Lite version functionality:
Over 50+ settings configurable
-Notifications for replies, threads
-Profile Dropdown
-Global Dropdown
-PM Dropdown
-Ability to disable default header and more.
Lite Version limits:
-Can't add "3rd party notifications" -No Moderation Dropdown
-No Friend Request Dropdown
-No Private Message Dropdown
-No profile comment notifications
-No gallery comment notificaitons
-No Social Virality dropdown (G+, Fb like, and Twitter buttons in social dropdown)
-No Social Reputation system or notifications for reputations
-No abilty to enable/disable notifications per post from posts level
Other limitations
-Copyright in footer and profile dropdown
Also, it's even giving an error on your default css
The following error occurred when attempting to evaluate this template:
Unclosed Curly Brace Expression
This is likely caused by a malformed conditional statement. It is highly recommended that you fix this error before continuing, but you may continue as-is if you wish
Also, it's even giving an error on your default css
Hey Chadi,
That occurs when you've copied the css wrong. It might be an existing issue with your css in additional.css.
If you get that curl issue, then its not accepting the new css, and thats why this solution isn't applying, but I believe its the right solution to your issue.
Notifications through IM (XMPP/IM gateway).
Adding more notification methods will increase the impact of vbsocial to draw members to the site.
Notifications through PUSH mobile apps
Notifications through browser addons
Notification grid similar to facebook and IPB, to allow users to select for which events they want to be notified and by which methods (on site, email, IM, Mobile, browser). Adding a notification grid will allow users to set which notifications they find important and give them control.
Warning : include_once ([ruta] / includes / functions_livenotifications.php) [ function.include-once ]: no pudo abrir la secuencia: Ning?n tal archivo o directorio en [ruta] / includes / class_bootstrap.php (438): eval () ' d code on line 446
Warning : include_once () [ function.include ]: Failed apertura '[ruta] / includes / functions_livenotifications.php' para la inclusi?n (include_path = ':/ usr / lib / php :/ usr / local / lib. / php ') in [path] / includes / class_bootstrap.php (438): eval () 'd code on line 446
Fatal error : Call to ln_count_user_notifications function undefined () en / home / elforode / public_html / includes class_bootstrap.php / (438): eval () 'd code on line 449
is there a way to add links in the profile area that will only show up for certain usergroups? i just wanted to make an admin one so i dont have to scroll down so much.
is there a way to add links in the profile area that will only show up for certain usergroups? i just wanted to make an admin one so i dont have to scroll down so much.