Compatible with 4.2.0 but you must download the file
1. Why we need a discussion mod
Maybe sounds crazy to have a powerfull forum and to install this AddOn. But this is not true. I do agree that vB has tons of features for any type of discussions. But from the other point Yahoo Answers (and dozens of similars sites) became famous, because they offer a simple way to users to get replies. Short questions, with a couple of replies. Why to go in a complicated system for this? And why to add dozens of extra categories, subcategories etc etc, just for this? This is the reason that you need it.
2.- How it works?
Very simple, so easy to use by novice users too. A member is posting a question in any of your categories (unlimited level are supporting) and then is waiting other members to post a reply. Reads the replies, chooses the best and that's all. There is no need for discussion here.
3.- Installation
Download, unzip and upload all files from the "upload" folder where your vb installation is (you can't install in different directory).
Goto you admincp and import the product-discuss.xml
That's all
4.- Configuration
Configuration is very easy and is like all other addons here. You need to follow the steps below, and soon you'll be ready:
First of all goto Usergroup permissions and set what each usergroup can do or not do.
Goto Discuss General setting, check the default values and change them if you want
PM Templates. I believe that the predefinied text is ok for most of you. But if you want you can change them. Please don't touce the variables (anything inside {}). The available variables are:
{questiontitle} : Title with link
{questiontitle_nolink} : As above but without link
{category} : Category name with link
{category_nolink} : Category without link
{questionowner} : The author's username with link
{questionowner_nolink} : As above, no link
{description} : 200 chars from the question body
{username} : This is the "To:" value. eg Dear {username},
{postdate_short} : Post date in format that you've set as long dates
{postdate_long} : Same as above in long date format
{signature} : Anything that you've set in your settings
Last step is to set your categories.
5.- Copyright
In the footer of each page there is a link back to my site Even if it easy to remove it, please avoid doing it. Respect if you want to be respected. That's the only that I can say.
6.- PRO version
Currently there is no one. I don't use to build an addon, and then remove 90% of its features to make a free version. No. This is all that I've done. Sure there are dozens of more features that I can add. If I see that this mod becomes popular then I'll add them but as commercial version.
Just when I am happy with the sidebar parts colors on the main page:
Then it reverts back to the default colors on the questions page:
Is there somewhere else I must change this?
Thank you!
Really don't know what to say. Actually the code the sidebar is cope & paste from the homepage to all other pages that need it. And the stylevars for sidebar are on file discuss.css at discuss/css/
Really don't know what to say. Actually the code the sidebar is cope & paste from the homepage to all other pages that need it. And the stylevars for sidebar are on file discuss.css at discuss/css/
Yeah that is why it is so strange. I edited it in the discuss.css file, but for some reason it will not take the changes on that page. :erm:
I'll play around with it some more. Thank you.
EDIT: Figured it out. I created a custom.css file for my dark forum skins, and forgot to change the names from discuss.css to custom.css after the upgrade.
Thanks for the Best Modifciation I have ever came accross, Can you please tell me how I can enable a guest to post a topic there. Its difficult for me to understand I am trying my best to search but unable to do so.
For those who are seeing it as a business tool for their site (yes, it can be a business tool) and not as an additional toy in their collection, I've started a project in my site:
Please note that you must register to be able to post.
Thanks for the Best Modifciation I have ever came accross, Can you please tell me how I can enable a guest to post a topic there. Its difficult for me to understand I am trying my best to search but unable to do so.
The common rule in forum software is that guests can only read content and not post content. Sure it can be done by setting in usergroup "Unregistered/Not login" permission to post. Just keep in mind that many things should not work. eg to whom to send a PM for a new reply? ...or what to show when someone clicks on the username.
I edited my previous post. I found it. Thanks again Chris.
You welcome. As I said in a previous post, my design knowledge is minimal. It's not bad to say it. Coding is different that design. So this post is going to DaVinchi too. If you have a final css version that works, I can add it to the distribution file, to avoid all these changes after a new release.