would require some time of work - time I don't really have. I add these things on the feature list for the next version but I can not promise when I can release it.
2. My vBCode already uses thead for the header cells. This is the source code of the table in the attachment:<table class="stg_table tborder" style="width: 15em;"><thead class="thead"><tr><th>rank</th><th>name</th><th>age</th><th>points</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr class="alt1"><td>1</td><td>
Marvin</td><td>28</td><td>482</td></tr><tr class="alt2"><td>2</td><td>
Nadja</td><td>30</td><td>300</td></tr><tr class="alt1"><td>3</td><td>
Nicky</td><td>34</td><td>300</td></tr><tr class="alt2"><td>4</td><td>
Henry</td><td>46</td><td>298</td></tr><tr class="alt1"><td>5</td><td>
Nadja</td><td>12</td><td>85</td></tr><tr class="alt2"><td>6</td><td>
Tom</td><td>56</td><td>-</td></tr></tbody></table>You only have to "say" that there is a header: head[/B]] ....
Or didn't I get your question?

02-28-2006, 05:08 PM
is there any way to merge cells? say i want to have a 2-column table, and i want something centered across 2 cells for the header cell - is that possible?

EDIT - whoops, just noticed that was #3 in the post 2 above mine, though it wasn't answered...

02-28-2006, 09:31 PM
It was much work but I have tried it:
Here is a new version supporting colspans!

BUT this is a beta version!
You can try this version but use it on your own risk!
Currently colspan is not supported in WYSIWYG-Editor so the plain code is displayed

To add a colspan to a cell simply write {colsp=X} at the beginning of the cell. X is the number of cells the cell should be big.

If you find bugs please report them here.

Good night :) (I'll go to bed now)

Edit: I wrote a better version than yesterday so I edited my post :D
The bugs mentioned before have been taken out :)

There is only one thing to consider when using colspan and sort: Cells "behind" the colspan are internally filled with "!!!colspan" and can be sorted as every other cell.

EDIT: removed attachment (4 views) - new version is out: post #915835

03-01-2006, 02:00 PM
StGaensler - thanks for your continued support with this hack! i'm currently testing out the beta. just wanted to let you know about a small problem i ran into:

i'm testing out the colspan on the header row. i want the header row to be centered. if i use the center BBCode, it messes up the table. however, if i use the center html code, it works.

to show you what i mean, this does NOT work:

[table=head; width=100%]{colsp=2}1999 (6 shows)

this DOES work:

[table=head; width=100%]{colsp=2}<CENTER>1999 (6 shows)</CENTER>

03-01-2006, 02:08 PM
also, you've described how to define table width. is there a way to define cell width?

03-01-2006, 02:46 PM
Thanks for the feedback but I can't reproduce it.
Code I used:{colsp=2}1999 (6 shows)
test 1|test 2
test 1|test 2
test 1|test 2Result -> attachment
Could you give me a full example of the table or an account on your board so I can test it there?

No currently there is no possibility to define cell/column width, I added it to the list.

03-01-2006, 02:59 PM
Thanks for the feedback but I can't reproduce it.
Code I used:{colsp=2}1999 (6 shows)
test 1|test 2
test 1|test 2
test 1|test 2Result -> attachment
Could you give me a full example of the table or an account on your board so I can test it there?

interesting. using the exact code you have above, you can see my result in the attachment:

03-01-2006, 03:02 PM
i figured out a workaround to make it work, but i need to add an extra line break after the header:

{colsp=2}1999 (6 shows)

test 1|test 2
test 1|test 2
test 1|test 2

i wonder why that is...

03-01-2006, 04:41 PM
Yippie! I found it!!
I previously had a bug with a quote box being at the end of a row: Something of vBulletin was "eating" the <br /> behind the </div> of the quote box. So I added a workaround for this which worked on my test server.
While trying to reproduce "your bug" I found out that if a post is submitted throug AJAX a linebreak is saved as "\n". If a post is submitted through normal answering (without AJAX) a linebreak is saved as "\r\n". My workaround only worked for the first version.

So uninstall my product, edit the xml of the product and replace the second line:#workaround for div-bug
$code = preg_replace('#(?<!:)</div>(\r)?\n#im','</div><br />',$code);(should be line 72 in the beta xml file) and install it again.
This workaround is not the best, but I don't know how to make it better. It would take to much time to explain why that is so...

This bug will also be fixed (as described) in the next version.

03-02-2006, 04:10 PM
Your mod looks terrific.

I have a couple questions that I didn't see covered in this thread.

1. I understand the table skin automatically fits the style.

Q: Is it possible to configure alternate colors (from the style) for the table header or lines within the table on the fly when making a new table?

2. We heavily utilize another bbtable plugin but the flexibility your mod has to use various types of vBcode in a table is inticing me to consider changing.

Q: Would it be possible for this mod to co-exist with the current mod we utilize (BB code tables 1.0 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=105802)) so all existing posts/tables would not have to be edited? This may not be something you can answer, and if so I understand.

03-02-2006, 04:17 PM
Woudl you have a version that doesn't rename the existing "table" ?

03-02-2006, 07:49 PM
Q: Is it possible to configure alternate colors (from the style) for the table header or lines within the table on the fly when making a new table?Currently its only possible to format all "my" tables through css, but I plan to add a feature for defining the css class of the table and every individual tablerow. So this can be done with a future version by defining some other css classes for the table - but I can't really promise when this will be possible. Primarely I have to learn for my german "Abitur" (general qualification for university entrance), and I have to do other things, too. When I will find some time I will work on this issue.
Q: Would it be possible for this mod to co-exist with the current mod we utilize (BB code tables 1.0 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=105802)) so all existing posts/tables would not have to be edited? This may not be something you can answer, and if so I understand.If you definitly plan to use my version in future, the best way would be to edit the source of the other mod so that he wil parse tables with a tag e.g. like [tableold], and change the current code in all posts. You won't have to edit all posts manually, this could be done automatically with some querys! So you can easily use my code, and updating will be very simple. If you do it the other way round you will have to edit the source code of my mod every time you want to update it. It is by you which way you want to go :)
Woudl you have a version that doesn't rename the existing "table" ?Basically not, but you can edit the xml-file to get such a version. Remove all code between and including <code version="0.0.1"> and </code> as well as <uninstallcode> and </uninstallcode>.
I think this will not solve your problem. If you do this, you will have two mods wanting to parse the same vB code. You will have to decide which one you want to use primarely, and rename the other (by editing the code of the mod).

03-04-2006, 12:59 PM
Installed! And my users and I are very, very happy with the format flexibility available with the vBCode Table mod.

Thanks to some !!excellent support!! from StGaensler I am now running the vBCode Table mod parallel with BB Code Tables mod so all older data posted with the legacy table tag is preserved. Migration was very smooth and users have a choice on which table code to utilize - the legacy tag or the new vBCode tags.

After the mod was installed users were creating tables with the new features and formating in less than 15 minutes. Several heavy table users only had to add a few format codes on spreadsheets to make cut and pasting data easy.

If you need tables or already utilize tables in your forums, this mods a great choice.

03-04-2006, 05:48 PM
I'm seeing an issue with the colsp option and I may just expect it to be doing more than is intended.

The colsp option works on the first line of the table, but if used in any other rows in the table it is producing the "colspan!!!" comment that you referred to earlier. If the colsp option is not intended to be used for other rows/cells I understand.

I have the beta xml installed. Attached is a screenshot of a test table. I can provide the actually table format in a txt file if needed for this example table.

03-04-2006, 06:48 PM
I found two small mistakes I made and removed them - should work now. Thanks for feedback!

Just import this product (overwriting the old one).

EDIT: attachment removed (8 views) - new version is out: post #947182

03-04-2006, 07:07 PM
Working now after new version imported. Thank you! :classic:

03-04-2006, 09:06 PM
Is there an option or attribute at this time that can be used to "fill" cells/rows if they are not part of the header row?

This would allow us to have a divider in the table. I've attached a sample table with a row highlighted in pink to illustrate what I am asking.

03-05-2006, 05:08 AM
Do you want to fill a table cell with text or with a colour?
The second will be possible in future, because I want to allow a user to choose the CSS class of the table and each individual row. Sorry, currently this is not possible. In your example I would add the comments below the table and would not include them into the table.

03-05-2006, 07:04 PM
Do you want to fill a table cell with text or with a colour?
The second will be possible in future, because I want to allow a user to choose the CSS class of the table and each individual row. Sorry, currently this is not possible. In your example I would add the comments below the table and would not include them into the table.

Choosing a class by individual row would be great. Or being able to fill a single cell with a color. I'll look forward to utilizing a CSS class for a row hopefully being a possibility in the future.

04-11-2006, 07:02 PM
Good news: New beta version out!

New: Settings for this vB Code in AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> vBulletin Options -> BB Code [table] Settings (disable some features, disable it generally, ...)
New: Small notice in HTML Comment below table that it was generated by my vB Code - please do not remove!
New: Supporting different languages through phrases (excluding install and uninstall messages). Translators are welcome!
We proudly present:
New: Allowing user to define css class of the table (by adding css= to the option) and every individual row (by adding {css=XXXX} at the beginning of a line). Closer description of how this value is processed can be found at the settings in AdminCP, where possible values can be defined.

Simply install attached product through product manager (overwrite existing) and install one (or both) language packs in AdminCP -> Languages & Phrases -> Download / Upload Languages -> Import Language XML File.
Important: Select the language you want to import the phrases into, not "(Create New Language)" - this won't work!

EDIT: Removed attachments as this beta version became last stable.
Attached Files
product-bbcode_table-multi_beta.xml (25.6 KB, 21 views)
table_bbcode-language-en.xml (2.6 KB, 16 views)
table_bbcode-language-de.xml (2.6 KB, 12 views)

04-23-2006, 08:52 PM
just installed the beta, but can't install the language pack as it was created with 3.5.4 and i'm running 3.5.2.

any chance of getting a 3.5.2-compatible language pack, or am i out of luck?

04-23-2006, 10:58 PM
Good news: New beta version out!

New: Settings for this vB Code in AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> vBulletin Options -> BB Code [table] Settings (disable some features, disable it generally, ...)
New: Small notice in HTML Comment below table that it was generated by my vB Code - please do not remove!
New: Supporting different languages through phrases (excluding install and uninstall messages). Translators are welcome!
We proudly present:
New: Allowing user to define css class of the table (by adding css= to the option) and every individual row (by adding {css=XXXX} at the beginning of a line). Closer description of how this value is processed can be found at the settings in AdminCP, where possible values can be defined.

Simply install attached product through product manager (overwrite existing) and install one (or both) language packs in AdminCP -> Languages & Phrases -> Download / Upload Languages -> Import Language XML File.
Important: Select the language you want to import the phrases into, not "(Create New Language)" - this won't work!

