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Text Message on PM
Version: 1.00, by AN-net AN-net is offline
Developer Last Online: Jan 2010 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 3.0.3 Rating:
Released: 12-21-2004 Last Update: 12-21-2004 Installs: 21
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No support by the author.

Text Message on PM
By Antonbomb22(AN-net; Anthony Scudese)

This hack will allow you and your members to receive a text message on their cell phone when they receive a new private message on your forums! They can setup their cell phone number and cell phone provider via the edit email & password page in UserCp and check the option for receiving the text message on the edit options page. This further allows you and your memebers to take your site anywhere you go!

I Anthony Scudese am not responsible for the misuse, abuse, or harmful use of this code. I Anthony Scudese am also not responsible for charges due to reading of text messages or sending of text messages. I am also not responsible for spamming, advertising, or rapid text message sending to any one members' or customers' inbox. I am also not responsible for legal action taken by any of the used cell phone providers or their affiliates(you will not be sued as long as no complaints are filed and the system is not abused!). This disclaimer is only to make me(Anthony Scudese) not legally responsible or held accountable due to someone abusing or misusing this code. You here by agree to these terms by installing and or using this modification/hack.

Compatiable vBulletin Versions:
3.0.x(Tested on vBulletin 3.0.3)

Supported Regions:

Supported Cell Phone Providers:
  • Verizon Wireless(Tested)
  • Cingular Wireless(Not Yet Tested)
  • AT&T Wireless(Not Yet Tested)
  • Alltel(Not Yet Tested)
  • Nextel(Not Yet Tested)
  • Virgin Mobile(Tested)
  • T-Mobile(Not Yet Tested)
  • Sprint PCS(Tested)

Important Notes:
-It is urged for webmasters never to include $bbuserinfo[cellnum] in any templates or any part of their site as it will leak the cell phone number of the logged in user to the person viewing the page thus releasing very private information.
-It may take several minutes for a text message to arrive at a cell phone and the speed depends on your server and the cell phone provider, so please be patient.
-Due to the merging of Cingular Wireless and AT&T Wireless I am not sure as of the moment where their online text messaging will go but I will of course keep all people updated.
-Spamming or high volume text messaging of people's inboxes is prohibited and may be punishble by law if committed.

Support Policy:
I have the right to deny support to any one at any time for any reason, I however will do my best as always to assist and help others who use my modifications/hacks.

Where Do You Get Support?:
-AIM: Antonbomb22
-Email: antonbomb22@animationation.net
-Official Text Message on PM Support Forum
-this thread

-If you would like to contribute your testing of cell providers to this on going project please do so by emailing, pming, or instant messaging me.
-If your provider is not listed above please contact them and ask if an email to text message capability comes with your phone.If it does contact me via email, pm, or AIM and I will be glad to update our growing supported list of providers.
-If your region is not yet supported and a provider in your region enables email to text message capabilites please then contact me via email, pm, or AIM and I will add the provider and region to the supported region and cell phone provider list.

Please click install and enjoy

  • Virgin Mobile USA compatiability Confirmed!
  • Sprint PCS compatability Confirmed!

  • For those experiencing MySql problems when running the first 2 queries required click here

Supporters / CoAuthors

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 06-01-2005, 01:03 PM
sv1cec sv1cec is offline
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Hey guys, sweet little hack. Installed it a little while ago, and even though my cell provider was not listed, I received my first SMS within less than one hour, from the start of the installation.

OK you Europeans, especially Vodafone subscribers, the trick here is simple. Here are the requirements for this hack to work in your area:

1. Your provider offers you an email account, in the form of 5559999999@vodafone.gr. In this example 555 is the area code for Vodafone, 9999999 is your particular number and of course the .gr can be .co.uk or .de or whatever suffix is used by your provider in your country.
2. The above email account offers the option to send you an SMS (as text messages are called in the GSM world), when a new email arrives at your mailbox. Mine sends me both an SMS and leaves a message in my answering service, which I hate. The SMS causes my telephone to emit a small beep-beep, while the answering service rings my phone, until I answer it. But maybe there is a way around that, I am talking with Vodafone to see if this can be fixed.

