Originally posted by danielhollands
[B]what do you mean by forum censor? if you mean the login page? then yes, it's set to block people that are of the following user groups:
No, I mean the automatic censoring of swear words etc.
And great progress btw. I am waiting for a stable version before installing. My members will love this.
Apok2002 - 0.4.2 will allow you to use quotes ("), apostraphes (') and slashes (/) in your messages, etc...
Erwin - at the moment censoring is not supported because I do not know how to do it, I believe that it's an automatic part of bbcode, but i'll look into it for you.
Man, just picking up on this as I don't wander into Beta often. But, what an idea! We have a thread on our forum with thousands of posts by members doing this by themselves in a really limited way. They are going to love this!
Add [img] tag to the forum, let users upload graphics etc, this will rock! Let me get a few quizzes down first and I'll install this right away.
Erwin - I'm glad you liked it, do you have a url so that I can have a little lookie? as for the members starting stories, while I might be able to do this, I personally feel that it could be insecure (this is my first hack after all, i'm only just fumbling this all togther).
The final release however will have full mod control, and should a member want to add a story, he can just PM a mod to add it for him/her
Maybe I could add some type of "suggest a story" form that PM's the id's requested.
NexDog - Thanx regarding the [img] tag thing, I feel that it might be best for the chapters to support bbcode (but not advertise the fact with the bbcode buttons) - this way, people in-the-know will be able to add all the funky extra's, etc... (which I feel would reduce the ammount of tidying up needed to be done.)
Everyone - from my very first release, the support and encouragement I have received has been fantastic - and while some of the extras you have requested are going to be a pain-in-the-arse for me to add, i'll totally do my best for you
This bbcode thing is giving me a major headache, I can't work out what i need to do to text before adding it to the database, or what I need to do once I've pulled it out of the databse.
Can anyone maybe save me from this major headache and give me the code that would be needed?
Originally posted by danielhollands Erwin - I'm glad you liked it, do you have a url so that I can have a little lookie? as for the members starting stories, while I might be able to do this, I personally feel that it could be insecure (this is my first hack after all, i'm only just fumbling this all togther).
It's a private forum, and I've set it up so that only members can see it anyway (for the moment). With the security issue, this is why I say let only members with over a certain amount of posts start stories eg. 200 or 500 posts.