I've seen some people really looking around for this, congrats on your release. :)

04-24-2006, 08:45 AM
I've seen some people really looking around for this, congrats on your release. :)Thanks :)any chance of getting a 3.5.2-compatible language pack, or am i out of luck?The attached file should work for you - I simply edited the version number.
I'm sorry but I can't try this out at this time, because I'm not at home where my testserver with different versions of vBulletin stands.

EDIT: Attached file no longer neccessary
table_bbcode-language-en.xml (2.6 KB, 2 views)

05-17-2006, 09:41 AM
As no one of the 21 people having downloaded the beta version reported any bug I released the last beta version ( as stable (0.1.4) and started working on the next beta version (0.1.5.x). No significant changes have been made between theese two.

05-17-2006, 02:18 PM
Very cool! Thanks

05-18-2006, 07:58 AM
This is great, installed.

However, a bit more detail on the CSS side would be nice.

In the BB Code table Settings there are two fields at the bottom, 'CSS Classes For The Table' and 'CSS Classes For The Tablerows'

Now, I've been playing around with different things in here but none seem to be having any effect. CSS is ticked at the top.

I'm not 100% sure on what format these boxes are expecting so I've tried a few options to see if it affects the table. eg;
stg_table_transp {font-weight: large; }
and just
transp {font-weight: large; }
the table is built with

The font in the table stays the same in the CSS table and the one without.

Are these boxes expecting normal CSS formatting or are there only specific things that you can do? I may be missing something really obvious here, but I just can't get any format to stick!

05-18-2006, 11:24 AM
I already posted an example css: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=903468&postcount=19
I know I spend more time writing my code than explaining it :D

Your code:stg_table_transp {font-weight: large; }contains some mistakes:
"large" is not a valid property of font-weight - "bold" would be one
to format a css class you need to add a point before the class name: .stg_table_transp
You want to format the text in the table, not the table itself. Theoretically the property would inherit but the vBulletin css defines a format for the <td>-tagSo this will work:.stg_table_transp td {font-weight:bold; }If you want to format only a single row you will have to use the css class stg_tablerow_transp e.g. in this way:.stg_tablerow_transp td {font-weight:bold; }

05-18-2006, 11:45 AM
Can this be set so a user can not make it any bigger than a predifined setting? I have a fixed width skin. ;)

05-18-2006, 12:44 PM
I don't like fixed width skins ;)

Yes, that's no problem, will be aviable in next beta version coming out soon.

05-18-2006, 12:47 PM
I don't like fixed widht skins ;)

Yes, that's no problem, will be aviable in next beta version coming out soon.

Ok, I can accept that. But it is proven that fixed skins make it easier to read as you don't have to read across the whole screen. And I still get members on 800x600, believe it or not. Not many, but a few. ;)

I will be looking forward to the version that has this capability, then. Thank you, sir. ;)

05-18-2006, 01:57 PM
I will be looking forward to the version that has this capability, then. Thank you, sir. ;)You don't have to wait any longer, here is it :D

New beta version out!
Changed: Whole part recognizing the options was rewritten.
New: defining maximum width in AdminCP
New: Tables (with a head) now can be live sorted through JavaScript!
Download attached sorttable.js.txt rename it to sorttable.js and place it into the clientscript folder of your vBulletin. Then go to AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> BB Code [table] Settings -> Enabled Features Of This BB Code and enable sortable
PS: Including the file on the pages where it is necessary is done by my product. If sortable is disabled, it won't be included automatically.

Edit: Replaced product-bbcode_table-multi_beta.xml (27.9 KB, 15 views)
A plugin was missing so the live-sorting of the table didn't work.

Edit2: Replaced product-bbcode_table-multi_beta.xml (29.0 KB, 2 views) and sorttable.js.txt (6.2 KB, 17 views) because the path to the arrow image of the sorttable was hardcoded.

Edit3: Replaced sorttable.js.txt (6.1 KB, 5 views) Reason (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1010893&postcount=81)

Edit4: Replaced sorttable.js.txt (6.8 KB, 3 views) as it didn't work with IE.

Edit5: Removed attachments - new version can be found here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1057342&postcount=90).
product-bbcode_table-multi_beta.xml (29.1 KB, 19 views)
table_bbcode-language-en.xml (3.4 KB, 24 views)
table_bbcode-language-de.xml (3.5 KB, 11 views)
sorttable.js.txt (6.8 KB, 15 views)

05-18-2006, 02:34 PM
Ok I got the js file uploaded. Which of the other files do I need to import?

05-18-2006, 02:43 PM
Ok, figured it out and got it installed. Now, all I have to do is figure out how to use it. Feel like teaching an old dog new tricks? ;)

05-18-2006, 02:43 PM
Install attached product (product-bbcode_table-multi_beta.xml) through product manager (overwrite existing) and install one (or both) language packs in AdminCP -> Languages & Phrases -> Download / Upload Languages -> Import Language XML File.
Important: Select the language you want to import the phrases into, not "(Create New Language)" - this won't work!

Edit: four seconds to slow :)
I posted a example table in my first post and wrote a description in my second post

05-18-2006, 03:03 PM
Thank you, sir. ;)

My width for the forum is set at 777. What do I set for posts and where do I set it? ;)

05-18-2006, 03:16 PM
Go to AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> BB Code [table] Settings -> Maximum Width Of A Table there you can set it.

I don't know which width you need - you have to try it out. Once for "px" and once for "em" (first and second number in the field).

05-22-2006, 07:48 AM
I already posted an example css: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=903468&postcount=19
I know I spend more time writing my code than explaining it :D

Your code:stg_table_transp {font-weight: large; }contains some mistakes:
"large" is not a valid property of font-weight - "bold" would be one
to format a css class you need to add a point before the class name: .stg_table_transp
You want to format the text in the table, not the table itself. Theoretically the property would inherit but the vBulletin css defines a format for the <td>-tagSo this will work:.stg_table_transp td {font-weight:bold; }If you want to format only a single row you will have to use the css class stg_tablerow_transp e.g. in this way:.stg_tablerow_transp td {font-weight:bold; }

ahh, thanks. I was putting the styles in the wrong place (in the options part! d'oh!). I take it the options are just for listing the styles that the user can use. So I'd just put 'transp' in there.

Oh and the error, I only copied one line that I was using, and it happened to be the one with the error! I would have caught that when viewing the table :p

05-22-2006, 12:26 PM
Quick question. I'm struggling to get a certain style to stick and I've found the issue.

I have .stg_table_transp {border: none; padding: 2px; }
.stg_table_transp td {border: none; }
.stg_table_transp .alt1 {background: #F5F5FF; }
.stg_table_transp .alt2 {background: #F5F5FF; } set to get a borderless table that's the same color as the background. It all works great apart from the border. That is still there.

I've looked at the code that is generated and copied into an html editor and see that the class for the table is <table class="stg_table tborder stg_table_transp"> and if I remove the tborder from that it works fine. So tborder is overwriting my custom style. Is this intentional?

Everything else is fine, and I've created some nice styles now that work really well, it's just the border issue that I just can't seem to work out.

Any suggestions?

05-22-2006, 05:36 PM
You don't have to remove this class - simply overwrite it by your own class:.stg_table_transp {border: none; padding: 2px; background:transparent;}I would also set the background color of .alt1 and .alt2 to 'transparent' rather than to a defined color. If someone quotes a post with such a table the background will have another color.

I set this css class so that the table fits into the design of the style - the standard vBulletin tables also have set this class.

05-23-2006, 06:42 AM
You don't have to remove this class - simply overwrite it by your own class:.stg_table_transp {border: none; padding: 2px; background:transparent;}I would also set the background color of .alt1 and .alt2 to 'transparent' rather than to a defined color. If someone quotes a post with such a table the background will have another color.

I set this css class so that the table fits into the design of the style - the standard vBulletin tables also have set this class.

Perfect, thanks :cool: I can't believe I missed that one, I tried many variations but not the background option :rolleyes:

05-23-2006, 03:58 PM
I guess I need some more help to get it work

I tried to put this in "CSS Classes For The Table"

.stg_table_transp {border: none; padding: 2px; background:transparent;}
.stg_table_transp td {border: none; }
.stg_table_transp .alt1 {background:transparent; }
.stg_table_transp .alt2 {background:transparent; }

And the code for the table:


What?s wrong whith that?

05-23-2006, 04:07 PM
No, in this field you have to add only transp nothing else. Append the css code in AdminCP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> (Dropdown) Main CSS -> Additional CSS Definitions

05-23-2006, 05:53 PM
No, in this field you have to add only transp nothing else. Append the css code in AdminCP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> (Dropdown) Main CSS -> Additional CSS Definitions

So easy, THANKS!

Step 1
Append the css code in AdminCP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> (Dropdown) Main CSS -> Additional CSS Definitions
.stg_table_transp {border: none; padding: 2px; background:transparent;}
.stg_table_transp td {border: none; background:transparent; }
.stg_table_transp .alt1 {background:transparent; }
.stg_table_transp .alt2 {background:transparent; }
/*****TABLES END******/
Step 2
Define css class AdminCP ->vBulletin-options -> BB Code Settings ->CSS Classes For The Table
...and enable the css feature in "Enabled Features Of This BB Code".

Step 3
Put this code (example) for your table:

Than I clicked on B to get the first row bold.

So...was this the best way to do it?

05-23-2006, 06:18 PM
Yes, this is very good :) You only have a small mistake: Step 2: Set transp not table. You only have to set it for the table, not for the tablerows (which is possible too but then you have the css class .stg_tablerow_XXX and you can apply it by adding {css=XXX} to a row)

Don't forget to enable the css feature in "Enabled Features Of This BB Code".

05-23-2006, 07:33 PM
Yes, this is very good :) You only have a small mistake: Step 2: Set transp not table. You only have to set it for the table, not for the tablerows (which is possible too but then you have the css class .stg_tablerow_XXX and you can apply it by adding {css=XXX} to a row)

Don't forget to enable the css feature in "Enabled Features Of This BB Code".
OK, I changed it in my last post.

I made a new css class:
.stg_tablerow_black {background:#000; color:#FFF; }
this looks great but I can?t use it together with transp like:

and I can?t get it black in the 1st row

Can you give me an example for:
Row 1 "css=black"
Row 2-? "css=transp"

05-27-2006, 06:39 AM
Why didn't I get a notification mail???

It's the mystery of css:.stg_tablerow_black td {background:#000; color:#FFF; }works in my board :)

I also can get the first row black:{css=black}testcol11|testcol21|testcol31
testcol12|testcol22|testcol32Which version of my mod do you use?

