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[DBTech] AJAX Threads v1 (vB3) Details »»
[DBTech] AJAX Threads v1 (vB3)
Version: 1.1.3, by DragonByte Tech DragonByte Tech is offline
Developer Last Online: Mar 2023 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Category: Show Thread Enhancements - Version: 3.8.x Rating:
Released: 09-29-2011 Last Update: 04-24-2016 Installs: 34
DB Changes Uses Plugins
Additional Files Translations  
No support by the author.

AJAX Threads: What is it?
AJAX Threads brings your threads alive, making them automatically refresh without needing to reload the page.


AJAX Threads is the ideal product for forums with busy threads or which deal with any sort of "event" be that TV shows, sports or game releases!
AJAX Threads allows you to make topics "auto update" without the user having to refresh. This can give performance benefits when applied to threads which receive a lot of refresh requests, and can increase user participation.
Topics can be turned live by admins individually, or you can set whole forums to have their threads be live automatically. You can even allow only VIP usergroups to have threads refresh automatically to increase subscription numbers.


If you like this mod please hit the button to the right ---->

Please remember to click the, button to the right if you installed the mod ---->

What does 'Marking As Installed' do ?

* It helps you to stay on top of updates - members who have installed modifications will be notified by us whenever new updates are available.

For security issues - vbulletin.org will contact all members who have installed a modification whenever a security issue is brought to their attention.

* Marking a modification as installed also helps us know how many people are using our work, giving us extra incentive to provide more features and new modifications.

We appreciate the support!

Differences between Pro and Lite

Priority support & Product Demos available at: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/vbdownloads.php


Translations available @ our forum
Support for translations handled by the translator in its respective threads only.


Major Features:

Automatically Refresh Threads: Users will now see new posts in "real time" without having to refresh the page

Performance Benefits: If your forum receives lots of refresh requests on threads being posted in often this can put a lot of strain on your server - AJAX Threads will greatly reduce server resources used in those situations by refreshing only the minimum information required.

Total Control: You can set threads individually or per forum. You can set particular usergroups to receive the benefit, and you can even have it apply automatically to popular threads!


Complete Feature List (Lite)
* vBOption: Enable Automatic Updates
* vBOption: Refresh Interval
* vBOption: Idle Timeout
* vBOption: Automatic Un-Idle
* vBOption: Enable Information Bar (Tells users how often the thread refreshes, whether they're idle, and how to un-idle, etc)
* vBOption: Maximum Shown Posts
* Ability for users to manually refresh threads if Automatic Updates are disabled (cannot refresh more often than Refresh Interval regardless)
* Ability for users to manually un-idle themselves if automatic updates are enabled and the Idle Timeout is reached
* Per-usergroup setting to determine if automatic updates are enabled
* Per-usergroup setting to determine if manual updates are enabled
* Per-category setting to determine if automatic updates are enabled
* Per-category setting to determine if manual updates are enabled
* "Live" image on forumdisplay for threads that have automatic or manual updates enabled
* Posts fetched by AJAX Threads are marked as read
* Per-usergroup "duration" before a thread goes "idle".

Complete Feature List (Pro)
* vBOption: Minimum Replies
* Per-forum setting to determine if automatic updates are enabled
* Per-forum setting to determine if manual updates are enabled
* Per-thread setting to determine if automatic updates are enabled
* Per-thread ability for administrators with the "Manager" permission to override forum / usergroup settings and either enable or disable automatic updates

This mod displays a copyright notification in the footer of all pages which includes:
  • 1 Link to DragonByte Technologies homepage
  • 1 Link to Product Description page of this modification

Download Now

File Type: zip [DBTech] AJAX Threads v1.1.3 [Lite].zip (63.8 KB, 55 views)


File Type: png ajaxt_infobar_idle_vb4.png (2.6 KB, 0 views)
File Type: png ajaxt_infobar_manual_vb4.png (2.4 KB, 0 views)
File Type: png ajaxt_infobar_vb4.png (2.5 KB, 0 views)
File Type: jpg ajaxt_vboptions.jpg (130.7 KB, 0 views)

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
4 благодарности(ей) от:
BirdOPrey5, Hornstar, usHealthy, xorex

Old 07-10-2012, 05:03 PM
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Please check Firefox error console.