To have this hack adapted to your area of the world, here is what you need to do:

- Install the hack as described. Then edit your private.php file and find:

PHP Code:
Right above that line, add something like:

PHP Code:
else if($touserinfo['cellprovider']=="vodaf-gr")

Note that I am using a shortcut in the first line, "vodaf-gr". This is the name with which your provider is internally known to the system. Unfortunatelly, the hack instructs you to create a varcha(8) column only for this, so you cannot use something like "vodafone-uk", it has to be 8 characters maximum. If you haven't install the hack yet and you want to use something more meaningful, alter the query :

ALTER user ADD `cellprovider` VARCHAR( 8 ) NOT NULL

and make than number inside the parenthesis, something larger. Not necessary though.

This part, @vodafone.gr has also to be changed to whatever the domain name is, for your Vodafone email account.

Save the file and upload it.

Edit file profile.php and find:

PHP Code:
if(!in_array($_POST['cellprovider'], array('verizon''virgin''att''alltel''cingular''nextel''tmobile''sprint'))) 
Replace that, with something like:

if(!in_array($_POST['cellprovider'], array('verizon', 'virgin', 'att', 'alltel', 'cingular', 'nextel', 'tmobile', 'sprint', 'vodaf-gr')))

Note the differences between these two lines, all I did at the end of the original line, was to add a comma, and the shortcut of the provider name, in single quotes.

Finally, open your modify password template, and find:

HTML Code:
<option value="virgin">Virgin Mobile(USA)</option>
Right below that, add something like:

HTML Code:
<option value="vodaf-gr">Vodafone (Greece)</option>
Note, that in the value field, you are again using the shortcut, the internal representation of your provider, while the part between > and < is just a text description to remind you of this provider, it can be any meaningful text you want.

Well, that's it. Given that Vodafone Greece is a whole-owned subsidiary of Vodafone UK (or at least something like that), I believe that the systems they use here, must be the same with the systems used by Vodafone, in other parts of the world.

Good luck! I am clicking "Install".

Note to the Author: Yes, you may confirm that the hack works with Vodafone Greece, with the above changes.
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Old 06-11-2005, 09:51 AM
mfarmerhi mfarmerhi is offline
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I'd love this hack, but it's conflicting with the Allow Group to Read Titles, but not threads hack I already have installed.

I believe the conflict is coming in the inclues/init.php changes. Specifically the change in this hack:
$_USEROPTIONS = array(
	'showsignatures'    => 1,
	'showavatars'       => 2,
	'showimages'        => 4,
	'coppauser'         => 8,
	'adminemail'        => 16,
	'showvcard'         => 32,
	'dstauto'           => 64,
	'dstonoff'          => 128,
	'showemail'         => 256,
	'invisible'         => 512,
	'showreputation'    => 1024,
	'receivepm'         => 2048,
	'emailonpm'         => 4096,
	'txtmsgonpm'	  => 8192,
	'hasaccessmask'     => 16384,
	//'emailnotification' => 32768, // this value is now handled by the user.autosubscribe field
	'postorder'         => 65536,
conflicting with the change in the includes/init.php in "allow users to see thread title":
Find:	'canthreadrate'     => 65536,
	'isalwaysmoderated' => 131072,
	'canseedelnotice'   => 262144

Replace with:
	'canthreadrate'     => 65536,
	'isalwaysmoderated' => 131072,
	'canseedelnotice'   => 262144,
// ================================================= \\
	'gtpcanreadcontent'	=> 524288,
// == [ 00-00-2004 - GTP END ]
// ================================================= \\
If I change the includes/init.php file as directed in this "text message on pm" hack, it causes *everybody* (including those with access via masks) to receive the warning generated by the "allow users to read title but not posts" hack.

Anyone have a clue why the conflict is occurring; and more importantly how I could have both hacks working without the current conflict?
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Old 06-11-2005, 10:54 AM
T3MEDIA T3MEDIA is offline
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Is the confilict "Post order"?
Just from glancing over the post (I didnt studdy it much) I can tell the numbers are dubbled each row.
So if you have something already in place you will have to bump up some numbers on the other hack.

Now if there is more to it I am sure others will fill in.
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Old 06-12-2005, 05:10 AM
mfarmerhi mfarmerhi is offline
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Okay... I'm thinking the problem is coming from this hack's redefining "hasaccessmask"

Prior to installing this hack, 'hasaccessmask' reads:
'hasaccessmask'     => 8192,
This hack redefines it:

'hasaccessmask'     => 16384,
"Allow groups to view titles" uses the access masks feature to decide whether it will or won't display the thread contents, and I'm guessing that redefining hasaccessmask is causing the conflict.

This hack is using 8192 for the new 'txtmsgonpm'. Can 'txtmsgonpm' be redefined to the 16384 or some other number, so that 'hassaccessmask' can remain 8192?