05-28-2006, 07:50 PM
Why didn't I get a notification mail???

It's the mystery of css:.stg_tablerow_black td {background:#000; color:#FFF; }works in my board :)

I also can get the first row black:{css=black}testcol11|testcol21|testcol31
testcol12|testcol22|testcol32Which version of my mod do you use?

I use version 0.1.5 BETA.

05-28-2006, 08:00 PM
It?s getting better and better!!!

I had a small space:
[table="css=transp;width=450"] {css=black}testcol11|testcol21|testcol31
This was better!
No more complains!!!


05-28-2006, 08:08 PM
Thanks, too. I fixed this - one space should be allowed :)

06-04-2006, 12:52 AM

Thank you for this wonderful code, it's made our lives so much easier on my site :)

In your screenshots you have a table inside a table and also you've aligned text left, right and centre. Could you please explain how you did that?

Thank you :)

06-04-2006, 04:33 AM
That was simply formating the Table content with vB code. Here is the code of the example table:column 1|coumn 2|column 3
the|big|table|hallo|everything is possible
visit Google? (http://google.com)|small quote|:D :o :) ;) :p :mad: :( :confused: :rolleyes: :eek: :cool:
wanna have a list?
list 1
list 2
list 3|align left
align center
align right
|contact me: example@example.net (mailto:example@example.net)I can't answer your questions for the next week because I'm on holidays :)

06-05-2006, 04:24 PM
That was simply formating the Table content with vB code. Here is the code of the example table:column 1|coumn 2|column 3
the|big|table|hallo|everything is possible
visit Google? (http://google.com)||:D :o :) ;) :p :mad: :( :confused: :rolleyes: :eek: :cool:
wanna have a list?

list 1
list 2
list 3
|align left
align center
align right
|contact me: example@example.net (mailto:example@example.net)I can't answer your questions for the next week because I'm on holidays :)


Thank you so much that worked perfectly except the left/centre/right cell, not sure why that puts everything in different cells.

Have a great holiday :)


06-11-2006, 05:55 AM
Great Plugin :banana: .. INSTALL http://new.mytheme.com/newmsn/emoticon/175808-108864091420572.gif

06-12-2006, 01:59 PM
THX for it :)

* havefun clicked install

06-17-2006, 04:02 PM
New: Tables (with a head) now can be live sorted through JavaScript!
Download attached sorttable.js.txt rename it to sorttable.js and place it into the clientscript folder of your vBulletin. Then go to AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> BB Code [table] Settings -> Enabled Features Of This BB Code and enable sortable
PS: Including the file on the pages where it is necessary is done by my product. If sortable is disabled, it won't be included automatically.
Hi Stefan,

I love the new live sort feature but I'm not able to get this feature to work. When I click on the head row nothing happens.

I uploaded the sorttable.js to the clientscript folder and the feature is enabled in the ACP.

Do I need to add something in the table's bbcode? I reviewed the advanced options post but didn't see anything about this new feature.

06-17-2006, 04:39 PM
Sorry Chili that was my fault. I accidentally left one plugin out which linked this javascipt in the <head> section of the output file.

Download and import the new version from here https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=979885&postcount=53 then it should work.

Thanks for the feedback,

06-17-2006, 05:00 PM
I've installed the new version, columns are sorting. Yay!

Note the little broken image box in my attached pic. Is there an image file I need to place somewhere?


EDIT: Stefan I found something looking at the javascript. I'll PM you.

06-17-2006, 06:10 PM
Grr, sorry. As I modified the code of the javascript I put in the absolute path to my webserver. This server (and domain) isn't aviable from the internet so the image couldn't be displayed.
Now I use the correct relative path to the image directory of the currently selected style - that should have been the default behaviour from the beginning.

Thanks for the feedback again :) I updated the files (both product and javascript).

06-19-2006, 07:44 AM
A user reported that formating in the header cells got lost by making the table sortable. I fixed this and updated the javascript file.
I recommend to use the new file aviable here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=979885&postcount=53)!

06-28-2006, 07:39 AM
this hack may control permissions for Usergroups ?
What to be, if I disable this product at admincp? If this product disabled and user know syntax for writing this bb-code, user can be use it or not (this bb-code be parsed)? And if this product disabled, at existing posts where be used this product parsing this bb-code still be or not?

PS: sorry for my english

06-29-2006, 05:51 PM
why you not include introductions to options (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=900270&postcount=2) into DB, which all user can see from visit URL misc.php?do=bbcode#table ?

I think, all options to use this bb-code must be shown on page misc.php?do=bbcode#table

PS: great hack, click installed :)

07-04-2006, 03:13 PM
this hack may control permissions for Usergroups ?No you can't enable it only for special usergroups. On or Off.
What to be, if I disable this product at admincp? If this product disabled and user know syntax for writing this bb-code, user can be use it or not (this bb-code be parsed)? And if this product disabled, at existing posts where be used this product parsing this bb-code still be or not?Disabling the product in the admincp or uninstalling has the same effect: The code will be shown unparsed.
why you not include introductions to options [...] all user can see from visit URL misc.php?do=bbcode#table ?As you can see in my first post I already have this on my todo-list:detailed description of the vB Code in misc.php?do=bbcode depending on the features enabled in AdminCPBut just to paste this text in would not be a good solution. I only want to display the options enabled in admincp and I also have to rewrite the whole text and to translate it. This needs some time :)

07-19-2006, 05:12 PM
ok, thanks for answer, and how about to port this product to vB 3.6.x ? :)

07-19-2006, 05:38 PM
That's no problem. Edit the xml file manually, find this line:$db->query_write("TRUNCATE TABLE ".TABLE_PREFIX."post_parsed;");and replace "post_parsed" by "postparsed". That's all you have to do to run it under vB 3.6.x :) I will release a new version, but I have to find time for it :)

07-30-2006, 09:11 PM
Where do I edit to change the image that is associated the "head" tag. I would prefer to use the image I have for tcat as when sorting is enabled, the thead image comes into contrast with the color of the links to sort. Either that or how to simply change the color of the header items to white. Any ideas? I know I could change the style, but I would prefer to find a work around.

Great hack by the way, for a baseball forum where I often post many stats this is perfect.

08-12-2006, 06:45 AM
I already posted an css example for formating the table (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=903468&postcount=19) and I hope this helps.

The images used are the same that are used if you sort your thread list - so you should think about changing your style if they don't match. It is also possible to change the product. Edit sortable.js and around line 108 you findif (span.getAttribute("sortdir") == 'down') {
ARROW = '&nbsp;<img src="' + IMGDIR_BUTTON + '/sortasc.gif" />';
} else {
ARROW = '&nbsp;<img src="' + IMGDIR_BUTTON + '/sortdesc.gif" />';
}Edit both bold filenames to use other images. It can be that you will have to clear your browsercache that you can see the changes.

08-20-2006, 07:08 AM
I will release a new version, but I have to find time for it :)

We are wating ?

08-21-2006, 05:24 PM
We are wating ?... and I am working :D

Here is the new version. vB 3.6 support is beta because I added some small features as versioncheck and a upgrade message. This means, in vB 3.6 the postcache isn't deleted automatically, the admin is asked to do this. If the admin wants to do it, only the cache of posts containing the vB Code is deleted.

To update install new product and languagepack - sorttable.js hasn't changed.

To the first five users testing this version: Please report in this thread if it works with vB 3.6 so that I can release a stable version.

product-bbcode_table-multi_beta.xml (31.2 KB, 31 views)
table_bbcode-language-en.xml (5.1 KB, 21 views)
table_bbcode-language-de.xml (5.5 KB, 12 views)
sorttable.js.txt (6.8 KB, 30 views)

08-22-2006, 01:04 AM
Using it on 3.6. Haven't noticed any bugs yet. Still playing around with it.

08-22-2006, 02:57 PM
To the first five users testing this version: Please report in this thread if it works with vB 3.6 so that I can release a stable version.

I have it running on vb 3.6 and can't report any bug yet. All it's ok :)
the only problem that i have, is that i can't get the description in the vbulletin Options. I upload the latest language choosing overwrite the English Language and no changes in the Panel. May be i'm doing something wrong?

The BBcode is working Perfectly ;)

08-22-2006, 03:56 PM
Do you get a error message, such as this?This file was created using a different version of vBulletin from the one you are running.

Your version: 3.6.0 Beta 2
File version: 3.6.0Or what does vBulletin say after the import? Do you have more than one language? Theoretically the import takes effect immediately.

08-22-2006, 04:22 PM
Do you get a error message, such as this?Or what does vBulletin say after the import? Do you have more than one language? Theoretically the import takes effect immediately.

Nop. I choose Ignore Language Version. But after Upload overwriting the language nothing change in descriptions. I have 2 Lenguages more. Spanish (my default language for the forums) and wheater from a old hack what i never delete .

EDIT: Ok, overwriting spanish language, now i can see description on the panel.
Sorry ;)

08-22-2006, 04:46 PM
OK, thats why I asked if you have more than one language :D

08-27-2006, 06:45 PM
Thanks a milion!!!!

Aaron RV
09-01-2006, 05:23 PM
Great mod but very complicated for users, no news for vb 3.6?

09-01-2006, 05:30 PM
What do you mean with "no news for vb 3.6"? I already released a vB 3.6 version (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1057342&postcount=90) of my mod.

What do you mean with "very complicated"? How could it made be easier?

09-15-2006, 05:47 PM
can you do fix bug with sorting table?

try crate this two tables and see how this hack do sort:
col 2|col 3

col 2

09-17-2006, 12:17 PM
To the first five users testing this version: Please report in this thread if it works with vB 3.6 so that I can release a stable version.

I used it fairly extensively earlier this year. The posts are still there and all looking fine on 3.6.1 with the test version.

09-22-2006, 11:22 PM
... and I am working :D

Here is the new version. vB 3.6 support is beta because I added some small features as versioncheck and a upgrade message. This means, in vB 3.6 the postcache isn't deleted automatically, the admin is asked to do this. If the admin wants to do it, only the cache of posts containing the vB Code is deleted.

To update install new product and languagepack - sorttable.js hasn't changed.

To the first five users testing this version: Please report in this thread if it works with vB 3.6 so that I can release a stable version.

Works great in 3.6.1! Thanks!

What do you mean with "no news for vb 3.6"? I already released a vB 3.6 version (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1057342&postcount=90) of my mod.

What do you mean with "very complicated"? How could it made be easier?

I agree in kinda. The biggest problem is the mod post doesn't say anything about the vb 3.6.0 version or the javascript file. If you added it so we don't have to browse through the whole thread it would make things much easier. Possibly a txt file in the downloads that gives all the directions, copyright, description, etc. as well?

