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WoW Cataclysm vB4.0.6 Skin Details »»
WoW Cataclysm vB4.0.6 Skin
Version: 1.3.0, by AliceHoward AliceHoward is offline
Developer Last Online: Oct 2010 Show Printable Version Email this Page

Version: 4.0.x Rating:
Released: 07-02-2010 Last Update: 08-12-2010 Installs: 61
Additional Files  
No support by the author.

This Style is no longer available for FREE download.

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Style Designer: SilentScreams A.K.A. (Alice Howard)/(DesertQueen)

If you download please be polite, click installed and say thank you, this Style may be free but my time is not.

no thank you and no installed clicked means no support.

A blank logo is included but no .psd?s will be supplied, so please do not ask.

NOTE: To make forum areas fluid:
OPEN additional.css
.wrap2 {width:1114px;margin:0 auto;padding:0;}
.wrap2 {width:100%;margin:0 auto;padding:0;}

vB 4.0.3 Initial Version Release - Version 1.0.0 - 16 June 2010

vB 4.0.4 Initial Version Release - Version 1.1.0 - 26 June 2010
  • last 4.0.4 version includes fixes for IE layout problems.

vB 4.0.5 Initial Version Release - Version 1.2.0 - 16 July 2010

~~ vB 4.0.5 Style Update Release - Version 1.2.1 - 18 July 2010
  • correction of toplinks and navbar in IE7/8

vB 4.0.6 Initial Version Release - Version 1.3.0 - 12 August 2010

Show Your Support

  • This modification may not be copied, reproduced or published elsewhere without author's permission.

Old 08-22-2010, 06:59 AM
AliceHoward AliceHoward is offline
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Originally Posted by RowenWindsong View Post
Good evening Alice, I don't know if this is a style problem or if this is how it should look as the screen shot never showed the "Home" location on the CMS. Below is a screen shot of the Home section of the CMS, on the left is the menu. My question is, is this menu suppose to stretch 2/3 of the way across the screen and squish the article column to the right?

If not how would I fix this? If it is suppose to be like that is there any way to get the menu to stretch not so far to the right, like only go as wide as the section name so the nav menu's right hand boarder will hug the last letter of the longest section name?

Thanks in advance for your help and for creating such an awesome theme. :up:


Edit: Forgot to add, running 2.0.6 VB Suite as well as the 2.0.6 version of your theme.
I have had a few people ask me about this sort of thing in the past, I have always told them the same thing, your CMS is either un-published or you have no content in it. I don't know what they have done or if they got their CMS to display right as no-one has ever bothered to be polite enough to come back and let me know how they got on.

As an additional note, this style has been temporarily discontinued on my site as it needs a full over-haul, the last update from vbulletin broke this style in more places than I new. When the newly re-devoloped version is available I will release a version of it here.
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Old 08-22-2010, 07:03 AM
AliceHoward AliceHoward is offline
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Originally Posted by Xaices View Post
Understood. That be ok. I know well enough I am not invited there.

All the same thanks for the reply.
You can request an invitation via PM but I must stress that I don't want people on my own site who just want to grab downloads, if that's all you want to do then please don't make a request to join. The process of joining is unwelcoming and very drawn out, so be ready for it, I want it that way to help weed out people we would rather not have with us.
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Old 08-22-2010, 07:11 AM
RowenWindsong RowenWindsong is offline
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Originally Posted by AliceHoward View Post
I have had a few people ask me about this sort of thing in the past, I have always told them the same thing, your CMS is either un-published or you have no content in it. I don't know what they have done or if they got their CMS to display right as no-one has ever bothered to be polite enough to come back and let me know how they got on.

As an additional note, this style has been temporarily discontinued on my site as it needs a full over-haul, the last update from vbulletin broke this style in more places than I new. When the newly re-devoloped version is available I will release a version of it here.
Thanks for the reply Alice, I will look into the CMS maybe being unpublished, thanks for the heads up.

Also you stated it is broken, does this mean 2.0.6 version of your theme isn't currently working right with VB Suite 2.0.6? I didn't really notice anything wrong with it other than the CMS thing and I was about to go like so I just wanted to clarify this before I have a thousand people screaming at me about something not working lol.

Also I checked out your site earlier and I agree, we need more "for the people, by the people" in this world, keep up the great work. :up:

P.S. If I figure out whats causing the CMS problem I will post back to try to help out others.
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Old 08-22-2010, 07:24 AM
AliceHoward AliceHoward is offline
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There are some problems in the postbit_legacy that I am as yet unable to fix, if you notice the post box is tiling down to the same level as the userinfo box even when there only a few words in the postbox. It's due to a clear being in the wrong place but I have so far been unsuccessful in correcting. I have had to play silly buggers with my styles with every update from vb.com, it's pretty much time that all of my styles got re-developed from scratch with a fresh copy of the default vb4 style. Constantly updating styles just ends up with minor bugs slipping through, eventually these minor bugs become a bigger problem and they often end up being impossible to discover their root.

The style works well enough but it is not working perfectly, so it has been discontinued on my site until vb4.1, there are going to be some extensive stylevar changes for 4.1, seems to me to be the ideal time for re-developing, doing so beforehand would be insanely stupid of me.
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Old 08-22-2010, 07:31 AM
RowenWindsong RowenWindsong is offline
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Originally Posted by AliceHoward View Post
There are some problems in the postbit_legacy that I am as yet unable to fix, if you notice the post box is tiling down to the same level as the userinfo box even when there only a few words in the postbox. It's due to a clear being in the wrong place but I have so far been unsuccessful in correcting. I have had to play silly buggers with my styles with every update from vb.com, it's pretty much time that all of my styles got re-developed from scratch with a fresh copy of the default vb4 style. Constantly updating styles just ends up with minor bugs slipping through, eventually these minor bugs become a bigger problem and they often end up being impossible to discover their root.

