Version: 2.00, by Floris
Developer Last Online: Mar 2021
Version: 3.5.8
Released: 07-24-2005
Last Update: 10-08-2008
Installs: 152
Additional Files
No support by the author.
Important: version 1.7 alpha 1 is for 3.7.3 PL1 and not meant as a stable build.
Admins who don't want to hide their plugin from other admins can import the product .xml file and then put the cpnav_readpm.xml in the includes/xml/ folder so their left menu has a link to pm.php
What does this do?
This allows a super admin to read the private messages (all folders) from any registered member through the admin control panel.
This was really the first hack for version 3 of vBulletin, and now upgraded to 3.5 because of many .. many .. many requests. ..many.
Documentation: Read the pm.php file.
Installation: Upload to admincp/
Usage: admincp/pm.php?userid=x (where x = userid)
Author: Scott (the ninja code):ninja:
Moral: Don't use this pm.php to read your member PM because you can or because you are curious, but to find evidence of PM-spam or in case of scams, fraud, court order related issues or because the bunny has to get it.
Disclaimer: No stuffed animals were hurt, repeatedly.
Small note: This product will probably not get updated for 3.8, since 3.8 beta 1 (released today) shows that you can report a private message. The purpose of this mod therefor is void. There won't be a need anymore to get a GUI to list the private msgs that are stored in plain text, to see if a user who's reporting someone manually, is telling the truth or not.
If you have the read PM hack installed on your vbulletin board, is there a way to hide it from plugins and products etc; so that a administrator can't see you have the hack? Can super Administrators block admin. from seeing the read PM hack, IF you have given the administrators access to see the plugins and products etc. in your panel.
Thanks (hope this makes sense)
Is there any way a super admin. can hide the fact that they have the read PM hack on their board from just administrators, and is there a way that administrators can check to see if there is a read PM hack installed.
Small note: This product will probably not get updated for 3.8, since 3.8 beta 1 (released today) shows that you can report a private message. The purpose of this mod therefor is void. There won't be a need anymore to get a GUI to list the private msgs that are stored in plain text, to see if a user who's reporting someone manually, is telling the truth or not.
Dont really see how it is void as I would still like to read them and I run 3.8.
We're planning on releasing a revamped product that works on both 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 4.0 and 4.1.
With a stand alone file for admins, as well as working properly integrated.
Despite the controversy, there is a high demand for this mod, and the at will be working on this during 2010 and at some point release a version as official WTN PM product.
Sorry that we have no ETA at this point. We're currently focussing on "WTN vBulletin Audit / Security Check",- and "WTN vBulletin User Report",- and "WTN vBulletin CleanCut Style for vBulletin 4" Products.