09-23-2006, 05:22 AM
The biggest problem is the mod post doesn't say anything about the vb 3.6.0 version or the javascript file.I agree, too. The vb 3.6.x build is in beta stage, so I don't announce it in the first post. There are only small fixes to apply and then I will release this mod in the vB 3.6 section. I will also explain some features a little more so that you can see all relevant things on one page.Possibly a txt file in the downloads that gives all the directions, copyright, description, etc. as well?If you install this mod in vB 3.6 the mod title in your AdminCP is linked with this thread (standard vBulletin function). If you follow it, you are redirected to the post of this thread which belongs to your version.can you do fix bug with sorting table?Thanks for feedback, I will look at this. I am using a standard php function for sorting, don't know what is going wrong here.

09-23-2006, 07:30 AM
Hello Stefan,

Thanks for your great work on this mod.
I'll install it in a while but I'd like to know before if you plan to release the stable version for vB 3.6.1 in a short time, and if so, when.



09-23-2006, 04:07 PM
@JMH11788 (deleted post)
Thats why I posted this overview: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=900270&postcount=2 :D

Yes, I plan to release a stable version, but I can't say when. I plan it for next week, but I can't promise it.
"Beta" and "Stable" are only definitions. If the users don't find a bug in the beta version, I release the identical version as stable version. This could happen to the current beta version, if I don't find the time to add some features.

09-24-2006, 02:51 AM
hi there..

i just updated my board to 3.6.1 and updated my tables hack with your update on the previous page.. creation of new tables seems to be ok, however, i have an existing post with a table that is no longer showing up correctly.

i've attached the code for the table, and a screen shot of what it looks like now. you should be able to tell from the code what it should look like.. any idea what the problem is?

09-24-2006, 04:38 AM
If new tables works well, but only this table makes problems this table is in the cache. Try to rebuild or to clear the postcache and then this table should show up correctyl again. If I post your table as a new post in my board its working well.

09-24-2006, 02:15 PM
ok, this may be a stupid question, but how/where to i clear/rebuild the postcache? i'm not seeing the option anywhere..

(also, when i try to post the table in my example as a NEW post, it still shows up the same way.)


09-24-2006, 05:03 PM
I'm sorry Stefan but I don't understand how I can choose to have borders or not, the width of each columns, etc...

Could you explain to me shortly :confused:

09-25-2006, 03:12 PM
ok, this may be a stupid question, but how/where to i clear/rebuild the postcache? i'm not seeing the option anywhere..

AdminCP-->Maintenance-->Update Counters

09-25-2006, 11:55 PM
AdminCP-->Maintenance-->Update Counters

yeah, i'm not seeing anything about postcache in there.. :confused:

09-28-2006, 03:02 AM
I got this error, http://img178.imageshack.us/my.php?image=bug2rc5.png , I checked it and I found 1 user using incorrect table tags like that...

some text here

if we change to: some text here it works fine...



Miran Kelekian

10-04-2006, 04:52 PM
Very nice, thank you! I was having trouble with a HTML/PHP coded information table I was maintaining in a section of my forum and this was a great upgrade, not to mention makes it a lot easier for me to update the info on the fly.

10-04-2006, 06:46 PM
I'm sorry Stefan but I don't understand how I can choose to have borders or not, the width of each columns, etc...

Could you explain to me shortly :confused:Does this post: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=900270&postcount=2 and this post https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=979630#post979630 (and following) help you?I got this error, [...] incorrect table tags like that...A table with only one header cell doesn't really make sense - so I haven't tested it. But you are right, this error shouldn't occur, I will fix it for the next version.yeah, i'm not seeing anything about postcache in there.. :confused:If it isn't displayed above the signature cache you have disabled it, and so needn't to rebuild it. If you install the vB 3.6 version you are automatically asked to clear the postcache if it is necessary.

10-05-2006, 11:50 AM
If it isn't displayed above the signature cache you have disabled it, and so needn't to rebuild it. If you install the vB 3.6 version you are automatically asked to clear the postcache if it is necessary.

ok, i did some playing around with the table i was trying to post and i found a workaround..

the problem seems to be with the 'center' tags in the 2nd column. when i removed them, the table posted just fine. but ALSO, when i left them in there and added an extra line break in between lines, i got the results that i wanted..

but you said the table posted fine for you as i posted it before, which is weird.. any idea why?

10-17-2006, 04:38 PM
can you do fix bug with sorting table?I finally found the bug :) In the first table my hack wanted to sort the third column - but that didn't exist. In the second table, it also wanted to sort the third column, but detected that it doesn't exist and so sorted the first column (should be default behaviour). I fixed this.
I think I will release the stable version shortly.

10-19-2006, 05:15 PM
Is there any way to make the AJAX sorting work on vBadvanced pages (ie the front page) in posts that show up there? If I view the post in the forum I can sort but not if it's on the front page or if the table is in one of the additional pages you can create in vba.

10-19-2006, 07:09 PM
You will have to link the javascript file in the <head>-section of the html output (as my mod does for the forum pages), and then it should work there, too.

10-19-2006, 07:18 PM

Would it possible some day to create a table via the WYSIWYG Editor with the mouse, as it is possible in MS Word ?

10-19-2006, 07:41 PM
It would be cool if somebody made a way to export a table from Excel or Word or something so you didn't have to create it from scratch using | everytime:)

StGaensler - Sorry for my stupidity but do you know in what file or template I would put what to get vBAdvanced to link the javascript file? Thanks for the greatest mod of all time!

10-21-2006, 07:32 AM
Would it possible some day to create a table via the WYSIWYG Editor with the mouse, as it is possible in MS Word ?Theoretically this would be possible, but practically I don't have enough knowledge about JavaScript do write this. If someone can write this for me, I will be happy. This is a very good idea :)It would be cool if somebody made a way to export a table from Excel or Word or something so you didn't have to create it from scratch using | everytime:)This is very simple. Copy the table and paste it into a simple text editor (e.g. Windows notepad) and replace all the tabs with | (search&replace function). I will look, if it is possible to post a word/excel table directly into the post.StGaensler - Sorry for my stupidity but do you know in what file or template I would put what to get vBAdvanced to link the javascript file? Thanks for the greatest mod of all time![/QUOTE]Sorry, I don't know either. I have no vBAdvanced installation.

10-22-2006, 07:47 AM
Is there any way to make the AJAX sorting work on vBadvanced pages (ie the front page) in posts that show up there? If I view the post in the forum I can sort but not if it's on the front page or if the table is in one of the additional pages you can create in vba.

I'd also love to know how to get the sorting working with vBadvanced.

10-31-2006, 05:39 PM
I'd also love to know how to get the sorting working with vBadvanced.
I only can say the same again: You have to link the javascript-file in the <head>-section of the html output, as it is done by my plugin - I don't know how and where this can be done in vBAdvanced.

To all: Sorry, I forgot to mention a new small feature in my new version: If you want to have a linebreak in a tablecell only put {br} instead of it - this will be replaced by a linebreak.

Bulent Tekcan
11-08-2006, 08:19 AM
Maybe planned features
detailed description of the vB Code in misc.php?do=bbcode depending on the features enabled in AdminCP (planned for next beta version)
define formatting (bold, italic), align (left, right, center) and width of the cols

I'm already installed,it is very useful plugin.And also I'll wait for planned features..


12-19-2006, 02:16 AM
Okay, I read the guide, installed, and am trying to use the mod to do tables for a specific list of items. Problem is that the last item listed gets listed twice! This is a big issue since the number of the items available can cause problems for my group.
Item Name|Information|Cost|# Stored
Small Silk Pack|10 slots|20s|6
Black Silk Pack|10 slots|40s|1
Shadowgem|-|2s 25c|2
Moss Agate|-|4s|3
Parrot Cage|(Green Wing Macaw)|10s|1
Iron Buckle|-|1s|2
What am I doing wrong? Or is it a glitch? I am running vB 3.6.4, and have sorting on and the .js file in the right folder. Did I miss a step?

12-19-2006, 03:45 AM
Does this happen again, if you post this table in another post? Does this happen, if you post any other table (same settings, but other data)?

I currently can't reproduce this. I will try to install vB 3.6.4 this evening and test it again with this version. Which version of php are you using?

01-06-2007, 09:05 PM
Can I install it on 3.5.5 ?


01-07-2007, 02:51 PM
Yes, you can, but due a "bug" you have to edit the product xml with an text editor and remove executionorder="..." (currently 5 occourences) from the file. Then it also works in the vB 3.5.x versions of vBulletin.

01-12-2007, 10:18 AM
Will this work in v3.5.4?

01-22-2007, 12:59 AM
I installed it in 3.6.4. It works pretty well, I'm impressed.

However, if sort a column of numbers, the values does not sort properly. For example:

$98.00 will post higher than $908.00

Like it's doing an ASCII sort without taking in to effect that the data is numeric.

Other than that, this hack is GREAT!

01-26-2007, 12:22 PM
1. Will this work with 3.5.4?

2. If so, how could we make it so that it's only available for Administrators?


01-26-2007, 12:33 PM
1.) Yes, but remember post #127.

2.) I don't really know how this could be done. As far as I know don't I have the usergropid of the user on the place where my code works. There is a mod out there for those things but I also don't know if it supports mine.

01-26-2007, 12:37 PM
I'm sorry I missed that. I couldn't remember if I asked or not so searched this thread for $3.5" and got zero results. :o

01-28-2007, 10:52 PM
OK, I am giving into the fact that I'm retarded over this. I can not get the cellpadding turned off using this bbcode. I am assuming i'm not using the correct syntax. I've read the first post, the examples given throughout the thread, I'm just simply missing something I think.

I tried something like this, but no luck.

[table cellpadding=0]

I've also tried using quotes and what not, but I can't get the cellpadding to go away. A little help would be appreciated, thanks.

Edit: OK, I've read every post in this thread and I see now that this is all tied to the CSS definitions. I've tried syntax posted by the author to this same question. To me, the answer is not very clear, but I guess I'll keep plugging away.

2nd Edit: My head hurts now, but alas, I did it. With the help of the author and evesve, I have solved my problem. If anyone has issues getting the css definitions put in the right place and figuring out the syntax involed in calling them properly, feel free to give me a shout about this. I'm sure the author doesn't want to explain all of this ever again, lol.

Thanks again Stefan for a very userful mod. I definitely appreciate all the work that goes into this.

02-17-2007, 11:10 PM

Thanks for the mod!

One thing though: I'm using itemstats clicky (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=101350). I want to be able to make the and tags inside the table, but when i do so it just inputs the data that should pop up into the actual table cell, consequently messing the whole table up and being 100 times larger than it should.

Any idea's?

Thanks in advance!