~ Mark
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Old 06-12-2005, 05:23 AM
sv1cec sv1cec is offline
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I have no idea on how this thing works, but I noticed that also when I installed this hack and I am not sure I like it. Somehow, changing the existing permissions does not seem logical, but as I said, I am no expert.

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Old 06-12-2005, 07:50 AM
mfarmerhi mfarmerhi is offline
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Alright. The more I explore, the more sure I am of the conclusion I came to in my last post above.

In the end, I've left both hacks installed.

Because the "Text on PM" redefines the bitfield for 'hasaccessmask', if you choose to use both hacks ("Text on PM" and "Allow Groups to read"); AND you've first installed the "Allow Groups" hack FIRST, THEN installed "Text on PM", you'll need to go back to all the users you've allowed to read the thread contents (in the forum(s) you've selected as your "Allow Groups to read" forum(s)) and:

1) Change each user first to "no" or "default"; THEN
2) Change that same user BACK to "yes"


Although I am not sure how it happens, it's my belief that by redefining 'hasaccessmask' with a new bitfield, it causes vB to "forget" whom could and could not read thread contents, requiring you to again re-define them.

Said another way, the variable that used to define who could read contents, has been changed. To restore that permission you need to again define those users.

Again, this *should* only apply to users who have FIRST installed the "allow groups to read" hack, THEN installed the "text on pm" hack.

~ Mark
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Old 06-12-2005, 11:36 AM
sv1cec sv1cec is offline
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since the author is not jumping in to explain this to us, may I ask you something. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Since bitvalue 8192 is already assigned to hasaccessmask, by vb, redefining this value to mean "Yes, I want to receive text messages" means that each user which had that value defined, now is set to receive text messages. Is that right? I would expect any hack to add at the bottom of that list, instead of using one of the existing bit values.

Right now, I have this hack installed and I am not sure, if the above change has created havoc in my user permissions or not. And for sure, I am not going to go back and re-give all the users any permissions, just because of this hack, there are other ways to check if the user has selected to receive text messages than this.

Can someone who understands how these things operate, jump in and clear the issue for us?

P.S. : Well, scrab that, I removed the bitvalue thing and reset the $_USEROPTIONS array to the state it was before this hack. I then created a new column in the user table, where the equivalent option is stored. In that way, at least, I do not risk creating havoc in my forums.
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Old 06-13-2005, 06:12 PM
mfarmerhi mfarmerhi is offline
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Hey John,

Yes, I believe your conclusions were right (but again, am not educated in php/mysql, so am not positive how this all is working).

I also think your solution -- adding the new features onto the END of the user tables -- seems to make more sense.

Another vb.org member suggested the problems might just have come because I didn't clear my cookie cache/close browswer/end session; and I suppose that *might* have been part of the proglem with the postbits (if that's how they work)... dunno, and by the time I figured out what I did, I'd been screwing with both hacks for a couple of hours.

But here's something else I noticed:

Can someone else duplicate this error:

Correctly enter in your cell number in your options. THEN go back and enter in your correct phone number in the top space; and a phone number where the last digit is off by one, in the "Confirm Cell Phone Number" box.

E.g. Enter 8085244983 into both boxes the first time.

Then go back to the same options page and enter:
Cell number: 8085244983
Confirm number: 8085244984

and press enter.

Why does the script allow that and process it?

I noticed this error while testing the hack to ensure that providing a non-matching phone number in the "confirm" box would indeed return the error message. I was a little surprised when the system let me get away with it...
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Old 06-13-2005, 07:45 PM
sv1cec sv1cec is offline
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I am sorry, but I can't help you on this. You see, I do not think it is such a great deal to reveal a member's telephone number, in his UserCP templates. What's so dangerous about it? No one else can see it, but him, and if we worry about transmitting the number unencrypted, we have several other more interesting things that we should worry about. So I removed the checking of the number, and moved the whole thing in the Options screen.

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Old 06-13-2005, 08:38 PM
mfarmerhi mfarmerhi is offline
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Originally Posted by sv1cec
I ... moved the whole thing in the Options screen.
??? I thought the whole thing was already only in the options screen?

Sv1cec, I don't quite understand your post. The hack doesn't disply users numbers. I haven't added anything that would display users numbers. And the checking mechinism doesn't do anything else with the user's number that would make it any less secure than the hack already is or is not.

Regardless, would anyone that has the hack -- as is -- test the same error I'm getting?
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