Version: 4.001, by kall
Developer Last Online: Aug 2021
Category: New Posting Features -
Version: 4.0.x
Released: 11-27-2009
Last Update: Never
Installs: 300
DB Changes Uses Plugins
Additional Files
No support by the author.
Just like the name says, this ultra-simple little Product will allow you to specify Usergroups that may make forum posts in HTML and have that HTML be parsed.
Default vBulletin - You can only choose whether an entire forum has the HTML permission, for all Usergroups. With this modification, you can give the permission to a specific Usergroup.
The code in this version is 100% identical to that in the 3.5 version (except for the lack of parseing in the Preview), which worked all the way through 3.6,7 and 8.
Blog HTML permissions are, for some reason, actually there in Usergroup Manager, they control HTML in Blog entries and posts, and override the settings in this Product.
The scary message above is to make sure you are aware that enabling HTML for any group opens you up to security issues. This is why it is not a feature of Stock vB, probably.
Controlled by a Setting in Usergroup Manager, it's phrased and works in editpost.php in WYSIWYG and normal modes, AND the Forum Rules shows HTML is ON to allowed Usergroups.
In the current vB 4.0, this WILL apply retroactively.
That is, if a User posted something in HTML in the past, before they were given the ability, that post will be parsed. This could prove dangerous/troublesome for anything not wrapped in PHP tags.
Many thanks to Andreas for prodding me to figure it out by myself and not just telling me what to do.
A "demo" is here..html is OFF in that Forum, but those posts are made by an Admin with the setting to Yes, so the HTML is parsed.
Known Issues: It is not currently possible to choose whether the HTML in a post is parsed or not - it will be.. unless (weirdly) you wrap it in PHP /PHP tags.
I'll look into adding a toggle switch.
Perhaps I'm missing something. I uploaded the xml and then imported the product. I then set allow html for pm's in VB general setting (presuming that everybody would be blocked from using html with this new product) Then went to the the Usergroup manager and set Allow HTML Permissions "Should this usergroups HTML posts be parsed?" to yes for my group only.
Now I was able to send html pm's but so were the rest of the users. If I disable the html settings in private message nobody can send html messages regardless of the settings set for this plugin including my group.
Sorry Kall you lost me. Are you saying that pm's don't work only posts do?
From the mod description:
Just like the name says, this ultra-simple little Product will allow you to specify Usergroups that may make forum posts in HTML and have that HTML be parsed
Just like the name says, this ultra-simple little Product will allow you to specify Usergroups that may make forum posts in HTML and have that HTML be parsed.
Thanks cellarius..... that answers the question I asked Kall in post 57
OK, I read what Kall said and checked the xml folder and ther was an xml file for a product I wasn't using anymore still in there, one for restricting urls. I deleted that, re-uploaded the xml file and imported the product and it works fine now.