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v3 Arcade - Games Arcade & Challenge System [vB 3.0.3]
Version: 1.00, by John John is offline
Developer Last Online: Nov 2023 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.0.3 Rating:
Released: 01-17-2004 Last Update: 08-25-2004 Installs: 1745
No support by the author.

v3 Arcade [3.0.3]
Games Arcade for vB3
Game copyrights belong to their respective owners.
v3 Arcade - Copyright ?2004 John Warwick, All Rights Reserved.
Arcade Verson: 1.0
vB Version: vBulletin 3.0.3
Author: John Warwick
Email: John[at]eovieinteractive.com
Site: www.v3arcade.com

1.0.0 - Initial release

1.0.1 - Bug fix update
? This release addressed a couple of small bugs. Information on fixing
these issues can be found in the FAQ. (Included in this zip.)

1.0.2 - Bug fixes and new features
? This release makes all games on the Arcade main page appear in the
order which they were installed, regardless of whether or not it has
been played. (With the newest games at the top.)
? It includes a
page navigation system, allowing users to browse games by page. By default, 10 games appear per page.
? There is also a new search feature, for finding games by name/description. (Accessible through the "Search" menu in the navigation bar.)
? This release should be less CPU intensive than previous versions.

1.0.3 - Bug fixes
? Security fixes

History & Hack Information
- So, what is the v3 Arcade?
The v3 Arcade is exactly what the name implies - an online games arcade that offers seamless integration with your vBulletin forum.

The v3 Arcade is the first of the new generation of vBulletin additions. Back from its roots, the v3 Arcade is the vBulletin 3 edition of my original Arcade written in late 2002 (not to be confused with futureal's 'ProArcade', which was written during the Arcade's beta phase).

v3 Arcade Features Include:
? Integrated Flash gaming for vBulletin 3
? Advanced leader board system
? FULL Mozilla/Netscape Compatibility
? Moderation abilities for Mods/Super Mods/Admins
? PM & Email notification for events
? Advanced statistics for all users
? A higher level of security
? "Arcade Challenges", 1-on-1 contests between users
? Arcade awards system
? Automated and manual score pruning tools

This installation comes loaded with the following games:
? Tetris
? Snake
? Asteroids
? Chopper Challenge
? Space Invaders

If you have the source (.FLA) for a game that you want to use in the v3 Arcade, you can send the required files to john@v3arcade.com for conversion. (Providing permission has been given by the original author.) Within a reasonable delay, I'll post the converted game and installation script on vBulletin.org.

Tested on vBulletin 3.0.3, across multiple unhacked installations.

Thanks to...
? Kura: For helping out with vB3 difficulties!
? Erwin: Whose vB2 Flash Player inspired the original hacks
? Paul Neave: For providing the source for 4 of the standard v3 Arcade games

? If you do install this hack, please click on the INSTALL button. There are going to be some updates for this which you're really not going to want to miss!
? Each Arcade page has an Eovie Interactive and Flash Player link at the bottom. This is optional, but greatly appreciated.
? You may have noticed that this release of the v3 Arcade is not fully phrased. To phrase the arcade would require well over a hundred phrases to be added, making for a lengthy installation process! Futures version of the v3 Arcade will be phrased, with a more automated installation.
? And don't forget - BACKUP BEFORE YOU INSTALL!

Regarding the "ProArcade"
There has been a lot of debate on vb.org recently about the ownership of hack "concepts". My original Arcade hack (on which the v3 Arcade is based), was a progression of the my vBTetris Leaderboard hack - both of which came about before the ProArcade. I've spoken to Erwin regarding this, and he can confirm that this has always been an independent development; hence the v3 Arcade was authorised for release.

If you're installing the Arcade from scratch, there are no fixes or updates to be applied. Simply follow the instructions in Installation.txt.
If you've already installed the Arcade, make the changes in Updates.txt.

[Click HERE to view a list of released games and modifications!]

Demos/Add-Ons/Beta Testing

Download the v3 Arcade (1.0.3) here:

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 01-25-2004, 11:35 AM
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Originally Posted by NuclioN
Playing chess with netplay?
I already suggested that with John, but seems like this hack is a totally different ball game since it's involved time, winning, and score system.

How it's being scored? 2 human against each other, but says 1000 points for winner, still doesn't fair if one is too good and one is too bad.

www.clubxiangqi.com is the largest chinese chess, or xiangqi, they also have chess. The player starts with 1500 points. Then if he wins against 1800 player, he goes up 20 points, but if he wins against 1550, he goes up only 10. Would I suggest a seperate system for chess? no, it would be too complicated, but something to think about .

Another suggestion, excluding any chess game, is having a universal scoring system. This will show the score based on/accumulated from personal best. Then show the top members overall of ALL games. This has to be balance also since the score system in every game is different, i.e simon has 1 point and Tetris has thousands points. But we can translate the score of everygame into one universal point, and base on that . This way will encourage member to play all games and even if he/she doesn't get any trophy in each, he/she still has chance to get a trophy in overall table.

Updated: Oops, I thought I was posting here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=60400 . Sorry.
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Old 01-25-2004, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by Detomah
Ok, so you've built a cool hack, which your obviously proud of and you've done tests which have brought up no problems, yup, that's cool...

It doesn't neccesarily mean you CAN'T possibly have overlooked something though. :/

I'm no spring chicken and have been around the internet and programming scene for a fairly long time, I'm not just a newbie with a low post count.

There is obviously some kind of problem with this score submission system, which for some reason you seem to think can not be anything other than installer error. Now probably like every single other person who's installed any hack, I checked and double checked every character of code and the installation went perfectly, the games all work smoothly (except Maede which still has that exploitable bug), every other feature is also working smoothly, including the mini-stats hack too. There has to be some kind of problem with the score submission system though as it is happening repeatedly and it's ruining an otherwise great hack.