03-14-2007, 11:43 AM

Have you given any thought to improving the javascript file to correctly sort numbers? I love this mod and use it in combination with the Forms mod. I'll continue to use it but the fact that it can't correctly sort numbers is a little irritating for me.


03-18-2007, 04:59 PM
I want to be able to make the and tags inside the table, but when i do so it just inputs the data that should pop up into the actual table cell, consequently messing the whole table up and being 100 times larger than it should.I can't reproduce this with the original itemstats code, but with the modification made by Zachariah. This adds some line breaks (<br />) to the output - these have to be replaced:This is one line<br />and the next lineshould get<p>This is one line</p><p>and the next line</p>This is necessary because my mod interprets every linebreak as a new tablerow.Have you given any thought to improving the javascript file to correctly sort numbers?No I don't have any idea how to do it. As I stated in the javascript file it is from http://www.kryogenix.org/code/browser/sorttable/ so please ask him to fix it.

03-22-2007, 07:56 PM
I have been talking with Stefan off and on for a long time experimenting with various versions WOW Itemstats to try and make it work with his tables code.

I was able to get everything working together today utilizing Blackjack's gitemstats version (and itemstats 1.5.5 core module) located here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=141177).

After upgrading my forums to 3.6.5 last night and installing Blackjack's gitemstats it all came together and works like a charm. And, there was no tweaking or special workarounds, it just works! :D

04-02-2007, 03:17 PM
Has anyone tried to define a custom table class that utilizes an image on the first row (header row of the table) ?

Using the following results in the alt2 image continuing to display on row 1 of the table:

/* ***** Test Table *****/
.stg_table_test {border:1px; padding: 2px;}
.stg_table_test th {background-image: url(forums/images/style/head.gif);}
.stg_table_test td {border: 1px; #C08F52 solid;}
.stg_table_test .alt1 {background-image: url(forums/images/style/alt1.gif); }
.stg_table_test .alt2 {background-image: url (forums/images/style/alt2.gif); }
/* ***** Test Table End *****/

I also tried using .stg_table_test th {background:#FFF} just to see if I could turn the background for the first row white but it continued to display the alt2 image.

I must be missing something.

04-03-2007, 10:35 PM
Does this work in 3.5.3? From reading this thread, it seems that it should? I'm getting this error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.3:

Invalid SQL:

### INSERT QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'executionorder' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054

See the attached file for the rest...

What am I doing wrong?

04-04-2007, 12:11 AM
Does this work in 3.5.3? From reading this thread, it seems that it should? I'm getting this error:

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.3:

Invalid SQL:

### INSERT QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'executionorder' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054

See the attached file for the rest...

What am I doing wrong?

Archangel - it works on 3.5.x versions.

This post (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1152659&postcount=127) (#127 in this thread) by Stefan will help with the error you are getting trying to install.

04-04-2007, 12:38 AM
Apparently, I must have missed that. Thank you very much. I'll try it out now!

04-04-2007, 12:55 AM
Fantastic, it works! Having a little trouble getting the live sort to work, though...hmm.

04-23-2007, 03:41 PM
bumping this... any javascripters out there willing to take a stab at fixing the poor sorting issue? at this point i'm willing to throw some dollars at the problem.

05-02-2007, 09:54 PM
Installed, great mod.

But when you have, sort does not function properly when 2/3 sorts are running withing the same table.

05-09-2007, 05:01 PM
how do you do rowspan in this mod?

05-11-2007, 03:11 PM
I am trying to centre inside a cell, but it's not working. I've read through the 10 pages but can't find anything about it except someone else saying it doesn't work. Can you please help me?

05-12-2007, 02:51 AM
I installed this mod tonight and think its wonderful, however I'm needing to be able to put an image on each row. How exactly do you go about putting images in? I insert an image and it just puts the link instead. Can someone please help?

Bulent Tekcan
05-13-2007, 01:42 PM
Is it compatible for vB 3.6.6 ?

05-15-2007, 03:00 AM
How do you not have a header row?

05-18-2007, 10:21 AM
Sorry to you all. For some unknown reason my subscription of this thread has been removed...how do you do rowspan in this mod?I described it here: (second option from the bottom) https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=900270&postcount=2I am trying to centre inside a cell, but it's not working. I've read through the 10 pages but can't find anything about it except someone else saying it doesn't work. Can you please help me?If you want to centre text then simply use the bbcode [center] in the cell. This works in any cell, exept the cells in the last column (due some code in vBulletin...). Formating with css would be better but currently it is not possible to format a defined column, sorry.Hello
I installed this mod tonight and think its wonderful, however I'm needing to be able to put an image on each row. How exactly do you go about putting images in? I insert an image and it just puts the link instead. Can someone please help?Images (through vB code) should work outside of a table as well as inside.
It could be that you have to enable Admincp -> vBulletin Options -> Message Posting and Editing Options -> Allow Dynamic URL for [IMG] Tags for this image, but I don't recommend this.Is it compatible for vB 3.6.6 ?Unless stated otherwise my Add-ons always work with the current version of vBulletin.How do you not have a header row?I'm not sure if I really understand you. If you don't want to have a header row, simply don't define any... Don't write the bold code into your post: [table="head"]

05-21-2007, 08:20 PM
I have this installed and it is working great, er, was working great. You can see my use of it here in my forum:


However, although it appears to be working fine and is sortable, I can no longer add any more lines to it.

Is there a limit to the number of rows you can have, or is there something that the 3.6.7 upgrade did that I have to undo?


05-22-2007, 03:51 AM
No its nothing the update of vBulletin has done. Since version 0.1.3 (?) you are able to define the maximum number of rows in the table. I set this to 500 what is the exact count of rows in your table.
If you want to have more, then simply go to AdminCP -> vBulletin-Options -> BB Code [table] Settings -> How Many Rows May A Table Have and increase this value.

05-22-2007, 06:54 PM
No its nothing the update of vBulletin has done. Since version 0.1.3 (?) you are able to define the maximum number of rows in the table. I set this to 500 what is the exact count of rows in your table.
If you want to have more, then simply go to AdminCP -> vBulletin-Options -> BB Code [table] Settings -> How Many Rows May A Table Have and increase this value.

Thanks. You were right. I totally forgot about the line limit.

Again, it works great!

05-22-2007, 06:58 PM
Is it going to work with vbadvanced cmp?

I want table on those for sports leagues on my own.

Just like leaguegaming.com

05-31-2007, 10:55 PM
Can you add an option to have cells aligned easier? (See how your current hack works below then see why I request this)
This is my code: (see the attachment for the result)
Th?ng tin | VIP thường | VIP Pro

20 ngày|50.000VND|150.000VND

50 ngày|100.000VND|300.000VND

90 ngày|150.000VND|450.000VND

RapidShare|Kh?ng có |Có - Mi?̃n phí

MegaUpload |Kh?ng có |Có - Mi?̃n phí

Why does this need to be improved:
1 - First of all, if i want to align cells, i must switch to Simple Editor Mode! It's better if people can align them in WYSIWYG mode.
2 - If last cell of a row is aligned (center/right/left), there must be one more line break.
3 - If the last cell of the current row and the first cell of the next row are both aligned in a same way (center/right/left), it will not work! Why? Imaging that you will have close tag at the end of the current row and open tag at the begin of the next row, because there are only blank character (spaces, line breaks,..) among them, they will be pruned!

Moreover, if you can give people some options such as cellpadding, cellspacing,... it will be GREAT.

05-31-2007, 11:56 PM
Awesome, and very useful, thanks! :D

06-01-2007, 12:25 AM
does this break layout if the table is not correct?


someone types:


and forgets to close the table, will the rest of the forum get screwed up, or is there an error check for this?

06-05-2007, 06:03 PM
Can you add an option to have cells aligned easier?Yes, I think of adding such a feature, but I'm sorry I can't tell you when this will be :( I currently don't find enough time for it.Moreover, if you can give people some options such as cellpadding, cellspacing,... it will be GREAT.This can all be done trough CSS, so I don't really see the need for it - exept if you want to have this different for each table.
Colspan is possible as you know?does this break layout if the table is not correct?No, this won't break the layout. It's very hard to break the layout because I use the standard vBulletin functions. If a code isn't closed correctly my plugin doesn't even get the code from vBulletin and so this stays unparsed until you close it properly.

06-07-2007, 10:17 AM
I receive an error when I try to add the english language xml file :(

Importing Product, Please Wait...


vBulletin Message

Invalid File Specified

06-07-2007, 10:30 AM
Importing ProductBut you want to import a language file - am I right?

Import the language file through Languages & Phrases -> Download / Upload Languages -> Import Language XML File into your current language (chosen at "Overwrite Language")

06-07-2007, 11:28 AM
w00t !!

Thanx :p
A whole new world opened to me, lol

If anyone wants to use our button, it's in the attachement ;)

06-15-2007, 11:10 PM
Hi there! Thanks ever so much for this mod, this is wonderful!

I have added a custom CSS and have it working for the body of the table (td), but it isn't formatting the header (thead or th). What am I doing wrong? I am trying to have it match the 'smallfont' style that is being applied to the <td> rows.

Here is what I have in my CSS (note both thead and th since I don't know which will work!):

/*********** TABLE **************/
.stg_table_smallfont {font-size: 11px;font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif;}

.stg_table_smallfont td {font-size: 11px;font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif;}

.stg_table_smallfont th {font-size: 11px;font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif;}

.stg_table_smallfont thead {font-size: 11px;font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, geneva, lucida, 'lucida grande', arial, helvetica, sans-serif;}
/*********** END TABLE **********/

06-18-2007, 04:44 AM
Introduction to options:
Defines the css class of the current row. This value is only valid in the first cell of a row and should be the first option (colspan defined after it - currently reversing the order works, too).

Has anyone been able to get {css=myclass} to work in a table? I haven't had any luck getting it to work. I need to set a specific class for each row becaue the tables are too large if I have to apply formatting to each individual cell. I can't use the generic table css becaues I have a few different classes, i.e. depending on the content of the row it might be colored red, yellow, green, or white.

06-18-2007, 09:51 AM
Hi! It's a great mod, but I have the same problem which was reported in this message (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=913491#post913491).

When I use the code

|column 2|column 3
row 2|test 22|test 23
row 3|test 32|test 33

I get the wrong table (the first one in the attachment).

If I add extra line breaks, like here

|column 2|column 3

row 2|test 22|test 23

row 3|test 32|test 33

everything is all right (the second image). The problem appears only when I add the [CENTER] tags.

vBulletin version 3.6.7.

Is this normal?