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Old 07-10-2012, 10:10 PM
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My FF is in Dutch. It lists a long list of issues. Which all seem to be irrelevant things that firefox misunderstands. I do not see much difference between turning the addon on or off.
I have looked at it with firebug, but did not discover anything strange either. Is there anything specific in firebug that I can check out?
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Old 07-10-2012, 10:21 PM
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If you click the Errors tab in the FF error console it should only show things that are considered JS errors

In Firebug, copy the response body of the POST ajaxthreads.php request

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Old 07-10-2012, 11:37 PM
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At first it did not show ajaxthreads.php at all in firebug, but after hard refreshing it appeared.

Here are the parameters:
response headers:
Accept-RangesbytesCache-Controlmax-age=604800Content-EncodinggzipContent-Length3479Content-Typeapplication/javascriptDateWed, 11 Jul 2012 00:19:24 GMTEtag"2c20-4ffb6c85-0"ExpiresWed, 18 Jul 2012 00:19:24 GMTLast-ModifiedMon, 09 Jul 2012 23:43:01 GMTServerLiteSpeedVaryUser-Agent
$.noConflict(true)(function($) {     // Define some variables     var jObjects = {             box             : $('#ajaxprogress'),             progressTitle     : $('#progresstitle'),             progressContent : $('#progresscontent'),             postList         : $('#posts'),             statusText        : $('span[name=dbtech_ajaxthreads_status]'),             idleText        : $('span[name=dbtech_ajaxthreads_idle]'),             reloadLink        : $('a[name=dbtech_ajaxthreads_reload]'),             unIdleLink        : $('a[name=dbtech_ajaxthreads_unidle]'),         },         idleTime         = 0,         refreshTimer     = null,         lastUpdate         = 0,         pauseUpdates     = false;          if (ajaxThreadsOptions.autoUnidle && ajaxThreadsOptions.autoUpdate != 0)     {         jObjects.postList.hover(function()         {             // Reset timer and restart function             //console.log('Resetting timer...');             resetTimer();         });     }          if (ajaxThreadsOptions.manualUpdate != 0)     {         // Get new posts on click of reload         jObjects.reloadLink.on('click', getNewPosts);     }          // Get new posts on click of reload     jObjects.unIdleLink.on('click', function()     {         // Reset the timer         resetTimer();                  // Do an instant refresh         _refreshPosts();             });          if (typeof ajax_last_post == 'undefined')     {         // Ensure this is set         var tmp = new Date;         ajax_last_post = parseInt(tmp.getTime() / 1000);                 console.log('ajax_last_post = ' + ajax_last_post);     }     else     {         var qrAjaxPost     = qr_ajax_post,         qrDoAjaxPost     = qr_do_ajax_post;                       // #########################################################################         // We be tukken vB's AJAX QR function         qr_ajax_post = function(submitaction, submitstring)         {             // So we can see if it's working             console.log('Pausing AJAX Threads...');                          // Schedule paused updates             pauseUpdates = true;                          // Call the old backed up function             qrAjaxPost(submitaction, submitstring);         };                  // #########################################################################         // We be tukken vB's AJAX QR Complete function         qr_do_ajax_post = function(ajax)         {             // Call the old backed up function             qrDoAjaxPost(ajax);                          // So we can see if it's working             console.log('Un-pausing AJAX Threads...');                          // Schedule paused updates             pauseUpdates = false;                          // Un-idle us             resetTimer();         };     }          // #########################################################################     // Refreshes all the posts     function getNewPosts()     {         if (pauseUpdates)         {             console.log('Updates paused, skipping...');             return false;         }                  // Schedule paused updates         pauseUpdates = true;                          var tmp = new Date;         timeNow = parseInt(tmp.getTime() / 1000);                  if ((lastUpdate + parseInt(ajaxThreadsOptions.refreshDelay)) > timeNow)         {             console.log((lastUpdate + parseInt(ajaxThreadsOptions.refreshDelay)) + ' is greater than ' + timeNow);             return false;         }                  // Set last update         lastUpdate = (timeNow - 1);                  // Set the animation             _animateBox(             vbphrase['dbtech_ajaxthreads_refreshing_thread'],             vbphrase['dbtech_ajaxthreads_refreshing_thread_descr'],             true         );                      var extraParams = {             'securitytoken' : SECURITYTOKEN,             'do'            : 'ajax',             'action'        : 'newposts',             't'                : ajaxThreadsOptions.threadId,             'postids'        : ajaxThreadsPostIds,             'postvisible'    : ajaxThreadsPostVisible,             'lastpostdate'    : ajax_last_post,         };         var type = 'POST';                  var jqxhr = $.ajax({             type: type,             url: 'ajaxthreads.php',             data: (SESSIONURL ? SESSIONURL + '&' : '') + $.param(extraParams),             dataType: 'json'         })         .done(function(data)         {             // Schedule paused updates             pauseUpdates = false;                          if (typeof data == 'string')             {                             try                 {                     // Parse