The style works well enough but it is not working perfectly, so it has been discontinued on my site until vb4.1, there are going to be some extensive stylevar changes for 4.1, seems to me to be the ideal time for re-developing, doing so beforehand would be insanely stupid of me.
Ok thanks and best of luck moving forward with 4.1.0, I look forward to this theme being active again once the new VB is launched. In the mean time we'll just make due till the rebuild. Thanks again and have a great night, or in your case morning.
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Old 08-22-2010, 09:39 PM
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Old 08-23-2010, 06:05 AM
AliceHoward AliceHoward is offline
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Your thread was not deleted and you were not banned, I have returned the nature of MY forum to that of a CLOSED site, invitation only, I have had enough of nasty and rude people acting the fool on my site. You were NOT invited (like many others who have been put into the same Locked usergroup) and you were NOT being nice, I didn't want people there who behave the way you were behaving so you were added to the Locked Down usergroup, your behaviour here is supporting my original decision with you. Your introduction was moved into the graveyard, it was not deleted, nothing gets deleted on my site, I keep everything for reference. The reason you felt you were banned is because I forgot to check the option for the new Locked Down usergroup to NOT be a banned group, that was an error on my part and for that much I apologise for any confusion.

You are trying to make a scene, I would have thought you could show a little more respect to this site and keep private issues private, but that is your choice, not mine.
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Old 08-25-2010, 03:28 AM
TriAxis TriAxis is offline
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Hi Alice.

Just a note to say that I had been running 4.0.5 without much problem. I needed to create a new instance of my board. So I did a new install of 4.06 and did nothing put put this theme in place as the first item after install. I got the CSM error of not having the navbar load correctly.

I read your posts about it being related to the CSM not having any data in it so I tried a bunch of different things and here is what I found.

When I did the vbulletin install, at the last step I choose not to have vbulletin populate the CSM with data that I would just have to remove later. No matter what I did at that point...after the theme install I could create CSM items, and they would show in the CSM manager, but not on the content.php page. No posts or navbar data. I could create something... hit refresh and it would just go away.

Since this was a new install for me, I deleted the database and then reinstalled but let vbulletin add the junk CSM data at install. I then re-ran the style import since all the files were still there and everything now looks and acts like it should. The graphics now look correct and everything works like it should for the most part.

So this may not help someone that cannot delete their database, but anyone putting this into a new board needs to have the junk data added and everything will look like it should.

Thanks for your work on 2 fantastic WoW themes!!
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Old 08-25-2010, 03:42 AM
RowenWindsong RowenWindsong is offline
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Originally Posted by TriAxis View Post
Hi Alice.

Just a note to say that I had been running 4.0.5 without much problem. I needed to create a new instance of my board. So I did a new install of 4.06 and did nothing put put this theme in place as the first item after install. I got the CSM error of not having the navbar load correctly.

I read your posts about it being related to the CSM not having any data in it so I tried a bunch of different things and here is what I found.

When I did the vbulletin install, at the last step I choose not to have vbulletin populate the CSM with data that I would just have to remove later. No matter what I did at that point...after the theme install I could create CSM items, and they would show in the CSM manager, but not on the content.php page. No posts or navbar data. I could create something... hit refresh and it would just go away.

Since this was a new install for me, I deleted the database and then reinstalled but let vbulletin add the junk CSM data at install. I then re-ran the style import since all the files were still there and everything now looks and acts like it should. The graphics now look correct and everything works like it should for the most part.

So this may not help someone that cannot delete their database, but anyone putting this into a new board needs to have the junk data added and everything will look like it should.

Thanks for your work on 2 fantastic WoW themes!!
Hmm interesting, did it look like the attack pic I posted a few posts up? Because I have not been able to get my CMS menu to work right so for now I have disabled it till Alice's release at 4.1. Thanks for your insight.
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Old 08-25-2010, 07:40 AM
AliceHoward AliceHoward is offline
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Originally Posted by TriAxis View Post
Hi Alice.

Just a note to say that I had been running 4.0.5 without much problem. I needed to create a new instance of my board. So I did a new install of 4.06 and did nothing put put this theme in place as the first item after install. I got the CSM error of not having the navbar load correctly.

I read your posts about it being related to the CSM not having any data in it so I tried a bunch of different things and here is what I found.

When I did the vbulletin install, at the last step I choose not to have vbulletin populate the CSM with data that I would just have to remove later. No matter what I did at that point...after the theme install I could create CSM items, and they would show in the CSM manager, but not on the content.php page. No posts or navbar data. I could create something... hit refresh and it would just go away.

Since this was a new install for me, I deleted the database and then reinstalled but let vbulletin add the junk CSM data at install. I then re-ran the style import since all the files were still there and everything now looks and acts like it should. The graphics now look correct and everything works like it should for the most part.

So this may not help someone that cannot delete their database, but anyone putting this into a new board needs to have the junk data added and everything will look like it should.

Thanks for your work on 2 fantastic WoW themes!!
Firstly, thank you for your kind comment.

The default data input during install is a real horror of a problem if you choose not to run it, I have asked for support in installing the default data 'after' installing the vbulletin core but got nowhere. It is a serious problem as many heavily customised styles such as these just will not work properly without the data being there, I cannot fathom why to be honest. It is a real nuisance that there is as yet no way of installing the default data post core install, I wish I could provide you all with a solution to this problem but until vbulletin provides us with a method to install the default data post core install I am at a loss.
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