06-18-2007, 05:43 PM
Has anyone been able to get {css=myclass} to work in a table? I haven't had any luck getting it to work. I need to set a specific class for each row becaue the tables are too large if I have to apply formatting to each individual cell. I can't use the generic table css becaues I have a few different classes, i.e. depending on the content of the row it might be colored red, yellow, green, or white.

I have gotten it to work somewhat. I have figured out how to apply formatting to the table and cell contents, but I can't seem to apply formatting to the header row (I'm sure I just don't know enough about CSS to figure that out on my own).

Here is what I did:

1) In AdminCP, go into Styles, and go to Main CSS for the style you are using. If you are using multiple styles, you'll need to do this for each style.

2) In the Additional CSS section (very bottom) create a new CSS entry called .stg_table_mycss (use something else other than mycss). You will need the . before.

3) If you are applying the style to the whole table, use .stg_table_mycss.
If you are applying the style to the cell contents (text), use .stg_table_mycss td. If you are applying the style to the cell row (alternating colors??) use .stg_tablerow_mycss

See my post above for examples.

4) Once you have created the CSS entries (and saved them), go into vB Options> vb code [table] options. You'll need to check the {css=} option at the top to enable that feature, and you'll also need to enter in mycss in the Styles for Table and Styles for Tablerow sections.

Save those options, and then reload your page. You may need to hard refresh (clear cache, etc) to force the download of the CSS again.

06-22-2007, 03:28 PM
Realy nice. Installed.

07-09-2007, 05:55 AM
Hi guys need some help here, were using the transparent table mod as detailed in the thread which works perfectly, but are having a few problems with formatting:

The table we are using is:

http://www.4winmobile.com/cyclist/wallet/generator.gif|Including a password generator in a wallet program is very useful for creating website passwords to be used on the same device as the wallet. While editing a card tap and hold in a password field opens a submenu that includes a built in password generator. There are recommended combinations of length and characters for normal, strong and very strong passwords. If these choices don?t meet your needs, then you can set a custom combination instead. For instance, suppose I want a very strong password for logging into my company network, to keep out all those nosy colleagues. I start by selecting very strong, but find that this allows spaces in the password, and the corporate password policy doesn?t. So I deselect spaces, and the strength changes to Custom, but I know that it is only a tiny bit weaker. This customisation ability is very good. So full marks for included functionality.The password generator mostly works fine when generating at lower strength settings. But at the higher settings the generated password does not always contain all the elements selected, which is infuriating if you are trying to meet a request for a particular type of password. It seems particularly fond of not including spaces when asked to. The screenshot shows a password I generated asking for lowercase and numbers, with a pronounceable result. There are no numbers in it. If Spb?s generator can?t include numbers in a pronounceable password, then the program should warn me about this when I tick the checkbox for pronounceable

Now this works fine and generates: table_01.jpg

However any time we try and put a new paragraph break in the text to give some structure we get an extra cell as per: table_02.jpg

Any ideas what we are missing? HELP :)

07-13-2007, 03:10 PM

07-14-2007, 01:48 PM
Has anyone been able to get {css=myclass} to work in a table?I got it work ;) What have you tried to get it work? Have you enabled the css feature and put the classnames (without stg_table_) into the preferences of my mod? Have you defined the properties of the css classes (with stg_table_)? Is {css=... the very first text standing in the row?3) If you are applying the style to the whole table, use .stg_table_mycss.
If you are applying the style to the cell contents (text), use .stg_table_mycss td. If you are applying the style to the cell row (alternating colors??) use .stg_tablerow_mycssIf you want to define a css for the table head use .stg_table_mycss th and define your table with [table="css=mycss;head]However any time we try and put a new paragraph break in the text to give some structure we get an extra cell as per: table_02.jpg

Any ideas what we are missing? HELP :)My mod interprets a linebreak as a new tablerow - so this is working as designed. If you want to use a linebreak inside a cell, use {br} instead as stated in post #122 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1108260&postcount=122)


07-14-2007, 09:52 PM
My mod interprets a linebreak as a new tablerow - so this is working as designed. If you want to use a linebreak inside a cell, use {br} instead as stated in post #122 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1108260&postcount=122)


Hi Stefan cheers I'd spotted the use of the B]{br}[/B] and now you have restated it I've seen outr mistake to simulate a new paragraph one needs to use it 2-3 times, previously I'd only been using it once. DOH!

08-08-2007, 09:25 AM
Hi first of all this mod is really good :D,

the second thing ave a problem with the option {width=60%}

look at the attached picture plaese. Any ideas

08-08-2007, 03:57 PM
Thank you for your compliments :)

Currently you can't define the width for a single column but only for the whole table. That is done this way: [table="width=60%"]

08-08-2007, 04:56 PM
Oh :( ok i understand,

Wird die n?chste Version von Table BBcode um diese Funktion erweitert ? ?

Gru? aus Baden W?rttemberg

08-08-2007, 05:10 PM
Yes, this feature is planned, but I can't tell you when I will get this done. Sorry :( As you can see, the last version of my mod is from last year...

Greetings from Munich :)

08-09-2007, 12:35 AM
I wrote the following table code in notepad and then pasted it in to a test post. Problem is the first column does not stay as it is written in the table code. The first column is inverted, with the numbers going from 9 (top) to 7 (bottom). Sometimes, the first column is totally not in order.

Also, I have to refresh my page after the page loads from posting to get the table's sorting links to work.

Dave Hawley
08-14-2007, 03:51 AM
StGaensler, anyway I can use this great hack on English 3.5.4? I have tried installing these here but they show multiple errors on Import.

I'm willing to pay.

08-14-2007, 07:05 AM
I wrote the following table code in notepad and then pasted it in to a test post. Problem is the first column does not stay as it is written in the table code. The first column is inverted, with the numbers going from 9 (top) to 7 (bottom). Sometimes, the first column is totally not in order.May I see the code you used? If you don't define a sort order the table shouldn't be sorted anyway.Also, I have to refresh my page after the page loads from posting to get the table's sorting links to work.That's "working by desing" - sorry. If a page contains an table, this table is initialised by loading the page. If you post it via ajax this doesn't happen. So you have to reload the page. I will look if I can overcome this, but I can't promise anything.StGaensler, anyway I can use this great hack on English 3.5.4? I have tried installing these here but they show multiple errors on Import.

I'm willing to pay.Its only a small change you have to make: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1152659&postcount=127
vBulletin 3.5.4 doesn't know the field "executionorder" and spits out an error instead of ignoring it.

If you are still willing to pay, please contact me via pm :)


Dave Hawley
08-14-2007, 07:36 AM
Thanks Stefan! Wonderful. I'll pay in smilies :) :) :) :) :)

08-15-2007, 09:21 AM
how on earth do you override the "stg_table tborder" attribute?

I have tried everything, and all I see in my source code is "table class="stg_table tborder stg_table_test"

_test is the one I have created.

I've tried to overrun the class strg_table tborder with .stg_table tborder {border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;} or .stg_table_test tborder {border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;} without any results :(

Could you please help me? :)

thanks for the great mod!

PS: If I uninstall this mod, is there any way to uninstall the language file that was added as well?

08-16-2007, 11:48 AM
Don't use tborder - its on the same "level" as stg_table and stg_table_test.

These lines should do it (first for all tables, second for your new class):.stg_table {border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;}
.stg_table_table {border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;}

Uninstalling the language: I don't know a vBulletin function for that. A way could be to use AdminCP -> Language & Phrases -> Phrase Manager -> [Find orphan Phrases] Delete all phrases containing stg_table and the phrase settinggroup_bbcode_table


08-16-2007, 01:01 PM
thanks StGaensler, I don't know if it's vbulletin 3.6.7 or whatever, but all I get is the default grey 1px border, no matter how many settings I tweak and change.

I've tried

.stg_table {border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;}
table.stg_table {border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;}
.stg_table_table {border: 1px solid #000; padding: 5px;}

nothing is working to change the border colors :( could it be a vbulletin cache problem? Anything I can reset in the maintenance area? I've evern tried to uninstall the plugin and reinstall it, that doesn't help either. Danke f?r die Hilfe StGaensler.

08-16-2007, 01:36 PM
Do you really mean the border or the background of the table (which per default is grey)?

background: green, border: red
I used this css:
.stg_table {border:3px red solid; background:#4D4; padding:5px; }

Are you using the standard vBulletin style?
May I have a link to your board so I can look at it by myself?


08-16-2007, 02:48 PM
Sent you a PM with URL, thanks for your help.

I am using the default/standard vbulletin style, so it shouldn't be any problem.

08-16-2007, 02:59 PM
No problem :)

It is a silly but simple bug. Before my CSS line there is this CSS code:.navmenu { border-bottom: [...]; )
Do you see it by yourself? Right, there is no } at the end of the line, but a ) - thats wrong. If you use the right bracket it works :)


08-16-2007, 03:23 PM
I was about to say that I'm REALLY embarassed if that was the error giving me the headache, but it wasn't. I changed the ) to } but it's still the same :( Sigh.. thanks for your help though StGaensler.

08-16-2007, 04:06 PM
Yes, the error occurs, because you still use .stg_table tborder {.
As I said in post #180 (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1318857&postcount=180) of this thread, you have to remove the tborder from your definition.


08-16-2007, 04:21 PM
OMG hehe..there we go! Danke Dir Stefan.. :)

08-17-2007, 03:57 AM

why do I cannot make a table with only one row and one column, like this:

only one row and column

I want to use your BB code for making boxes around the text sometimes. I can only make that by adding '|' before or after the text:

|only one row and column|

That's a pity.

08-18-2007, 08:12 AM
I want to use your BB code for making boxes around the text sometimes.Thats not the sense of a table - it exists to format/display tabular content, and not for "making boxes". I consider using <div> or <span> for that.

But if you want to use it this way...
Remove this code from the plugin xml (line 150ff.) and import it again:# if we have only one row and one cell a table makes no sense - return input with no change

return $code;

08-19-2007, 02:59 PM
This is a great modification StGaensler, thank you! I adore the live column sorting. :up:


08-20-2007, 04:04 AM
Thats not the sense of a table - it exists to format/display tabular content, and not for "making boxes". I consider using <div> or <span> for that.

Stefan, thank you! I tried to use <div>, but unfortunately vBulletin adds lots of extra line breaks before and after my bb-codes.

08-21-2007, 10:23 AM
Hello Stefan,

i didnt figured out how to change default table spacing (which is causing cell borders I guess). It is something around 2px and I want neat 1px spacing borders.
Can you advise? I tried to add custom css as described in this thread but that didnt changed entire table spacing.

Thank you!

08-22-2007, 11:20 AM
Hello StGaensler,
I can't install it.
The error message is
XML 錯誤: 在第 16 行 not well-formed (invalid token)

What's the problem?

Thank you.