the data                     data = $.parseJSON(data);                 }                 catch (e)                 {                     var errmsg = data;                     data = {'error' : errmsg + "\n\n" + data};                 }             }                          if (data.error)             {                 // Animate box                 _animateBox(                     vbphrase['error'],                     data.error,                     true                 );                 return false;             }                          // Animate box             _animateBox(false, false, false);                          if (data.deletedPosts)             {                 $.each(data.deletedPosts, function(index, value)                 {                     if (ajaxThreadsOptions.vbversion == 3)                     {                         var postWrapper = $('#post' + index);                     }                     else                     {                         var postWrapper = $('#post_' + index);                     }                                          // Remove from post counter                     ajaxThreadsOptions.postCount--;                                          //var postWrapper = $('#dbtech_ajaxthreads_postid_' + index)                     // Fade the post out                     postWrapper.fadeOut(function()                     {                         // Remove the post in question                         $(this).remove();                         $('#dbtech_thanks_entries_' + index).parent().remove();                     });                 });             }                          if (data.editedPosts)             {                 $.each(data.editedPosts, function(index, value)                 {                     // Refresh the postbit                     _displayPost(index);                 });             }                          if (data.newPosts)             {                 if (!$.isEmptyObject(data.newPosts))                 {                     // Set last post for QR                     var tmp = new Date;                     ajax_last_post = parseInt(tmp.getTime() / 1000);                                          console.log('ajax_last_post = ' + ajax_last_post);                 }                                  $.each(data.newPosts, function(index, value)                 {                     if (ajaxThreadsOptions.vbversion == 3)                     {                         var postWrapper = $('#post' + index);                     }                     else                     {                         var postWrapper = $('#post_' + index);                     }                                          // Add to post counter                     ajaxThreadsOptions.postCount++;                                          if (postWrapper.length)                     {                         // Quick reply post                         return true;                     }                                          if (ajaxThreadsOptions.direction == 'desc')                     {                         // stuff new fake postbit at the end                         jObjects.postList.append(value);                     }                     else                     {                         // stuff new fake postbit at the beginning                         jObjects.postList.prepend(value);                     }                                          if (ajaxThreadsOptions.vbversion == 3)                     {                         var postWrapper = $('#post' + index);                     }                     else                     {                         var postWrapper = $('#post_' + index);                     }                     //var postWrapper = $('#dbtech_ajaxthreads_postid_' + index)                                          if (ajaxThreadsOptions.vbversion == 3)                     {                         // Remove old lastpost                         $('#lastpost').remove();                                                  // Create new last post node                         var newLastPost = string_to_node('<div id="lastpost"></div>');                                                  if (ajaxThreadsOptions.direction == 'desc')                         {                             // stuff new fake postbit at the end                             jObjects.postList.append(newLastPost);                         }                         else                         {                             // stuff new fake postbit at the beginning                             jObjects.postList.prepend(newLastPost);                         }                     }                                          // Hide the new post                     postWrapper.hide();                                          // Remove the post in question                     _displayPost(index);                 });             }                          if (data.postIds)             {                 // Store the new post hashes                 ajaxThreadsPostIds = data.postIds;             }                          if (data.postVisible)             {                 // Store the new post hashes                 ajaxThreadsPostVisible = data.postVisible;             }         });             };          // #########################################################################     // Resets the timer     function resetTimer()     {         // Reset idle time         idleTime = 0;                  if (refreshTimer == null)         {             // Show status, hide idle             jObjects.statusText.show();             jObjects.idleText.hide();                                  // Restart the timer             _startTimer();         }     };          // #########################################################################     // Refreshes a post display     function _displayPost(postid)     {         var postCount = $('#postcount' + postid).attr('name');                  var