Version: 1.00, by Velocd
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023
Version: 2.2.x
Released: 08-03-2002
Last Update: Never
Installs: 78
No support by the author.
vBmoods Version 1.0 | by Velocd ^_^
Update - 8/5/02 - Nakkid & Firefly Quick Reply Add-On's
In the updated zip are two text documents that each contain an add-on for either Nakkid's or Firefly's quick reply hack. I HIGHLY suggest you install these add-ons (that is if you have a quick reply installed) because they make things much easier and cooler.
You can view a screenshot of Nakkid's qrb here.
Update - 8/4/02 - Bug fix
Fixed a bug where when editing a post, if you don't specify a new mood and mood message, you will lose your last ones. Also gave instructions on adding the templates to the templates used list, to prevent excess queries. Sited by TheDutch here. Refer to 8-4-02fix.txt in the zip for instructions on how to fix.
What does this hack do?
This is an interesting hack on my part. I tried to create this very hack about a month and half ago, but failed miserably wasting 7 hours of my life (a small fraction to how many hours I've really wasted doing other things ). Just 2 days ago I was looking on for a good mood hack, but there were only 2 and they didn't satisfy my tastes at all. So I decided to give it another shot, knowing that my PHP/MySQL experience was much more advance then it was a month ago. With about 14 hours of coding, trial & error, troubleshooting, running breaks (for my sports), I finally finished about 9pm tonight. My previous hacks are what helped me alot to create this one, even though they weren't all that good, it gave me the experience needed by trial & error to create a really good hack. And as with me I'm also very persistant in my coding and designing, not to give up so easily. A lesson alot of use could use *cough* Neo *cough*
Uh, anyway, getting alittle side tracked. This hack will give your users the option to choose a mood every time they post a new reply, new thread, or edit their post. These moods are in the form of images, and can be whatever images you want. It's fully integrated into the ACP (admin control panel), and should be easy to install and use.
Moods are based are on smilies!
Set a message for your mood, that will show up on mouseover of your mood icon! This mood message is filtered by the censored using your vBulletin censor list. If you don't want a mood message, it's easy to code out.
Moods can be set by newreply, newthread, and edit post screens.
Add/Modify/Delete moods via the ACP (admin cp)
Deleting moods via the ACP that are being used in the forum will remove them from those posts (instead of leaving you a annoying box with a red x in it).
Could this make a good add-on for Lesane store hack?
Yes it could! But I have no intention on implementing it myself, so please don't ask so in this thread.
Screenshots can be found in the next few posts.
None that I know of, but if you find any please let me know!
Attached is the zip, with instructions inside. The instructions for this hack took damn long to make, so please if you used this hack CLICK INSTALL
Suggestions and comments are always welcomed
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I've mentioned it before in this thread, but if you want a good set of mood icons, use what uses for smiley icons, which can be found at this site:
Can someone please post the uninstall instructions, in particular what statements do I run in myPHPAdmin to remove what this hack has installed? Please and thanks!