Version: 1.00, by futureal
Developer Last Online: May 2013
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 12-31-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 83
Is in Beta Stage
No support by the author.
vbProArcade v1.0 Flash Games Development Thread
This thread is intended to provide support for those who wish to find new games for their Arcades, or wish to assist in the development of new games for vbProArcade, or wish to modify existing, open-source Flash games for use with vbProArcade.
Note to moderators: I could not find an appropriate place for this thread, other than the Beta Hacks forum, so here it is. If you feel this should be moved somewhere else, by all means do so. An additional reason I posted it here was because, to my knowledge, only registered users can view this thread, which may contain hack code at one point or another.
For the hack itself, you will need to see this thread. The Flash Development thread that you see here is just that, and should only be for the discussion of creating/modifying games to work with vbProArcade. Any discussion of or support for the hack itself will be conducted in the other thread.
For documentation on how to modify a game to work with vbProArcade, please see the vbProArcade documentation, which will always be contained in this post. I will try and update this post whenever I update the documentation itself.
A list of current games can you find in the second post.
Before you modify ANY game's source or post it here, you must MAKE SURE that you have the author's permission to modify and redistribute the code, compiled or otherwise.
As games are modified and posted, I will update this post to list them, so that people running vbProArcade may find and install them more easily.
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
It will only lock up if the double uses all of your remaining money and you lose..Its supposed to say game over, set your money to 0, & bring up a new game button.. I'll try to fix that tonight.
BTW, I have an awesome pinball game that I will post later tonight or tomorrow. I just need to make a couple of minor adjustments first.
One more thing about blackjack, where is the "split" button? o_O i really wanna use it
oh yeh, a pinball game would be really nice
hey, what was that prog named that could browse swf files for the scorevariable? i know that someone was talking about it but i dofnt feel like browsing 60 pages for it
Today at 10:22 PM joecool said this in Post #893 One more thing about blackjack, where is the "split" button? o_O i really wanna use it
oh yeh, a pinball game would be really nice
hey, what was that prog named that could browse swf files for the scorevariable? i know that someone was talking about it but i dofnt feel like browsing 60 pages for it
No split button in this game. Sorry.
The name of the program that I use is called "Flash Tool Set". Very easy to find most score variables with it.
it was flash toolset, do a search in the thread and you should find it. Anywayz, thanks for blackjack, i'll install it when you submit the edited version. ^_^ And pinball sounds sweeeeeeet.
hmm, i got flash mx today (i only had flash 5 before) so i guess i will modify some more crappy games that i wassnt able to open up with flash 5 i must say that i like flash 5 more tho, but it might only be becaus i'm more used to it
Thx for the info guys i need it for a little special project
Most developers who put a lot of work in their games are not easy sharing their sourcecode, wich is understandable. But what i do is mail them and give in a textfile-attach the code, with the question if he will add this in the swf and share it, so hundreds of forums will show his game....with copyright from the author. Now, i've had a respons on a awesome blackjackgame and if i get back the swf i will share it.