extraParams = {             'securitytoken' : SECURITYTOKEN,             'p'                : postid,             'postcount'     : (typeof postCount != 'undefined' ? parseInt(postCount) : ajaxThreadsOptions.postCount)         };         var type = 'POST';                  var jqxhr = $.ajax({             type: type,             url: 'showpost.php',             data: (SESSIONURL ? SESSIONURL + '&' : '') + $.param(extraParams)         })         .done(function(data)         {             var postbit = $('postbit', data).text(),                 postText = $('#post_message_' + postid);                          if (ajaxThreadsOptions.vbversion == 3)             {                 var postWrapper = $('#post' + postid);                 //var postWrapper2 = YAHOO.util.Dom.get('post' + postid);             }             else             {                 var postWrapper = $('#post_' + postid);                 //var postWrapper2 = YAHOO.util.Dom.get('post_' + postid);                             }                          //var postWrapper = $('#dbtech_ajaxthreads_postid_' + index)                                      if (postbit)             {                 var newpostbit = string_to_node(postbit);                                  if (postWrapper.is(':hidden'))                 {                     // Replace post                     //postWrapper2.parentNode.replaceChild(newpostbit, postWrapper2);                     postWrapper.replaceWith(newpostbit);                                          // Init the postbit                     PostBit_Init(newpostbit, postid);                                                              if (ajaxThreadsOptions.vbversion == 3)                     {                         // Re-grab this                         var postWrapper = $('#post' + postid);                     }                     else                     {                         // Re-grab this                         var postWrapper = $('#post_' + postid);                     }                                          if (ajaxThreadsOptions.vbversion > 3)                     {                         // Initialise collapse objects                         var links = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName("collapse", "a", newpostbit);                         for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++)                         {                             new vBCollapse(links[i], vBCollapseFactory);                         }                         //-ch note: this replaces setting display:none property server-side                         apply_collapses();                     }                                          // Ensure the post is shown                     postWrapper.hide();                     postWrapper.fadeIn();                     //postWrapper.scrollIntoView(false);                 }                 else                 {                     // Fade out old post                     postText.fadeOut(function()                     {                         // Replace post                         //postWrapper2.parentNode.replaceChild(newpostbit, postWrapper2);                         postWrapper.replaceWith(newpostbit);                                                      // Init the postbit                         PostBit_Init(newpostbit, postid);                                                  // Store post text reference                         var postText = $('#post_message_' + postid);                                                  // Fade in the new post                         postText.hide();                         postText.fadeIn();                     });                 }                             }         });         return false;     };          // #########################################################################     // Starts the timer     function _startTimer()     {         if (ajaxThreadsOptions.autoUpdate == 0)         {             // We cannot proceed             return false;         }                  // Set the refresh timer         refreshTimer = setInterval(_refreshPosts, (ajaxThreadsOptions.refreshDelay * 1000));     };          // #########################################################################     // Refreshes the post according to idle time     function _refreshPosts()     {         if (idleTime >= ajaxThreadsOptions.duration && ajaxThreadsOptions.duration > 0)         {             // Get rid of the interval             clearInterval(refreshTimer);             refreshTimer = null;                          // Display idle message             jObjects.statusText.hide();             jObjects.idleText.show();                          return false;         }                  // Update idle time         idleTime += parseInt(ajaxThreadsOptions.refreshDelay);                  // Refresh the posts         getNewPosts();                  };          // #########################################################################     // Handle box animation     function _animateBox(title, description, onoff)     {         if (onoff)         {             // Set CSS properties             jObjects.box.css('display', 'inline-block');             jObjects.box.css('opacity', 0);         }                  if (title)         {             // Set title             jObjects.progressTitle.html(title);         }                  if (description)         {             // Set description             jObjects.progressContent.html(description);         }                  // Set animation         jObjects.box.animate({             opacity: (onoff ? 0.8 : 0)         },         {             duration: 700         });             };          // Begin the timer     _startTimer(); });
There are no javascript errors in the error console.
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Old 07-11-2012, 02:56 PM
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What site is it running on? I think I'll need to see this in action for myself

