Version: 2.0.2, by farooqaaa
Developer Last Online: Feb 2008
Category: Add-On Releases -
Version: 3.6.1
Released: 12-04-2006
Last Update: 12-06-2006
Installs: 172
Template Edits
Additional Files
No support by the author.
This is my second simple hack . This is easy to use & easy to install.
This will add a QuickBan image to postbit & postbit_legacy.
* Show Quick Ban & Unban button for separate usergroups.
* Allow separate usergroups to see the Quick Ban & Unban button and that can ban users.
* Show in postbit & postbit_legacy (no template edits required)
* Enable / Disable whole hack.
* Add a Quick Ban & Unban button of your choice OR use the buttons i have attached. >>> QuickBan () and QuickUnBan ().
------- for more see the screen shots attached.
I have attached screenshots of (Postbit, Postbit_legacy and AdminCP).
TESTED on Vbulletin 3.6.4 and working fine . (thanks to snakes1100 for testing it on VB3.6.4)
Enjoy using this mod, and please don't forget to click install!
Version history: Quick Ban & Unban 1.0
Quick Ban & Unban 2.0 - No more template edits, and other features added.
Quick Ban & Unban 2.0.1 - Allow seperate usergroups to see the QB button and ban users.
Quick Ban & Unban 2.0.2 - Unban users that are banned.
Would have liked a new image with this as well. Currently it uses the infraction image, but the mouse over gives the definition. Installed and works on 3.6.7
wish there was a button img for it , so my mods and admins would see the difference, how ever excellent work, thanks
Originally Posted by cloyal
Would have liked a new image with this as well. Currently it uses the infraction image, but the mouse over gives the definition. Installed and works on 3.6.7
Neither of you bothered to read the description at the top of each page did you? It clearly states that you can configure your own button (even looking in the options in AdminCP will tell you this) and provides links for you to download a quickban button. Instead you'd like to raise an issue about missing buttons that aren't missing?
Quick Ban & Unban 2.0.2 - Unban users that are banned.
XML FILE still says 1.0
What I did was set both of the unban and ban buttons to qb.gif (in my images / buttons dir) YOU CAN QUICK BAN THE THREAD STARTER.. but you cannot QUICK UNBAN him. (users that are banned)
I can QUICK BAN users in my custom skins but cannot QUICK BAN users in the default skin (user selection is OFF)
POINT IS I THINK THIS IS STILL 2.0.1 and YOU forgot to make it so that ppl can be quickly UNBANNED.
Curious. Have you applied the fixes I mentioned above, and does it still do this?
By the way - this mod is marked as supported, but the author doesn't appear to have been online in quite some time...
I sure did. The ban image only appears for membersgroups 9 and under. When the group number is 10 or above, those images do not appear for them. Btw, I use 3.6.7 PL1 of vbulletin. But it's not really a big deal since the trolls are usually just members with 1 to 5 posts. As long as the basic member group can be easily banned, that's good enough for me.
YOU CAN QUICK BAN THE THREAD STARTER.. but you cannot QUICK UNBAN him. (users that are banned)
I think you are reporting an issue which I provided a solution to on post #61. I even wrote the heading in huge bold letters.
Originally Posted by Seiyaboy
I sure did. The ban image only appears for membersgroups 9 and under. When the group number is 10 or above, those images do not appear for them. Btw, I use 3.6.7 PL1 of vbulletin. But it's not really a big deal since the trolls are usually just members with 1 to 5 posts. As long as the basic member group can be easily banned, that's good enough for me.
I had a look and found the cause:
<if condition="$post[usergroupid]== $vboptions['ugroups_ban']{0} OR $post[usergroupid]== $vboptions['ugroups_ban']{2} OR $post[usergroupid]== $vboptions['ugroups_ban']{4} OR $post[usergroupid]== $vboptions['ugroups_ban']{6} ">
See those {0}, {2}, {4} and {6}? The correspond to a character position in a string. So imagine your string is 1,2,3,4 - those character positions would match up. But as soon as you have 10,2,3,4 the whole thing falls apart. because those values will return 1 , , ,
I'll leave you to decide whether you think this was a good idea... I could rewrite this section, but then, given my previous rewrites, that would be almost the last part of the mod which I haven't totally rewritten. Given that this mod is marked as supported but the author hasn't shown up in some time to fix all the problems, I'm not inclined to bother!