Version: 2.0.2, by jj
Developer Last Online: Mar 2022
Category: Profile Enhancements -
Version: 3.6.8
Released: 12-16-2006
Last Update: 08-26-2007
Installs: 162
Uses Plugins Template Edits
No support by the author.
This product adds a public friends and/or buddy list in the profile.
What are friends? Friends means you are on each others buddylists. It is no seperate addition/addon. It's all based on vb's buddy system.
Need more info? Look at the attached screenshots, or the live demo(s).
Avatars/profilepics will not show up, if stored in filesystem!
Need some kind of informing the users, which have been added to a buddy list? Look at the AutoPM after addBuddy Plugin by Antivirus
The product adds 2 queries to the profile page
Install with product manager.
Set your preferences in the acp (vBulletin options)
PHP Code:
somewhere in your MEMBERINFO template. Whereever you'd like to show up the friends or buddies. If you're not sure what to do, search for
<if condition="$show['signature']">
in your MEMBERINFO template and add it before that line.
OPTIONAL (User selectable)
If you want to have this user-selectable you need to add a custom profile field. Create the new field as a radiobutton, give it a name and description of your choice, the options yes and no and use the following code instead of only $FNB_HTML:
Thx to Cloud-Warrior for inspiration and idea. If you want a seperate friends page, too, get the vBFriends extension by Cloud-Warrior.
vwturbo (for the idea of gettin profilepics instead of avatars), gamebgs (limitting shown friends/buddies to a max number), D|ver (hiding the information who you got in your buddy list and whohas added you to his buddy list), yayvb (show a "no avatar" picture if no avatar is available), ThorstenA (see changelog version 1.0.2)
Show Your Support
This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.
First, you are already grabbing all buddies' avatar info from the DB in one query, but then for each friend you are fetching the avatr info again meaning each friend adds another query to the page...
Look into my todo list it's just not finished yet.
Change the template hook to whatever one you want to use.
You then remove $FNB_HTML from memberinfo template which you added when you originally installed (unless you have't installed yet).
You can also change the hook name to any other in memberinfo to move the friends list around.
They are ordered by username. If you want to change it, you need to edit the plugin code under the hook "member_complete" on line 21 from
PHP Code:
to something like
PHP Code:
ie. for randomization. Someone mentioned that in the 3.5.x Thread already.
The buddy-by ordering is located on line 44.
Hi jj,
Just wondering how to sort randomly instead of by username. The plugin has changed since the above was posted. Can you tell me where I can change the code to make the friends sort randomly?
Also, any update on the AutoPM after add Buddy. Are you still planning on adding this in at any stage?
I have just updated from 1.0.1 to 2.0.2 and the list is not showing up anymore.
I used the german version and yes, I have put $FNB_HTML into the MEMBERINFO template.
Any ideas why it is not working?
EDIT: the english version works so there must be a problem with the german version