Go to your admin cp, then:
vBulletin Options -> Latest X Attachments Options ->
Versions: v1.0.0 - 30 March 2008
- First release
v1.1 - 11 May 2008
- New Release
Enable Latest Attachments FORUMHOME
Display the latest attachments gallery on FORUMHOME?
Latest Attachments Show Filename
Latest Attachments Show Filename Under Attachments Image Thumbnails Yes No
Latest Attachments Show Attachments Thumbnail Link as Filename Link
If this enabled to Yes Latest Attachments will be Displayed as Thumbnail with attachment link.
If this disabled to No Latest Attachment will be displayed as Filename with attachment link.
New: Enable Latest Attachments FORUMDISPLAY
Display the latest attachments gallery on FORUMDISPLAY per forum? Yes No
Latest Attachments Thumbnails Link
If you would like it to link to the post where the attachment is located, choose yes. If you would like the thumbnails to link to the larger image, choose no.
Enable Latest Attachments Collapse?
If you would like to make the latest attachments collapsable, select this option to yes.
Latest Attachments Display Type
Latest Attachments or Random Attachments will be displayed in the FORUMHOME
Latest Attachments
Random Attachments
Latest Attachments Location
Latest Attachments Location in the FORUMHOME
Below Navbar
Above Forums
Below Forums
Below Who's Online
Maximum Thumbnails per Row
The maximum amount of latest image attachments you would like to display per row.
Maximum Thumbnails to Display
The maximum amount of latest image attachments you would like to display.
Latest Attachment Gallery Name
Enter the name which you want the header gallery box to be called.
BUT... selecting Yes/No for "Latest Attachments Thumbnails Link" option doesn't do anything. It always displays the full image.
It says "If you would like it to link to the post where the attachment is located, choose yes. If you would like the thumbnails to link to the larger image, choose no."
BUT actually - if you select YES it will NOT show the post - it will show the image. And if you select NO, it will link to the post.
Awesome product though !
The only thing I'd like to see is:
- have the # times viewed counter go up when someone views it in the "latest attachments" display
- have mouse-over work the same, showing filename, times viewed, etc... the same as regular thumbs in posts
Add in those alt parameters in both plugins for forum display and forumhome. Via Plugin Manager edit. Of Course change the numbers to your desired sizes.
2nd I also would like it to open the page in the same window instead of opening in a new window, I tried the change suggested in an earlier post but it just resulted in an error and the thumbnails stopped working.
hi hassan, is it possible to show attachment from specified forums?
i have some wallpapers/cover forums that user attach their wallpaper/cover there,so it's really great if i able to show only those forums attachments
1. imported the xml, went through fine.
2. added the code to forumdisplay, went through fine
3. am able to see the latest x attachments option under vbulletin options.
but nothing is displaying even on forums that have attachments. e.g http://forums.immigration.com/forumd...=235&styleid=2
I truly need to exclude 1 forum from the ForumHome Listing of latest attachments since that forum is an adult forum and we do not want adult material showing to the kiddies.