08-24-2007, 12:01 PM
this mod is asome you rock dude but the best part is the Support you give thats is amazing congrats i use some css only to put a image let me show you
table.stg_table {border:1px #CCCCCC solid;}
table.stg_table thead th {background-image:url(cat_back.gif); height:27px; font-weight:bold; font-size:12px;}
table.stg_table .alt1 {background:#333333;}
table.stg_table .alt2 {background:#373737;}

this is a simple one but i like a lot
this is the image

08-24-2007, 12:58 PM

08-28-2007, 11:04 AM
i didnt figured out how to change default table spacing (which is causing cell borders I guess).I hope I understood you in the right way. Use this:
.stg_table {border-collapse:collapse; }
and define the borders for your cells td and th through css.
Hello StGaensler,
I can't install it.
The error message isI don't really know the problem. Please try it with another browser and / or the english language pack. Also try to download the product file again (if it isn't complete). It seems it could be an encoding problem - but I'm not sure.

@ WarLion
thanks, too.

08-29-2007, 02:43 PM
How i can add icon to the reply form?

08-29-2007, 10:46 PM
;1328138']How i can add icon to the reply form?

You mean adding an icon to the message editor toolbar?

Goto BB Code Manager.
Click edit for the custom bbCode you want an image for.

Look for the following:-
Button Image (Optional)
If you would like this bbcode to appear as a clickable button on the message editor toolbar, enter the URL of an image 21 x 20 pixels in size that will act as the button to insert this bbcode.

Upload an image to your forum area (eg: /forum/myimages/myicon.gif )

In the text box for Button Image in AdminCP you would enter:

Job done.

08-30-2007, 02:38 AM
I hope I understood you in the right way. Use this:
.stg_table {border-collapse:collapse; }
and define the borders for your cells td and th through css.

StGaensler, could you give the full example? I also need to increase the row heights (add extra spaces) in some tables.

Thank you.

09-01-2007, 03:07 PM
Thanks TigerWare, thats right. I suggest /forum/images/editor/table.gif as path, because the other editor images are also there..stg_table {border-collapse:collapse;}
.stg_table td {padding-top:2px; padding-right:4px; padding-bottom:6px; padding-left:8px; }
.stg_table td {border:4px blue solid; }That's nothing special for my extension, just pure css. If you could understand german, I had a good site for you (http://de.selfhtml.org/css/eigenschaften/tabellen.htm) - I don't know if there's something compareable in english.


09-02-2007, 02:22 AM
Very nice mod really, resouce that need be default in vbulletin. But you can do it better, we need a easy option to center any td content.

Thank you.

09-04-2007, 10:38 AM
hi can any 1 help me
when i try to install the Import Language XML i keep getting this message

The file you attempted to import only contains phrases and none of the settings required. You will be unable to make a new language with this file.

dont no were i am going wrong please help

09-04-2007, 03:32 PM
Hi, do the same again, but don't select "(Create New Language)" but the language you want to import the phrases into.

09-08-2007, 09:21 AM
edit: nevermind, problem solved.

09-17-2007, 05:47 PM
How can I make it to I can have 2 tables side by side?

09-17-2007, 07:12 PM
How can I make it to I can have 2 tables side by side?
One table with 2 columns.
A new table in both columns...

09-17-2007, 11:41 PM
Nope, still drops down the 2nd table to the bottom

Heres what I got:



09-18-2007, 02:34 PM
Try this:

09-21-2007, 12:21 AM
Fantastic mod. Installed and appears to be working great on 3.6.7.

Thanks a lot. :)

09-21-2007, 07:05 AM
I have one point to remark: In my first post, I offer a small icon to use with this mod.

There are some boards out there, using the icon directly from my server. To all this admins: Please copy the icon to your server, and use it from there, as TigerWare described it (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?p=1328459#post1328459).


09-27-2007, 12:54 PM
anyone able to implement rowspan? the documentation handles colspan but I can't get rowspan to behave.

09-27-2007, 01:44 PM
giving up on rowspan I am trying nested tables - but the outermost table breaks such that i get two tables "stacked" but the outer table code is not parsed. (see screenshot attached)

My code is as follows:

{colsp=2}A Place To Eat - Some Named Object
Name:|Some Named Object
Address:|Address 1{br}Address 2{br}Some City, GA 32434
Guide Description:|some descriptive text |
Map Location map goes here|

09-27-2007, 02:22 PM
it's really treating the second table as another ROW instead of column - arrrgh! anyone?

Eagle Creek
09-30-2007, 12:07 AM
I love it!

What's live sortable columns?

09-30-2007, 04:57 PM
it's really treating the second table as another ROW instead of column - arrrgh! anyone?

I don?t know how you want it to be but this is a guess:
A Place To Eat - Some Named Object
Name:|Some Named Object
Address:|Address 1{br}Address 2{br}Some City, GA 32434
Guide Description:|some descriptive text
| Map Location map goes here

Eagle Creek
09-30-2007, 07:28 PM
What am I doing wrong:


Verkeerde anti-spywareprogramma's

Verkeerde anti-spywareprogramma's

As you can see I use the exact same piece of HTML code twice. Nevertheless, it appears not the same on my screen. Only the second table has a width of 100%.

Please advice.

10-02-2007, 04:41 PM
Concerning the border problem which was discussed and solved in the posts (around the 180's), I seem to be having the same problem and can't sort it out. Obviously I'm doing something wrong, can someone help? My CSS and screenie are attached. Basically, I don't want the white border and have tried setting everything I could to border: none and nothing worked. After unsuccessfully trying to use the fix in the posts mentioned above, I now am looking for help... :(

border: 1px #09335e solid;
padding: 0px;
border: 1px #09335e solid;
padding: 0px;
.stg_table_sigtable thead
.stg_table_sigtable .alt1
color: #ffffff;
.stg_table_sigtable .alt2
color: #ffffff;

10-14-2007, 09:35 AM
So... My main goal is to be able to make a table with two columns, writing on one side and a picture on the other, preferably with the table invisible.

I found this code-thingy: .stg_table_transp {border: none; padding: 2px; background:transparent;} , which I added to my CSS Classes for the Table. This is supposed to hide the table, yeah? How do I activate it for my table? where do I put it in?

Also, can I set a defined width for one of the rows? If so, how?

Say my table goes somewhat like this:


How would I go about to "hide" the table, and set the second column width to 200 px for example?


EDIT: Also, is it possible to see the coding for the 3rd screenshot?

10-14-2007, 11:11 AM
The description of how to use this plugin is quite horrible, actually the worst I've ever come across so far.This is no good feedback (http://ezinearticles.com/?Five-Feedback-Rules-for-Great-Coaching&id=136815). Either you tell me what you don't understand and what I should describe better in my description of the options (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=900270&postcount=2) or I will plonk (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plonk) your post...
Anyway: I'm searching someone to write a description of the features for the users of my vB Code - feel free to contact me, if you think you can do this better than me.I found this code-thingy: .stg_table_transp {border: none; padding: 2px; background:transparent;} , which I added to my CSS Classes for the Table. This is supposed to hide the table, yeah? How do I activate it for my table? where do I put it in?As you can see in my description of the options (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=900270&postcount=2) you are supposed to put only the name of the css class (as it is transp here) into the preferences of my vB Code, not the full CSS code. The CSS has to be put to the other CSS code of vBulletin: The css code has to be added to "Additional CSS Definitions" of your style (AdminCP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> (Dropdown) Main CSS -> Additional CSS Definitions) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=900270&postcount=2)Also, can I set a defined width for one of the rows? If so, how?As you can see in the description of my mod (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=900269&postcount=1), this feature is maybe planned, not currently working.Say my table goes somewhat like this:


How would I go about to "hide" the table, and set the second column width to 200 px for example?If you set the CSS code correct as I explained it earlier this post, you have to apply it to the table: [table="width=100%;css=transp"]
As I said, column width currently isn't possible. You could kind a "minimum width" through adding a (blind) image with this width.EDIT: Also, is it possible to see the coding for the 3rd screenshot?No, this isn't possible as I accidentally lost the database of my test-forum (where this screenshot comes from) through an unsuspected hard disc error.
I "randomly" clicked the vB Codes, nothing special...


10-14-2007, 11:38 AM
giving up on rowspan I am trying nested tables - but the outermost table breaks such that i get two tables "stacked" but the outer table code is not parsed. (see screenshot attached)it's really treating the second table as another ROW instead of column - arrrgh! anyone?First of all: Please use valid vB Code syntax. It has to be:
Every linebreak opens a new row - you wrote the new table into a new line and so it gets a new row. Put it into the same row if you you want it in the same row.
Currently I have problems with vB Codes generating a block level element (such as center, left, ...) at the end of a line, because vBulletin removes the linebreak after this element. Please use CSS for centering the head column.
I currently don't know why {br} there makes a new line - I suggest because of the two nested tables. This hasn't been tested very well.

Here is the new code:
[table="head;width=80%"]{colsp=2}A Place To Eat - Some Named Object
Name:|Some Named Object
Address:|Address 1, Address 2, Some City, GA 32434
Guide Description:|some descriptive text |Map Location map goes here|
I love it!

What's live sortable columns?Thanks :) With live sortable colums, the head colums are klickable. When you klick on the head of the first column, the table gets sorted for the first column. If you click again it gets sorted reverse. You can do this for every column.
Take the second table here: http://www.jabber.org/software/clients.shtml
They use merely the same code for this.HU??
What am I doing wrong:Sorry, I can't reproduce this. Please try it with a clean install, and report the modification causing this.Concerning the border problem which was discussed and solved in the posts (around the 180's), I seem to be having the same problem and can't sort it out.Are you using a non-standard style? I think it would be the easiest if you provide me a example thread with this table and its vB Code (use the [noparse] tags for it) of the table.


10-14-2007, 12:28 PM
This is no good feedback (http://ezinearticles.com/?Five-Feedback-Rules-for-Great-Coaching&id=136815). Either you tell me what you don't understand and what I should describe better in my description of the options (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=900270&postcount=2) or I will plonk (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plonk) your post...

Sorry for for coming of like an ass, I've deleted that post now. The description just assumes a lot of knowledge I do not currently have. What I think is lacking from the description are more screenshots with various effects with the code from the tables, then the newbies like me could search those examples to find what code to apply. I've been struggling with the code for 5 hours now and is finally starting to understand a bit more, but I'm still not able to do what I wanted.

Anyway: I'm searching someone to write a description of the features for the users of my vB Code - feel free to contact me, if you think you can do this better than me.

That should certainly be someone who understands this better than me. But maybe he/she should have a newbie look it over to ask all the basic "how do I?" questions that will arise? - could be handled with screenshot & code examples.

