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Old 06-06-2006, 10:47 AM
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Originally Posted by peterska2
Yeah, I dream in div's classes and tables now!
As long as they are XHTML 1.1 Strict compliant.
Originally Posted by peterska2
I even catch myself talking in if conditions from time to time. I did in the supermarket on Friday with my Dad.

Dad: What do you want for tea?
Me: if chips then chicken else lasagne
Dad: You what?????
Originally Posted by peterska2
I love diging out some of my really early stuff and laughing at it. Maybe one day I'll be able to stop laughing long enough to see about making it work with 3.6 (I won't get it done before then, I can promise that) and making the code all pretty like I do these days.
I hate looking at my early day stuff, I feel so dumb I just know that its there and I used to be dumb, thats all I want to know XD
Old 06-06-2006, 11:52 AM
pojo2 pojo2 is offline
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I think that many many of the replies to this thread shows the problems with the forum.

Find a chit chat site for the non issue remarks and help folks who come here for assistance not nonsensical chatter.

But hey that is just my opinion.
Old 06-06-2006, 02:07 PM
noppid noppid is offline
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Originally Posted by EasyTarget
is the code just going to magically appear? There's a far more limited supply of coders willing to release their work(especially good coders) than there are people needing code.

I'm not saying treat coders as if they're better people for knowing how to code, I'm saying give them some perks, show some more appreciation. Don't expect code to be written for free, don't expect more people to come and replace people who have left. If people feel like their contributions don't mean anything or don't make a difference than they will in fact leave.

There's so many members that seem to think they are entitled to custom code, 24/7 support for all their questions and problems and that everything should happen on their schedule. Maybe there's some misunderstanding with many members that think the coders here are employees or something?

And no where in my posts did I refer to sucking up to coders or trying to become their buddies, etc. As you said, I am here for the code, but I'm not ignorant, I know there's a person on the other end who has to write the code. I don't have to kiss up to them, but I should respect the work they've done, the time they've put in and the fact that they're willing to share it with me.

As far as the private forum thing, why is that such a big deal? Do we even have to know about it? Do you have a forum with some sort of staff section that only you have access to? Does that give you an elitist attitude? Maybe there's some things that coders should be able to discuss behind closed doors, like how to deal with disrespectful members, pointing out security problems in a hack or even reprimanding someone for an elitist attitude

A community of non coders can not grow into a community of coders if the coder discussions that they may learn from are hidden.

You make some good points, but the whole "community" thing is a flawed concept when there is segregation of the learing class from the we already know class.

In normal society it's called oppression when the haves and the have nots become too far seperated.

Furthermore when the staff incites the peanut gallery to play as minions, playfully in spite of a serious thread, making light of the subject for entertainment, the writing is on the wall.
Old 06-06-2006, 02:34 PM
tgreer tgreer is offline
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Agreed... that's what I mean by my statements that this site isn't run professionally. When a thread gets hijacked into meaningless banter by the staff itself, what hope is there for anything here to be done in a mature, professional manner? The signal-to-noise ratio is horrible here. Guess I'll check back in another 3-6 months.
Old 06-06-2006, 04:45 PM
EasyTarget EasyTarget is offline
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Originally Posted by noppid
A community of non coders can not grow into a community of coders if the coder discussions that they may learn from are hidden.
There's still forums to talk about coding which are open to everyone.
Old 06-06-2006, 04:49 PM
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If someone were to talk quantum physics with someone else on a level of 2+ years of experience, I would understand less than if I asked the questions I had regarding advancing my own knowledge.
Old 06-06-2006, 05:17 PM
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Originally Posted by EasyTarget
There's still forums to talk about coding which are open to everyone.
So what!? If they only people taking there are the have nots and the haves are hidden behind closed doors, how does that inspire community participation?

What it does is leave a group of people out in the cold hoping to be tossed a bone when they need it by the other group. Maybe if they could read the 1337 coders forum they could just read and solve their own problem?

What's the big secret?

When the flow of information is hindered, the big .org community idea is meerly propaganda.
Old 06-06-2006, 05:22 PM
Bubble #5 Bubble #5 is offline
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Originally Posted by Azhrialilu
I don't think graphics is the main reason people flock to org to be honest... you can get them anywhere *shrug*
Originally Posted by Ohiosweetheart
graphics is a BIG reason why quite a few vB users come to vb.org
I've got to agree with Azhrialilu on this. vB.org has always been primarily about the best code hacks and lasagna... well maybe not so much about the lasagna, but that could change any day now :bunny:
Old 06-06-2006, 06:23 PM
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Originally Posted by noppid
So what!? If they only people taking there are the have nots and the haves are hidden behind closed doors, how does that inspire community participation?

What it does is leave a group of people out in the cold hoping to be tossed a bone when they need it by the other group. Maybe if they could read the 1337 coders forum they could just read and solve their own problem?

What's the big secret?

When the flow of information is hindered, the big .org community idea is meerly propaganda.
You blatantly ignored my post didn't you... Or is it simply ignorance on your part? I have not seen a single thread in the coders discussion forum that could possibly be of any use to a newbie learning. Please point me to one, or if you are unable to do so, please stop acting like we possess the Holy Grail in there but refuse to let anyone else have a drink.
Old 06-06-2006, 06:36 PM
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Originally Posted by noppid
Furthermore when the staff incites the peanut gallery to play as minions, playfully in spite of a serious thread, making light of the subject for entertainment, the writing is on the wall.
Well, I'm not going to defend my actions, but will suggest that you need to lighten up. Too much serious talk is what got us to this point in the first place. When a thread gets to flogging a dead horse, so the speak, it is time to move on and make things happens instead of just complaining about them. A little humor goes alot further than tempers flaring. I will refrain from any humor in this thread in the future. Now you'll have to find someone other than Staff to blame.
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