Version: 2.5, by Revan
Developer Last Online: Jun 2014
Version: 3.0.3
Released: 10-21-2004
Last Update: 12-04-2004
Installs: 42
DB Changes
No support by the author.
Soft Deleted Archive v2.7
If you have a forum where you disallow your Moderators to Hard Delete posts, you might want to look over exactly what posts they have deleted, in case of disputes between staff and members. But running a huge forum with hundreds of threads, this task can get tiring.
This is where the Soft Deleted Archive comes in handy!
Seperate threads and posts
Name and link to forum of the thread/post
Username that posted the post
Username that deleted the post
Reason for deletion, if any were inputted
Date of thread/post deletion
For threads, link that takes you directly to the thread in question
For posts, link that takes you directly to the post in question, for manual managing
Limit the number of total entries to show per page
Ability to choose Sorting Order (Ascending or Descending)
Flagging Threads and Posts seperately
Fully phrased
Ability to Hard Delete selected threads/posts
Ability to Restore selected threads/posts
Screenshots attached.
They are abit outdated, but they present the gist of the hack.
Added this tonight. I can't wait to get my live site on 3.5 -- I have in the neighborhood of 500 soft-deleted posts that I have been too lazy with my current hack to open each one to review and get rid of.
I would warn others to stay away from this hack. Once you attempt to hard-delete soft-deleted posts or threads, it suddenly deletes random posts or threads that weren't soft-deleted in the first place
This is highly impossible, not only because the hack cannot touch threads/posts not in the deletionlog table, but because no other user on the interweb has reported this issue. Does that not strike you as odd?
It did after running this code (provided by mtha) to remove the 1970 bug:
UPDATE deletionlog, moderatorlog SET deletionlog.deldate=moderatorlog.dateline
WHERE deletionlog.type = 'post' AND deletionlog.deldate=0 AND (moderatorlog.postid = deletionlog.primaryid) AND moderatorlog.action LIKE 'post %deleted%';
UPDATE deletionlog, moderatorlog SET deletionlog.deldate=moderatorlog.dateline
WHERE deletionlog.type = 'thread' AND deletionlog.deldate=0 AND (moderatorlog.threadid = deletionlog.primaryid) AND moderatorlog.action LIKE 'thread %deleted%';
After that, it randomely started deleting posts and threads. In fact, can someone tell me how to reverse that SQl query 'cause I keep getting database errors now such as:
if you dont have any other hack (that require editing those files) installed
Originally Posted by kadafi_alive
Originally Posted by mtha
Originally Posted by kadafi_alive
Thank you for your reply.
The staff said that deldate is not a default field of vbulletin, so how can I delete it altoghether since I uninstalled the hack (softdeletearchive)
remove ALL the code that you added related to the hack, i think you edited some code in showthread.php. or you can re-upload your original files
I haven't edited anything regarding the hack. I only uploaded the softdeladmin.php in admincp and run softdel_install.php. When uninstalling, I ran softdel_uninstall.php and thats it.