This thing looks awful. I would really put "" in the header rather than "vBulletinMods" that is dumb. Atleast the skin that Alex made had custom buttons, good work I guess but I am not really impressed with it at all. You should have hired 4 of the best custom skin designers to do a collab.
This thing looks awful. I would really put "" in the header rather than "vBulletinMods" that is dumb. Atleast the skin that Alex made had custom buttons, good work I guess but I am not really impressed with it at all. You should have hired 4 of the best custom skin designers to do a collab.
I agree. At least that would help everyone identify which site they are on. Cause right, by design, I cannot tell.
Afterall being a modding site you would think that would extend with the images being custom aswell as the style. It's default gone bad. very bad. Abonrmally bad my worse nightmare being surrounded by default images. Look that default "new thread" button is moving ever so closer better switch to fluid.
Looks like a plain old default style with some window dressing to me. That being said, there seems to be a lot of pretty cool new features behind the curtain.