Looking now, there are at least 5 different installed arcades showing this same or similar problem. Can't you just have a good look into it and see if you can find anything? I don't normally ever bleet on just for the sake of it, i've done my checks, uninstalled and reinstalled, done the updates, etc.

I'll even take a screenie the next time it happens and show you what is going on...

Oh, I too am interested in finding out more about netplay, even if it is a pay to use hack or something.
Right then, now we get to the point which I knew would come up sooner or later.

First of all, I got nothing for this hack. I did all the work,and released it to the community for no reason other than wanting to share something. Yes, I've offered to give support for this hack. But my life is not solely dedicated to providing support for people who want everything handed to them on a plate.

I'm not saying this is you, but you have to realise - 90% of the people with problems simply didn't read the instructions, although they claimed to be experienced webmasters. Another 9% of people didn't bother looking in the first post for a fix before posting their problem. After looking through the changes people had made there was nearly always a mistake in their code - regardless of their attitude as a master of vB hacking.

Now, if you've really been through everything properly and there is no fault with the code, there's a problem that I'm willing to help with. (The remaining 1%, which I guess you fall under.) But people say to me "there's a problem with the scoring system", and ask me to fix it. Do you see the problem here? Not only am I unable to replicate the problem, the only information I'm given is that "it doesn't work for some people on rare occasions".

If there's no more information that you can give me, the only thing I can think of off the top of my head is that this is affecting people with slower net connections. As a result, Flash is taking longer to communicate with the server, causing a higher ping and invalidating the score.

To see if this is the problem, open up the gamesessions table in phpMyAdmin and sort all records by the "ping" field. Check to see what your highest ping is... if you have a lot of records with values above 4500, that's likely to be your problem. To fix it:

In arcade.php, find:
	// pings greater than 4500ms don't count
	if ($difference > 4500) {
Replace 4500 with a number greater than your highest ping. I wouldn't recommend going above 15000.

I hope this helps, let me know if it doesn't.
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Old 01-25-2004, 01:32 PM
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And other than the above, I just want to point out that I am self employed. I have to work to survive, and every spare minute I get I put into the Arcade. With game conversions, I paid $100 which I can't afford for a piece of software to enable me to make swf files compatible with the Arcade. All the spare time I get (when I'm not working or giving tech support) goes into game conversions... sorry for the delay, but I'm going as fast as I can.
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Old 01-25-2004, 01:45 PM
Wolfy.2k Wolfy.2k is offline
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installed wit no problems, thanks for the great hack

press install..
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Old 01-25-2004, 01:46 PM
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Wolfy, are you using a different style to the rest of your members? How many styles do you have on your forums?

Edit: Looks like Wolfy solved his problem.
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Old 01-25-2004, 01:57 PM
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John your efforts and constant support for this great hack are very much appreciated. It just seems like all the members with low post counts/new members are having problems without reading or atleast searching the thread for the answer.

For hacks such as this i think there should be a min post count before you can download it, such a hack deserves lots of gratitude. Ok i know that sounds unfair to new members but all the problems i have had with this hack (all of 1) i solved by reading/searching then found it was ME that was in the wrong. Time has gone into making this hack and testing it so atleast spend some time reading/searching the thread for the answer to your problems...

* SnowBot gets off his hig horse
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Old 01-25-2004, 02:25 PM
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What's the chances of someone coming up with a version of Centipede for this hack, that would be cool?

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Old 01-25-2004, 02:31 PM
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great hack installed it no problem!..........ive got one question though, is it possibe to set it so members can only acces the arcade after they have posted a certain amount of times?
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Old 01-25-2004, 02:46 PM
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We appreciate all the time you've spent on this hack and on support issues John.

There's what appears to be a bug in the system with regards to challenges and the champion. If a user wins the top score of the game through a challenge, the medal does not appear in his posting (in the forum, under his name). It's however reflected correctly on in the Arcade high score for that game.

User reporting bug on my site: http://www.spug.net/showthread.php?t=51060
High score for Maeda Path: http://www.spug.net/arcade.php?do=scores&name=maeda

roychang is the winner but he won it through a challenge. He's correctly listed as the winner in the Arcade. However, in his posting (http://www.spug.net/showthread.php?t=51060), you'll notice that the title does not appear under his name. The title appears under the name of the user dm318, who got second place in Maeda Path playing the normal game (instead of the challenge).
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Old 01-25-2004, 03:09 PM
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Originally Posted by MK@spug.net
We appreciate all the time you've spent on this hack and on support issues John.

There's what appears to be a bug in the system with regards to challenges and the champion. If a user wins the top score of the game through a challenge, the medal does not appear in his posting (in the forum, under his name). It's however reflected correctly on in the Arcade high score for that game.

User reporting bug on my site: http://www.spug.net/showthread.php?t=51060
High score for Maeda Path: http://www.spug.net/arcade.php?do=scores&name=maeda

roychang is the winner but he won it through a challenge. He's correctly listed as the winner in the Arcade. However, in his posting (http://www.spug.net/showthread.php?t=51060), you'll notice that the title does not appear under his name. The title appears under the name of the user dm318, who got second place in Maeda Path playing the normal game (instead of the challenge).
Very well spotted, thanks for the bug report.

The problem is that arcadeupdate.php (the Arcade cron script) doesn't take into account challenge results when updating the champion listings.

The problem has been fixed, and the zip file has been updated. If you're fixing this bug, simply download the latest zip and overwrite /includes/cron/arcadeupdate.php with Files/includes/cron/arcadeupdate.php.
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