If you set the CSS code correct as I explained it earlier this post, you have to apply it to the table: [table="width=100%;css=transp"]

I'm not able to get that to work, probably because the CSS code is not set correct.

I've tried adding the following to in the "Additional CSS Deifintion" box

.stg_table_transp {border: none; padding: 2px; background:transparent;}

/* format vBCode table */
.stg_table_transp {border: none; padding: 2px; background:transparent;}

/* ***** format vBCode table ***** */
.stg_table_transp {border: none; padding: 2px; background:transparent;}

/* ***** format vBCode table ***** */
.stg_table_transp { border: none; padding: 2px; background:transparent; }

None of those options made it work.

I've also tried adding
.stg_table_transp {border: none; padding: 2px; background:transparent;}
to the "CSS Classes for the Table" box in the BB Code [table] Settings (Am I supposed to do that?), but no luck.

I'm sure this is all really simple to those who know this stuff better, but I'm clueless. What am I doing wrong? :confused:


10-14-2007, 01:02 PM
Sorry for for coming of like an ass, I've deleted that post now. The description just assumes a lot of knowledge I do not currently have. What I think is lacking from the description are more screenshots with various effects with the code from the tables, then the newbies like me could search those examples to find what code to apply. I've been struggling with the code for 5 hours now and is finally starting to understand a bit more, but I'm still not able to do what I wanted.Thanks. Yes, that's right, I assume basic html and css knowledgment for knowing what rowspan is, or what "em" means. Screenshots are some work, but lets see...I've tried adding the following to in the "Additional CSS Deifintion" box

.stg_table_transp {border: none; padding: 2px; background:transparent;}

/* format vBCode table */
.stg_table_transp {border: none; padding: 2px; background:transparent;}

/* ***** format vBCode table ***** */
.stg_table_transp {border: none; padding: 2px; background:transparent;}

/* ***** format vBCode table ***** */
.stg_table_transp { border: none; padding: 2px; background:transparent; }Every line is correct, they only differ in the comments (/* starts a css comment). Leave one of them there.I've also tried adding
.stg_table_transp {border: none; padding: 2px; background:transparent;}
to the "CSS Classes for the Table" box in the BB Code [table] Settings (Am I supposed to do that?), but no luck.You are supposed to write only "transp" here. This list contains all valid CSS classes - above you definded the css code for .stg_table_transp, so here we allow the users to use this class.

Now you can use this class in your vB Code: [table="css=transp"]
In the html source you can see if it works: <table class="stg_table tborder stg_table_transp">

Hope it works now.

10-14-2007, 03:26 PM
EDIT: Also, is it possible to see the coding for the 3rd screenshot?

You mean this?
column 1|coumn 2|column 3
the|big|table|hallo|everything is possible
visit Google?|(quote)small quote(/quote)| :p
wanna have a list?

* list 1
* list 2
* list 3

align left
align center
align right
|contact me: example@example.net

Change the () to []

10-14-2007, 06:07 PM

How can I set width for one columm? Code css is use in <tr> tag, can I put it in to <td> tag?


10-14-2007, 08:38 PM
Every line is correct, they only differ in the comments (/* starts a css comment). Leave one of them there.

You are supposed to write only "transp" here. This list contains all valid CSS classes - above you definded the css code for .stg_table_transp, so here we allow the users to use this class.

Now you can use this class in your vB Code: [table="css=transp"]
In the html source you can see if it works: <table class="stg_table tborder stg_table_transp">

Hope it works now.

/* format vBCode table */
.stg_table_transp {border: none; padding: 2px; background:transparent;}
this is added to the "Additional CSS Definition" box (the top one of the two that is, is that correct? where there are other definitions too, the lower one is empty)

this is added to the "CSS Classes For The Table" box.

Still, with a code like this:
the table still shows.

Any ideas what I've done wrong? :confused:


10-15-2007, 04:13 AM
You mean this?

Yes, something like that. But the aligning doesn't work with that code (something which have had a tendency to break up my table whenever I attempt it). Thanks though. :cool:


10-17-2007, 08:19 AM
/* format vBCode table */
.stg_table_transp {border: none; padding: 2px; background:transparent;}
this is added to the "Additional CSS Definition" box (the top one of the two that is, is that correct? where there are other definitions too, the lower one is empty)

this is added to the "CSS Classes For The Table" box.

Still, with a code like this:
the table still shows.

Any ideas what I've done wrong? :confused:


BUMP! ;)

10-23-2007, 10:45 PM
Selten so nen geilen Hack gesehen. Damit wird meine Plattform erst zum CMS. Super Fett!!!!
Jetzt kann ich auch endlich Content einbauen, so wie ich das will... juhuuu....


Eagle Creek
10-24-2007, 10:03 AM

I continued expirmenting a little bit and I found a strange thing.
Remember the bug I've told you about, the first table isn't 100%? It's only happening when I'm saving the table, using the Quick-Edit feature.
When I use the "old" normal edit page, it works fine.

Can you reproduce?

10-24-2007, 04:47 PM
Thanks! I've been headbutting that problem for an hour now until I now avoided the quick-edit! :-)


10-30-2007, 07:25 PM
BUMP! ;)Please provide a link to your forum (via PM if you want) then I can have a look at this.
One thing: Have you enabled the CSS feature in the preferences (second point in the preferences in the AdminCP)
Selten so nen geilen Hack gesehen. [...] INSTALLED:up:Danke :)
It's only happening when I'm saving the table, using the Quick-Edit feature. [...]
Can you reproduce?No, sorry. It works even then... Have you tried it with disabled plugin system (or on a new install?)

11-06-2007, 07:31 PM
I have a question

1. I install xml with product
2. I install language xml file
3. i place table.gif to /images/editor
4. i place JS-file to /clientscripts

My problem:
I didn't see table.gif in my message-editor! howto?

i use 3.6.2

11-06-2007, 07:57 PM

Go to your AdminCP -> Custom BB Codes -> BB Code Manager -> table [Edit] -> Button Image and write in: images/editor/table.gif


11-06-2007, 08:06 PM
thx a lot!

11-21-2007, 09:43 PM
this is what i was looking for..quite helpful for my medicalforum..

But confused about which files to download...4files in attachment..
i'm using vb 3.6.4
which fiules i need to download and import through acp?

11-21-2007, 09:56 PM
product XML is the one with the word 'product' in the name. That's the file you install via AdminCP.

The others are 'language' files, one English 'en' one German 'de'.

The .js file is javascript and is an option. There are additional options in post #2... (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=900270&postcount=2)

11-21-2007, 10:14 PM
thanks for quick response..
so importing xml will do?
or any thing else i have to do?
wht to do with .js?

11-24-2007, 04:17 PM
no response yet?

11-25-2007, 02:07 PM
no response yet?

With respect vitrag, the instructions are in the authors product information at the top of each page of this thread.

If you want to have live sortable columns (JavaScript): Download attached sorttable.js.txt rename it to sorttable.js and place it into the /clientscript/ folder of your vBulletin. Then go to AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> BB Code [table] Settings -> Enabled Features Of This BB Code and enable sortable
Note: Including the file on the webpages where it is necessary is done by my product. So if sortable is disabled, it won't be included automatically.

11-25-2007, 11:22 PM
Instralled product, language and java..but many questions in mind..

live sortable colums means?

it doesn't directly show popup or option to enter column and row numbers and then to enter details or something by which no need to write much ..
it's really confusing..
don't know my members will ask how mANY questions? :D

waiting to announce this feature ,before that wanna clear my doubts..

12-06-2007, 07:19 AM
I have prepared a table:

Player|Opponent|# of Games vs Opponent|Total Points in Round 4
Karjakin, Sergey (UKRAINE)|Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter (ROMANIA)|2|1.5
Cheparinov, Ivan (BULGARIA)|Wang, Yue (CHINA)|2|1.5
Ponomariov, Ruslan (UKRAINE)|Sasikiran, Krishnan (INDIA)|2|1.5
Aronian, Levon (ARMENIA)|Jakovenko, Dmitry (RUSSIA)|4|1.5

Hi All,

I would like to know how to bold everything in the table head, and centre the numbers in the results and games played columns. Thanks,


Tim Skellett
12-06-2007, 09:38 AM
I have prepared a table:
......I would like to know how to bold everything in the table head, and centre the numbers in the results and games played columns. Thanks,

Like so (just use normal BBCodes inisde the table):

Player | Opponent | # of Games vs Opponent | Total Points in Round 4
Karjakin, Sergey (UKRAINE)|Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter (ROMANIA)| 2 | 1.5
Cheparinov, Ivan (BULGARIA)|Wang, Yue (CHINA)| 2 | 1.5
Ponomariov, Ruslan (UKRAINE)|Sasikiran, Krishnan (INDIA)| 2 | 1.5
Aronian, Levon (ARMENIA)|Jakovenko, Dmitry (RUSSIA)| 4 | 1.5

12-07-2007, 12:30 AM
Like so (just use normal BBCodes inisde the table):

Player | Opponent | # of Games vs Opponent | Total Points in Round 4
Karjakin, Sergey (UKRAINE)|Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter (ROMANIA)| 2 | 1.5
Cheparinov, Ivan (BULGARIA)|Wang, Yue (CHINA)| 2 | 1.5
Ponomariov, Ruslan (UKRAINE)|Sasikiran, Krishnan (INDIA)| 2 | 1.5
Aronian, Levon (ARMENIA)|Jakovenko, Dmitry (RUSSIA)| 4 | 1.5

You are my new best friend. Thanks.


12-07-2007, 10:03 PM
When adding the icon for the editor, I get this message:
There is already a BB Code named 'table'. You may not create duplicate names.
How can I fix this?

12-09-2007, 11:17 AM
Don't create a new BB Code entry, but edit the existing one. During the install of my vB Code this entry is automatically created (and removed during uninstall).

12-09-2007, 02:44 PM
Yes, I know. I was editing the existing one and got this error.

12-09-2007, 04:15 PM
Then I can't explain you, why this does happen... Please uninstall my Add-on, then go to the AdminCP and remove all vB Codes having "table" as tag (have a look to the table bbcode in your vBulletin database if this was successful), and install my Add-on again.

12-09-2007, 09:59 PM
Then I hope this is related to my bunk server messing up. I'll do a server move this week anyway. Maybe that will clear it up.

12-16-2007, 03:14 AM
i couldn't put the table button https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2009/07/8.gif How can i do it? Can you explain me ?

12-16-2007, 04:57 AM
That's not a big problem :) Download the image and upload it on your webspace, put it in the directory images/editor.

Then go to your AdminCP -> Custom BB Codes -> BB Code Manager -> table [Edit] -> Button Image and write in: images/editor/table.gif