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Old 10-25-2012, 06:51 PM
beekay beekay is offline
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I'm getting tons of database errors from this mod, a couple errors a minute

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.7:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT postid, userid, title, pagetext, visible, dateline
FROM thecolic_post
WHERE postid >= '1953014'
AND threadid = '53216'
AND visible = 1
AND post.userid NOT IN (6744,2036)
ORDER BY postid ASC;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'post.userid' in 'where clause'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Thursday, October 25th 2012 @ 02:50:21 PM
Error Date : Thursday, October 25th 2012 @ 02:50:21 PM
Script : http://forum/ajaxthreads.php
Referrer : http://forum/locker-room/thread.html
IP Address : ---------
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vB_Database
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Old 11-01-2012, 03:37 PM
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If you download the latest version from here: http://www.dragonbyte-tech.com/vbeco...&productid=114 that should be fixed

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Old 11-01-2012, 04:43 PM
Donkey11 Donkey11 is offline
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If you answer "Quick Reply" sometimes completely reloaded the entire page.

Fillip, This can somehow fix this?
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Old 11-01-2012, 05:26 PM
Donkey11 Donkey11 is offline
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Page update occurs when new post AJAX. If updates AJAX new answers were not, "Quick Reply" works without refresh page.

This is the only thing that prevents this modification to use. ((
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Old 11-06-2012, 01:45 PM
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I have not been able to reliably reproduce it, without a way to reproduce it 100% of the time I cannot fix it

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Template Usage:
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Phrase Groups Available:
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Included Files:
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  • ./global.php
  • ./includes/init.php
  • ./includes/class_core.php
  • ./includes/config.php
  • ./includes/functions.php
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  • ./includes/functions_post_thanks.php 

Hooks Called:
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  • init_startup_session_setup_start
  • init_startup_session_setup_complete
  • cache_permissions
  • fetch_threadinfo_query
  • fetch_threadinfo
  • fetch_foruminfo
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  • parse_templates
  • global_setup_complete
  • showthread_start
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  • forumjump
  • showthread_post_start
  • showthread_query_postids
  • showthread_query
  • bbcode_fetch_tags
  • bbcode_create
  • showthread_postbit_create
  • postbit_factory
  • postbit_display_start
  • post_thanks_function_post_thanks_off_start
  • post_thanks_function_post_thanks_off_end
  • post_thanks_function_fetch_thanks_start
  • fetch_musername
  • post_thanks_function_fetch_thanks_end
  • post_thanks_function_thanked_already_start
  • post_thanks_function_thanked_already_end
  • post_thanks_function_fetch_thanks_bit_start
  • post_thanks_function_show_thanks_date_start
  • post_thanks_function_show_thanks_date_end
  • post_thanks_function_fetch_thanks_bit_end
  • post_thanks_function_fetch_post_thanks_template_start
  • post_thanks_function_fetch_post_thanks_template_end
  • postbit_imicons
  • bbcode_parse_start
  • bbcode_parse_complete_precache
  • bbcode_parse_complete
  • postbit_attachment
  • postbit_display_complete
  • post_thanks_function_can_thank_this_post_start
  • pagenav_page
  • pagenav_complete
  • tag_fetchbit_complete
  • forumrules
  • navbits
  • navbits_complete
  • showthread_complete